Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 75 "Solitude."

"Pure Seclusion…I've been here so long sometimes I mistake which heartbeat is my own and which is my child's. People watch me from small black dots, waiting for me to show some form of obedience. Unfortunately, I don't have plans to abide by their rules so I will simply sit and talk until eventually they can't take it anymore. Why must they listen? Because they believe I know something valuable and that my lost identity is just a façade. How pitiful of them."

"Enough already!" Raven sat in her whitewashed room staring up at the ventilation unit chained at both her hands and feet. It was clear she had become a subject however unable to harm her due to her unborn child she'd made herself quite comfortable and started speaking endlessly to annoy the observers.

"Was that a genuine voice or a sign I've been in here too long. Guess I'll never know." Everything she said was unenthusiastic and draining, but as long as it upset them, she would talk till the end of her days.

"You will not be released from this room until you tell us the truth about who you truly are." George's voice made her chest tighten, had he been there the whole time watching her? Raven sighed intentionally loud.

"Why don't people listen, I tell them the same thing over and over and it still won't embed itself into their tiny minds. I have memory loss, this Luna and Ally King you speak of I have no idea who they are." This time she allowed herself to seem more aggravated to keep the game going. Ever since they had cuffed her and covered her eyes on a very silent journey to their base, she slowly began to find resolve and peace in her situation. Death had spared her once so hope was slim, yet she couldn't help but feel shielded by possibilities.

"We don't believe you. Surviving from such a height and then stumbling into a very intelligent vampire doesn't counteract pure luck. You planned this out." Composure quickly began slipping from her tired fingers as she stood up and faced off with the camera.

"Even if that were true and I am lying what does that have to do with anything? If I had known Sol wouldn't I have engaged immediately, if I knew you why didn't I kill you at Liam's house! If I were them, why haven't I returned to my family. I don't f*cking know who I am~" Raven stopped mid rant feeling her head become clouded, she stumbled back onto the bed in exhaustion. Voices seemed to fade out as she began succumbing to consciousness when a few words managed to keep her body awake.

"She does have a point; Ally shows no mercy. But if she had lost her memory then surely, she can't be a threat.", Stranger 1.

"Don't be so ridiculous, her mere existence poses a threat you've seen what she's capable of. If her family find her this will become a war, we have already lost." War? Raven thought painfully, it had gone so far to become a war. Even though they had her locked up tight away from the outside word she was still a threat. This information was helping her figure some things out. Did they intentionally leave the speaker system on during their discussion?

"Y-Your wasting your time…bickering like brats. I'm incapable at doing anything until my child is born so speculate all you like of how valuable my existence is. I will never give up." Raven said in disorientation, her words seemed to flow willingly. Something was helping her speak, it was that same warm feeling she'd felt numerous times. Was this the so-called Luna they spoke of or was this Ally, truthfully it didn't matter as the system fell into silence.

"Ah and yet again those voices have faded. Perhaps I hit a nerve. If your still listening George I would like you to know one more thing. Nostalgia is not the same as memories. Two entities may exist at one time but only one can bask in the light." Raven couldn't understand her own words, someone was speaking for her…

"I knew you were there Luna…"


This world is built up of decay and anguish, desire for love and embellishment of hate. Time either moves incredibly fast or equally slow depending on your mindset at the time. Days can feel like weeks; weeks can feel like years. What agitates these factors are grief. The love for the one who has past as well as the hate for the one who left you behind. Threat, war, blood, purity, mayhem. Each of us experience at least one of these in a lifetime and majority describe this experience differently to the other. Categorizing people based on similar situations is void without considering that individuals' personality, age, time spent alive and time spent trailing through time.

If you run too soundly, the chances are you will never be found and walk your path alone. Walk it too quickly and people will never catch up. However, walk this bath briskly and people from different places will either walk beside you or look the other way. Without interaction our mental spaces crumble along with our will to strive. Coming or going are much better than not existing at all.

