Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 61 "Family Intervention Turned Tragedy."

"Okay I've had enough, get everyone together I'm not f*cking around anymore." Ally came back in an instant hearing Isaac's confession but dismissed it faster than light because that love was killing her.


"Don't! Listen to me I am pregnant, and I am pissed so get everyone together before I show you what real pissed looks like." Isaac gulped; those eyes always pierced through him. They were a stern warning to not question her. Ally watched him reluctantly begin searching for everyone. Truthfully, she was going to let the hostility fester too tired to deal with it but the longer you leave an infection the quicker it spreads and the more painful the outcome, so it was time to nip it in the bud.

Luna was even questioning her decision, but Ally reassured her this would be quick and straightforward. Blunter than a knife she stormed through the house witnessing the countless refusals to join together. This wasn't a pack this was a war and she was sick of it. Ally could see Isaac arguing with Blake and Aiden in the field while everyone was running wild in the summer sun. Calmly she walked over, there was only one solution for time like this. Her Alpha voice.

"Get in the office now I won't ask again." They all stopped and shuddered, her Alpha voice was indescribable and I decibels barely on the spectrum but obediently they bowed their heads and began dragging themselves inside. Ally huffed and leaned against the pack doorway; her fatigue was back again. Ally shook it off and began looking for Luther and Shadow, they were the main root of the problem here being outsiders. As expected, she found them moping around in the rose garden out back. Both looked a little caught off guard seeing the thunder on their face, as Ally lifted her finger to point Shadow flinched and backed up. It seemed she'd really scared him earlier.

"Get in the office right now." Luther didn't even question her and like a puppy followed her into the house, she turned around tilting her head at Shadow like he was an idiot. Childishly he pointed at himself, Ally nodded her head and like lightning he was by her side. She stormed through the house verbally throwing them into the office. All of them glared at each-other in disdain, Ally slammed the door shut and sat down catching her breath.

"What's this about sis?" Blake asked in a pissed voice, Ally gave him one look and he clamped up immediately. Rest assured no-one else dare asks another thing, it had been a while since they'd seen her so angry.

"We're having a family intervention and yes I said family! Every member in this room is important to me so listen up." They all looked around bewildered before scowling, the divide was clear. Luther looked at Ally sympathetically seeing what she was trying to achieve but the hatred had already deep-rooted In their hearts.

"Earlier I said I was doing the best I could and that was the truth, keeping it together is by far the hardest thing I have ever done and the least I ask is all of you do the same. All of this petty arguing is killing me so were going to resolve this right now or I'm leaving." All of a sudden this became serious as they all looked on in panic.

"Leave? Where are you going to go your pregnant?" Aiden said worriedly, she was serious.

"It doesn't matter anywhere is better than this cesspit I'm in. I can barely breath the air is so thick with blood so let's start, shall we?" She scanned the room and could see Luther ad Isaac staring at one another hatefully. This was a bad start she thought.

"Isaac if you have something to say then just say it." Ally wanted them to get all of their thoughts out in the open no matter how much she was tugged in the middle.

"I can't cohabit with him after everything he did to you and you shouldn't want to either, I don't get it." Luther smirked.

"Like your one to talk leaving her like you did, you're a hypocrite." Isaac flashed his fangs, Ally shot up between the two, Isaac had a three second warning before he exploded only, she could detect knowing him for so long.

"Stop! Both of you listen to me right now." Ally took a deep breath ready for the mayhem that was about to ensue. So, riled up her body shook with adrenaline.

"Both of you have f*cked up and hurt me but the common factor between you two is I forgave you. Isaac, I forgave you for leaving me a long time ago so why can't you accept that I've forgiven Luther for attacking me?" Isaac looked off balance by her question, Ally had a good point.

"Why? Because even now he's trying to take you away from us. Look at him he can't stand you being reliant on anyone else but him." Ally looked at Luther waiting for his answer. Luther rolled his eyes.

"Weren't you the same when she was your mate?" Isaac hated thinking about those times because it reminded him of how he lost her. Ally could see him struggling to respond so decided to state a few things.

"There are three fate written things between us. I was Isaac's mate as a wolf. I was Aiden's spire when I was a vampire and now, I'm Luther mate as a hybrid. We all have connections with each-other but your forgetting I'm not with any of you. There's another thing you have in common and it's complicated and painful I know that, but you have to let it go or…let me go." Aiden, Isaac and Luther all glared at each-other; Ally was right it was painful loving someone who belonged to someone else.

"Choose." Isaac said naively, Ally was expecting that word even though it was the hardest word she could ever hear her answer had already been prepared.

"Fine…I choose me." It was a selfish answer breaking all three hearts simultaneously and all of them had a disheartening soul hearing it.

"I'm not reliant on one soul person, I need all three of you. For once in my life I choose me and my child above any other relationship or fate. I am begging you all to see that there is nothing to chose from so this rivalry is pointless. Isaac, Aiden your brothers. Your father welcomed Isaac when he turned him and became your brother, you should be on the same team not opposing ones. As for Luther, yes, he's done awful things and I have forgiven him not just because he's the father of my child but because he protected me when I needed it. This is so dumb I can't even comprehend it." All of them looked down at the floor in guilt.

