Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 63 "Farewell Soul."

Saving of the body and saving of the soul are comparably different. Generally, when someone mentions a saviour, they imagine a lifeguard blowing life into an empty vessel until that dwindling light will bloom again. A saviour can be identified as a member of authority, or a family member or perhaps even a complete stranger. However, when that feeling of hope is so thin it could be severed with mere air it doesn't matter who catches you when you fall. It could be your worst enemy, or even more imminent danger but because you are given a second chance to fight for yourself that person is your lifeline. Emotions such as hatred and despair don't even touch you, you are grateful for being saved no matter who by, body and soul.

As Ally felt her organs contract as she awaited the painful blow of concrete, tears streamed from her eyes. Who knew air could feel so heavy when you were falling? Hope of her future, hope for her child, hope for anything gradually diminish as imminent death crept closer and closer to her. Like long black arms pulling her down, gripping her long raven hair and trench coat which flapped uncontrollably in the wind. Anyone, whether it was Luther or even the S.E.S, someone needed to catch her and quickly. Ally was so frustrated in herself for not noticing such an obvious danger, if she knew such a carless mistake would lead to such a devastating fault she would have just surrendered there and then. Anything was better than this…

"We have a big problem." Theo was sitting on the end of the ledge looking down into the dark abyss despairingly. Theo also admired Ally a lot, he never wanted it to end this way in his wildest dreams. Amy was too traumatised to speak and sat curled up into a ball with her head tucked into her knees. The reality of the situation took a while to sink in but now both of them felt so much guilt they felt like jumping off with her. A loud interference noise over the radio startled them both, they had not only failed the mission but killed the target. Ally was tough but to survive a fall from this height was beyond impossible.

"Has the target escaped?" Mika angry voice answered back, if only that was the case. They were in undeniable deep sh*t, their jobs had been compromised and the most valuable specimen in the community was now gone entirely. Theo and Amy both looked at each-other slightly afraid to break the news.

"No, she jumped…" Theo couldn't help but stutter and failed to explain further, for some reason he was choking up hearing Amy's whimpers. Not only had they drove one person to their death, but Ally was pregnant.

"Jumped? Jumped where?" Mika wasn't grasping the situation.


"Are they stupid, what do they mean she jumped but didn't get away?" Blake tapped into his sensitive hearing. Still, they were all glued to the borderline taunting the team to make a move, it was Isaac's idea to keep them busy while Ally gave it her best shot.

"Who knows, she'll get way I know it." Aiden had faith in her and along with Isaac would tease their escape so they could attract all of the attention. Luther was studying Mika's wild expressions as he conversed with the elite team. Naively he believed his pained expression was due to Ally's escape. Blake pulled away from eavesdropping to ask an important question.

"Luther why didn't Ally run back over the safety line?" Luther had been worrying about that too, maybe she was super charged with emotion considering Damien's situation and acted on impulse. Isaac had an interesting answer.

"Think about it, they started a war with her, so this is her way of establishing dominance. I bet she'll give them the run around then arrive back here and flip them off. That's the type of person she is." He chuckled while throwing pine cones off the soldiers balancing in the trees.

"Still, she saved me back there. There wasn't enough time for both of us to cross the line without being shot, they drove her into a corner." Aiden suddenly wasn't as enthusiastic about taunting them after hearing Luther's explanation. After thinking further into it he began feeling really uneasy. Isaac noticed the change in mood immediately and threw a pine cone at his had as if telling him to spit it out. Aiden rubbed his head and took a shallow breath.

"Maybe they wanted to separate Ally from us, Mika knows her slightly well they hunted together after all. They knew you would be furious after what they did to Damien. You or Ally would want revenge for that right?" Luther began understanding what he meant, this whole thing was trap…

"Mika! Where is she!" Luther suddenly lost his composure startling them all, that sudden worried expression wasn't a happy one. Something was off here, very off. Mika was equally shocked by his red glowing eyes, that was the window of true rage. Mika was trying to make sense of Theo and Amy's report, they sounded deflated and in shock. The thought of her jumping from a building hadn't even sunk in yet, the shock was lingering in the back of his mind slowly dragging its way to the surface.

