Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 73 "Hope that was left behind."

"Have you read this?" Luther, his children, Blake, Isaac and Aiden all began reviewing the recent peace treaty produced by one of George's contacts. It read like this:

Under the agreement of both parties we would like to formally introduce law 47 of supernatural involvement. This law states that both parties will not discuss, enclose and engage any information related to case 73. We agree to compensate the families of case 73 as a resolution agreement. Representatives of the first party have realized their mistake and concluded that under the circumstances conflict would appreciatively be the last option in this matter. Article 17 of the S.E.S company states that if any territory should engage with them in an aggressive manner, they will have no option but to retaliate which would be devastating to both human and supernatural kind alike. Negotiations will be halted after this letter; you may agree or disagree according to your will.


"This is a f*cking joke right, he thinks he can just buy us off." Isaac was furious at the pathetic excuse of a negotiation. At least a letter of challenge would have been more exciting. Luther repeatedly scanned it over looking for some hidden message that could prepare them for war but this was simple. If anything, it was suspiciously too simple.

"They didn't even mention her name." Eli noted this above the rest, Ally was referred to as case 73 which was insulting to say the least. Everyone took the letter a different way. Some were enraged at the principle of it, this wasn't a peace treaty. It was a pathetic plead.

"It's to be expected of someone as cruel as George but that's not what interests me. It was signed by an unknown recruit; I know the name of every soldier in that facility and Liam wasn't one of them. This is someone else." Aiden had noticed that too and began picking apart the letter word by word. Surprisingly it appeared sincere at first glance but after a while it was causal like an amateur had written it.

"Luther's right. We would appreciate, that's not something you would say in a peace treaty. It's built for mutual agreement of both parties, but it's written as if we have no choice but to settle. I can't really put my finger on it but whoever wrote this was trying to be considerate of us. Why would someone do that if they don't know us or Ally." Blake nodded in agreement; they did have a very valid point. Camilla began reading it too previously uninterested and found something very intriguing.

"How clever. This boy stated in the beginning that nothing was too be discussed about Ally's case then later on it says to concede or reject according to our will. It's purposely contradictory, he's telling us to stay quiet giving us the upper hand when we do attack." Everyone was surprised she'd spotted such a detail. This was an ally not an enemy, this was also someone very intelligent. Someone they could use.

"This kid could be very useful for us. Judging from his statement, he's of our kind." Damien said boldly, Isaac frowned at him.

"How did you come to that conclusion?", Isaac.

"Well it's hard to believe a human would be so considerate of us, why would they aid the enemy?", Damien. Aiden also disagreed with that statement. Not all zebra had the same markings, branding another person as their kind just because they showed kindness was conceited.

"Perhaps they have read the report and decided to side with us because they're actions were negligent. Guilt does exist." Damien sat down dejected. Luther decided to defend that idea having hope he was right.

"I also believe him to be of our race, the S.E.S don't register vampire the same as humans. Majority of the time they only use elite soldiers for heavy assaults, so they are under a zero-hour contract requiring no registration. Liam is not a name I recognize." Isaac and Aiden sighed in agreement, if that information was true then it was possible, they had vampires under strain there.

"So then if he's of our kind and trying to help us shouldn't we recruit him?" Suddenly they were all stumped, every letter exchanged between both parties was inspected by George so sending a hidden message was out of the question.

"Good question. Right now, it's impossible we don't have an address and breaking into the facility would be too risky at this point." Luther was right and they all began feeling helpless, they couldn't help this boy.


Helen was tracing around Ally's room; it had become her routine at this point just so she wouldn't forget her scent. Ally always smelled of peaches and vanilla no matter how tired she was, Helen couldn't get enough of it. Sleeping in her room had also become habit because although it was heart-breaking it gave her comfort to still have a part of her left behind. As she began cleaning, she began stacking some shelves when she noticed one of them were slack. Wanting everything to be perfect as she pulled it out ready to adjust the bearings, she found something that would change their world.

Beneath the shelf was something well hidden from the outside world, a simple journal not even Ally discussed with anyone. It was her biggest secret. Helen sat there nervously wondering whether to pry or not... when she read the cover. It read 'Don't be afraid.' Her eyes could barely adjust, it was as if Ally knew someone would find this and reassured them that it was okay. The first page read like this.

'I'm sorry I kept this from you all but this was something I needed you all to forget for your own safety. Please forgive me.'

Helen felt her tears well up, Ally was rarely apologetic so this must be very delicate information perhaps about her life or a note left if anything should happen to her. However, nothing prepared her for what was to come next.

'May 19th: Premonition.

Last night I dreamed about Jake, his training has been slow paced but today I know he will impress me beyond belief. This child has such potential I can barely look at him without smiling from ear to ear. In the near future he will prove his ability as a leader and bring us all together.'

