Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 65 "I Don't Know My Name."

Water is alive…the minute our bodies make contact it will bear its fangs and attack. It takes courage and time to overcome the waves of cold blue, but although its attacks are painful, they cushion the weak and fallen allowing passage for life. Ally had lost consciousness before hitting the water beneath due to lack of oxygen. Luckily her body managed to find a parting in the heavy rockpools however her head caught on the side of a pointed rock.

No-one knew just how catastrophic this event would become, including the hero herself. Laying there as waves gushed over her. Mixture of clear blue and deep red, that world came to a close and invited a new one. While her family writhed in grief every bad thought she ever had disappeared into the ocean. Pulling her out away from humanity, luring her closer to eternal sleep. As previously explained, when falling it doesn't matter who catches you or what their intentions may be, you will be grateful for your saviour…

"Hey! Miss, open your eyes! Please don't die on me here!" Ally felt like she was floating in thin air, her breaths were short and weak most likely from the impact. Faint whispers like the ones she had heard once before on the brink of death and then light, brighter than anything she'd ever experienced before.

"Call an ambulance!" her body was dragged from cold, to a sullen warmth. A heartbeat heavy with panic but for some reason unrecognisable. Not the rhythm nor the depth, she didn't know this person. After that everything went dark…there was no sound or sensation like she was standing in the black abyss surrounded by loneliness. What the hell had happened?

----------------------------------------------------Meredith County Hospital-----------------------------

"Are you the young man who found her?" A young man around 20 stood up from the waiting chairs and met with the surgeon who had saved the mystery girl washed up on the beach.

"Um…yeah my name is Liam Raymond. How is she?" his voice was still quite high pitched but calming, his aqua blue eyes and raven black curly hair stuck out like a sore thumb compared to the rest of the people around them.

"She is the perfect noun to describe her. We have no record of this girl on file, in short she doesn't exist." The doctor seemed suspicious yet concerned at the same time. Liam was shell-shocked, a person not on human record, that didn't sound right at all.

"What does that mean?", Liam.

"It means she has no legal guardian or citizenship, quite frankly this girl is a mystery. You said she was found on the coastline with trauma to the head?" Liam nodded, the images of the blood-stained sand came rushing back, this girl was lucky to be alive.

"Yeah, I was walking my dog along the shoreline when I saw her near the rockpools. So, the surgery was successful?" The doctor looked a little startled by that comment, it wasn't just successful…it was a miracle.

"Quite frankly I don't see miracles like this happen every day. The girl has blunt force trauma to the head from an inanimate object, technically she should be braindead, but we did find signs that her brain is still functioning. This girl must have a hell of a lot of fight in her but that wasn't the only miracle." Liam couldn't believe it; she had defied death completely but what worried him was the blunt force trauma to the head. Maybe not being on record was a cover for abuse so the perpetrator could kill her making her unable to be identified.

"This girl is six months pregnant and the child is still alive." Liam felt his mouth drop, impossible…she was on the brink of hypothermia when he found her not to mention the bruising to her body. As he analysed further, he remembered one vital detail of the state when he found her. She was curled up into a ball with her body tucked inwards. So, she was protecting her unborn child…

"I see. Um…what will happen to her now?" The doctor sighed sadly and sat down at the waiting area as if catching his breath. Liam steeply joined him and began analysing his body language.

"Truthfully we can hold her until the recovery but then we will have to let her go. Without a legal guardian she has nowhere to belong. From her DNA sample we're guessing she's around eighteen which is too old for foster care." Liam felt his heart break. Poor girl on the brink of death with no-one to claim her not to mention she was pregnant. What the hell was she supposed to do?

"Um…when she wakes up would it be alright to talk to her?" he asked sternly, the doctor seemed surprised. Most people played hero and the walked the other way, maybe it was pity or curiosity but what did this girl have left to lose.

"She should be awake in a few hours according to her stats, leave your number and I'll give you a call when she wakes up." He quickly wrote down his number and smiled kindly at the doctor before throwing on his coat and leaving.

Liam was impulsive and had a dark past, his fingers tapped the steering wheel impatiently as he lit up a cigarette. What could have happened to this girl and why wasn't she on record? His mind was in a whirlwind. Instinctively he picked up his phone and called up the only person he could trust in this world.

"Hey it's me.", Liam.

"*sigh* come on it's too late for this Liam.", …

"Listen, it's really important. A girl is found on the beach with blunt force trauma to the head, she is not on state record and she pregnant, what would you think?", Liam. This was an occurring theme, he would barely begin a conversation before stating the case, it was frustrating to say the least.

"A case this time of night? For god sake um… I don't now maybe she was running away from someone. If she's not on state record it means she wasn't born in a hospital, maybe it's a cult or something…Liam what did you do?" his tone changed drastically. Liam sighed; they had the same ideals, but something still didn't feel right.