Liam panted using trees to support his exhausted body. It must have been days since he began running to the point where his disorientation could not differentiate north from south. Perplexed at what he was truly running from anymore he rested at a large oak tree centre of the forest. It took a few hours for him to awake from his slumber, but his awakening did not bring him peace or hope…it brought him guilt. Raven had told him to run but he didn't have to obey her, he could have stayed and defended her so why? Why had he run so far without turning back she couldn't fight in such a condition she had to of been caught. Slowly, he began mouthing the words I'm sorry over and over as if those words could reach her. Like she would appear from one of the trees right beside him but there was nothing. No sound, no wind only the sound of his shallow breaths.

What should he do now he could no longer go back, there was a price on his head? Liam needed to quickly come up with a game plan and began scanning through his brain for answers but due to is exhaustion it was like finding the sun on a cloudy day. Until they parted, he was helpless. Stumbling to his feet he began to soak in his surroundings. Giant oak trees stood around him glaring as if he were an intruder, there was something domineering about them he thought. Perhaps he'd ran too far, not even Liam himself could pinpoint his location never mind the S.E.S. It was strange…even though he was in the woods all wildlife seemed extinct as not even birds chirped loud enough for him to hear.

What was this place? It had so many scents it was hard to decipher which direction led where, was it always this sweet? Liam took weary steps towards a small opening in the trees until he came to a meadow not far from the sea. This place was beautiful, it's pink flower buds and long sunflowers danced in the wind along with the distinct smell of sea water. So, such a pretty place did exist somewhere in this cruel world, ray of light through stricken cloud allowed hope to engulf him. Time had been so precious to him, but he had spent it with the wrong mindset. Raven was right all along; this wasn't his fault…this was the responsibility of the man who had turned him. Still he wanted her here, Raven and Zoey to see what he was seeing. See that hope embedded inside of him.

Suddenly his brain fired up like a machine as countless strategies played to mind. Raven's family…if he found them it would give him an advantage as well as clarity for those in mourning. Unfortunately, he had no leads for their whereabouts as the information was sealed tight in George's hands. Next, was to meet up with Abbie and Jay, surely, they knew what was going on being posted not far from the scene. However, there was a chance they had ran also or worst been captured along with Raven. Think harder, you have to think harder. Liam was nearly on the brink of a nosebleed trying to find a suitable solution for this madness. He owed Raven everything, the least he could do was try.

"Left flank halt. Right flank steady. Center formation engage on my count." Liam stood there bewildered for a second. Had he lost his mind? Distinct voices in the distance put him straight into a panic, not knowing which way to turn he impulsively ran forward too afraid to see the occupant of those pounding footsteps behind him. His feet barely scraped the ground as he pelted through the long-standing meadow until his journey came to an abrupt stop. This was bad he had picked up too much momentum he couldn't stop in time. Down below was a sheer drop from the cliff to the deadly rock bed below. This was it; he had finally reached his limits.

As he squeezed his eyes shut ready to accept his fate a strong grip apprehended him pulling him backwards to the ground. Liam curled up into a ball protecting his head, if falling wasn't his trip to death then a gun certainly would be.

"Jesus Christ man do you have a death wish?" Liam startled hearing a young gruff voice scold him out of the blue, his fear was suppressing his senses so he couldn't smell nor hear very clearly. It took around 30 seconds before he slowly pried his hands from his head and glanced up to see who was calling out to him. Upon looking up with the sun proudly behind them he finally saw his saviors. It was a crowd of people ranging from all ages. At the front of the posy was a black-haired boy with blue eyes. His hand placed tight fisted in the air ready to attack if he made a wrong move. Behind his were a group of black-haired men with blood red eyes, just like him…

"Who the hell are you?" One of the blood eyed brother walked from formation and gripped Liam's collar glaring him up and down. His teeth were finely sharped, and the sweet smell of musk and pine showered over him. These people were supernatural, there was no doubting it. No helmets, no guns…they were friendly.

"You're a vampire, right? Your trespassing which clan are you from?" A black-haired man stood out among the rest, his eyes were much deeper, and his scent was overpowering. Something about him made a shiver run down Liam's spine.

"C-Clan? I-I'm from the city…" Liam managed to stutter his words out loud to the insinuating crowd. They all looked at each-other in irritation. Was this their territory, had he messed up?

