Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 62 "I don't want to die."

"I don't like this Mika.", Amy.

"Us either.", Geo.

"Listen, this is our orders. I don't like this either but what choice do we have?"

Mika had formed an elite team including the three vampires Ally completed training with while in the S.E.S territory. Amy had a lot of respect for Ally along with the twins, she saved their lives after all. Then saved the life of a feral vamp after the humans got too carried away. New orders entailed to kill any creature whom left the designated territory without permission. All of them were depraved of hope after George's brutal orders.

"You do realize once Ally finds out about this, she won't forgive us." Amy knew Ally was a firecracker and took no prisoners, they would be dead before their hand could touch their radios for backup. Theo and Geo were carving shapes into their trees uninterested in watching duty. They were designated wolf hunters but ever since discovering Ally belonged originally to a powerful wolf pack their desires seemed to dissipate.

"Believe me I know. That's the whole idea, we lure her out and take her back. If anyone intervenes, we kill them on sight." All of them looked wild eyed, had the facility lost its mind.

"Are you f*cking stupid Mika! If we hurt, her family she will hunt us to the end of the earth. Are you forgetting who were capturing?" Amy was distraught, she didn't want to do this at all. Ally was considered a good friend being one of the only females she had ever clicked with. Mika looked away looking apprehensive, he was going to have to break the news carefully. It was a big shock to supernatural creatures or in some sense a miracle.

"Ally can't fight in her condition." He said bluntly, they all smirked. Resilience was practically plastered over Ally's forehead. It didn't matter if it was missing limbs, blood she would find a way to fight back. However, they had misunderstood. Mika looked at the dismissal on their faces.

"Ally's pregnant." All of them stiffened simultaneously looking on in horror and disdain. Amy felt a wave of nausea flush over her, all of them had become familiar with the Luna tale. Meaning history was repeating itself, it was around the time Luna gave birth to Lucy that the whole world went to sh*t and their rivalry began.

"N-No way, that's impossible." The twins laughed it off until Mika's face remained serious. Amy felt like crying for Ally, the S.E.S would exploit both her and her child.

"The leaders don't want any harm to come to the child or Ally for that matter so do not shoot just maintain restraint until we have her captured. My gun is filled with tranquilizer darts therefore the most I can is knock them out. You'll have to do most of the dirty work." Mika seems even sourer than he previously was. Geo and Theo were whispering among themselves regrading a theory they had. When they stood in the S.E.S training hall and were informed by George they had been chosen for the elite team in capturing Luna he didn't regard anyone else and they were suspicious.

"It's funny that we were chosen isn't it? I mean it makes sense to be cautious and set up some extra security but that's not the only reason we were chosen is it Mika?" Mika looked away from them trying to hide his guilt, it had been his idea after all. Amy listened carefully and also began deducting the situation until the spark in her brain lit the fire.

"You think because Ally knows us, she'll be reluctant to harm us. Were part of the trap, aren't we?" Mika sighed and nodded his head; they had worked it out quicker than expected.

"Damn, that's sneaky commander. Hold on a minute, if Ally's here then that must mean Luther is here, too right?" Mika froze on the spot, there was no way they could have obtained such information. Amy's face also went pale.

"Have you been snooping again Geo, I thought I told you to stop meddling in things that don't concern you?" Amy suddenly lunged forward gripping Mika's collar tightly. Mika could see the terror in her eyes.

"Your telling me the Vampire King is here and you were going to keep that quiet? Are you brain-dead, he can control us at will, we won't stand a chance!" Fear shuddered throughout the three as they looked down at the leaf swept ground below. This was too big for such a small team.

"You're an asshole! Where was this in the case brief?" Theo was furious along with Geo as both stood up to engage. Mika started to panic; they had fallen apart pretty quickly.

"I was told to keep it secret by the leaders, it's not my fault. Luther is on our side; he also wants her to come back. He's possessive and hates sharing, Shadow is also in the pack feeding through information so stop worrying." Their minds settled but their hearts remained full of anxiety.

