Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 58 "Love and Hate."

"What did you say to Ally?" Two hands slammed against the wall behind Damien's head rattling his brain, this was the last person her wanted to reprimand him. Damien quivered seeing that dark gaze he knew all to well.

"Let me go, it doesn't concern you." He said sheepishly. Luther eyes glowed dangerously before one had gripped his son's throat, Damien gasped and gripped his arm with both hands.

"She's my mate of course it concerns me." Damien switched from shaking in fear to hysterical laughter, unnerved Luther released his grip. What the hell had happened to that sweet little boy he grew to admire.

"You really want to know?" Damien said wiping the dribble from his mouth, Luther nodded apprehensively.

"I told her I was in love with her…then I told her to get rid of that thing inside of her. She'll be free of you, then right?" Luther face turned pale; he had expected it to be vile, but this was something else. Without thinking he punched Damien so hard his body hit the floor with a thud.

"How could you say something so awful to her, I thought you loved her! You twisted little sh*t!" Damien coughed and began chuckling yet again.

"Who do you think I got that from father? Don't think because you've treated me kindly for the past few months, I began to respect you. You bred with my mother because you were impatient since your precious Luna was still in hiding. You threw me away then when I finally found someone, I loved you stole her away from me. I despise you; don't you get it." Luther was motionless…he had never realized how strongly Damien felt about his past. Damien tutted and stood up wiping the dirt from his clothes.

"Isaac, Aiden, you and I would die for her at the spot, yet she chose you. I'd watch your back if I were you, there's nothing more dangerous than unrequited love, it makes people lose their minds." Damien began walking away when a thought crossed his mind, it was something he'd been wondering about since his chat with Isaac.

"Another thing…you were the one who ordered the attack on Isaac weren't you? In fact, you don't need to answer that I already know it was you. After all we have something in common father, I never liked other people touching my toys either." Luther didn't know what to say, this boy was some else. Something in his mind had broken but it surprised him how quickly Damien had discovered the truth.

"Tsk…that's right, every time I saw them holding hands or laughing jealousy would consume me until I snapped. I wanted him dead seeing the way he touched her, but you shouldn't think of that as leverage son. Take it as a warning, upset her again and son or not I'll rip your head off." Luther smirked and walked off victorious.

"F*CK!" Damien punched the wall in frustration, his father always had a way of riling him up especially when it came to Ally. His rage was like a forest fire and he wanted to hurt him, but direct contact never phased Luther, so he thought of the next best thing…

---------------------------Ally's room--------------------

"Have you calmed down now sweetheart." Helen was plaiting Ally's hair; she had come to make sure Ally had taken her vitamins but the minute their eyes met Ally burst into tears. Helen didn't know if she was overwhelmed or hormonal but was worried sick.

"I can't believe he would say that to me mom…I've always treated that brat like family, and this is the thanks I get." Helen ran her fingers gently through her raven hair, she felt sick after hearing what Damien had spouted.

"I agree with you; he's just lashing out. It must be difficult or him watching his father raising a child with the girl he loves however it's not an excuse either. It was disgusting of him to say such a thing." Ally nodded clutching her shirt. Something had shifted in Damien, his big red eyes filled with animosity and resentment. It was frightening.

"I could have said something much worse." Ally froze hearing a playful voice call out from the doorway. Helen glared at him; he didn't like the way this young boy was carrying himself. Ally stood up defensively.

"I thought I told you to leave." She said bluntly allowing her eyes to flash as a warning, she wanted to wrap her hands around his throat until that taunting smirk was distinguished. Damien waltzed in and sat on her bed.

"Helen, could I talk to her alone?"

"Absolutely n—"

"It's fine mom, I'll just be a few minutes." Helen looked at Ally who was radiating rage, they needed to settle this before it spiraled out of control, so she obediently left without saying another word. The tension in the air was thicker than blood, Ally felt like she was standing off with an enemy.

"Start talking." Ally sat down at her desk chair with her legs crossed awaiting whatever nonsense was about to escape his mouth.

"First of all, I won't apologize for my comment earlier. You always told me to speak my mind no matter how painful it was. Secondly, I found out something very interesting I'm not sure your aware of." Ally couldn't comprehend where this dark personality had stemmed from. Unphased she rolled her eyes, there wasn't much she wasn't aware of.

"I was talking to Isaac earlier today about your tragic love story that was ripped away by none other than my father. It was him who killed Isaac and almost you too, if you are already aware of that then I wonder how Isaac would feel if I told him that. I mean if you'd seen the pain in his eyes after reminiscing that night it would have broken your heart." Ally felt her eyes fill up again, Luther had mentioned it before but now Damien knew of it this was a dangerous situation. Isaac would kill Luther in a heartbeat for destroying their love.

