Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 70 "Start of the true war."

"So, what have you got to say for yourself Mika? Should I kill you now or should we wait for that hope to get stronger? They're not coming to rescue you anytime soon, hell I bet they already think your dead." Mika sat covered in his own blood staring darkly at the floor. Luther had been torturing him as a way of venting out his grief. Mika and Amy were in the firing line for every punch, at this point they were barely clinging to life.

"It doesn't matter…what you do to me…George will never comply with your request. His one and only interest is dead why can't you get that through your thick skull." Luther growled before kicking him against the pale basement wall. Amy was out cold laying in desolate praying subconsciously that this was the end.

"Bullsh*t, surely he hasn't given already. I mean she was the hope for the future, wasn't she? His new experiment would be worth a lot more than silence. Your forgetting I've known George for a very long time." Mika dragged his battered body from the floor, blood dripping from his mouth. Luther watched his face stone cold, obviously his emotions didn't reach him at all. In Luther's eyes this was the man responsible for killing his mate and child. Mika also knew this.

"I'm not going to apologize anymore…what would be the point? You're going to kill me either way…by the way don't use she to address her. Her name is Ally King." Luther began pounding his with his fists, in this room his true form showed like a shadow.

"Her name WAS Ally King; my daughter's name WAS Luna James! Antagonize me again and I'll tear out your spine." Luther was panting in rage watching tears fall from Mika's eyes.

"Why don't you switch back to me, I think he's had enough." Amy had regained consciousness and called out hearing bones on the brink of snapping along with Mika's weak cries.

"Pure bloods really don't mess around huh? And here I was excited to meet you. What a let-down." Luther gripped her throat pinning her against the wall, immediately she gasped for breath under the heavy weight of his grip.

"Sorry for the disappointment. Oh, I remember you're the last person ever to see Ally, right? Why don't you describe to me her last moment, I'm a man looking for some clarity?" Amy's lip quivered recalling Ally's face as she fell. The way their eyes locked, it was a look for help…it was the look of a person not really to die. Luther could see the pain in her eyes and smiled. Amy could see he was enjoying himself and decided to give him exactly what he wanted.

"I chased her for miles and despite her condition and being under the influence of a tranquilizer she was faster than ever. If only we'd caught her in time, that would have been better right? Ally and her child would have been lab rats for the rest of their life, kindly speaking she's better off dead." Luther's fist slammed by her head before those gleaming red eyes emerged from the darkness freezing her body in fear.

"Dead was never an option until you f*cking idiots got involved. I'd watch your mouth if I were you. You're a small fish in a tank full of sharks, your forgetting our kind descended from me, aren't you? That means you do what I say without questioning it, if not you'll get eaten." Amy lowered her eyes in submission, his aura was so oppressive she could barely stand. It was clear why he was Ally's mate.

"Well I'm bored of you both now, I'll be back to rip your head off later so get some rest." Luther tied them back to the wall and slammed the door behind him. As he turned the basement corner he came face to face with his arch enemy.

"Looks like your having fun. Did they talk?" Isaac was blocking the path leaning against the wall casually like he didn't have a care in the world. Luther was nervous he had heard his true self yet showed no fear whatsoever.

"Nope, same old story. George will never agree to our terms as long as Ally's body is still missing." Isaac body shuddered even imagining seeing such a horrific sight. It was his worst nightmare.

"How's Damien doing? He was wreck when he found out about Ally, he kept blaming himself for everything. Is he over that now?" Isaac started firing questions trying to cover that grotesque image in his head. Luther wasn't an idiot and spotted his unravel quickly, he also didn't want to even imagine the image.

"Damien has a kind heart despite what you've been shown these past few weeks. I'm sure he'll find closure in his own time. How are you doing?" Isaac lifted his head slowly; he couldn't tell if that was a rhetorical question or he was just that stupid.

"How am I doing? The love of my life just died, I'm peachy." Isaac scowled sarcastically before storming upstairs; Luther nodded in acceptance. He could relate…The whole house was a mixture of grief acceptance and denial all mixed into one. Its energy drained the life out of him, and even Shadow had to take a walk to brush off the lingering despair. However, his pain and her families were a lot different. Blake had been locked up since the wake unable to life a single finger without Ally's say so. Helen was mostly numb and carried on caring for everyone as usual. At least Aiden and Isaac were angry, sad at least they felt something…

Luther wandered around the house aimlessly thinking that although it was filled to the brim with people, it had never felt so empty. For some reason the insurance and trust had gone out of the window meaning no matter where he went wolves bowed their heads in fear. Only Damien really understood what was really going on so kept close contact with his father.

"How did negotiations go father?" Damien was in the rose garden almost comatose still trying to fathom this overbearing pain in his gut. Luther did feel sympathy towards him, he also blamed himself for running into a trap knowing full well Ally would never let anyone fight alone.

