Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 60 "Possessiveness and Self-Preservation."

Self-satisfaction is a very selfish human affliction blessed upon almost every person. It is the ability to serve others and give up your own being for someone else entirely whether that be through love, time or death. We describe good deeds as heroism or being a saviour but would that be the case if a camera wasn't filming or there weren't crowds of people watching. True heroes are the ones who fight silent battles and give up their own secrets to help others cope. Strategies they've spent their whole lives perfecting only to let them slip to someone who will manipulate them. People are like diseases, there are different kind and they affect others in different ways. Others behaviour will be fought off because they have been previously experienced or welcomed as something new, accepted as part of them.

Then of course there are the hypervigilant, people who have been through so much they no longer have a filter or a sense of danger because they see it long before it occurs. We call these people unique, ones who will not be manipulated by words, behaviour or people. They belong to themselves only, they are selfish. Yet, they are saviours. Ally King is a prime example of one of those people.

"I can't believe she would use her power so recklessly; I could kill her right now." Aiden was pacing around the bed trying to work out why even though she was carrying a child she would use her abilities anyway as if testing something.

"Will someone get Luther in here for god sake." Blake was sick of running around looking for him. Everyone was in a panic seeing Ally pass out like that. Her fever was sky high along with her breathing. It was like her body was fighting something off, but wolves didn't get sick unless it was serious or the responsibility of a mage.

"Wait a second, where's Shadow. Who was supposed to be watching him?" Isaac said harshly glaring at everyone, dumbfounded they all looked at eachother. Isaac was right they had forgotten he was even there.

"F*ck! Stay with her I'll be back." Isaac sprinted out of the room and began scanning the house from head to toe questioning the wolves around him. Nobody had even seen a white-haired boy wandering around. Isaac was growing increasingly suspicious especially since Luther was nowhere to be seen either. Finally, as he stepped out into the garden, he could hear that grinding voice chatting away, he was about to storm through and collar him, but his nerves told him to stay in place and listen.

"Your lying Shadow, you're not just here to scout. You're here to size up the competition, I've seen you watching the people closest to her. You know she can't fight and that's why your looking to see if taking her is even possible. I've worked with them for years trying to find her, I know how they work." Isaac felt sick to his stomach listening to the truth.

"Okay okay you got me; I am looking at the people around her but what choice do I have. My father hates me enough as it is, if I don't come back with results, I'm dead. Look, either way she's going to end up there so you might as well take her while she's weak. It'll be easier on the people around her." Luther sighed and gripped his head in rage, everything he was saying was true, but he couldn't rip Ally away from her family now. In a few months she wanted to be roaming around with her daughter in hand.

"I can't take her away from them, they'll only come for her anyway. Their bonds are thicker than blood and you know that, so stop spouting nonsense and stay away from her." Isaac stood in awe; he couldn't believe what he had just heard. When Ally found out about this, she would lose it. So, caught up in his thoughts he failed to see Luther spot him. With a wide smirk he waved at him before returning to the house in a hurry. To his surprise a strong hand gripped his shoulder and pinned him up against the wall.

"How much did you hear?" he said bluntly letting his eyes grow arrogantly as a warning. Isaac chuckled to himself.

"I heard enough, you really are a sly one and as for your sidekick he'll be lucky to return to his daddy with information because when Ally finds out his true intentions, she'll go apeshit for sure." Luther snarled and let go in defeat.

"Bastard." He said harshly under his breath.

"Nope you're the bastard, I saw you hesitate when he asked you to take her back or kidnap her in other words. Right now, Ally is really sick, but you wouldn't know about that being so caught up in that white-haired assholes fantasy." Luther's face went pale, Ally was sick…

"Where is she?" he said in a panic, Isaac nodded his head towards her room. Luther sped straight past him.

"Hey asshole we aren't finished yet." Luther ignored him and rushed into her room and truth be told she looked whiter than a sheet and sweating profusely. Blake and Aiden were doing their best to cool her down with ice packs but as expected they weren't working fast enough.

"I'm sorry but I have to do this." Luther moved them aside before biting his wrist and opening her mouth so she could drink. They all stood frozen watching as Ally dubiously gulped it down, as if she needed it.

"What the hell are you doing?" Blake said entranced by the scene before him. Luther retracted his arm and sat her head against him before feeling her stomach. A slight sigh left his lips before he slumped back into the bed.

"I didn't think she would need such a thing, but our child is starving, the same thing happened to my previous mate. If she didn't drink from me, it put her body in distress." Aiden felt like throwing up, it wasn't long before he touched her head only to find her fever had gone down considerably.