"I was the one that found her, she's in bad shape but she'll pull through.", Liam.

"No No No, I know what your thinking. Don't you dare Liam this isn't some redemption deed and it won't bring her back. Let this one go yeah?" Liam gritted his teeth, he had to do something…

"She'll be alone. I'll help her until she gets back on her feet!", Liam. He sounded convincing but his friend knew him better.

"Look I know it sounds like fate and you're a good guy, but this sounds fishy to me. Just because you found her does not make you responsible for her, don't get me wrong what happened to her is awful but it's not your problem." He had a good point…yet he couldn't help but picture her laying on that beach all alone with no-one to confide in.

"Then I'll just have to make it my problem.", Liam.

"Wait Lia—" *beep*. Liam took the last drag off his cigarette and placed his hat over his face. This was fate, he knew it. Finding her there, finding out she was pregnant. Surely, he was made for this. As he closed his eyes the distinct smell of sea salt whiffed towards him. That was right, he'd plodded into the shore to grab her before the waves washed her away. Her breathing was so shallow, and her heartbeat was so faint. In his mind he thought what the point was in fighting so hard when you had nothing to go back for. Was it for her child or did she really have people out there looking for her?

His phone began ringing off the hook yet again, he looked at it lazily. When he saw the caller, he picked it up reluctantly.

"Jay just called are you out of your mind!", a high pitched annoyed female voice shouted back, he winced pulling it away from his ear.

"Abbie just trust me. What am I supposed to do just let her wander the streets homeless?", Abbie and Jay were his lifelong childhood friends, people he confided in.

"Liam, we're worried about you. I know its coincidence she just turned up but think about it carefully. Number one she'd pregnant, who knows whose baby that is? Number two, she clearly been in hiding for some reason meaning people are after her, do you really want to be put in the firing line?" Liam sighed, Abbie always had good points too and she worried too much.

"I'm fine. I just want to help her." He said sadly changing the tone of the conversation.

"Where are you right now?" she asked accusingly. Liam thought about lying but she was good with technology, she'd probably hack his phone.

"I'm at Meredith hospital waiting for her to wake up." He could hear the distinct sound of keys; she was really quick on the draw.

"I'm coming right now. If your going to talk to her I want to be there.", Abbie.

"Fine but I'm not changing my mind. If she has nowhere left to go, I'm taking her in." Abbie groaned before hanging up. If Abbie was coming, then surely Jay would be there too. He felt a little regretful, he didn't want to overwhelm the girl with loads of people. Still, his friends were just watching out for him.

---------------------------------------------1 Hour Later---------------------------------------

"Hey." Abbie exited the car with thunder on her face. Abbie was a professional character, she was always respectfully dressed and wore a red beanie cap adding to her youth, she was the same age as Liam but a lot more mature. Her long blonde hair and emerald green eyes were captivating but with her glasses she looked slightly geeky.

"You always drag me into your cases.", Abbie. She said spitefully, Liam simply chuckled lighting up another cigarette.

"No, you always drag yourself. Anyway, where's Jay?" Abbie looked at the ground sadly, Liam knew that face. Looks like he was in a bad mood after all.

"He said he'll deal with you in the morning, he's just come off nightshift. If he doesn't sleep now, he'll pass out again." Liam nodded understandingly. So, it was just the two of them…great.

"Is she awake yet?", Abbie.

"Would I be standing here if she was?", Liam. Abbie punched his in the arm.

"Stop being a smartass, I'm here for your sake you know. If this girl seems troublesome then we're leaving her here and I'll drag you back home myself." Liam smirked; she couldn't drag him away even if she tried her best. Liam knew what he needed to do.

"So, what does she look like?" Abbie already knew the answer to that but thought she'd make conversation anyway.

"Long black hair, she's pretty skinny considering her condition but she's really pretty." Abbie couldn't help but feel her eyes well up at the thought.

"Liam are you sure you're ready for something like this, you just debuted at the police force." Liam smiled; it couldn't be more perfect.

"Yeah. I'll place her under police protection until she's better. I know your worried, but I think this might be my chance to repay her." They both smiled nostalgically. Liam was a genius; he had been a prodigy for years. When he was fifteen, he had solved three murder cases based on light evidence and received a citizen medal of hour for his contribution. The way he could deduct situations was astounding, therefore his detective skills caught the eye of a police chief which resulted in his joining the force. Mysteries was his speciality and this new girl washing up into his life was ideal for closure. They were both trapped in thought when Liam's cell began ringing, expecting it to be Jay he picked it up casually.

"Mr Raymond, she's just woken up." Liam's heart began beating out of his chest and he couldn't help but wobble, she really ad survived the impossible. Abbie could see his face light up as he put the phone in his pocket.