"Check for a body!" he cried over the radio desperately, Ally was smart and calculated there was no way she would mess up this bad. Not to mention her motherly instinct, putting her child in danger was the last thing she would ever do. Suddenly it dawned on him, there was only one thing that would cause her skills to falter. His beady eyes scanned his team viciously, as expected a few of them looked meek.

"Did anyone hit her with a tranquilizer?" he asked sternly, a few heads bowed. Those darts had the ability to cause paralysis, dizziness and finally unconsciousness. All of them could factor in her fall, especially in high pursuit, the constant running could be disorientating for the host causing them to make mistakes.

"Yes leader, we had a confirmed hit." Mika picked up his binoculars and flung them full force at the members heads hitting his helmet with a loud bang.

"Why am I just being informed, if I had known I would have called off the chase and done a pickup when she was unconscious. You f*cking idiot!" Mika lunged forward almost losing his balance from the tree. Other members tried to hold him back as he took out his swiss army knife from his back pocket.

Aiden and Isaac found it slightly amusing to see the unit fall to pieces, turning on each other like a pack of rabid wolves. However, Blake and Luther didn't find it as amusing, they knew by the thick heavy air being inhaled by their burning lungs that something had gone terribly wrong and involved Ally.

"Luther what's got you so shaken up?" Isaac was intrigued seeing the usual composure vanish in an instance, overprotection was one thing but something else about Luther seemed different. His eyes looked glassy and teary. Finally, the devastating news buzzed through the radio as all struggles and conversation subsided. Not even the wind could be heard as they all stood patiently awaiting the news. Isaac and Aiden stood proudly waiting for the expected news she had run and gotten away into the free world. Luther waiting for an unexpected turn of events or even that small glimmer of hope. Blake prayed to god she was alright; his sister was a fighter, and this was a small altercation. Not enough to bring her down.

Amy took the radio from Theo finally finding the courage to admit her feat and guilt, she had just killed two people because she was reckless. One of her own friends fell to her death trying to obtain her freedom, to see her child grow up. Find a mate she could be happy with. Run a pack to be proud of…

"Team leader…t-target i-s deceased…" Amy covered her mouth trying to contain the heart wrenching sobs creeping up from her chest.

Mika stood completely paralyzed for about ten seconds letting the words sink in. Rejecting the final word, that was impossible…Ally couldn't be gone. Not her…Not the girl who took down all of his men without breaking a sweat. Not the only person to even escape a government facility. Dead…

"Your j-joking right?" Mika tried to laugh it off refusing to accept the news. Amy squeezed her teary eyes shut wiping the sweat drenched short locks from her forehead. Unintentionally she hung her head over the building staring at the pit below. Begging for some sign of life but she saw nothing…

"No s-sir…I am very serious. I'm so sorry…" Amy apologised to her family who were most likely listening to this message. Mika couldn't bring himself to look down, he was too cowardly to face them.

"Elaborate." He choked his words and his tears back. Mika knew by Amy's voice this was not a lie or a cover, this was entirely real. They had killed one of the most powerful vessels in the world…Amy knew they deserved an explanation, but it hurt so badly to say it out loud.

"We were in high pursuit in the red district, buildings range from 3000 metres. Our attempts to apprehend her were in vain and the drug from the tranquilliser had affected her physical abilities. I tried to grab her before she fell but it was too late. Ally fell off the sea border skyscraper into the rock pools below. There is no sign of life…" Amy threw the radio into Theo's lap after giving her report and ran away.

"E-Eh? What are you talking about? Do you think I'm an idiot? Did you think you'd disguise her death and then rush her back to S.E.S sanctuary, don't be ridiculous!" Isaac thought this was their strategy. Luther knew better…Blake was simply bewildered while Aiden glanced between Isaac and Luther trying to determine which expression was the most realistic right now. Should he break down and cry…scream…kill them all. Turn off his emotions…

"It's just a play, right? T-there's no way that's true…" Blake couldn't even get his mind to work.

