Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 66 "Accepting."

--------------------------------------2 Months Ago-----------------------------------------------

"Liam please open the door; we need to talk!" Liam lay slumped in the doorway clutching a letter in his hand, it was only words. Empty words containing nothing but home truths and despair. He had only been in the police force for one year and already he was regretting his career choice. Just because your good at something doesn't mean it's always an easy path to walk.

"Please just open up." Liam covered his ears tightly, he didn't want to see anyone or talk to anyone because right now he was a failure, he had failed in the one area he was praised for. Why couldn't he have figured it out sooner. What the hell had happened for him to miss such a detail.

"Listen it's just a hiccup, there was no way you could have seen it coming." Liam clicked his tongue, of course it was his fault. She was gone, forever…As he sat their tears streaming from his face, he heard his door lock click open. That's right Jay had a spare key…Before he could rush to shut it, Jay and Abbie barged in.

"Liam, look at me!" Jay grabbed his face in rage, Liam always blamed himself for what he couldn't control. It had been three days since he'd shut himself in. Borderline reclusive and depressed.

"No! Get out I don't want to see anyone right now!" Abbie didn't hesitate and slapped him across the face knocking some sense into his hysterical state. Liam sat there shell-shocked. They looked ready to cry; he'd made them worry a lot.

"Get up, I'll get you a drink and we're going to talk." Jay stormed into his kitchen and clicked on the kettle while Abbie hauled him up. Liam was obediently led into the dining room and sat down at the table, this felt like more of an interrogation than a intervention. Abbie sat down opposite and placed her red beanie on the table. That colour…he hated that colour it was too the image stuck in his head.

"Liam!" Jay slammed down a cup of coffee for him before sitting next to Abbie, they seemed rushed and, in a panic, Liam knew exactly why, what they had witnessed was not of this world anyway. Liam looked at the cup listlessly before sipping it, the warmth was comforting but their glares weren't.

"Okay we're going to start off nice and slow…tell me what happened to Zoey." Liam suddenly dropped the cup he was holding allowing the coffee to spill all over the table. Jay and Abbie didn't bother making a fuss, this was Liam's way of making a distraction. He didn't want to think about it, he couldn't deal with the pain. Jay could see in his teary blue eyes that he was terrified.

"Liam we can't help you unless you tell us what's happening to you." Liam gripped his pants tightly; he was a genius, yet he overlooked the main culprit all along because he was too afraid to admit the truth. Liam didn't like things that defied logic at all, especially things close to him. Knowing they wouldn't retreat he calmly took a breath and began analysing the few weeks leading up to his demise.

"I was attacked four weeks ago by a stranger, they bit me and then forced me to drink something which made me sick, do you remember?" Abbie and Jay both nodded, he was in intensive care for a week after that incident but what did that have to do with Zoey?

"Well after that I didn't feel like myself at all, I lost my appetite. My vision changed so I no longer needed glasses and…" Liam paused biting his lip, this was hurting him so much. There was no way they could believe this.

"I was always thirsty…nothing could ever tide me over." Abbie began watching as he placed his finger towards his eye, what the hell was he doing. In a swift motion he removed something and placed it down on the table. Jay stared at him closely, he was acting stranger than usual sitting there apprehensively with his eyes closed.

"What colour are my eyes?" he said with them glued shut. Abbie and Jay looked at eachother in unease.

"Blue Liam, they've always been blue." Liam smirked slightly before opening both eyes widely. Jay and Abbie jaws dropped open as he blinked a few times. Those weren't contacts, there was no way. Liam looked down in distain, they looked so afraid. Of course, they were he wasn't the boy they grew up with anymore.

"I-I'm a monster…it was me. I killed Zoey." Jay and Abbie both looked down in despair. They already knew that. Liam's eyes were red…bright red like the blood-stained floor that day. Jay and Abbie were smart and open minded, they already knew all of this. That day was the day everything changed.

"Liam, I don't need to tell you what you are, you already know that. Why Zoey, she was your sister how could you?", Jay.

"I couldn't help it; I had no control! Zoey was cooking and she cut her finger…that's all it took. I don't even know what happened after that, I blacked out. The smell, the taste every time I remember it hurts so bad…" Liam put his head on the table sobbing like a child. Jay, who was usually stone cold, felt himself well up seeing his best friend destroying himself with guilt.

"We noticed you weren't the same after that incident, but we just turned a blind eye. We're responsible too. Liam what happened to Zoey wasn't your fault, it was everyone's. Including the asshole who turned you that night." Liam let his hands droop before looking at them both in shock. Turned? They already knew what he was… Abbie picked up her phone and showed him the screen. It was a news article detailing a murder spree, all victims drained of blood. It was headlined the vampire murders.

"I did some digging and found out what happened to you wasn't common, but it exists. To be honest it took a while for me and Jay to wrap our heads around it, but we believe you Liam and we're on your side." Liam felt his heart throb, even though he was a murderer his friend had decided to stick by him. It was deeply moving. If only he'd relied on them sooner, then maybe Zoey would still be here…

"What do I do? This is something I can't control." This time he was furious, why had he been blessed with such a curse. He was supposed to save people, not kill them yet here he was. Jay smiled kindly; his emotions were clouding his judgement.