"So, you're a city vampire. Understood, now for the question that will either keep you alive or get you thrown off that deep cliff over there." The blue-eyed boy intentionally faced him towards the drop to set in just how dyer this situation was. Liam gasped and pulled away, anything but that the chance of survival would be less than a bullet.

"Why are you here?" Liam gulped, could he really tell them he was a target, wouldn't that make then guilty by association. This was a tough spot, they seemed to be intelligent enough to decipher his lies from truth. He had no choice…

"I'm running from the S.E.S. I'm a target." Liam said sadly, that was all the information he could give them at this point. However, their reactions seemed more interesting than expected. Like warriors they all glared at one another with a smirk as if pleased about his situation.

"How coincidental. Seems we blossomed from the same tree. What was your crime?" The lead vampire spoke bluntly again. How did he make speaking so natural; it was like the words were guided from his mouth rather than pried?

"H-Harboring a fugitive…" The man chuckled; it looks like he was expecting something worse.

"Well it looks like you fell into the right place, welcome to King Pack." Liam felt his heart jump, where had he heard that name before? Why were they so accepting to him despite not even knowing his name? It was like encountering Raven all over again.

"Um I can't stay here my friend needs me." Liam tried to be polite as possible in declining their offer, but their attitudes seemed different than before.

"Wouldn't a few helping hands better your chances. Come on we'll take you with us for now." Throwing aside his decline Liam was hoisted to his feet and dragged along with them. Seeing them from an equal angle they seemed less threatening in aura wise. Physically they looked beyond fit, not an ounce of fat sat on their body. It was muscle from head to toe, even the female members. The blue-eyed boy released him arm after he'd accepted leaving him trailing behind the brisk steps of the pack.

"Um…where are we going?" He spun around and pointed into the distance where a huge house silently waited in the distance, it was old fashioned but charming he thought. So, this is where those people lived.

"Your lucky we clarified you're not with the S.E.S or that would have gotten messy." A pack member said humorously, Liam wondered what exactly would have happened. Places like this were only described in fairy tales. It was madness to think sanctuaries like this really did exist.

"So…a pack means wolves, right? Why are my kind here too?" A few of them stopped slightly hearing the question, had he hit a nerve. The main vampire slowed his pace until he was walking side by side with Liam. His features where otherworldly, Liam didn't get jealous of other, but this man was picture perfect. Not a flaw in sight.

"We don't discriminate against races; anyone is welcome if they pull their weight. Oh and before you as why were taking you in, right now we need as many people as we can. There are big things on the horizon." Surprisingly he read his mind before the question even surfaced, this man was smart and calculated like himself.

"I see. Big thing?" Rhetorically he tried to pry into their thinking finding it hard to believe they would pick anyone up. What if he had told them he was also on reprimand because of Zoey, would they have dragged him along so eagerly.

"War to be blunt. We are currently in the biggest crisis our races have faced in centuries; can you fight?" Liam shook his head in embarrassment, Raven hadn't taught him that far. He sighed seeing the work that would have to be put in to make Liam equal. They walked up the house and were greeted by a older woman in early forties. She had distinct features; he could see in the blue-eyed boy who had helped him up. She hugged him before entering like any precious parent would. This was the same as a normal family expect on a larger scale.

"Run a bath for our new member and sent him to the office afterwards please." She nodded and smiled at Liam welcoming him to their home, although she seemed young her eyes told a different story. They were glazed and tired like she had something on her mind. They all disbanded into their private quarters upon entry apart from the blue-eyed boy.

"We'll see you soon to fill you in. Just make yourself at home." Liam nodded thankfully before following the woman down the hall to a large room. It was a larger bathroom that could hold many people, it's echo was quite lonely.

"I'm Helen by the way. The young man you saw was my son Blake. Welcome to the pack." Liam was still slightly cautious around them. Kindness usually came with a price in his world unless you were Raven of course, she never asked for anything in return. Helen ran him a bath and instructed him on how to use the showers too, she was the regular housewife.