"It's a bluff Blake don't listen to their bullshit!" Isaac was growing evermore agitated at their silence. Why did Mika look so disheartened, was this acting? Luther has gone from a standing state of shock to a kneeling sit, his legs shook so hard he could no longer stand. This wasn't a joke he'd known Mika a long time… this was real.

"Is she definitely dead?", Mika.

"Yes sir no one could survive a fall from this height.", Theo. Mika let his radio slip from his hands to the soil below. Its small thud was like a gunshot to her family's ears. Aiden's eyes began twitching as his legs also began to give out.

"H-How could you…" Luther said softly trying to contain the inner screams. Mika finally raises his stiffened head and looked at him with remorseful eyes.

"How could you Mika!" Finally, he couldn't keep it in any longer and broke down holding his head in his hands. Gargled gasps and hicked breath escaped their mouths as all four men sat on their knees completely overcome with grief. Isaac was the last one to receive the devastating blow and stared at the ground in comatose.

"Waaaahhhh, no no no no no!" Blake curled up into a ball and screamed in agony. His twin, his only sister… it was incomprehensible. They had eaten breakfast together just that morning…

"You fucking scum…" Isaac said under his breath. His lungs wouldn't work and the pain inside of his chest was Indescribable. Mika watched the tears flow like a stream among the family of his fallen comrade. Luther who never showed any emotion whatsoever was bawling like a child his head plastered to the floor.

It's funny, on that designated path of despair how painful subtle little memories can become. Like watching the one who has past walk the other way, what their hair looked like that day. How their bad attitude had ruined some special event or even the feeling of their fist on your face. How wonderful and inviting those memories are when that person is no longer with you. Grief is a long process but finding out the most important person in the world to you will never smile again, hit you, hurt you, make you happy, make you sad now that is true agony. Agony I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy. It can take a lifetime to understand someone or get to know them, but it only takes a second to rip that away from you.

"I will kill every last one if you! This is war you hear me, WAR!" Isaac strained scream resonated with every member. They knew the war cry of revenge better than a bird's song; the situation had escalated extremely and now four broken men sat with such hatred in their eyes they all expected to be decapitated there and then. Punishment for their sins were lying in wait and no one felt it more strongly than Mika.

"Take responsibility for the two lives you've taken. Your already dead all of you!" Luther exited the safe zone faster than light leaving the terrified scouts scrambling for their guns. They were forgetting he was a pure blood and out of their league. Mika knew to get out of the firing line and ziplined further down the tree. Isaac was waiting for him straight faced at the bottom encouraging him to drop down so he could rip his spine from his body. Mika felt droplets if what he expected to be rain. As he touched the wetness on his face and pulled his hand away the muffled screams of his comrades filled the forest as blood rained down upon him. As he looked up limbless bodies and torn flesh was all he could see. The pain of loss had caused even more loss as Luther lost all reason and began a killing spree. Aiden and Isaac soon joined him tearing the throats out of many. Mika watched in trauma seeing them gargle on their own blood hands outstretched for help. He was helpless, he had created vicious monsters all over one single dart.

Mika felt so overcome with guilt and sickness he didn't even want to live anymore. His decision, his orders had killed so many. What did he have anymore? Luther sucked their blood until there was nothing but hollow shells and spat it down on Mika to attract his attention.

"You did this Mika! Will George be proud huh! You killed my mate! You killed my child! I'll kill every last one of you so be ready!" He screamed in agony. Blake didn't have the strength the join in on the carnage instead he did the only thing wolves could do at this point. Blake howled a solemn long haunting guttural growl which filled the air carrying to the rest of the supernatural region. Like mimics the whole world around them burst into cries and whining. Isaac collapses hearing the hidden despair behind each sound. They could all feel it… the pain resonating through the ground roots into the grave. Their one and only hope, the girl loved by all was gone.

