Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 71 "United."

"You've got to be f*cking kidding me." Blake stood in his office filled to the brim with none other than the purebloods he had despised.

"This isn't a family reunion this is a pack in grief, who the f*ck do you think you are walking onto my turf!" Luther could see he was emotionally unstable to hear this right now, but they couldn't just stay in the Shadows forever. Speaking of Shadow, he was sitting dejected in the corner after being scolded for leaving them.

"Blake, I understand your hurting, but this is it. These two are our shot at beating them." Clicking his tongue, he sat down and began regaining his sanity before he lashed out. It was the case of being at the wrong place at the wrong time.

"Beating them? Have you taken a look around Luther; we couldn't beat a soldier if he was frozen still this whole pack is falling apart? My mom can't even look at me in the face without bursting into tears because I'm a constant reminder of Ally." They all could barely stand to look at the tearful face filled with rage and anguish, it made them want to cry too.

"You're her brother, right? Listen I'm so sorry for your loss but we would like to help." Blake shot his head up at Camilla with fire in his eyes.

"Help? Bullsh*t you heard they're was bloodshed on the horizon, and you came running. Did you forget what you did to her? Luther if Aiden or Isaac see them, they will kill them without fail." Eli hadn't forgotten the day he'd assaulted her or the day they had attacked her. It was one of the biggest regrets of his life. Eli and Camilla looked at eachother wearily, they didn't have that superiority complex anymore after being beaten so many times by Ally and Isaac was a dark horse unable to be controlled by the purebloods.

"We made a mistake and we're trying to make up for that. We have no excuses but please let us fight with you, they'll pay for what they did to Ally." Eli was pleading at this point; he wanted this guilt gone it was too heavy. Blake shook his head in distress for a while, this wasn't his position this was his sisters. Ally was so blunt, but it worked, when she took over this pack had never been so functional.

"I'm not the head of this pack, you dragged me out here for my say so when I don't even think fighting is even an option at this point. Shadow, are you finished moping yet if you are then can you go and check on everyone please?" Shadow nodded and left quickly, for not being the head Blake had perfect authority.

"Blake, this was your idea. You have to avenge her not sit around feeling sorry for yourself." Blake picked up the pencil holder on the desk and launched it at them full speed, if not for their abilities it would have been a bulls-eye. Blake was on the brink of losing it altogether.

"Don't you dare f*cking tell me what I should be doing. Look around you! Do you want me to gather everyone and tell them to put their life on the line knowing full well that dying is an option and a sure one? Ally is gone and you can talk about knowing Luna until your blue in the face, but I know Ally! She would be telling us to rest, grieve in their own way not sharpening our f*cking nails. I'm done talking get out and go back to where you came from." Luther didn't know what to do, Blake was in no state of mind to accept their proposal however karma was on his way, leaving would no longer be an option. Luther and his children were about to leave dejected.

*Knock* *Knock*

"Blake are you in there?" The color drained from his face as Isaac's voice echoed behind the door. His finger quickly pressed against his lips pleading for them to stay quiet. This would be a bloodbath.

"Your scents here can you please let us in?" Aiden's voice also called out, the two most dangerous people in the pack were ten feet away from the person who had harmed the girl they loved. There was no way out.

"Guys I'm fine just please give me a second." Blake's voiced trembled alerting them that something was wrong. Luther tucked Camilla and Eli behind him waiting for the storm to blow through. Isaac sighed in frustration before slowly opening the door. His first line of sight was a terrified Blake who was frozen stiff. Then as his and Aiden's eyes wandered over a rush of blood-lust so strong you could taste it loomed over them. Eli looked at them unnerved as their eyes both glowed red, Luther shook his head pleadingly asking them not to engage even though they had every reason too.

"I-Isaac…A-Aiden please listen to me. Don't do it." Blake's words didn't find them at all. Hate was hard to bypass along with rage but combine to the two and be ready for blood. Isaac acted first sprinting past Luther and gripping Eli by the throat before slamming him through the office window. Aiden followed behind jumping through the frame before kicking him halfway across the field. Isaac slammed Luther next he was so intense he'd bit his own lip tricking blood down his face.

"ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE BRINGING THEM HERE!" Blake tried to grab him, but he was too fast, they could barely see the brothers move never mind had the ability to apprehend them. Isaac jumped through the window running across the field as Eli found his way to his feet coughing violently. Camilla wanted to defend her brother no matter what so joined the dispute. Blake was panicking scrambling after them. Aiden and Isaac fought like one-person combined trading kick after kick in-turn. Luther didn't know what to do either feeling the lingering strength of Isaac's grip.

"Please stop!" Blake tried to shout over the bone crushing blows but was too afraid to step in, he'd never seen brutality like it. Eli could barely stand anymore, Camilla rushed up behind but was caught and flipped over them. Landing unsteadily on her feet she pushed her hands out trying to block their blows. Luther and Damien joined them on the field unable to do a thing under the pressure.

