Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 59 "Pushing yourself too far."

"What the f*ck is he doing here?" Ally stood at the front door so filled with rage she thought her labor would come early; Luther had Shadow tightly in his fist holding him in place. Ally had heard the door knock early thinking Damien had finally come back but when she saw white hair and eyes her life almost flashed before her eyes.

"Listen I'm not here to cause trouble I just wanted to confirm it for myself, your having a baby?" his eyes were practically sparkling switching his gaze from Ally to Luther repeatedly.

"I told you not to bother me again, you almost killed me Shadow. Did I not scare you enough last time?" Ally was trying her best not to get too enraged, seeing the smug smile on his little face. Something about him reminded her of a viper, small yet venomous. Dull yet dangerous. Shadow was a dark horse that thrived in the light. The larger the light the deeper the dark.

"If you think your coming into this pack you need a reality check, your bad news even Luna doesn't want you here." Shadow looked at her peculiarly, weren't they the same entity.

"How would you know that?" Luther also looked at her strangely, he had the same ideal.

"Just because we share the same body doesn't mean we can't communicate; I can talk to her just fine without switching. And she told me not to let you in." Shadow sighed and glared at her; Ally could tell he didn't believe her.

"Let me talk to Luna then." Ally rolled her eyes, Luther stood next to her grabbing her wrist.

"Don't push yourself." Ally knew he wouldn't leave until he was satisfied so she decided to compromise.

"Fine." Ally closed her eyes for a while, Shadow waited impatiently for the eyes he could never forget. As soon as the white pools peaked from her long lashes his face lit up in excitement.

"Long time no see." He said childishly, Luna looked at him coldly.

"Stop bothering Ally Shadow, we've gone our separate ways. How many times do I have to tell you to let the past lie?" Shadow pouted and gripped her hands, Luther sneered at him glaringly.

"Come on Luna, I'm great with kids. I helped you with Lucy all of the time remember?" Luna face flushed red and before Luther could catch her, her fist struck Shadow so hard he flew almost thirty feet away.

"You don't get to talk about our daughter." Luther bowed his head shamefully, although it was such a long time ago the wounds were still raw. Luna loved that child more than anything.

"My bad! My bad! Jesus Christ, I forgot how much that hurt." Shadow cradles his broken nose as blood gushed down his white trench coat.

"Luna, don't strain yourself." She swung around cornering Luther against the pack wall, the look in her eyes could make any man tremble with fear.

"I don't need you to tell me that. Don't forget your still disposable so don't get in my way." The animosity was still there clearly, Luna wasn't one to mess around. Shadow put his hands up and approached her cautiously.

"Listen very closely, I know you like the back of my hand. Your either here for your own protection or your scouting for someone else. There is no possible way you would ask to join my pack out of kindness and nostalgia. How idiotic do you think I am?" Shadow felt his stomach drop; Luna had seen straight through him.

"Okay you got me, I am scouting for someone. But if I go back empty handed, they'll kill me for sure. Please I'm begging you." Luther began chuckling behind his hand.

"I never thought I'd see the day when you would plead for her help. Just how desperate are you Shadow and who are you scouting for?" Shadow scratched his head and then groaned loudly.

"S.E.S. They're planning something, what I'm not sure yet. Let's just say you're their top case right now, I'm just an observer." Luna gripped her shoulders tightly, the S.E.S was a formidable force and the last thing Ally needed right now. Luna closed her eyes allowing Ally to take back over, she'd been listening in secret and the disdain on her face was horrifying.

"Great so now I have one of the most powerful gods on earth as well as facilities. Just great, I have a pack to run you guys do as you like I don't have time for this." Ally walked away disheartened leaving Luther and Shadow alone on the field. The connection between them both was strong but hostile, Shadow was always an ally of Luther since Luna's death but now they had different intentions.

"I know you won't leave peacefully but don't bother Ally she's under enough stress." Luther scowled and walked away.