"Listen I am so sorry. I never wanted this Luther you know how much I cared for Ally." Luther snapped off a branch and launched it at Mika body knocking him violently to the ground. His very breath was stolen from him as his back hit the stick ridden dirt. Mika sat gasping for breath consumed in terror as all three vampires surrounded him.

"I know Ally better than anyone, she would never put herself at risk like that meaning you drove her into a corner until she made a mistake!" Isaac kicked him against a tree as hard as he could. Mika could taste blood in the back of his throat, they were slowly killing him…

"Directing your bloodlust at him won't bring her back." They all stopped hearing a sorrowful voice above. Amy stood slumped against the tree studying the mass burial around her, she was too late coming back.

"Amy…get out of here." Mika didn't want another important person to him die.

"Probably not but I'll sure as hell feel a lot better about it." Luther gripped his throat and pinned him against the stump. His elongated nails piercing his neck, one wrong move and he would sever his main artery.

"Amy, right? Weren't you one of Ally's friends?" Aiden remembered her name. Amy looked away afraid to look them in the eyes. All three of them had transformed… their white eyes covered in black blood red membranes along with their elongated canines and nails. She had never seen such sadness and rage in her life.

"Tell me what friend pursues their unstable friend until they lose their footing and fall from a skyscraper, I'm interested?" Luther was like a different person, that softness and burned into charred speckles of soul. His sarcasm was frightening, it didn't take her long to realise all three of them had their emotions off right now obviously her death had ripped away their very selves and what was left was three hollow shells hellbent on revenge.

"I tried to catch her, I never wanted this!" Amy cried out defensively, true it was her fault in some way, but it was also correct to say she never wanted it to go this far. Aiden hissed and jumped branch to branch until he was behind her. Amy quivered in fear feeling his oppressing aura consume her. Blake was still stuck in the same spot watching three strangers kill everyone around them. These vessels were not the ones Ally loved and held dear, they were monsters.

"Tried huh? Okay you've heard of an eye for and eye right. Be careful on your way down." Aiden raised his legs and swept her feet from under her before pushing her mercilessly with a smile on his face. Mika lay with broken ribs unable to move watching her body fall from the top branch. Vampires were like children once their emotions turned off, their primary objective was to have as much fun and cause as much destruction as supernaturally possible. Amy landed legs first, but Isaac was there to counter her graceful landing with an elbow to the side of the head.

"An eye for an eye? Don't you think you've done enough?" Mika addressed Luther as the leader, Aiden jumped down playfully and joined the vicious circle. Mika and Amy were huddled against the trunk of the tree gesturing to the lifeless bodies above. Dusk broke through the tress and the sky gleamed red illuminating the carnage that had devastated the forest.

"That? Ally is worth ten thousand of those worthless blood bags. So, we won't be satisfied until the balance it fair. Starting with this sh*t show of a team." Isaac began walking purposely slow as if stretching out their suffering. Blake began slipping out of his comatose state finally coming to the realization if he didn't stop them now Ally would never forgive him. What if she was alive? Starting a war was not her intention.

"STOP!" Isaac sighed heavily before spinning around to face a teary-eyed Blake who had decided to be the hero. Aiden rolled his eyes while Luther leaned against the tree in interest.

"What Blake? She's dead for five minutes and now you get to play hero, don't f*ck with us!" Amy stared at the big blue-eyed wolf ahead of her and saw nothing but agony inside of those pools. His whole body shook while facing off with them, yet he was standing his ground.

"T-That's not it…we don't know for sure if she gone…if she is still alive, she'll be really pissed at you for this!" Luther covered his mouth trying to contain his laughter, Amy and Mika both looked at him sympathetically. Like I said it doesn't matter which hand catches you when you fall, you will always be grateful.

"Blake, she's gone. I don't care if she gets angry at me or not, is she going to piece herself together and kick my ass? I don't think so." Blake surprised them all and punched Isaac as hard as he could, Aiden caught him as he flew backwards.