"Hey, what the hell is that?" All of them glanced over at a nearby tree to see a young boy sleeping soundly. Mika recognized him immediately but the rest of the world hadn't a clue who this kid was.

"Get the transmitter!" he said frantically as he fumbled in his pouch, they all seemed a little apprehensive.

"Your going to poison him? What happened to kill on site?" Mika ignored them all and loaded his gun, with shaky hands he pointed it in his direction. His hands were shaky, he would be killed for this by either Ally or Luther. It was practically their son after all.

"I-I'm sorry Damien…"


-------------------------------------Pack House----------------------------------

"Get out of the way!" Blake was standing in the doorway completely frozen in fear as a very frantic Ally ran through the house with a limp Damien over her shoulder. Helen ran out from the kitchen hearing the commotion.

"W-What the hell happened to him!" Ally ignored them all so full of adrenaline the world around her was wavy and uncertain. Damien had been affected by an S.E.S drug used to turn creatures feral, so they had jurisdiction to hunt them.

"Mom, get a doctor out here immediately." Helen didn't question her and ran out looking for her phone, Blake watched her gently place Damien on her bed and touch his sweat soaked head. Ally didn't know what to do, she had very little understanding of feral. Usually all they would be good for is killing. Now it was one of her precious family members she was afraid beyond belief.

"Ally, what the hell is going on?" Aiden spun round the door and it only took a few seconds to smell the sickly pheromones in the air and he dragged Ally back from him. Aiden knew a feral vampire when he saw one. Ally struggled and broke free pushing him away. Aiden couldn't understand her logic as she grasped his hand desperately. Damien was completely unconscious and covered in wolf blood, Blake could smell it thick in the air.

"Don't tell me he---"

"Shut Up Blake!" Ally cut him off before the agonizing words could breath free air. Ally knew what he had done but didn't need to be reminded of it. Aiden didn't know what to do, feral vampires were impossible to tame. Better yet, what exactly had made him do such a thing. Damien was a bright kid; he would never do something so horrific.

"God damn it! I don't know what to do guys. How do I help him!" Ally was teary eyed watching his throat contract in agony, this was killing her to watch, she wanted to take his pain away. As her hand reached up to touch his face a strong grip apprehended her and dragged her away forcefully. As she struggled believing it was Aiden yet again two hands gripped her face pulling her towards him. As the red depth speckled with fear consumed her, she could almost smell the hatred emanating from him.

"I-Isaac?" His face looked so dark and weary as if he was fighting to keep his words to himself.

"Don't go near him." With that he walked over to the bed and snatched a rope from Helen the minute she walked through the door leaving her dumbfounded rubbing her wrists. Within seconds Damien was bound securely beneath the rope to keep his from hurting himself.

"I-It was the S.E.S, they're targeting those on the borders. I think Damien got affected by their drug…I was naïve…I'm so sorry." Ally slumped to the floor, deep down they all knew a cure was impossible. It was just a waiting game as the infection spread through his body until he was no longer the boy, they all knew.

"Sis, it's not your fault…" Blake didn't sound very convincing at all. As the room grew silent the one-person Ally dreaded to walk through the door strolled in without a care in the world. The minute he looked at the bed his whole face turned pale and he covered his mouth in despair. Ally felt her heart bleed for him, Luther wasn't one for showing emotion, yet it was the most devastating glare Aly had ever seen. This was his child, writhing and suffering. As Luther bowed his head he saw Ally feet peaking from the ground, Blake and Isaac moved aside.

"L-Luther…I-I-I" Ally tried to speak but her tongue clamped up and her throat squeezed tight until she could barely breath. All she could think about was how much he was going to hate her.

"What happened to my son?" he said it so calmly they all startled a little, wasn't he angry, sad? Ally couldn't believe he was so composed but yet again, there was always a calm before the storm. Ally tried to talk but her words were silent and empty. Isaac could see her struggling so decided to help.