"Listen to me you little brat, I don't know how deep you mommy complex goes but if you threaten me again pregnant or not, I will tear you apart. What happens between me and your father does not concern you. Are you so desperate to break us apart? You're such a naïve kid it kills me. Have you not noticed, your father and I are not together he is just supporting me while I carry his child?" Damien anger flared up yet again, he was like wild beast. Ally watched his fists clenched and she mentally prepared herself for an altercation.

"You're such a shallow girl, why did I have to fall in love with you… staying by the side of the man who killed your mate. Maybe they were right, you are a monster. You think your smart and because you're with a child your unharmable. Don't f*ck with me." Ally felt that pain again, his words were like bullets hitting her repeatedly.

"Okay you win, you've hurt me Damien. Does that make you feel good?" Ally clapped her hands sarcastically; he was forgetting Ally also had a dark personality. Damien began feeling regretful seeing the light leave her eyes.

"What happened to you kid? I came into that house and I protected you, nurtured you. I even took you home with my family and this is what I get in return. You want to play the hurt game then fine, let's see who's better huh?" Damien felt the urge to run but her eyes had him paralyzed in fear.

"I'm not perfect and I've made mistakes, I don't need an asshole like you to tell me that I'm perfectly aware. You were born out of desperation for what your father couldn't have, a family and even when he had that you were locked away like a dog. Then, I came along and changed everything for you. That cold dark feeling that lingered around you was sucked away by a young girl whose life was so much worse than yours. I made you feel better right every time you looked at my pitiful face. Now take a good look at yourself and explain to me how you could ever be good enough for me. Right now, when I look at you, I see a broken abandoned child looking for something to save him. Seeing your father lingering around me like a lost puppy kills you inside doesn't it?" Damien felt his heart break with each word, she was mentally annihilating him and all he could do was sit and listen. Ally was kind and protective over the people she loved but if you crossed her the wrong way, you were like a bug under her shoe.

"Stop…" he said quietly. Ally snickered and stood up.

"Nope it's too late now, you wanted to try me this is what you get. Do you know the funny thing about your hatred, it's all internal lashing out at someone to blame? Its pitiful Damien, when you walked in here and tried to guilt trip me into submitting to you, I saw your father more prevalent than anything. You've become the one thing you despise in this world. I don't know why you felt the need to hurt me and quite frankly I don't care. Do you regret it Damien?" Damien began shaking and nodded his head, Ally brutality was on a different scale. He wanted to beg on his knees for forgiveness but couldn't find the strength to move. Ally sighed and sat down on the bed next to him.

"Damien, I understand your hurting, love is a painful thing but please don't blame me for not feeling the same way. You're a smart kid and even though you've hurt me I still want the best for you. I'm tired of wasting my breathe on you, you can leave now." Damien could feel a cold drip on his hand, his fingers found their ways to his streaming eyes. Ally watched the tears fall like rain; she really had hurt him but couldn't stop herself. Her remorse slowly grew until she also felt like crying.

"Your cruel…" he whispered under his breathe, Ally huffed.

"What did you expect, I would just quietly sit while you judged me. You reap what you sow in this world, and eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. If you hurt me, I will hurt you tenfold back." Ally switched back seeing the despair on his face.

"I'm sorry." Damien wobbled to his feet attempting to leave but stopped feeling his coat be held back. Ally bowed her head sorrowfully she never wanted to show Damien that side to her.

"Please don't misunderstand I don't hate you but do not ever say anything like that to me again because I won't forgive you next time. Please learn from this." Damien felt a slither of happiness; she had forgiven him. For saying something so awful…

"I promise." Damien turned around and smiled painfully at her before leaving. Ally put her hands over her face, she had done it again…

"Ally?" Her face twitched hearing the one voice she didn't want to hear right now. Luther stood in the doorway nervously.

"Please just leave me alone Luther, I don't want to be around anyone right now." Luther ignored her and walked in closing the door behind him. Ally gripped her hair angrily.

"Has Damien upset you?" he said angrily raring for a fight, but Ally shook her head.

"No, I hurt him really badly. I let my tongue slip again…" Ally felt empty after offloading her frustration onto Damien, frustratingly it had hurt her more watching his eyes feel with tears. Luther sat down and stroked her head gently.

"I'm sure he deserved it after what he said to you. Why are you so troubled by it?" he asked nervously, Ally had been different since their fight she had pushed everyone away and locked herself up in her room. Like a teenager rebelling against her parents.

"I was scared for a long time and truthfully the thought did cross my mind but now when I look back, I hate myself for even considering it, I wouldn't have survived that. Now all I can think about is our child and how beautiful she will be. I suppose what he said awakened that darkness in me again, there's nothing I hate more than not being in control of my own body and since meeting you that issue still haunts me." Luther sighed, it was true he was responsible, but Ally was very open about her emotions and he appreciated that.