"Liam you're the smartest person I know. This could be used for something better; Abbie and I have already discussed it and we're happy the help with the control. If we give you a little everyday it should counter the bloodlust, so you don't have to be afraid anymore.", Jay.

"You would really do that?", Liam.

"We're best friends, of course we would.", Abbie.

"For now, just lay low, keep up appearances and you'll be back on your feet in no time.", Jay.

"Trust us Liam.". Abbie.

-------------------------------------------Present Day--------------------------------------------

"Raven, what are you doing?" Liam watched as she sat twiddling a scalpel around in her fingers, it took her a few tries before she managed the skill and quite frankly it was impressive how fast she learned. Liam had stayed overnight with her which was also eventful. Unless he slept, she would dare close her eyes. Trust was a huge factor when building a relationship and Raven was having none of it.

"None of your business, anyway, are you sure you want to invite a strange knocked up girl into your home. I could be a serial killer you know." She said tauntingly pointing the scalpel at him. Liam felt his lips quiver again, every time she challenged him it made him… happy.

"First off, even if you were you can't remember and secondly just because you play with a knife for a few seconds doesn't mean you have the necessary skill to harm another human being." Raven chuckled, he had a strange way of talking, it was childish yet mature at the same time.

"So, Liam, I'm not stupid just slightly concussed but your taking me in for a reason, right? Is it closure, guilt or just plain hero antics?" There she went again, deducting the situation. Liam was in a daze looking at her big blue eyes reflecting from the metal utensil in her hand. Why was she so fascinating to him?

"If I said all three would you still come with me." Raven sighed, so her gut instinct was right after all.

"Not like I have a choice is it? Anyway, when we settle down you can tell me all about it. I have a feeling I'm a good listener." Liam laughed and put down his book, slowly he approached and sat down on her bed. Raven wasn't as jumpy but still clenched her fists when people got close to her.

"What else do you have a feeling about?" Liam was intrigued to see what else she had discovered while bored, she had a knack for analysing situations very quickly just like him. In his time spent observing her, eye movement, subtle body language, everything had meaning. Raven began outstretching her arms.

"I have rough knuckles meaning I'm either used to throwing punches or I do some form of martial arts. Based on my body mass I rarely eat much yet I'm still muscular. I tried out my flexibility earlier and turns out I'm double jointed meaning I have a higher rate of flexibility than the average person and my hair had been dyed, this isn't my natural colour." Liam blinked a few times; she had worked all that out based on visual evidence. Not only had he rescued a young girl, but a genius too.

"Nice work I'm impressed. Maybe you can help me with a few cases at the precinct." Suddenly her eyes lit up, most likely due to boredom of laying around but Raven genuinely seemed interested. Liam felt a throb in his chest again, when she smiled like that her youth really showed. As he fumbled in his bag for some case papers Abbie walked in with an unfamiliar face. Liam could tell by his shoes who it was and sighed.

"Raven this is Jay." Abbie introduced him but her facial expression was menacing. Raven scanned him up and down, blonde shaggy hair, green eyes. Well built, most likely trained at the gym and he had rough hands meaning he was a manual worker. Jay didn't look impressed at all, so much so he avoided looking at Raven all together and instead was glued to Liam. As Jay walked forward Raven slid down from the bed and stood in-front of him. Jay was slightly unnerved by her glare; she had intimidating eyes. So, this was the girl he'd abandoned all reason for. Liam couldn't understand what she was doing.

"Get out of the way kid." Raven smirked before lifting up the scalpel in her hands and gently caressing his cheek, the fear he felt was unworldly.

"You were going to punch him, right? I can tell by your body language, sorry to burst your bubble but this guy's my lifeline. Can't have you damaging the merchandise." Jay gritted his teeth, she sounded exactly like Liam on a bad day.

"You're kidding me? This is the chick your letting into your house. Liam, she has a f*cking scalpel!" Liam calmly stood up and took the knife from her hand which she let go without a struggle.

"I'm very serious actually. I think she'll be very useful." Liam handed her a case paper; she sat down and began reading it without hesitation. Jay and Abbie could feel something off about this, but Liam wanted to ease their minds she was family now.

"Usually in memory loss cases only personal attributes are blocked out leaving everything else intact. So, right now her mind is doing all it can with what she's got left. I've been observing her closely and she has very similar intellectual observations as me. In simple terms this girl is smart and calculated but has no internal instincts to ground herself. Raven doesn't know how she used to speak, walk, anything. Yet she can deduct a situation in seconds as if it were nothing." Jay frowned at him; he was impressed but he was terrified.

"So, in general terms she's a diagnosed sociopath, she'll use what she knows to manipulate us and then run away like everyone else." Liam sighed; everything was a battle with Jay.

"Don't you think it's interesting though?", Liam.

"Sorry to interrupt your quarrel but I'm not a sociopath and I'm not here to cause trouble for anyone. I don't know who I am but how I got here but I'm still a human being. If it's too much for you then leave me here.", Liam felt his heart drop, she was so emotionless it was scary. How could she think so little of herself?