"Same as always, Mika won't talk. George will reply soon enough but I doubt there's a peaceful resolution on the way, that facility is far too proud to let us trample on their parade." Damien looked down filled with anxiety. No more could be lost from this pack; it was Ally's legacy after all.

"What are we supposed to do just let her die in vain without any consequences to their actions. No way…" Damien didn't need to think about crying in order to cry, his tear ducts were like two bullets ready to shoot in a barrel. Once he started it was almost impossible to stop. Damien loved Ally too after all. Luther patted his back trying to comfort him. Damien was all he had left, the only child he could rely on. His next heir to the throne.

"Son, you can't keep hurting yourself like this. You did nothing wrong and I'm sure if Ally was here, she'd think the same." Damien's lips quivered into a smile.

"No, she wouldn't, she would punch me for being such a brat." Luther also smirked slightly, it dawned on his that everyone painted Ally as a saint which was correspondent to her name but didn't do it justice. The girl that took no sh*t from anyone, fought for the weak and commemorated the strong.

"I guess your right maybe she would have said that after she'd caved your face in." Suddenly Luther and Damien began chuckling to themselves, now that was the true form of Ally King, a force to be reckoned with. As they began talking nostalgically, Luther noticed the hair on his arms spring up along with a cold air. All vampires were created to be hypersensitive to danger however Luther felt it most.

"Damien, get behind me." Damien was swept behind him defensively as he parted both feet and let his arms stay slightly elevated for a sneak attack. This scent he thought to himself, he knew this scent. Bushes and thickets rustled around them until they felt completely surrounded. That damn S.E.S must have come to retrieve they're failed comrades Luther thought.

"What a pointless conversation about a girl long gone. We don't mourn, we avenge. Isn't that what you taught us father?" Luther eyes widened, that was right…How could he have forgotten such an important thing. With Shadow here…who was watching Eli and Camilla?

"Brother…Sister…" Damien couldn't believe his eyes…There they were prouder than ever standing side by side like two peas in a pod. Luther didn't know what to, should he attack first! Were they here to kill the pack like their original intentions now that Ally was gone? Or had they come for revenger after he'd intruded as their brother and left without a word…Simultaneously they both opened their mouths and said five simple words.

"We're sorry for your loss." Everything went silent for a while. Kind words? That couldn't be right, these are the most blood thirsty killers in the territory…Why?

"Eh?" Damien managed to muster a short cry, still under the impression he was about to die in cold blood. Yet they looked upset…Genuinely upset…

"What's the meaning of this you two?" They both smirked, it was hard to believe this man they'd grown up with as their sibling was actually their father the whole time.

"Well, we imagined you were in a lot of pain, so we decided to check on you both.", Camilla.

"We may have done bad things but we're not bad people.", Eli. Luther looked at them suspiciously, were they luring? Trying to make them believe this sense of security yet his eyes still watered. He had given up on these two believing they were too soaked in darkness to find light yet here they were. Camilla smiled her sunshine hair blowing in the wind, she looked different along with Eli. He had a softness in his eyes Luther had never seen before.

"You still look unnerved. We aren't here for a fight if anything were here to pay our respects.", Eli.

"You both hated Ally to her bones why would you come out of your way do to such a thing?" Luther said harshly.

"Truthfully, we admired her more than hated her. Father we've always been on a pedestal convinced we were the superior race, unable to be touched by anyone. Then came along a young hybrid that destroyed our security and carved herself in our hearts. Ally never stopped fighting until the day you all left. We never said we hated her at all." Camilla said heartfully, Luther was struggling to grasp her words…It was true they never said out loud that they despised her.

"If that's true then what do you want with us?" Damien found his strength and stood equal with his father, Ally and taught him to be hopeful and fight with every ounce of strength no matter who the opponent. Camilla and Eli both looked at eachother in determination, they were also hurt.

"Our sister was taken away from us too. We caught wind of the upcoming assault and…we want in." Suddenly everything changed, Four pure bloods against a platoon of human soldiers. Tis was their chance Luther thought.

"You want in? You'll fight with us?" Luther said hopefully.

"We may not know eachother as father and offspring, but we are still family.", Camilla said kindly. Luther felt like breaking down, they had finally changed their way and who had made them? Ally King of course.


"Your lying, Liam you have to tell me, or I can't help you!" Raven, Liam, Jay and Abbie all sat in the living room talking over what they'd discussed previously. Liam never had the guts to tell them the whole story yet once he did the understanding grew to the point where they didn't see him as a culprit but a victim.

"Tell her dumbass or I will." Jay was on Raven's side completely as they argued the day away. Liam was so stubborn she felt like punching him until his words spilled out. Liam had hinted to something in their discussion which Raven caught like a curve ball.