---------------------------Training Field-----------------------------

"Okay, let's get started. Aiden, Isaac stand opposed." Aiden and Isaac chuckled and obediently followed her orders. This was a new programme she'd cooked up to educate wolves on vampire fighting stances.

"Wolves fight with nails and teeth because they are our most formidable weapons. They are our hidden weapons. However, although we are strong, we lack in speed and agility. Vampires will rely on their speed to out smart their opponent. Go!" Isaac and Aiden both began fighting throwing punch after punch, everyone looked on stunned. Their movements were barely noticeable, it was faster than the eyes could see. Ally whistled stopping them dead.

"It's difficult right? When engaging with a vampire there is a certain state you need to tap into too. I call it visual deduction; this is when you can rule out all possibilities of your opponent's net move by reading body language and using your intuition by observing their stature. For example, if the opponent stands with both hands slightly elongated it means they are directing your attention away from their feet. Using this will save your life so learn carefully." Everyone nodded and began fighting with each other while Ally watched intensely.

"You seem serious today sis." Blake noticed she wasn't cracking any jokes as usual meaning something had happened. Ally sighed and patted her brothers' shoulder.

"They say the past always comes back to haunt you and who ever said it was right. Shadows back." Blake immediately froze before shaking with rage.

"I'll kill him, where is he?" Ally grabbed him before he could walk away hugging him tight.

"I'll handle it so don't worry; he won't touch you." Blake was a little worried, she rarely hugged him.

"Ally your becoming more mother like." Ally covered her mouth and looked away in embarrassment. Blake chuckled; she was red to her ears.

"I didn't notice I was acting like that." Blake smiled at her kindly.

"Female wolves' instincts are strong, so it doesn't surprise me. Are you excited to see her?" Ally sat down on the bench and peered up to the sky happily, humming a sweet tune.

"I've never wanted something so much in my life. Are you excited to be an uncle?" Ally watched his face blush also, it looked like he'd forgotten his title.

"Of course, but if she's your daughter she'll be kicking my ass when she's two." Both of them burst into laughter. Ally was nervous in-case her child did have her personality because nobody could control her.

"Jesus, I'm going to have my hands full." Aiden and Isaac walked over catching wind of the conversation.

"We'll be there to help you out. Hey, we were wondering will it be a pure blood or a wolf? Both of you have different heritages." Ally looked a little thrown off, truthfully, she hadn't considered it.

"Perhaps she'll be a hybrid?" Ally face paled sour hearing his annoying voice call out behind her. Aiden and Isaac immediately went on the defense standing in-front of Ally.

"Don't worry I made his position very clear earlier." She said hatefully. Shadow watched the pack fight and looked quite impressed.

"I guess anyone will follow you after all huh Luna?" Blake stood up out of the blue and hit him as hard as he could. Ally couldn't help but let a breath of surprise escape. Blake sometimes did things out of character, but this was hilarious.

"You are definitely siblings; would people stop hitting me please." Aiden and Isaac parted ways letting her through feeling the situation was not a threat. Ally cracked her neck and pulled out Shadows hand. Shadow winced as she squeezed his palm tightly.

"Well you're not here to kill me so that's a positive but your observing me closely. Especially my pack but if I see you reporting back what you see I will tear your head clean off before the thought of pleading for your life even crosses your mind." They all smirked; Ally was scary when you pissed her off.

"Let him wander as much as he wants but keep a close eye on his, I've got enough brats to babysit." Ally re-joined the training and began correcting people stances, even with her protruding belly he was nimble and quick. Shadow cradle his aching face watching her motherly instinct engulf the pack. Everyone practically worshiped her.

"What the deal with everyone, they all look at her like a god. Do they not know who she is?" he said bluntly, Blake raised his fist again, but Luther caught it and politely smiled for him to back off he didn't want to stress Ally out even more today.

"It's something called loyalty you wouldn't know anything about that." Blake huffed and joined his sister leaving Luther and Shadow alone observing.

"Loyalty huh?" he said sarcastically twisting his legs. Luther sighed and sat down glaring at him.