"I'LL KILL YOU, YOU BLOODSUCKING F*CKS. HEY BLONDIE, GET OUT OF THE WAY BEFORE I TEAR THOSE PRETTY YELLOW LOCKS FROM YOUR SKULL!" Isaac was screaming angrily across the field which attracted the attention of the pack in the dining room. Everyone rushed out hearing the commotion including Helen.

They all covered their mouths seeing the fresh green grass splattered with blood. Isaac and Aiden were fighting like it was their last spout. Helen staggered over to Blake.

"W-What the hell is going on…they're killing eachother..." Blake clenched his jaw building up the courage to rush into the middle. Isaac was fighting Eli while Aiden held Camilla down, two simple vampires were overpowering two purebloods. This was insane. Simultaneously Luther and Blake both ran between them all and put their hands up in surrender.

"ENOUGH!" Helen shouted over the commotion finally finding her voice, everyone came abruptly to a stop hearing her desperation. Heavy pants, dripping blood, gashed skin and four very furious enemies glared at one another.

"You're kidding me, right? Are you serious right now?" Helen said tearfully, she recognized these pure bloods but didn't care one bit. Enough was enough.

"How much more death does there have to be before we break!" Blake joined in understanding her ideals, Ally wouldn't want this. Isaac wasn't listening, he'd been waiting to tear flesh since the day he found out about Ally, Eli was the perfect receiver. The shell-shocked pack were at a standstill, but this was the first time they'd been united since her death.

"I don't know why you're here but you're not helping." Helen was confused…why now. What was Luther thinking knowing all to well Isaac and Aiden were gunning for them.

"Helen, they want to help us. I know they've made bad decisions, but they are here to change that." Isaac and Aiden began chuckling at eachother and before they knew it all eyes were on them.

"This is a person who would rather attack someone when they have nothing left rather than fight her face to face. F*ck your change and f*ck your forgiveness. You messed up and this is the consequence." Aiden spoke up catching the pack off guard, they never knew him, and Isaac were so similar it just took a little more for him to snap.

"Aiden, I understand and your right he deserves every bit of what's happening here today but please look at this from their point of view. With them imagine the damage we could do." Luther was being far too insensitive to their feelings. Luther should be fighting with them; this was his mate who he had been violated.

"Their point of view? Are you f*cking sh*tting me right now? They feel guilty so they came to wipe their slate clean, if you think for one second, I will fight beside them and ease their burden your insane!" Luther buckled under the intense pressure; they did have a point after all.

"Listen, my father's right I deserve every bit of this but please let us help you." Isaac was at a standoff with Luther and Eli. The resemblance was uncanny, they were almost like twins. However, in Isaac's eyes they were too enemies there at the prefect time when his anger made him the strongest. Before Blake could interject Isaac threw Luther aside and began the assault again. Each blow got rid of his pain part by part. Helen could barely look at them tearing each-other apart. Isaac had the upper hand and fought…exactly like Ally. The pack were yelling to stop unable to do a thing, Ally taught them how to engage a vampire but not to this extent. They were so fast you couldn't even see them. Luther whistled at Blake before nodded his head towards him, Blake could see his plan and agreed. Bravely they both sprinted into the whirlwind. Blake managed to get Isaac in a headlock while Luther pinned Eli down to the floor.

His son's face was so bloody he could barely see whereas Isaac had a few rare cuts here and there. Camilla was still struggling with Aiden trying to get to Eli quickly before it started again. Blake was holding with everything he had, wolves should have the greater strength but compared to Isaac he was having a hard time.

"That's enough Isaac please stop this." Isaac began groaning trying to pry Blake's claws from his head, he was relentless.

"Get off me Blake! I promised I would kill him, and I don't break promises." Luther look at him coldly before seeing the tears in his eyes. A promise…

"It was a promise with Ally wasn't it, that's why you won't give up." Luther stepped off Eli who sat there in exhaustion his blonde hair matted with blood and dirt, he had seen better days to see the least. Isaac hissed at Luther as he walked towards him, with Blake holding him down he was helpless.

"Blake I'm telling you right now if you don't let me go, I will hurt you for good!" His shouts turned into whines as the adrenaline left his body, he was shutting down. Aiden let go of a pissed Camilla who was by her brothers' side within a split second.

"Look at me." Luther couldn't stand to see him go on like this any longer it was too hard to watch as he crumbled. Isaac reluctantly glared him right in the eyes where red met red. Looking closer at him Isaac had lost some weight and his blood-lust was draining. Thinking of it when was the last time any of them fed?

"Your going to hit me I know for sure but please listen to me. Everyone listen!" Luther addressed everyone standing center field, they all needed to hear this.