"Your all cowards! How could you turn off your emotions at the time we should be mourning together? I haven't even told the pack yet and your killing people left, right and centre. Where's her respect, don't you think she deserves at least that much." All of them seemed to be taken aback simultaneously, Ally would never turn off her emotions. Blake was right they were cowardly but in too much pain to let such a realisation penetrate their hearts.

"I get it okay! Ally was my sister, she was my everything I owe her my life. Ally loved all of you and yet you can't bare to feel her, Until I see it with my own two eyes, I will have hope she is still alive. Why can't you all do the same?" Luther gripped the tree in frustration, he was one brave guy to be lecturing all three but the main reason his words were resonating was because when they all looked at him, they saw Ally.

"I hate to destroy your hope but there is no way she could have survived such a fall. I would rather be honest them fill you with false hope son." Mika addressed Blake respectfully but aggravated the other by doing so.

"Shut-up you don't get to be apart of this family discussion. So, Blake since you're the new peacekeeper what are we supposed to do now? Our saviour, our friend, our family is gone…Everything we have built together, the battles we have fought together are all for nothing. My mate and my child are gone because of them. Can you forgive them?" Luther asked him sternly, his body was inches away and very intimidating. Blake was still in shock, but his quick wit didn't come from no-where.

"Don't try to use that reverse psychology bullsh*t on me, trying to use my pain against me. You get evermore pathetic each time you open your mouth." Luther's eyes widened, it was like talking to Ally…Blake was in too much pain to argue any longer, he would leave his ideals in the air either to be grasped or abandoned. He had a vigil to conduct.

"If Ally was in your shoes right now, she would consider not only her own pain but everyone else's. If you want to run into a warzone blindly then be my guest but I know how disappointed, she would be. You can re-join the pack when you've regained your sanity and we'll formulate a plan, or you can kill them and go your separate ways. I don't care for either right now." Blake looked exhausted as he dragged his feet back over the safe line and towards the bright light of a search party in the distance.

"Damn brat, he really is trying to sound like her." Isaac picked up a pebble and flicked off Amy's forehead before chuckling to himself.

"You two, get out of here." Aiden and Isaac froze up. Had Luther gone insane? There he stood watching Blake stumble deeper into the forest with conflict on his face.

"Don't tell me he got into your head, what happened to the mayhem?" Luther settled himself and took a deep breath.

"Blake had a good point, she would be disappointed in us…Let them leave." Mika and Amy's eyes glowed in hope as they both limped their feet. Isaac shook his head before engaging with them. They both shrieked in fear feeling the wind rush towards them. As a loud thud echoed inside of their ears, both looked at one another expecting them to be dead.

"Go now!" Luther and Isaac were neck and neck, claws penetrated their skin and teeth began edging towards the jugular. Mika and Amy watched Luther shake in struggle, Isaac was unbelievable strong… Seeing their chance they made a break for the main road.

"Get the f*ck out of my way, are you insane they killed her!" Luther managed to get the upper hand as he pinned him to the floor, his compulsion didn't work on Isaac, so he had to resort to pure force. Blake words had really touched his heart and even turned his emotions back on but not every good dead came without reward.

"If we kill them who will report back about the incident? I'm setting a trap now be a good boy and play nice." Isaac settled slightly, it was a clever play he had to admit. Luther rolled off his and positioned himself below the tree watching the retracted limbs swing in the breeze like leaves.

"Are you going to turn them back on?" he asked politely. Isaac and Aiden both laughed.

"Not a chance in hell, I know my limits. The girl we both loved is gone. Trust me it would be more catastrophic to feel. What about you, how do you feel?" Luther didn't have a solid answer for that question but if he could visualize it, he would picture a lone wolf standing wounded in the desert abandoned by it's pack and left to fend for itself. It wasn't abandonment in a sense, Ally didn't want to leave him. It was more loneliness and grief than anything else. His whole life had been dedicated to watching, protecting and loving that girl and now she was nothing. Not even a empty shell, she was like the winter air.

"I feel tired."