Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 74 "S.E.S Showdown."

"Begin what exactly, who the hell are you?" Liam stepped ahead of Raven trying to protect her. This bravery stemmed from deep inside of her and she was no longer afraid. Whether this person knew her or not, she wanted to survive. That meant fighting with everything in her power.

"I think he's here of his own devices. His appearance was too sudden to attract their attention, also if he wanted to kill us, he would have already. Isn't that correct?" The silver haired stranger chuckled happily as if pleased with her. His eyes kept sucking her in with each second, her heart was beating too fast along with the overwhelming fear.

"You don't change. Still as observant as ever Luna. Now you know that I'm not here to harm you could we sit?" He walked straight by them and took a seat on the couch. Raven's skin prickled as his scent wafted by her. It smelled like peaches, a peculiar scent for a vampire. Or did his eyes hold a different truth…

Liam took Raven's hand and sat her down away from the stranger causing him to smirk. This wasn't right Liam shouldn't be showing her importance right now or did this person already know. There was too many possibilities and not enough time for consideration.

"That's the second time you've called me that name. Who is Luna?" Raven asked calmly but his reaction took them by surprise. Without a second to spare he sprinted from his seat and lifted Raven's chin up activating her violet eyes.

"Is this funny to you Luna? Please don't upset me or your friend over there will be nothing more than paint on these lovely white walls." Raven snatched his hand and gripped it mercilessly. Liam was afraid to move; their speed wasn't even in the same category and even Raven looked weary. Yet not consumed by her fear, she looked fearless face to face with this man.

"Excuse me for giving you that impression I would prefer you refrain from killing my contact, so I'll explain myself. I have no memory of my past due to a severe head injury, sorry for disappointing you." Raven parted her hair showing the white scar across her cranium. This mans attitude changed entirely seeing proof that she was telling the truth.

"That's incredible, you truly have no memory of who you are at all? This just gets more interesting by the second. However, I can still see her in there, she's far away but still present." He tapped her forehead gently; Raven clenched her fists as it took every bout of strength not to tear off his arm. He was far too familiar with her. Liam on the other hand looked troubled, he thought she was revealing too much about herself.

"Ah that explains your hair colour. Such a shame to see your raven hair again, I much preferred our natural colour." Her eyes widened; such a rash statement had given her some very harsh answers. He referred to them as our, meaning there was a possibility of their relation. Secondly, if his hair was the same colour as hers used to be that meant…he was also a hybrid.

"Forgive me but who are you?" Liam asked sternly trying to stand his ground, he was sick of being branded as a coward realistically if this did break into a fight, he would have to protect Raven at all costs.

"I see I'll have to introduce myself again what a pain. My name is Sol, I'm Luna's older brother." Raven squinted her eyes, that didn't seem right at all. For a brother he was much too confident in touching her, also he worked for the S.E.S which set off red flags. This wasn't her brother; this was her enemy. Now he knew she had no memory he could manipulate everything, but she knew by her gut what was true.

"I don't care for such labels, regardless of whether we are connected by blood or not. You're not any brother of mine consorting with the people who led to my demise. Now then Sol, should we dispose of the nonsense and discuss the real reason you're here?" Raven was tired of playing this game, he was either here to kill time or kill her. Either she didn't care for one bit.

"Hmm merciless as ever. Honestly, I came to see if my instincts were right and you were truly still alive. I have to say I'm equally happy as I am disappointed. Sadly, I can't allow someone of similar power as myself to exist in the same world. Forgive me sister." Liam gasped hearing the hostility in the air, he was naïve enough to settle slightly whereas Raven already sensed this coming and wasn't stupid.

"No forgive me!" Raven flipped the table up with her foot slamming Sol against the kitchen wall, she was not that weak as to be killed by such a monster.

"Liam left window south side they should be coming to investigate the noise. Run! Now!" Raven glared at him angrily to obey her; it was like watching a totally different entity as he pressed Sol against the wall effortlessly. This strength she felt wasn't hers but another person deep inside of her.

"Seems I underestimated you." He said spitting blood to the floor.