"It was the S.E.S. They manufactured a drug to cause regular folks like us to go insane or feral in better terms. It looks like Damien got hit by one." Luther went from calm and collected to complete demonic. His fangs, claws and eyes all glowed miraculously; it was a rage she'd seen very few times in her life. Ally stood up to console him, but she turned away from her and sprinted out of the house. Everyone burst into a panic, there was only one thing on Luther's mind right now and that was killing.

"He's going to the border, Ally stay here!" The boys all started to whip on their coats and sprint out of the door, but they were pretty stupid thinking they could give Ally orders. Quicker than all of them she threw over and overcoat and sprinted ahead leaving them in a pile of dust.

"Jesus Christ why doesn't she ever listen!", Isaac.

"Alpha is there a fight!", Quinn ran over from the training field to Blake who was still working out the best route to cut her off.

"No, tell all of the pack to get inside but avoid Ally's room at all costs. Understand!" Obediently he ran off and began relaying. Isaac and Aiden were trying desperately to catch up with Ally, but she was like a ghost, dust leaves and broken branches was all she left behind. Ally gritted her teeth willing her legs to move faster, she needed to stop Luther before he did anything reckless. Responsibility, guilt and pain were all weighing her down making the ground so much harder to run on, she didn't deserve to be comforting him right now but couldn't help herself.

"Luther!" she screamed ahead hoping he would listen, but his eyes were fixed on the border line sectioned off with a long line of trees, if he stepped outside of that it was free game for the hunters. Ally tried to work out a way to stop him or at least slow his pace when she tapped into her Alpha voice, maybe that would stop him. Panting heavily, she opened her mouth to call out when Luna's voice yelled in her head. Luna was asking her not to do it, Ally didn't have the energy to use her abilities she was already exhausted.

"Ally, don't you dare!" Isaac was trying to warn her before her feet left the tree line. Heavy breaths and air thick with desperation filled the forest until the animals scattered and the birds stopped chirping. Ally's mind flashed back to the moment she found Damien. It was silent just like now. Suddenly her mind switched from guilt and focused solely on revenge, whoever did this to him would pay heavily once her claws found their skin. Maybe Luther had every right to do this? Ally pictured her child as a replacement and immediately her body swelled with rage.

It was like a whole other world as her feet left the territory, Luther was standing alone frozen like he was possessed. Ally walked casually over to him expecting tears or anger, but he quickly wrapped his body around her as if protecting her from something. This was a different kind of silence so solemn the only thing they could hear was the two heartbeats deep within her body. Ally felt her legs begin to buckle in exhaustion, but Luther held her up steadily.

"It was a trap…" he whispered coldly; it took a few minutes for his words to sunk in as she looked above to see countless guns pointed in their direction. They were both fast but not that fast to avoid so many trajectories. As her eyes scanned the cold masked faces wildly some features stood out to her. It was Amy…Theo…Geo. Her own comrades pointing their guns in her direction. This was the ultimate betrayal; she was going to die right here right now without ever seeing her daughters beautiful face.

"Luther step away from her now." Ally knew that musky voice from anywhere, finally she found the culprit. Mika with his blonde flowing hair and teary green eyes, glaring at them both. Luther squeezed her tighter refusing to let go.

"You let go or we'll shoot you down." Ally clutched his shirt in fear, all of that fight inside of her draining away. Why had she worked so hard just to be cornered like stray animal unable to even raise a fist.

"You really messed up this time Mika, you're not leaving this place unscathed." Ally called up hatefully spitting her warning like venom.

"Who gives you the right to play god with our lives, if you want to play that game, I'll show You I'm much better at it!" Mika felt a shiver down his spine, those eyes always made him regretful. A few of them chuckled. Ally tried to move put Luther grabbed her chin forcing her to look at his face.

"You can't, our child will be in danger. I can try attracting their attention while you run over the line." Ally looked at him adoringly, even in the brace of death he was still trying to protect her. Ally shook her head and stroked his face calmly.