"I will fight fate nail and tooth if it means you will all stay by my side and if you think that's selfish of me and too difficult then you know where the door is because I will not bring my child up in such a toxic environment. I'm not just talking a mother I am talking as your friend." Aiden walked over and stood beside Isaac accepting her words.

"She's right, this isn't fair on Ally or any of us. We should be protecting her not fighting one another." Aiden walked forward and outstretched his hand to Luther. Luther looked even more shocked than Isaac as he reluctantly took it and shook it sternly. Ally felt the air get a little lighter, but Isaac still looked sour.

"For Ally." Aiden said to him harshly, Ally smirked seeing his stubbornness was still in bar with hers at some points. Hesitantly he took out his hand. Luther also looked hesitant but out of respect gripped it tightly.

"Like he said for Ally." Luther nodded.

"Understood. For Ally." Ally felt her eyes well up as she finally took a solid breath of oxygen.

"Thank you, you have no idea how much that means to me." Her words were heart felt clutching her chest as she spoke. Ally felt the air settle before looking over at Shadow. As expecting he wasn't paying much attention and listlessly looking out of the window. Ally threw a nearby pen at his head attracting his attention.

"Oh, is it my turn? What do you want me to do kiss your ass?" Ally gritted her teeth; she knew he was going to be difficult. Taking a deep breath, she gave him a life changing proposal. Shadow expected to be beaten, scolding anything but kindness.

"You said you were good with children, right?" Shadow nodded wearily awaiting a mouthful of abuse, but Ally was tired of trying to change him.

"Shadow, I want to welcome you into the pack." Blake looked startled.

"Ally!" Ally put up her hand dismissing him, it wasn't what he thought.

"Mages like you are rare and you have history with Luna, so I am giving you a chance to belong somewhere. No more running, no more proving yourself to anyone. You don't have to change who you are to suit the people around you." Shadow looked stunned and rested against the window seat for support, this was the last proposal he'd ever expect but her words resonated within him.

"What are you saying?" Ally smiled at him kindly, there was one thing everyone desired in this world and she wanted to gift him that.

"I want to set you free." Ally watched his eyes fill with tears. Sometimes desire was so strong would could touch it like another person sitting beside you, begging to be something else or become something worthwhile. Ally knew that's what Shadow wanted all along.

"It's a big thing to consider so I'll give you some time but- "

"I want it!" he said desperately. Everyone looked at him sympathetically, that attitude dropped on a dime and for the first time he seemed unguarded lie a vulnerable child. Ally smiled at him, that was quicker than she expected.

"That's fine with me and as for the S.E.S as long as you cut ties and stay here, they can't touch you and even if they try you've seen what this pack is capable of. We will protect you.", Ally.

"I'd like that…I want to see your child." Ally smiled before outstretching her hand commemorative. Shadow didn't hesitate and shook it firmly, everyone seemed to feel the air thin. Then Ally directed her attention to Blake, they all looked around confused. Surely there wasn't any bad blood between the twins, they were inseparable.

"Blake…you've come really far and always been there to worry about me and pick me up but…being your Beta---"

"I instate you." Before Ally could finish Blake cut her off knowing what she was about to say.

"Your right being a Beta is a hard job, a job you were never suited too, and I knew It all along. When you fought our father so brutally for the role and then handed it to me like I deserved it just proved how suited you are to rule this pack. Your strong, tactical and you maintain good relationships with our pack. I Blake King hereby instate Ally King as Alpha of this pack." Ally looked afraid hearing such a big title rest itself on her shoulders.

"You were always the true Alpha Ally, and I will always be your Beta. It's done." Everyone looked on at the terrified expression on her face, once you were stated it was taboo to reject such an important role. Ally took a deep breath letting her brothers' words sink in. As her silver hair lifted up, she smiled adoringly at him.

"I accept the title and look forward to running this pack with you." They both hugged eachother tight, as Ally glanced over his shoulder, she could see a mound of paperwork sitting patiently for her.

"Blake, I love you, but you can be a real asshole at times." Both of them burst into laughter.

"Okay, I'm satisfied. If any of you have a problem we deal with it in here. My new office." Ally stood proudly with her hands on her hips as everyone smirked childishly.

"We're missing someone." As the session was about to come to a close Ally looked around and like a dotted line next to Luther, she couldn't believe she'd forgotten about him.

"All of you can go I'll be fine. I need to talk to Damien alone." Blake looked at her discerningly.

"If he's still here, I haven't seen him in days." Ally sniffed up and could faintly smell his scent nearby.

"Don't worry he's still here. I won't be long." Ally threw on her coat and began venturing into the outside territory, her pack waved at her as she passed, and Cole even showed off his fighting skills on Quinn which caused her to chuckle. Seeing the smiles on their faces made her job worthwhile.