"I wanted you too. I don't care if I am Luna or Ally or Raven. I'm not dying today." Raven swiped a kitchen knife from the counter she'd left there purposely before sticking it deep into his chest pinning him to the wall. Liam was long gone as she glanced in his direction. Her only option was to rely on the only two people left. Leaving him in a cloud of dust grasping a knife was no where near enough to kill this man she sprinted to the east side of the house before jumping from the window. Soldiers froze as she leaped into the centre of formation. Glocks and clicks were all she heard next, but they made the mistake of placing humans on watch. One by one she overwhelmed them trading each punch and kick. Her martial art skills came to her naturally on the field, Raven was a warrior the same as Ally King. They didn't stand a chance. Now watching their bloodied corpses twitch subconsciously she searched frantically for Jay's car in the forest. Luckily, her nose found the scent of Abbie's perfume and she headed quickly in her direction.

Jay and Abbie had been wrapped in anxiety after letting them know a stranger was at the front door. Jumping and yelling in fear they watched as Raven jumped into the back seat.

"Jesus Christ are you okay!" Raven was covered in blood and panting in distress, this was draining the life out of her.

"I'm fine just please drive before they kill us all." Jay started up the engine but paused realising they were missing someone.

"Where's Liam!" Raven winced her head pounding.

"Liam got away we'll find him eventually right now we need to part ways or we'll both be caught." Abbie began crying seeing this had took an awful turn, Liam must be terrified she thought. Raven knew Liam better; he was a fighter, and no-one even saw him leave meaning he had a very promising head start.

"He'll be fine I promise you. He still has the phone, so we'll contact him soon. I have faith in him." Jay sighed and pulled away he prayed to god she was right. Liam was a pain in the ass, but he was still their best friend.

"Let's get out of here." They began a very cautious drive into the woods avoiding every main road and camera operated area, this was a tough spot to be in and they needed to be as nimble as they could. Raven was still panting in the back seat exhausted from her battle. To her annoyance Sol didn't give it his all one bit meaning that this was a test. George needed her for something, and Sol wouldn't throw that away, but Raven knew that before their fight. She was just thankful that her and her baby girl were safe.

"How are you doing back there do you want some water." Raven shook her head, she needed something else fluid related, but she was too afraid to ask for such a thing. Now her bloodlust was drowning her.

"I'm fine. Thankyou for staying near us I wouldn't have made it out without you." Abbie turned around with a tearful smile and grabbed her hand. Abbie wasn't stupid she knew Liam had gotten away because Raven distracted them.

"No thankyou for protecting Liam. You really helped us out we couldn't have lost anyone else without falling apart. Sorry for asking but is that your blood. Are you sure you're okay?" Raven smiled tiredly back placing her hand on her stomach.

"Really I'm fine the blood isn't mine. She's fine too just a little worn out." Abbie looked at her blood-soaked stomach in relief, thank god there wasn't a baby on the way yet seeing how big she'd become. Strenuous exercise had the ability to induce early labour, but Raven seemed fine.

"I bet. You really must have given them a run for their money. Liam too." Raven frowned hearing the worry in Jay's voice, he was still stuck on Liam being alone.

"Yeah we tried our best. It's strange though, why placed human watch dogs on us instead of vampires. I think they were ready to lose before we even started escaping. I think I was set up from the start." Raven ad come to the sad conclusion that this wasn't a mission aimed to kill her but to kill Liam. Even when Sol implied, he was there to kill her his eyes wandered to Liam immediately. They were trying to break her.

"What are you going to do?" Jay had a valid question and truthfully her answers were falling short. Maybe finding her family would be a good start, even so how would she even begin searching for them.

"I don't know. These people are smart and sadistic. They know who I am and what I'm capable of so underestimating me is hopeful to say the most. We need to find Liam and get as far away from here as possible." Jay and Abbie nodded in agreement. It was now approaching nightfall giving them a visual advantage. Raven eyes were nocturnal allowing her to see clearly in the dark and her eyes searched desperately for Liam.

"Call the phone see if we can make contact." Abbie fumbled in the glove compartment for their nontraceable phone, it was understandable to have such a thing but equally suspicious they had such means. Raven took it from her and dialled Liam's number. Her stomach was doing backflips in hesitation, she needed to hear that cold voice come through even if it was to tell her to leave him alone. She had risked everything for him, attracted enemies…his life had fallen apart because of her.