"No more, people aren't going to get hurt because of me anymore. Including you your too important." Luther didn't have time to object as Ally grabbed his shirt and swung him around pushing him over the line. As she felt her body expose to the cold air, Mika's hand shot up telling them to hold their fire. Ally used that to her advantage and sprinted past the line of defense into the open world. As her feet left foliage and found concrete ground everything seemed to slow down. As she looked down, a dart stuck out of her chest, it's toxins invading her body. This was something she couldn't fight off.

--------------------------------------In the war-zone-------------------------------

"Sh*t, go after her she can't go far!" Mika ordered Amy and Theo to apprehend her while he held the line. Luther was standing in the line completely dazed, she had sacrificed herself for him. Isaac and Aiden finally arrived and like an invisible barrier stood on the tree line watching their guns cock once again.

"Idiot! That idiot!" Luther started cursing while punching a nearby tree. Isaac and Aiden both searched frantically for that black raven hair to avail. Mika stood there victoriously watching their faces drop to the floor. Blake soon followed also stopping dead at the line.

"If you step outside the barrier, we will kill you, under S.E.S order. We came here to capture Luna, the rest of you are just bystanders." They all looked up in fury, who the hell did this guy think he was?

"Bystanders? Where the f*ck is my sister!" Blake was stuck between love and hate at this point, he wanted to run as fast as he could until he could find Ally. Luther also shook his head trying not to engage with them.

"You would really go this far Mika? Is George that desperate?" Mika face twisted confirming Luther's suspicions; it had always been George's fantasy to have Luna by his side tamed with a leash.

"Okay, you might have us at a standstill but your forgetting one very important thing." The members looked at each-other confused, Mika raised his eyebrow wondering what it could be.

"This isn't just some small fry vampire or wolf your trying to capture. It's Ally." Mika looked a little unnerved by his sadistic smile, all of her family members seemed to smirk simultaneously. Was Amy and Theo really enough to capture her?

-----------------------------------------Ally's world------------------------------------------

"Give it up Ally you can't run forever!" Ally was still fast despite the tranquilizer and Amy was struggling to keep up. Deep in her mind seeing her in such a vulnerable state she didn't ant to catch her. Having a child was sacred and rare among their species so she couldn't bare the thought of Ally losing it. Ally could feel her bones becoming heavier and the blood in her veins starting to thicken. Why weren't her lungs working correctly, what did they inject her with?

"I can do this all day so you might as well give up! I thought we were friends Amy?" Ally could barely get her words out through her desperate pants, running while carrying a child was not an easy task. Ally needed some form of salvation but with her so closely behind she was running out of options. As her feet leaped from rooftop to rooftop all reason seemed to fade away until she was stumbling to stay awake. In the midst of their pursuit Theo had set up an ambush ahead, like electricity the hair on Ally's arms stood up as she ran alerting her of danger. In the last second as Theo jumped out to corner her Ally leaped over his head to a higher building.

"Theo! Dammit you had one job!" Amy ignored his stunned face and sped straight fast, she couldn't believe the speed of her, Ally's raven hair flapped in the wind meters ahead, she wasn't slowing down either. Perhaps it was the drug in her system or sheer panic, but Ally made one vital mistake.

"Ally stop!" Amy gasped as she saw the rooftop come to and end except there was no building on the other side of it. As she tried to skid to a stop her legs buckled beneath her and before she could grip the concrete below all matter slipped from beneath her tired body. Amy watched her face as it disappeared over the building.

As Ally fell, the sickness and agony inside her heart drifted upwards as Amy's teary face looked down at her hopelessly stretching her hand out. A lifeline, that light in the darkness was too far to reach. Ally felt so disappointed in herself, she had come so far…this was really how she was going to die. Then like a bolt of lighting she pictured the face of her little girl, at least she deserved a chance. Please someone give her a chance, even if you have to cut her from my stomach in my last breath. Please save my child.

"I want to live."