"These wolves were abused and lonely, she saved them, so they have every right to treat her like their savior. People do dedicate themselves to others you know." Shadow pouted and sat down.

"I'm guessing it was her fathers doing, where the hell is, he anyway?" Luther frowned at looked up at Ally who was smiling widely teaching Jake how to do a flying kick, his flailing legs even made him smirk.

"Jackson is taking over the council while Ally's recovering, your lucky too he doesn't stand for outsiders." Shadow lay his head back in the grass, his purpose was gradually fading away and he sort of liked the company of his old companions.

"I never thought she'd forgive him for his actions, he's an asshole." Luther chuckled; he couldn't really argue with that.

"Ally's a better person than most, forgiveness is a difficult task, but he practically begged her. When he found out about our child, he suddenly wanted to protect her, so Ally allowed him back into the pack." Shadow nodded understandingly.

"Are you excited to be a father again, this is what you wanted right?" Luther couldn't take his eyes off of Ally, she was practically glowing with light. Seeing her stomach made his heart flutter.

"I'm not just excited about our child, I'm excited to see Ally raise her. It was a rare occurrence, but Ally and Luna are very separate entities and they both have experiences people wouldn't dream of having. I couldn't think of anyone better to raise a child with." Shadow began laughing in disbelief.

"You must be kidding? She's a vessel for one of the most powerful entities in the world, a lunatic who loves violence. Not to mention she almost killed us both. I've never met anyone, so flip sided in my life, she deranged." Luther felt angry but also yet again couldn't argue.

"Isn't that what makes her interesting?" Shadow sat up stunned for a second before rolling his eyes.

"Don't worry…I'm not here to hurt her. Not that I would dare to anyway. There are two love-stricken vampires glued to her side along with a violent puppy with a sister complex. Then…there's this asshole pure blood that won't leave her no matter how many times she breaks his heart. I guess you could say I'm outnumbered." Luther smirked, at least he knew where he stood. As they were chuckling with each other a faint cry came from the house. Ally's ears pricked up immediately, she could smell blood in the air and the slight taste of fear. Everyone looked over at the house in worry but Ally already knew what was happening and eased everyone.

"Okay listen up, try to keep quiet inside of the house and avoid the west wing." Blake was a little confused as she abandoned training and began walking towards the house.

"Sis! Where are you going?" Ally turned around with an excited smile on her face.

"I'm going to deliver a baby." Everyone's faces brightened; it was Carrie's due date, but they didn't expect it to happen so suddenly.

---------------------------------Carrie's room--------------------------------

"Ugh it hurts, p-please get A-Ally." Oscar Carrie's mate was in a panic rushing around the room in preparation, Helen was on standby stroking her head as the contractions became stronger every few minutes.

"She's coming honey just take deep breaths." Helen began breathing with her squeezing her hand tightly. Oscar stood beside the bed looking idle in shock, Carrie was about to hit him when a hand reached over an snapped him out of his daze.

"Keep it together Oscar your going to be a father soon, no point backing out now." Carrie's face relaxed and smiled seeing Ally sitting by her side, for some reason the air seemed calmer when she was there. It was her request Ally be there for the birth. Oscar sat down and held her hand finally grasping the situation his mate was in labor. Carrie was sweating and panting in distress, Ally reached over and placed a cool cloth over her head soothingly.

"Your doing good, so far your 5 centimeters only another five to go and you get to see that beautiful little face." Carrie chuckled in relief; Ally always had such a calming voice in situations like that. Helen also looked at her adoringly, she had matured so much. Carrie gripped Oscar hand tightly as another contraction came like a storm.

"Breathe through It Carrie, don't hold your breath it'll be harder on you." Ally listened to her mother intently, this was also a learning experience for her. It would be like that in a few months for her. Truthfully seeing the pain, she was in Ally felt jittery.