"Thank god he was here otherwise she wouldn't have recovered." Helen was watching from the door in worry hearing Ally was sick, Isaac was also standing beside her his body emanating hatred for the man huddling close to her. Aiden nodded reluctantly in agreement; it was hard to admit but they needed Luther now. Blake kneeled and felt her pulse which was also steadily beating beneath her porcelain skin.

"How's Carrie and her son?" Blake said excitedly. Helen smiled but it soon faded looking at her exhausted daughter.

"They're perfectly healthy. I-If it wasn't for Ally that wouldn't have been the case." They all looked up in alarm. What exactly had they missed while she was in that room. Helen felt cornered and Ally would be pissed if she found out Helen had told them, but they were family and deserved to know.

"It happens a lot in labour but sometimes the female will exhaust themselves and are unable to deliver due to the pain. Ethan was also breach so the pain would have been unbearable so…Ally took away her pain while she birthed him that's why she's so exhausted. I think deep down she knew it was one or the other, so she made a brave choice to save them both." Some of them began commemorating her in their heads but others were furious.

"Yep and it almost killed her instead, why didn't you stop her?" Isaac said in outrage, Ally wasn't listening to anymore, her situation was delicate enough as it is. Helen was dumbfounded at his attitude.

"Would you have been anymore successful? You know her better than I do Isaac, Ally does what she wants. I couldn't stop her." Helen said slightly disheartened she was being blamed.

"From now on, she's on bed rest. No training, no pack duties. I'm not risking it." Blake said sternly glaring at each member. Aiden frowned angrily.

"Like she'll listen to that, are you an idiot?" They all started arguing, the only silent one was Luther, but he had been watching something interesting for a while as they bickered like children. Ally was wide awake and watching the mayhem unfold, he could feel the calm before the storm and began playing with her ebony hair trying to calm her. No-one had noticed she was awake.

"By the way, why don't we just get this out in the open. Talk Luther or I'll tell them everything." Luther froze, Isaac had picked the worst time ever to call him out. If Ally heard the new now, she would destroy him.

"Not right now, I will explain later." He said painfully.

"Explain what?", Blake said suspiciously. Aiden also crossed his arms waiting an explanation.

"Isaac don't." he almost begged, why didn't they realize she was awake. Isaac smirked victoriously before letting loose.

"Looks like Luther and Shadow were planning to take Ally back to the S.E.S. Well, he refused eventually but Shadow isn't scouting Ally, he's scouting us to see if we are a threat when they take her. Isn't that right Luther, you shouldn't keep such secrets from us." Everyone felt sick to their stomachs and looked at Luther accusingly. Luther was afraid to look down but slowly glanced to see her eyes filled with so much rage they were glowing. Ally began chuckling attracting everyone's attention.

"Listen, I am tired. I'm sick of the arguments and if what Isaac said is true then I want Shadow either killed or banished immediately. Now would you all kindly get the f*ck out before I lose it." Her voice was so raspy and dark they felt a shiver run down their spines.

"No, I'm not leaving until you tell me why your pushing yourself so hard." Isaac said stubbornly, Ally sat up and walked to the centre of the room with eyes so harsh they were enough to cut through led.

"I'm not going to tell you again, that's none of your business. Or your or even yours." She pointed around the room, when her finger landed on Luther.

"Here I was thinking maybe you are trustworthy, I guess I was wrong. Get out." Helen put her foot down, she also wanted to know why she was pushing herself so far.

"Sweetheart, we need to know why." She said painfully clutching her chest. Ally took a deep breath, feeling defeated they weren't leaving without a fight.

"I'm doing everything I can. The truth is…" she choked up feeling tears fill her eyes, her emotions were too unstable right now.

"I feel completely helpless… I've never been so fragile in my life and I'm trying not to settle everything in my head with violence, but I've realised that's just who I am. More than anything I want to bash your skull in for keeping that from me. I want to rip out Shadows spine for deceiving me. Sol could attack at anytime and I can't fight back! The same goes for the S.E.S who suddenly have an interest in me again. I'm f*cking terrified for my child so I'm seeing just how far I can push myself and bad news…it's not very far." Tears trickled down her cheeks as everyone bowed their heads shamefully, they hadn't even thought of how Ally felt in this situation. It was true she settled things with her fists but with her sudden motherhood that lack of maturity would have to disappear until Luna was born.

"Now you know the truth please leave me alone." She walked into the bathroom and locked her door. They all felt like the scum of the earth; Ally rarely showed her emotions which just proved how strongly this was affecting her.

"Well done." Luther said bitterly before storming from the room, Isaac stood there smugly looking happy with himself. Aiden tutted at him rudely, what had gotten into everyone lately. This wasn't a competition.