Helen covered her mouth in shock, this written four days before Ally died. It was true Jake had impressed her that day and yesterday he'd done exactly as she said. Jake brought everyone together. That's right, how could she have forgotten! Ally had premonitions before the purebloods took her away but since she hadn't mentioned it anymore people had forgotten she was capable of such a thing. Did this mean! Helen began scanning over pages quickly reading each entry.

'May 21st: Premonition.

Today we will come across something we've never encountered from a long time. In my dream Damien was sick and struggling to cope, things are becoming more dangerous by the day, but I can't let this slip, or we could all fall with him. I'm doing everything I can to keep this family together. However, my dreams are becoming more intense each time. If only I could change the future.'

Everything was right, whatever Ally was seeing was becoming true. That was the day she'd discovered Damien had been injected with the drug, and the next day…she had perished. Meaning this next page was her last entry. Did Ally know what was going to happen to her? Helen could barely keep her cries to herself anymore and with shaky hands pulled open the last page. It was not what she was expecting.

'May 22nd: My last Premonition.

I've been hiding this for a while but truthfully before I wake each day, I am already prepared for what will happen meaning I am also prepared for todays events. First of all, I would like to say I'm sorry to my family and tell them that words can't describe how much I love you all. I wouldn't have come this far without you.

Now down to business. Sadly, this will be my last day as Ally King and I'm sure you all will be either tearing each-other apart or coming together for my sake. In my dream I recall falling further than I ever have before, except this time I don't wake up again. This is the most vivid dream I have ever encountered, and I need you to listen to me very carefully if you want to succeed with your plan.

As for your war with the S.E.S forget about it, there are more pressing issues at large. We are on the brink of extinction; I am just the first steppingstone to their plan. George is cruel and calculated, he is praying for you all to start a war so he can play his trump card. While mourning my death you are forgetting one very important person. Someone equally as powerful as me, you forgot about Sol…

I knew he would go to extortionate lengths to obtain me but in doing so he has joined the enemy to punish those who have followed me. This is NOT about me; I need you all to understand that. Keep a straight head and do not engage unless it is a last resort. He can control the races just like me, meaning he is a threat. You need humans on your side! This includes Mika and Amy; they may have messed up but please don't kill them. They could be your last hope.

Starting off with someone I know can help you. He's a lot like me at least I grasped that from the dream. His name is Liam, find him before it's too late. Liam lives near the docks from what I've seen not in the facility. That's all I know for now.

I love you all and I'm so sorry I'm not there to fight beside you. Please be safe and protect the children at all costs they are the future. Yours faithfully.


Helen began wailing clutching the book to her chest. Of course, Ally wouldn't leave them high and dry even now from the grave she was protecting them. Her daughter knew someone would find this before things became too violent and purposely noted that she was sorry she couldn't tell them sooner. Ally knew the S.E.S were surrounding them so disclosing such important information would kill them all for good. Without thinking Helen shot up and began sprinting to the meeting room. Heavy words were being exchanged and she felt guilty interrupting the discussion, but this was a breakthrough.

"Wait! I-I found something. You need to see this!" Helen burst through the door yelling like a madwoman, they could barely understand her. However, they understood one thing, whatever she was holding was Ally's… The scent along with the neatly written front page made their hearts drop.

"Mom what is this?" Blake was already tearing up it had been so long since he'd seen her writing. Helen was crying but smiling at the same time.

"Just read it." Gently Luther took the book and placed it on the desk while they all gathered round. Everyone was in a state of silence as they flipped it page by page. It had months' worth of premonitions and all of them had come true. Every single one… How could they have forgotten something so important.

"Ally was carrying all of this by herself." Aiden said sadly but Helen was getting impatient.

"Read the last entry!" Sparks flew across the room in wonder as they all reached for the final page and turned it over. Tears and heavy breaths filled the room as they read like their life depended on it. This was it! The answer for everything, Ally had already decided the outcome of the battle.

"Holy sh*t she knew it all along. Ally knew this would happen." Luther collapsed back into the office chair completely amazed she had gone so far to ensure their survival. Ally didn't run from them out of fear, she did it purposely.

"She said to leave Mika and Amy alive, lucky we found this in time." Camilla commented, her and Eli didn't have the connection the rest had, everyone else was so emotional they couldn't even speak. Ally's final words they'd longed for were written right here in bold. As her second of last paragraph read, there was a vital clue in the making.

"Liam…the same name as the peace treaty writer. That's more than a coincidence. Ally knew he would be involved in this; she must have seen it." Damien was the first to match the information while the rest read the final paragraph. I love you all… Ally's last words.

"I can't believe it…" Isaac was lost for words. Even now Ally was with them, in heart not person. It was as if she knew this discussion would come about and even had her own input. Ally had saved them from running into a bloodbath.