"Come on Liam pick up the phone." It was at the point where her heartbeat synced with the call tone, Jay and Abbie were also cursing him to pick up even if he didn't talk just something to know he'd gotten away safely. Sadly, there was no avail as the phone went to voicemail.

"Sh*t!" Raven slammed the phone on the seat before wincing in pain, her head felt like it was on fire. Abbie reached over placing her hand over her head, she was burning up. Raven knew she was pushing herself too far but what else was she supposed to do?

"Raven it's okay just get some rest for now, we'll keep trying him." Jay was surprisingly reassuring s he gently took the recover from her sweating hands. They were right she was in no position to do anything for him, not in this condition. Letting out a disappointing sigh she closed her eyes nodding off from the swaying movements of the car over the rough path. The cicada's high-pitched chirp could be heard over the engine along with another distant call. It was too faint to identify but it gave her a strange feeling. Time passed slowly as they ventured deeper and deeper into the woods praying to find Liam before it was too late, gradually Raven began to regret her choice of splitting up. If she had brought Liam with her, they could be long gone by now, not picking up the pieces.

Drifting off in a space of muddled consciousness, that sounds she'd noticed previously gave her an electric shock throughout her body. Abbie glanced back hearing the sudden rustling of leather, Raven was so wide eyed it scared her for a second. That couldn't be possible…words… Raven could hear them clear as day, that call…It was a wolfs.

"Somethings off, that was a warning call." Raven leaned forward frantically switching to each window her eyes keen in the blackness. Only she could hear such a sound, Jay and Abbie were simply confused. However, they weren't so stubborn as to ignore her, Jay increased the headlights to keep a better eye. Raven was hypervigilant, she could detect things humans couldn't and whatever this was, it wasn't good.

"What do you feel?" Abbie had noticed Goosebumps spreading across her porcelain skin, what could be causing the usual composed calculated girl to be standing on edge. It was the same call over and over, wolves used long distance howl to communicate and the fact she could understand the meaning behind each howl confirmed that she was a hybrid after all. They had been right.

"I'm afraid. There's been a breach of the territory…S.E. S…They're telling eachother not to engage." Raven gasped when she finally realised where she was, this was wolf territory. It's scent of pine and watercress were so nostalgic she could barely breath.

"Abbie, open the window. We're on wolf turf." This was a bad situation Raven thought; Liam was on the wrong turf and wolves were very protective over their territory. They needed to find him fast. Jay suspiciously began to slow down until the wind stopped blowing Raven's hair.

"What is it?" Abbie was growing more nervous by the second, Jay wasn't one to just stop in his tracks. However, Raven had worked it out immediately, the sounds…had stopped. It was so silent they could hear their own heartbeats. Then out of the blue a downpour of heavy rain splashed down on the car, it was so heavy they could barely see.

"It wasn't even forecast…this is odd." Abbie commented trying to speak over the sound of rainwater on metal, it's spray entered the car through Raven's open window. This was too coincidental she thought, they were now trapped in the same position by none other than fate. Still her dejected violet eyes stared dead centre where this menacing aura drew her. As they began becoming accustomed to the storm, a sight bestowed them so startling Jay beeped his horn in panic.

"Impossible…" Abbie said under her breath, they were both shuddering in the front seats seeing a man approach the car with a large black umbrella illuminated by the headlights. They had got them…Raven gritted her teeth before placing both hands on her stomach unconsciously apologizing to her child that she'd failed yet again to protect her.

"W-What do we do? Should I run him over!" Jay said in worry, it was clear his heart wasn't prepared for such a thing, Raven shook her head sadly hearing none other than gun clocks all around them. One wrong move and they would all die. How could she not of sensed them…Why was this happening now of all times. To increase her heartbreak Sol jumped down from a nearby tree and stood equal to the mysterious shadow.

"Come on out Luna we don't have all day." He said smugly clearly satisfied he'd won the battle, the wounds she'd left him with were gone. Instead was an even prouder stance than previously, she could not win against these sadistic men. Understanding her situation Raven opened the car door leaving Abbie and Jay lost for words.

"Haven't you done quite enough." Raven said angrily walking towards them in the ice-cold rain, her violet eyes more prevalent than ever. It was a clear standoff as she stepped between them and the windshield. Abbie and Jay would not suffer for her negligence, not now, not ever.