As Ally approached the treeline, she stopped dead seeing a pit full of dead deer and old carcasses. It was clear by the lack of blood. Damien had clearly been on a rampage since his straight rejection from Ally. The content was rotting meaning it had been there for a while. Ally began scanning around seeing the claw marks dug into about three inches into the tree. It looked almost like a feral vamp with no reason. Ally went on guard; the atmosphere became heavy.

"Damien, I know your there could you talk to me please." Ally was uneasy and her stomach was aching as if warning her of danger. Time passed of just pure silence apart from the twittering birds. For such a beautiful scene the air was unsettling. Light peaked through the trees and the breeze was soft against Ally's skin.

"Damien please show yourself; I want to resolve this." Yet again there was silence, but his scent was so strong she could hardly breath, as a tree twig snapped behind her Ally felt her whole body rush up against a tree, but a firm hand snaked around her waist avoided impact.

"Resolve what exactly?" As the dizziness subsided Ally came face too face with a person, she hardly recognized. His soft mopped hair was cut roughly and a scar on the left side of her face stood out amongst his bright red eyes and pearly white teeth.

"W-What the hell happened to you?" she said catching her breath stroking his wound, Damien scowled and glanced away removing her hand firmly. Ally couldn't understand what could have changed so drastically in the past few days that caused him to look so delinquent.

"Answer me, what happened to you." This time she forcefully grabbed his chin and pulled his face close clenching her teeth. Damien looked broken…that bright light behind his eyes clouded in darkness.

"It was just a fight." He said faintly.


"IT WAS JUST A FIGHT!" Ally was taken aback by the rage emanating from his soul, it was thicker than before, this wasn't just a fight. This was corruption. Damien took a few deep breaths and backed away struggling to control his blood lust. Ally could see his throat contracting and knew immediately what was wrong with him.

"Give me your hand, right now." Damien smirked tauntingly at her.

"Keep talking like my mother and watch what happens." Ally growled grabbing his collar and swung him up against the tree.

"What will happen exactly, are you testing me?" Damien was trying to provoke her for some reason, she understood his hatred for her right now, but this was so out of character her brain couldn't keep up. Unwillingly Ally gripped his hand tightly and sure enough, his aura was black and the previous glow he gave off was gone. Or stolen in better terms.

"Your turning feral…no this can't be happening." Ally tried to look him in the eyes but the guilt on his face and quivering lip caused her gaze to blur with tears. Biting her lip, she released him and retracted. There was only one thing she hated in this world and that was feral. They had almost killed her and Isaac and now one of her most treasured people were slowly falling into that pit.

"What did you do Damien?" she cried out painfully, Damien brushed himself off and stood at the side of her unable to solely investigate her tear stained face.

"I ASKED YOU A QUESTION!" This time her Alpha voice echoed throughout the whole forest until there was no noise at all apart from the thundering sensation of sound. Damien shuddered feeling the power of her affliction gape his mouth open.

"I killed a wolf from the hollow pack!" Ally stopped shaking and gripped her shirt tightly, how could he do such a thing… Damien would never ever harm anyone never mind a wolf.

"W-What a—re you talking about, your lying. You must be! This isn't like you at all.", Ally.

"I know it's not!" he yelled out desperately. Damien grabbed her shoulders sending a shock-wave of fear down her spine until he legs went numb, his eyes looked wild.

"I don't know what happened to me. I was sleeping in a tree and the next thing I know I was covered in blood looking down at a wolf. I recognized the scent from when you went to investigate Sol, so I knew it was a wolf from Hollow pack. I-I can't take it back…I didn't mean too." Ally could se the heart-rending confusion plague him… he couldn't remember at thing? Ally began thinking as quickly as she could, she knew in her heart Damien would never do something like this, yet he was so broken and turning sour like a piece of fruit. Suddenly, a sad revelation took over her.

"Damien, where were you sleeping?" she asked calmly. As his finger pointed left Ally wanted to break down there and then. His finger pointed east of the pack…where the territory ended, and the human world began. She knew because of the countless times she had walked that road after Isaac left.

"That's the human world Damien…S.E.S territory…" Ally tried to keep a clear head but her heart hurt so bad, if only she had warned him about it then maybe he wouldn't have ventured so far. Damien looked at her completely lost as if waiting for her elaboration.

"T-They can get to you if you cross that threshold, the S.E.S have a weapon which can manipulate a supernatural creature's psych and cause them to go mad with rage. I thought they banned it but…they did that to you…they caused you to kill that wolf. I-It's not your fault!" she said reassuringly but her crying eyes weren't convincing at all.

"What do I do Ally…I can't live like this. I'm afraid…I don't want to hurt anymore but it's so painful. It's like a red-hot poker is being thrusted down my throat and it won't go away." Damien fell to his knees dragging Ally down with him. Ally couldn't speak hearing the muffled whimper on her shoulder. Gently she wrapped her arms around him cradling Damien like a child.

"I'm going to fix it okay. If it's the last thing I do, I will help you. Please don't give up on me."