"This is perfect. She did good, like she always does. Thankyou sis." Blake hugged his mom who had found their salvation hidden beneath the shelves. Now they had all the information they needed to come to a decision about their war. Fighting was not the answer right now, they needed allies. Humans who could not be controlled. So far, their contacts were Mika, Amy and this mysterious Liam person.

"Okay change of plan. All previously discussed tactics will be disregarded we have a new plan to hatch. Fetch Mika and Amy upstairs and get a map of the city. We need to find this Liam kid before it's too late. Helen contact Vermont and find a shelter where the S.E.S can't reach the woman and children. We need to move and quickly. Ally has given us the basics and thanks to her we now have the upper hand. Let's not let her down." Luther finally took back control of the meeting and began giving orders which people acted on without question. Ally King was their saviour at this moment in time and they were on the clock. Liam seemed to be a key factor so was made priority.

Truthfully Ally was filled with guilt not disclosing her ability however she had also given them a chance to fight for freedom in the process. Like always she used her intellect to slam the S.E.S into the ground. This was their chance.

--------------------------------------Liam's house---------------------------------

Raven was standing at the window worried that Abbie and Jay hadn't arrived yet despite being sent a message that this was critical. Usually they would have been here within a twenty-minute window, but it had been two hours with no show.

"Somethings not right, it's too quiet out there." Liam wandered over to the window taking a break from glaring at his phone. Jay wasn't even picking up. Deep down he was worried they'd fled being afraid of associating with such dangerous people. Raven was still depressed from hearing such words come from the CEO's mouth, this girl she was supposed to be didn't make any sense at all. Liam watched suspiciously for movement but like she said it was far too still for a Tuesday afternoon. Usually the strip would be busy because of its location near the sea.

"Perhaps it's a perimeter run." Raven felt her body shudder; Liam was right she had felt this feeling before. It was the sensation of being cornered like a mouse, the weight was wagering over her head. Liam was surprisingly calm in this situation despite knowing what was going on.

"Liam…I don't feel safe here. Don't you get it, people can't arrive or leave? What if they've already got Jay and Abbie?" Slowly Liam's face drained of color. Anything but his best friends he felt so frustrated he'd believed they'd run away he knew they would never leave him or Raven. As they both tried to come to terms with their demise a high-pitched ring echoed throughout the whole house. Liam knew that call better than anyone, it was a private phone used when they needed to communicate after Zoey's incident. Only Jay knew that number.

"Quick search the drawers." Raven and Liam began pulling the room apart, as expected Liam wasn't well organized but managed to find it underneath some paperwork. He answered on the last ring before being met ear to ear with a very frantic Jay.

"Jay—", Liam.

"Liam, I need you to listen to me okay? You are completely surrounded we can't get anywhere near the house. This is batsh*t crazy who the hell are these guys!" Raven pulled the phone down so she could hear too, it was time she used that brain of hers.

"We just figured it out. I need numbers, positions and stature. Are they armed at all?" Raven began firing questions dipping from window to window, for some reason army tactical positions began streaming in her head like she'd learned all of this before.

"Yeah they have enough guns to wipe out the whole neighborhood, majority are equipped with a Swiss army knife and there is a sniper 200m 40 degrees north." Raven rushed over to the north facing window and sure enough there was a slight glint in the distance. Then was her next question which would determine their fate in the next few hours.

"On their guns, do they have a standard or enlarged barrel?" Liam could read her mind. Enlarged meant tranquilizer darts whereas standard meant bullets, life or death.

"Their bigger than usual I'd say. What the hell are you guys going to do, your fast but there's to many of them." Liam and Raven both looked at eachother sadly, she couldn't risk it anyway not with her child.

"They're in our blind spot too, I think your meeting was a setup to memorize the outlay. They know every exit, window and door Liam. We're trapped." Abbie and Jay sounded defeated on the phone too when they heard Abbie gasp.

"There is a guy at the front door! He's not armed but he looks odd, his hairs completely silver, he could be a vampire." Raven and Liam simultaneously bolted for the front door attempting to lock in when they skidded to a stop seeing the intruder standing mesmerized in the hallway. Liam had never seen anyone like him. His eyes were mismatched one red and one blue along with his silver trimmed hair. He was stunning he thought. Danger filled their bodies to the brim until both were standing defensively. Liam was looking at Raven for support, but she was frozen solid, her mind spiralling out of control.

Stay away from me. Run. Hide. I'm afraid. Kill him. I can't breathe. I can't speak. Countless voices began ringing in her ears, arguing against eachother. This man was dangerous, she couldn't escape from his glare at all. Until one final voice guided her in what to do.


"I knew you were stronger than that. It's been a while dear Luna." Raven felt a jolt of electricity pulse through her hearing that name. Yet again it was another identity and this man knew her…

"Should we begin?"