"Everyone's on edge right now and emotions are flying high, Damien's just a kid and he was always cooped up in our mansion, so he's not used to this sort of interaction. If we give him a little time perhaps, he'll come around." Ally nodded in agreement quite pleased Luther had taken the time to try and work his son out. Usually, he turned a blind eye to such things but since Ally had discovered her pregnancy. Luther rested his head against her when she saw her body wince slightly.

"What is it?" he said worriedly, Ally chuckled through the pain clutching her side.

"Every time you get too close, she kicks. She's strong I'll give her that." She said in annoyance, Luther slid down to the floor and put both of his hands on her stomach. Ally was slightly uncomfortable, but this was his child too so endured.

"You shouldn't be giving your mother a hard time; without her you wouldn't be able to kick at all." Ally smirked at him calm soothing voice when her little girl kicked again. For once she felt commemorated for protecting their daughter, from an external point of view it looks like Ally was struggling. However, she was protecting her daughter every minute of every day. Suppressing her abilities and avoiding conflict was agonizing for her.

"Luther, I want this settled before she's born. If anything were to happen to her I really will snap. You understand what I'm implying." Luther rested his head on her stomach sadly, knowing exactly what she meant. Although their predicament was delicate Ally was still a ticking time bomb.

"I won't let you slip; I've got you. I'll die before anyone touches her. Because if I lose her, I lose you too right." Ally sighed and nodded; she was thankful Luther understood.

"What about Damien? Do you have a plan?" Ally sat back and thought for a while, it was a difficult situation for all round. Love was a painful thing after all.

"Love and Hate are very similar emotions. You have a strong connection to that person but sometimes hate is so light it's disguised as love but sometimes love is so heavy it's disguised as hate. I think right now he's stuck in the middle. I could understand why he would hate me, I brought him into this pack so he could start a new life, but his past has followed him and now he doesn't know where to turn. But maybe I have a solution to that." Luther looked at her wearily, her mind was cooking something up which included him, the shiver down his spine validated that.

"Instead of scolding him for his behavior you need to learn to understand him more. You were hidden in a room majority of his life so deep down he still recognizes you as his brother. The brother that did awful things and installed him with fear. You have to treat him as your son not as your rival, this has nothing to do with me. You need to resolve this yourself, because to be honest I could use a bit of peace and quiet. "Ally was right, and Luther knew it. It was true there was an identity crisis going on and Damien was struggling to comprehend who Luther was.

"He hates me how am I supposed to welcome him as my son? Ally what he said to you—"

"Was an attack to get your attention, Luther he knows the best way to affect you is to hurt me. I'm sure if you were to have a stable relationship he would never have let those cruel words escape his mouth. Give him some attention, teach him how to fight or about his heritage. Just something that identifies him as your child, he feels like an outsider. Look at his siblings, they are ruthless he doesn't want to be like them." Luther began understanding what Ally meant.

"I understand I'll talk to him just please don't do anything reckless while I'm gone." Ally smirk and nodded her head, that was a hard promise to keep.

---------------------------------------Meanwhile at S.E.S Head Base-----------------------------------------

"You've got to be kidding me, he stayed with her? That's treason!" George the head of the S.E.S was furious following Luther decision to stay with Ally. Mika was trying his best to pick up the pieces.

"It was bound to happen eventually; you knew how attached to her he was. Forgive my rudeness leader but wasn't it you that let her escape in the first place. Now we can't touch her, as long as she's on supernatural territory or this is war." George's face went red with rage before he gripped Mika vest tight and lifted him up.

"Listen to me carefully commander, if you have a problem with how I run this base then your welcome to resign but don't tell me you're not prepared for war." Mika felt the colour drain from his face, was he implying this was already war?

"Y-You can't declare war, these are superhuman creatures. We wouldn't stand a chance, it took ten of my best trained men to take down one pure blood, not to mention the four that died tracking it." Mika thought he was insane but when he saw the wicked smile spread across his face something inside him shuddered.

"You said she was pregnant right?" Mika nodded sheepishly; he didn't like the look on his face.

"Ally is by far the fastest and strongest specimen I have every seen and she is also a subordinate. If you kill the queen, the bees with migrate to another colony. However, if you kill the bees, then the queen will be left with nothing to rule. For now, don't touch her but when the time comes…I want both her and her child in this facility." Mika felt his knees go weak; this would be a bloodbath. Ally couldn't fight in her condition meaning she would have to watch as her species was wiped out.

"Get my son Shadow to infiltrate her pack and we'll watch the world tumble around her. You know me Mika, I only obtain the best of the best. Everyone else is disposable. Let's begin."