"Take your time." She swiftly left as if she were busy leaving Liam all alone. Considerately she'd left him some new clothes and shoes for when he was done. Twenty minutes ago, he was prepared to die and now he was being pampered by people he didn't even know. Well he hardly had room to complain and hopped into the bath happily. It was nice to initially feel warmth after being stranded in the cold for so long. Like Helen said he took his time washing the dirt and sweat from his body. At times like this in solitude he wanted nothing more than to talk to Raven. She would know what to do in a situation like this. Who to trust, who to manipulate? Liam let out a long sigh placing his chin on the side of the marble after changing into his casual clothing.

"Guess I better get going." He mumbled quietly. Liam gently opened the door and looked left to right suspicious encase he had been lured into a false sense of security but there was nothing out of the ordinary. Gradually he made his way to the front door until a golden plated door caught his attention to the left. It was different to the other, this must be the office they were referring too. Hesitantly he knocked on the door but as his fingers just say met the wood Blake opened the door.

"Woah, you scared me for a second there. Come on in." Inside were the three black haired vampires, a white-haired boy and a pair of other vampires both blonde. Of course, Blake sat at his desk overlooking the peculiar stray they'd picked up on the outskirts.

"We will get directly to the point. You see to have an intellectual advantage which is good however combat wise your lacking. Of course, we can help with that." Liam was struggling to keep up still sleepy from the warm bath. Should he deal with these people like Raven and question them to the first degree or go along with their recruitment. He needed her right now.

"Hold on a second, I appreciate your hospitality but throwing me into a battleground would be troublesome for me. You're a mixed raced community, majority wolves I understand that. However, your motive behind this is not clear to me would you care to clarify what exactly were fighting for? Actually, let's start with who exactly you are?" Two of the black-haired vampires raised their eyebrows in surprise.

"Well you just proved me wrong. My names Isaac and this is my brother Aiden. Looks like the mouse found it's bite. Maybe you can be useful after all." Liam were surprised they were brothers considering their facial features were entirely different. Next were the two blonde vampires.

"I'm Camilla and this is my brother Eli. We're pure-bloods." Pure-bloods? Did that mean they were the superior race, seeing them domineer it wouldn't have surprised him. Next was the man who had sent shivers down his sine from sheer eye-contact alone.

"I'm Luther, I created our race." Liam had to take a double take on that one.

"S-Sorry did you say you created the vampires?" Luther chuckled seeing the stunned expression on Liam's face, he was pretty amusing.

"Well a descendant from him, Camilla and Eli are my children." Liam looked at them all dumbfounded, it was the classic Dracula tale right here before his eyes. This meant this pack was stronger than the usual right?

"I'm Blake the Alpha of this pack nice to meet you." Liam nodded still quite out of it from the previous statement, they pulled up a chair for him and took a deep breath. Liam noticed the atmosphere thicken as they all slowly sank down into their positions. Something was off.

"We banded together following our previous Alpha's death…" Blake spat it out leaving Liam lost for words. This implied the S.E.S had something to do with that. Suddenly the intimidation died out like the light in their eyes. Its effect must have been heart-breaking for them.

"They were an amazing person without fault, and they were taken from us far too soon. We want redemption for what happened to them and we need your help finding someone. With contact to the city you could be very useful in identifying them." Liam finally understood why they were so welcoming, it's because they needed him. Now that he was safe, helping them seemed like a good idea to ensure their safety. The S.E.S most likely stopped trailing him when the territory started.

"We know it's fast and a lot to ask but were begging you." Liam fiddled nervously with his thumbs trying to think about accepting clearly. Finding people were his forte.

"Okay, I understand. Who exactly am I finding?" They all exchanged glances at his acceptance. Seems like they were pleased with his reply.

"We don't have much information but so far we know that he lives by the coast in the city. Our Alpha left strict instructions to find him at all costs if we should stand a chance against the S.E.S. In her letter she stated his name was Liam. Does this ring any bells to you?" Slowly the color began draining from Liam's face…surely that wasn't right…This couldn't be possible. Blake looked at him peculiarly seeing him look visibly ill.

"Are you alright um…sorry I didn't catch your name." Liam chuckled in disbelief. Fate was so fascinating he thought.

"It's Liam…My name is Liam."