"For once I actually agree with him on that. This isn't a game and Ally's under enough stress as it is." Blake was standing in the middle seeing both of their points. Isaac stood forward defensively.

"You have to be sh*tting me? Your siding with him, are you insane." Helen also stood in the middle seeing the confrontation brewing.

"Isaac you could have told us secretly so she wouldn't worry but you decided to be selfish and now look at her. I've never seen her cry like that before." Blake nodded in agreement that was true. Helen sighed, she was still exhausted after helping Carrie and didn't have the energy to deal with them right now.

"Look sort it out in your own time, Ally wants to be alone right now, and I can't blame her. Your all acting like children." She stormed off; Blake looked shell-shocked. It was a rarity to see his mother so angry.

"Fine." They all left leaving the room in silence and Ally felt complete bliss, she decided to take a bath and calm down. It was agonising not being able to fight, that was her speciality. She watched her belly peek from above the bubbles and smiled reminding herself it was for a very important cause.

"You sure have one dysfunctional family little one." She stroked her stomach adoringly and to her surprise she felt her kick as if agreeing with her. Ally giggled to herself.

"Don't worry, I won't let anyone hurt you. You have no idea how loved you are already, just have some faith in mommy okay?" Ally finished her bath and dried her hair off before returning to the stage light. As expected, Isaac was waiting at her window seat.

"Didn't I tell you to leave, I'm tired." Without warning he shot up and hugged her with all of his might, Ally stood there stiff trying to decipher what exactly was happening.

"Um…why are you hugging me guilty conscience?" Isaac chuckled at let her breathe.

"You could say that, I just…hate seeing you cry like that." Ally looked at him suspiciously, he was surprisingly nice today.

"Well I'm pregnant so get used to it." Isaac watched her potter around the room folding clothes and such reminded she really was more maternal now; wolves instinct tells them to keep the den clean for their pups. It was the first time he'd seen it first-hand.

"What are you going to do about Luther and Shadow?" Ally sighed, so the bomb had dropped. She scowled and put her hands on her hips assertively.

"I'm not going to do anything. If you want them out that bad then you make them leave, I'm sick of dealing with children." Isaac could see she wasn't playing around but her word was like law in this pack. People listened to her whereas he had little authority.

"They won't listen to me. Look I know your under a lot of stress right now but he's plotting something Ally." Ally picked up her shirt and launched it at his head, it was too late to duck, so its buttons cut his lip. Ally panted heavily; she was trying so hard to keep it together but when the scent of blood hit her sinuses she covered her mouth.

"Enough Isaac, please leave." Isaac licked the blood from his thumb but stopped seeing her eyes glowing, she was itching to feed from him, and he found it interesting. If he was going to piss Luther off this was the best course.

"You can have some if you want it, I don't mind." Ally glared at him harshly, her vision was blurry, and her control was fading rapidly.

"I will not drink from you get out!" Isaac moved closer until the scent was so strong her mouth watered. Ally went into a panic looking for a way out when Luna's sweet voice called inside of her head to let her take over. Luna was of wolf affliction, so the bloodlust didn't affect her. Isaac staggered back seeing her white eyes and hair, it faded in so quickly before he could blink twice, she was standing ahead of him her face twisted with anger.

"I never realised you could be so spiteful Isaac." She said bitterly. Isaac sighed, it looked like he'd won the battle but lost the war.

"Figured you'd show up eventually Luna, maybe you'll agree with me. Luther and Shadow need to leave, they're outsiders and a threat to Ally. Help me get rid of them." Luna scowled at sat down looking into the mirror, her skin was smooth like marble and her long white hair fell effortlessly over her shoulders.

"First of all, it's called self-preservation. Ally is unique and she has her own category, she doesn't follow standards and keeps her own policies, so I have no say in what she does, meaning you have no say in what she does either. You would rather stress her body to the point of panic than let her child's father within ten feet of her, and you said I was selfish." Isaac scoffed and rubbed his shoulder in defeat, Luna had a silver tongue sharper than a blade.

"To be honest you look pretty tired of the lovey dovey bullsh*t too, I thought you hated his guts after what he did to you." Luna stood up moving a strand of hair from his eyelash as if taunting him.

"Your trying to exploit me to do your dirty work because Ally can't get physically mad at me. Clever but also stupid at the same time. I don't like your ideals; Ally is not yours or anyone's for that matter so why don't you let that silly possessiveness go before she hates you forever." Isaac felt his eyes twitch, that was the worst thing he could ever imagine. Without Ally…he was nothing. From a young age he confided in her, fought beside her and slowly but surely fell in love.

"Ally can fight fate all she wants but one thing will never change no matter how hard she tries.", Isaac.

"Oh? And what's that.", Luna.

"I will never give up on her because she's mine."