----------------------------------------4 Hours Later----------------------------------

"Holy sh*t this hurts, somethings wrong." Carrie was still in labor and Ally was growing worried, the stress on her body was draining her energy ad she didn't see how pushing this baby out was going to work. Oscar was also afraid his face was painted with anxiety. Helen could also tell something was off here. Ally thought intensely wondering what to do, it would take an hour before a doctor could arrive and they were running out of time.

"Okay, look at me." Ally sternly pulled her face towards her; she had no choice even though this was the last thing she wanted. Helen stood up in a panic, but Ally halted her with her hand, she wasn't going to let Carrie, or her child get hurt.

"You are going to push this baby out safe and soundly you just have to listen to my voice…I'm going to take some of the pain away okay?" Carrie jolted as her hand stuck to her stomach. Suddenly the pain deducted, and Ally's face twisted In agony.

"Ally you can't use your abilities it's not safe." Helen tried to pry her hand, but Ally planted it firmly and smacked her away. Carrie let out a breath of release as the agony subsided for a while. At this moment Ally was using one of her unique abilities she discovered a while back. It was the ability to take away her hosts pain but as a result she felt every contraction. She did her best to hold in her voice and understood why Carrie was screaming the whole time, this was the most uncomfortable pain she'd ever felt.

"On your next contraction I want you to push, ready 1…2…3 Push!" Carrie pushed down with everything she had, Ally bit her hand to stop herself from crying out, it was too much. Helen slipped down to the bottom of the bed and smiled to see the child crowning.

"Your doing amazing Carrie keep going." Carrie looked at Ally worriedly, she wasn't feeling a thing meaning Ally was experiencing the most painful part of birth.


"I'm fine, keep going ready 1…2…3 Push!" Yet again she gave it her all until her child's head was halfway out. Ally bent over and groaned.

"Again!" This time she shouted trying to bypass the pain. Carrie nodded and pushed again with all of her might, Ally panted heavily and leaned forwards praying to hear the sound they all needed. Within three second the gargled cry of a healthy baby boy echoed throughput the room. Everyone sighed and began chuckling as Helen prepped him so Carrie could hold him.

Ally watched teary eyed and Oscar and Carrie held their baby boy in their arms adoringly cooing at him, everyone was exhausted. Helen pulled away from her tears and smiles and looked at her daughter, she looked pale and weak like she could pass out at every moment.

"Ally, what was the name you recommended?" Oscar said cheerfully. Ally's mind was fogged but she managed to find it in the back of her brain.

"For a boy it was Ethan, it means to never give up." They both looked at his light brown hair and big green eyes and smiled, it was fitting.

"It's perfect…Ally thank you…I don't know what you did but you really helped me. We're in your debt." Ally smiled proudly and nodded. To be honest she also didn't know how she did such a thing.

"Alright, would you like to hold him." Ally shook her head.

"Maybe later, I just need some fresh air. Congratulations Carrie he's beautiful." Carrie cried and took her hand tightly; Ally had never seen such gratitude in her life. It felt rewarding to help her but she didn't feel okay at all. Helen watched her shake to her feet before staggering from the room. As she opened the door a few people were sitting in the hallway full of apprehension. Ally put on a fake smile.

"Everything went fine, we have a new male pup in our pack so take good care of him." They all cheered and hugged one another; births were a very happy occasion as not many wolves could conceive naturally. As she wandered through, Isaac and Aiden were waiting outside of her door. Ally sighed and stood up straight trying to act strong, but her body felt a thousand pounds and her head was throbbing.

"I heard the news, good job." Aiden patted her shoulder and opened her door. Ally smiled feeling sick to her stomach. Isaac hadn't said anything but noticed her bad complexion. As if predicting what was going to happen next, he placed his hand behind her back. Aiden looked at him peculiarly, Ally was quiet as she arranged her bed and her movements were slow.

"Ally are you okay?" Frustrated she swung around and glared at them coldly.

"I'm fi---" As the words began flowing the whole room seemed to tilt until her eyes couldn't keep up. Isaac ran forwards and caught her body before it could hit the floor. Aiden rushed over and felt her head; she was burning up badly.

"Dammit Ally what did you do!"