"I'm so pleased to see you alive Ally. What an excellent trick you performed, even I questioned myself when I first heard of your demise. And even better, your little pup still seems to be alive and kicking." George spoke revealing his face from under the umbrella, of course it had to be him of all people. Nothing truly sent a chill down her spine more than that sadistic grin. It was a face she was sadly familiar with.

"Ally or Luna? Which is it? My name…" George glared at her strangely before feeling his shirt tugged by Sol. As they exchanged whispers closely his expression dulled more and more. Seems he wasn't expecting the memory loss.

"How inconvenient for you. I assume this must be very confusing." Raven rolled her eyes and shook her head; they really made her tick whenever that annoying excuse for sympathy escaped their lips. She wasn't fragile or accepting to them whatsoever, she much preferred a rough exchange of words.

"Not really. I've been referred to as Luna and Ally King. I know I'm a hybrid but apart from that I don't need anymore information. If I do, I certainly won't be asking for your input. You want to take me don't you, then get on with it." Both them chuckled at her bluntness, it really appeared you couldn't take the soul from the heart. It was like looking at a more vulnerable Ally King.

"You would come with us willingly?", George.

"I'm surrounded, aren't I? Please spare me the bullsh*t, I'm rather tired from tearing out your soldiers' throats. A rest would be much appreciated but before that may I ask where my contact went?" Sol and George looked at eachother in displease. That was a good sign to her, could that mean they hadn't captured Liam?

"Seems your contact was slicker than expected, his whereabouts are currently unknown. Quite frankly he was a pain perhaps his presence won't be missed." Sol spoke of him like he was beneath them all. Raven felt her heart begin to contract along with her throat in rage.

"Liam helped you with your peace treaty while also aiding in investigations. I wouldn't push him off so carelessly, he's smarter than he perceived you to believe. Oh? And another thing…Liam will do anything to protect me. If that means contacting my estranged family…then so be it." Sol rushed up slamming Raven against the bonnet, Abbie and Jay began yelling through the windows to release her, but this is what Raven wanted. It was pleasing to know that whoever was grieving her were powerful enough to get such a reaction from Sol. It meant if Liam found them, she would have a chance. With her knees weak from lack of oxygen Raven managed to pull her face close to Sol's until her hot breath met his ear.

"I may not remember you yet but I know bloodlust when I feel it. Your dead dear brother." Sol growled before punching her. Abbie and Jay jumped from the car only to be apprehended by gunned men, Raven looked at them dazed with a tearful smile.

"Let them go or I'll end this right here." George laughed seeing she had nothing to threaten such a thing. When Raven kicked Sol back before putting a knife to her throat.

"You shouldn't get too close to me, I bite." Sol looked at his jacket pocket which had been ripped off containing the knife. The tension rose so quickly it made everyone dizzy. George knew of Ally's games and this move she had pulled painfully before unbeknownst to Raven. It didn't take him long to agree to her terms unable to take the risk when he'd just gotten her back.

"Let them go, that's an order." The masked gunned men confusedly stepped bac clearing a path for them. Abbie and Jay looked at their friend covered in rain and defeat. Raven took the knife down and gave them a happy smile.

"Thankyou for helping this far, you are amazing friends. Liam is lucky to have you, so I can't you away from him it wouldn't be right. Stay safe and don't worry about me. I'll get out of this somehow, trust me." Abbie and Jay simultaneously began crying feeling her heartfelt words hit them like bricks. They know it was fleeing or die but leaving her was so hard their legs ached in indecisiveness. Raven slowly walked up to them giving them a gentle push in the path to freedom. It was tempting but not worth risking such valuable lives of the man who had saved her. Understanding they both exhaustively began walking through the woods straining themselves not to look back, that would be too painful. Until Raven could no longer see them…

Sighing she threw the knife into the tree inches away from Sol's head causing him to gasp. Now it was time for the worst part. With her hands behind her head she kneeled on the ground with her head lowered. George whistled causing two soldiers to rush over strongly locking two silver handcuffs around her wrists. Its material made her feel prickly and weak, she guessed they were specialized for her.

"Let's get this started huh?" she said unenthusiastically staying strong not to show defeat, if she was going down she would make damn sure their sanity followed.