"Okay let's go talk to her." Liam nodded enthusiastically before walking briskly back to the hospital. Abbie could barely keep up with him as he strolled into detective mode. Liam even memorized her room number after catching a glance at the doctor's report sheet. As they approached her doctor exited the room and halted him in his tracks.

"Could I grab you a second." Liam gripped his fists in frustration, he was so close to her. Abbie could see his attitude rising from the ashes and calmly took his arm guiding him to the side. The doctor looked pretty pale, maybe he was working too much.

"Um…the patient is very confused right now. I've explained her situation, but it appears she's suffering from memory loss most likely from the head trauma. So please be cautious when talking to her." Abbie could see he was shaking slightly.

"Caution? Is she dangerous?" Liam wasn't really paying attention; memory loss was a bad blow to his plans but then he considered hoe the girl must feel right now waking up in a strange place with no idea how she got there.

"I wouldn't say that, but she did threaten one of our nurses with a scalpel, we have no idea how she got it but please be weary it's to be expected with a person of her condition." They both nodded listlessly, so that meant she was crafty, this was good information. Liam and Abbie took a deep breath as they stood outside of the girl's door. They could faintly hear clanging sounds meaning he was awake. This could be bothersome Abbie thought. Liam couldn't wait any longer, he pushed open the door and walked slowly to the curtain. Abbie was waiting fearfully behind.

As he pushed the curtain aside, they were both taken back as her bright blue eyes glared right through them, they were so bright it was unworldly like a Caribbean Sea. Abbie gasped, she looked so similar it was insane. She glanced at Liam who was equally in shock. The girl sat in the bed fidgeting around as if trying to find something. They could see the terror on her face, this must be terrifying for her. Liam walked a few steps closer causing her to step down from the bed and back into the corner.

"I-It's okay, my names Liam I'm a police officer. I was the one who found you." The girl wasn't listening and began looking around frantically for a way out, Abbie could see by the gash in her head that she'd ripped of the bandages. That wound was deep, it was crazy she was still alive. Liam walked forward again; Abbie could see he was rushing it.

"Liam, give her some space she'd scared." The minute she said that the girl seemed to lock eyes with her, and she didn't seem afraid anymore.

"My names Abbie, I'm a friend of Liam's. Do you know your name?" Both of them watched her clutch her hospital gown insecurely before shaking her head. So, the memory loss was severe.

"That's okay, we're not here to hurt you. We want to help you." They were about to discover that you couldn't take the attitude out of the forgotten. She transformed from an insecure young girl to a moody teenager almost like a switch.

"Help me? Take a look at my situation here, how could you possibly help me?" They were stunned by the tone of her voice, they expected her to be too terrified to speak never mind insult them. Liam felt his lips curl up.

"Well, you don't have any guardians so I was thinking you could come with me and I'll protect you." Abbie tugged his arm hard with distain on her face.

"Are you kidding me? Don't get her hopes up Liam." The girl began chuckling, she may have no memory, but she could detect where she wasn't wanted. Liam brushed her off and smiled at the innocent young girl before him.

"You're not exactly in a position to refuse, I mean for the sake of your child shouldn't you take me up on my offer?" Suddenly her face changed, she looked pissed. Abbie couldn't believe how feisty this girl was considering her situation. Usually you would take any help you could get.

"Isn't that funny, you make it sound like I have no choice. You're a police officer, my so-called saviour so that gives you the right to take responsibility for me. Interesting." Liam felt a strange feeling in his heart, even though she was rude and sarcastic there was a part of him that couldn't help but feel drawn to her. Abbie could see she was putting up a tough front most likely to protect herself but deep down she knew this girl was scared.

"Listen, losing your memory. Having such a life-threatening wound must be terrifying for you. We're not asking you to trust us there's no basis for that, but we would like to help you. Your young and pregnant, what I meant to say was don't you want a better chance for your child." Liam's words hit the girl like a ton of bricks and before long tears began streaming from her eyes. For some reason the minute she woke up her hands instinctively gripped her stomach and that was before she even knew she was pregnant. That meant this child was important to her. Liam and Abbie looked at her sympathetically, she was the picture of vulnerability.

"Can you really help me?" she said through her sobs, Liam walked over calmly before taking her hands. In them she felt warmth, trust. Something was odd about his character, but she trusted him for some reason. She squeezed them tight before giving him a reassuring nod. Abbie was conflicted but once Liam made up his mind you couldn't change it. Reluctantly she gave into his desire and also walked up to the girl.

"Well if she's going to be staying with you, she needs a name." Liam looked surprised. Then he scanned her up and down with his finger on his chin, what could they call her until she regained her memories.

"How about Raven?" Abbie smiled widely; he had read her mind. The girl didn't seem phased either, so they settled on it.

"Welcome to the family Raven."