"You said they let you go. Who the hell is they?" Abbie had sided with her too seeing the positive change in Liam since her arrival, but he wasn't having any of it. This was more like an intervention. Raven could see his lips glued together meaning he had said something he didn't mean too.

"Liam, Abbie's right. I don't know who they are but let me know your situation and I will try with everything I have to help you. I made a promise remember and that works both ways." Liam placed his head in his hands. Could he really tell them all this, if he did it would put everything on the line?

"Liam! She is trying to help you." Jay snapped him out of his dazed state getting frustrated with his attitude.

"Okay! Jesus Christ could you just give me a minute Jay." Tension began growing between the four until it was hard to breath when Liam broke the silence with a huge sigh. It was settled…Liam would have to talk.

"I didn't tell anyone because they told me not too. But…after Zoey some people came to visit me. I thought they were here to kill me, but they gave me a choice…Either help them investigate vampire killings or die. I chose to work for them." Everyone was in utter shock; he had been working for a mysterious service to protect his own life.

"How could you keep that from us Liam!" Abbie was crying in anger; this was her best friend being threatened for his life in order to cover up his mistakes. Raven was more interested then upset. What sort of organization had the authority to give such a grim alternate?

"Do you know the name?" Raven fought through the tension and spoke above everyone as they bickered like children.

"They called themselves the Supernatural Elimination Squad, they specialize in hunting people like me." Raven was confused, if that was the case then why hadn't they hunted down the asshole who had turned him?

"So, they're hunters, it makes sense its not as if theirs a sanctuary for our kind they need to keep the population under control after all. Still, they are blackmailing you to do their dirty work, it's unacceptable." Raven was thinking over her plans failing to see Abbie and Jay looking at her peculiarly. Liam's eyes were wide and troubled which startled her.

"Our kind?" Raven put her hand over her mouth, she had joined Liam in letting her tongue slip. No wonder he felt so lonely; they're eyes were so dejecting it hurt. Raven took a deep breath.

"It's true me and Liam are part of the same race. I'm a little different but don't worry I can control myself. I'm sorry for keeping it from you all this time." Raven didn't know what else to say, she had messed up. Now all she could do was wait to either be ridiculed or accepted.

"Did you know from the start?" Abbie said in worry.

"No, I only found out yesterday. Listen this isn't about me at all. I'm worried about Liam right now so let's not make a big deal out of this." Liam was the one who glared at her coldly, Raven was covering her own concerns about herself by distracting them with Liam's problems. Raven already knew what they were going to say so interjected before a vowel even escape their lips.

"Yes, I'm pregnant, no I have no idea how it's possible. Look I know you guys have questions, but I don't even know my name never mind what I am and where I came from. It's pointless." Raven clasped her hands together nervously; would they accept such a thing?

"Your right um—", Abbie.

"Prove it.", Jay said bluntly finding it hard to believe the coincidence. Liam glared at him coldly, Jay was too insensitive to these things, he didn't realize what he was asking for. Raven smirked seeing the challenge in his eyes, shutting him down would be a piece of cake.

"Jay do not test her. Do you know what your asking for? What do you want her to do drain you dry?" Liam defended her entirely leaving Abbie stuck in the middle of the dispute. Jay glared right back before taking his pocketknife from his vest, Liam shuffled uncomfortably in his seat. Surely, he wouldn't go so far to make a point.

"I dare you to use that knife." Liam gritted his teeth trying not to back down, Raven had taught him not to be afraid of himself. Jay took out his arm and placed the blade harshly down on his skin as if encouraging Liam to say anymore.

"I'll just tell you as a warning that if you use that knife, we won't be responsible for what happens. It's like approaching a bull dressed in red, how much more idiotic do you want to be. People like you who would rather risk their lives proving a point worth sh*t are why innocent people end up dead. Just as Liam said…I dare you." Jay was shell-shocked feeling her aura envelop his life a sheet, it was something else…Not even Liam had this effect on him. Raven could prove the point easily without is input.

"Look at me." Jay and Abbie were both glued seeing her eyes glow bright violet, and as always Liam was captivated by them. It was like watching dancing water, it's gleam was otherworldly.

"Are you happy now? Anyway, I know it's different, but I don't have any answers here right now. Liam can you set up a meeting with these people so I can question them." Liam shook his head to pull himself around.

"Yeah I can arrange that.", Liam.

"Good. As for you, you need to learn some form of understanding that the lives we live are hard and filled with hardship. One drop of blood can change it all so take that into consideration the next time you challenge us." Raven was stern and straightforward maintaining eye contact the whole time. Jay needed to listen, or he would be removed from the deal.

"I'm sorry." Jay bowed his head and apologized leaving Abbie and Liam shell-shocked. It was the first time he'd been so sincere since this nightmare began.

"Okay then let's get to work."