"We are all hurting, we are all in pain! I need you all to think about our situation right now. We have lost the most important person in this world. Okay, no more fighting lessons, no more hugs, kisses. It may sound cheesy but it's the truth. However, I know if Ally King was here right now, she would slap you all silly and tell you to get a grip because this war is just beginning. Like Isaac said which I can't support enough is to take what you feel right now and mold that into something better…useful. Our line-up right now including the pure-bloods will guarantee victory not just to avenge Ally but to protect the rest of this territory. The S.E.S take pleasure in hunting our kind, killing our children for the fun of sport, this is not just about Ally!" Luther was trying with all his might to get through o them all, his words were correct, but his attitude was lacking something. Just like everyone else he was still in pain. People began chatting among each-other including Carrie cradling her five-week-old baby boy, as a mother's point of view you would do anything to protect your children. However, most of these pups were young 25 years old at the most, they still had a life. A chance to love, play, be happy. Giving that up would be difficult but Luther understood why they were so apprehensive.

"For the sake of this community I am asking you to please stick with us. All of that training Ally taught you, don't let it be for nothing. Do not let everything that she did for us be for nothing. We need to fight and now before they overrun us, before we as a race are wiped out because they have that jurisdiction, I've seen it myself." Aiden was getting continuously pissed seeing this outsider making a stand on their behalf.

"You the f*ck are you to ask this of us, we were there since the beginning. Supporting her and then you show up and ruin everything. The S.E.S wouldn't have even known about her if you hadn't of come along. Ally wouldn't have snapped if your idiotic f*cking son hadn't assaulted her. Ally wouldn't have been forced to leave if it wasn't for your psycho daughter threatening to kill us all if she didn't. You have no right to stand there and ask for these young people to fight for your own cause." Isaac nodded with his brother; he couldn't have said it better. These people were the problem in their eyes. Blake and Helen didn't know where to stand hearing two very valid points. As the bickering pursued, two little feet stepped from the crowd and walked towards the gladiator's mid-field. Helen smiled slightly seeing the determination on his little face, ever since her daughter had intervened this little boy was a new person.

"I think we've heard enough." Jake stood ahead of them with tears streaming down his face, Ally was like a mother to him and he loved her more than anyone, but she had left a part of herself behind for him to release. Everyone was starstruck by this child who was so brave it made their hearts skip a beat.

"Ally once told me that being a leader was hard and you usually bare the weight by yourself, so I think without her here we are all baring that weight alone. I think what she would truly want is for us to be happy. If being happy means staying home, then it means staying home. If happy means fighting, then fight. She would want us to do what we wanted to do not what someone tells you to do. I miss her all the time, every time I walk on the training field, I see her teaching me. Like she never left. I know some of you are thinking I'm just a kid or a brat as she used to call me but please stop hurting each-other." Everyone was in tears hearing this little boy pour his heart out. Jake was right they should be united right now not tearing each-other throats out. Even Isaac and Aiden felt the message in their soul loud and clear. Isaac calmly slipped the lock and walked over before hugging Jake tightly. These kids had been neglected while the adults ran around like lost dogs. Jake sobbed into his stomach; he could feel his sadness like a ripple effect.

Traumatic events were heart-breaking, but I usually imagine them as a ripple effect. The person in the middle sits dormant on a lake carrying a heavy boulder which is weighing the boat down to the point where it can't go anywhere anymore. Then the participant will overcome that stillness by dropping the boulder into the lake. At first it creates a chaotic splash of emotion, like bursting a grape everything seems to fall apart. However, those ripples of the after effect will slowly begin to get smaller until eventually it reaches the shore where they settle completely. That is the principle of trauma, it always gets better.

"Listen up, Jake's right we are forgetting who we are…I will allow the pure-bloods to fight if that's what they want. If you would like to join us, then you are welcome but if not then…that's okay. These are your lives, don't feel obligated to redeem Ally. As he said Ally would want you to be happy." Like magic everyone smiled at each-other before separating into two groups. One side was full of people who just wanted to continue with their lives which was the majority, and the other people willing to fight for what they believed in. Finally…they were united as supporters and warriors. Isaac turned Jake around who smile cheerfully at the sight, it was the first time he'd seen people smile since that day.

"You did good kid." Aiden praised him ruffling his hair. A young boys' words had saved them all from despair, even Helen grinned proudly at him while wiping the tears from her face.

"Thank-you all of you for making your decision. Now we move forward as a pack…all of us." Isaac looked sternly at Eli and Camilla who bowed respectfully despite their fight. Quinn his older brother ran over and hugged Jake with all of his might filled with pride.

"Good job brother!" Jake giggled with praise. This was their moment and they would not waste it for a second. The fight had begun.