"Raven…", Liam.

"Look it doesn't matter if I ran away or was thrown away but I'm here right now…and I have nothing. Your friends keep looking at me like I'm someone else and to be honest it hurts that the only people I know in this whole world don't want me. So, spare yourself the pain of losing them and just walk away." Jay and Abbie were stunned by this sudden burst of emotion. They were so caught up in worrying about Liam they forgot what sort of impact it would have on her.

"Um…Raven was it? I'm sorry for acting this way, we just have a lot of things going on right now. I think Liam is being rash but…it's not that we don't want you it's that we don't want you to become a replacement for someone who can't come back. That's my issue here." Abbie addressed Liam head on. This girl didn't deserve to become a replacement, she needed her own identity separate from Zoey and they wanted Liam to understand that.

"Your right…this is my fault Raven and I'm sorry. When we go home, I'll tell you all about but right now I want to get to know you." Raven settled and looked over the case one more time, this was a dead case meaning it hadn't been solved. Her insecurities settled and now she wanted to make herself seem worthwhile so someone would want her…

"It's fine, the reason doesn't really matter to me. If you would have me, I'd like to stay with you. I can help you with work and chores, just please…don't leave me here." Liam smiled, she wasn't stupid at all, she knew If they walked out right now, she would be alone in the world. A lifeline was lifeline no matter how strange the shape. Jay and Abbie pulled up a chair with reassuring eyes watching her as Raven scanned the case over and over. Liam waited in excitement for her verdict.

"Um…from my point of view these killings are all done by the same person based on markings, but their ideals are all random, these women don't show any resemblance at all. This was a spur of the moment crime. It's interesting they were found drained of blood, usually when performing such a task its better to hang the victim by the head and then slitting their throats but all were found with no oxygen deprivation to the brain. Cults and black-market traits aren't really my area of expertise, but I don't suspect any foul play. You might think I'm crazy, but it looks like maybe were dealing with…" Raven cut herself off too embarrassed to say anything more but the three of them already knew the answer to that. Liam wanted to dig a little deeper.

"Good work, finish what you were going to say." Raven looked at him in suspicion, she'd noticed he had a certain switch when it came to work.

"Um…I don't really know anything about the supernatural but maybe it's a real vampire." She blushed and looked away in embarrassment, was she childish for thinking of such a thing? However, the moment those words slipped by her lips the air in the room seemed to change along with their expressions. They looked unsure and apprehensive like she'd hit a nerve.

"And how would one go about catching a vampire?" Liam asked playfully.

"Well each murder is three days apart so that's most likely the time span of their thirst. Personally, I would set bait for it, like a young woman walking late at night. Use strong perfume to attract a scent then go from there. In stories their faster and stronger than us but I think four people should be enough to trap it and tranquilize it." Jay and Abbie seemed impressed, but Liam was curious and wanted to push further, being a newly turned vampire himself he wondered how an outsider would view them.

"How do you feel about vampires?" Jay and Abbie flinched slightly causing Raven to start wondering why he was so interested, his questions seemed more personal based than case based. Raven looked down at her hands.

"I guess pity would be the best word to describe how I feel about them. I couldn't imagine the pain of being given an affliction that would only cause harm to others. It would be lonely and isolating to be separated by society just because their food preference is different. Could I ask a question?", Jay and Abbie nodded while Liam stared at her teary eyed. She couldn't have described his feelings clearer…

"Which one of you is a vampire?" All of them looked on in a panic, she was so straightforward. Raven watched Jay and Abbie's eyes drift over to Liam as he sat there clutching his head.

"I am. Are you afraid?" Liam waited for quick footsteps or a scream but instead there was a subtle rusting coming from her direction and before he knew it her hand was placed calmly on his head. Liam looked up like he was seeing light for the first time. Raven had an intriguing smile on her face.

"I'm not afraid at all. Just because you were cursed with such a thing doesn't define who you are, truthfully this just makes our encounter all the more interesting." Liam stood up in shock, how could she be so warm towards him…

"Why are you so accepting to me, I'm a monster." Raven looked over at his friends who didn't object in the slightest, Liam must have done something terrible and taking her in was his way of paying his debt.

"Why? Because three days ago you picked up a poor pregnant girl on the brink of death and rushed to a hospital without giving in to your thirst. Pretty far from being a monster don't you think?" Such wisdom he thought to himself, what calming words. Before he knew it tears streamed from Liam's face. Raven looked at him sympathetically before hugging him close.

"Don't cry please. What ever you did, I bet it was something to do with what you are. What you can't control you can't take responsibility for so stop blaming yourself and look at the bigger picture. You didn't enjoy it and you can still feel sorrow. That's not a monster Liam, that a human being.", Jay smiled seeing his best friend relax in her embrace. Abbie and himself had yet to accept who he was yet this girl had done it with ease.

"Why aren't you afraid?" Abbie asked in awe. Raven glanced up with a kind smile, it was the first time she'd seen her look so feminine.

"I can't explain it…it's like this news isn't a shock to me. I guess I can understand somehow."