Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 76 "Painful Reminder."

We accept the love we think we deserve. It's a powerful statement holding so many thoughts and feeling if you repeat it over and over you would become wrapped up in its message and become emotional from how deep this resonates within you. We question if our sins are frequent enough to lead to damnation or if we've done enough good deeds to achieve ascension. Frankly speaking those factors don't matter, we cannot expect to be loved based on what others see. Love should be reverberated from your very soul. Loneliness is usually because we believe the way we are does not deserve affection or fear of being forgotten, left behind to deal with that emptiness. Now think about it carefully, if one cannot love themselves then how could we recognize true desire when we feel it. Without human interaction such things are impossible. Would you rather bask in the dark alone, or have someone there to lead you to the light…?

Ally King never truly loved herself weighed down by the sins she'd committed in her solitude. From the moment Isaac was ripped away from her, the first person to show her what true love was she shut her heart off from everyone. Only to be found again by fate in the form of Luther James, however yet again that ended in heartbreak. Then we move onto Liam who now has a very special place in her heart in a different form of love. Just like the Hollow Pack members, there was nothing romantic about their kingship, it was pure. Forgetting herself is heart-breaking but finding herself again now with a lot more to lose and whole lot more to appreciate rising out of the ashes seemed just that more inviting.

Aiden, "Fate has always favored her until the end. Quite honestly, I never believed in such a thing until she came into our lives. Liam you are the man we've been searching for please take a look at this." Earnestly Liam took the notebook from the desk and immediately understood their bewilderment. This was their Alpha's last note, his name highlighted at the bottom. Now he grasped why his ease was so strong inside of this house. This was where he belonged.

Liam, "I can't believe she had already foreseen me. I'm amazed." Members all smiled in their own way hearing Ally was still surprising people, Blake was smiling in sorrow rather than admiration. It didn't matter who she left In their care…it mattered who she left behind.

Luther, "Her name was Ally King, she was my mate before she passed." Completely enveloped in this tragic tale time had passed slowly before he eventually realized, this was the pack Raven left behind. The ones threatening to start a war in her honor, the people he had sent a peace treaty.

Liam was at a standstill with his own resolve, he needed to tell them Ally was still alive but suffering from memory loss, but then again would she want them to know? Judging by her last message, she was certain death was her last spout. Living wasn't considered in her notes so perhaps something went wrong, and if he revealed her this plan to succeed may crumble.

Liam, "I see I'm sorry for your loss. Ally sounds very loved by all of you." That was all he could say at this point. Respectful yet delicate in speaking he calmly gave his impression of their precious lost Alpha.

Blake, "Thank you." Clearing his throat Blake handed him over their plan. Liam objectively took it from his shaking hands. Pain was still so raw here; you could almost taste it in the air. Along with hatred, sorrow, acceptance and most of all denial. Accounting Ally was still alive, her body mustn't have been recovered. Without a body how do you truly accept loss?

Luther, "Ally said we needed to find you in order to enact this plan efficiently." His serious tone broke Liam from his comfort, he was hellbent on revenge you could see it in those blood red pools. Liam began reading their strategy carefully, he had done the same thing with Raven and even began thinking like her along the way.

Liam, "It's well planned but you haven't considered the possibility that the S.E.S are a step ahead of us. Luring them into your territory to fight poses a great advantage but also a great threat. Inviting them would be like stacking up each member heads for the chopping block. It's voluntary annihilation. We need to find mutual group if we want to move forward." Impressed at his deduction skills they all pondered over new ideas. Meeting in the middle ensured a fair fight. Isaac felt a light-bulb go off in his head, he was ecstatic to of thought of such a thing.

Isaac, "I know a way of ensuring equality while also giving us an advantage. It has to be the beach." Confused they all waited for elaboration, certainly the beach was a public space welcome to both races as it followed the coast but what advantage could they possibly hold there. Isaac sighed at their understanding.

Isaac, "Where do you think exiled people go from the territory. If they can't go into human ground or ours then where do you think they go?" Liam gasped, he was right all it would take was a bit of bribery and they could recruit them. Feral followed no laws meaning they were free hunters. Just like the ones who attacked Isaac and Ally that time. The only reason Ally was spared from sentence after slaughtering them was due to their position as feral.

Liam, "Okay good were getting somewhere. Now about the next strategy, we are limited on weapons so physical combat is our only option. I can't really find any holes in this." Luther gently took the paper from him and underlined a certain detail. It was signed A.K which meant this was Ally's plan of attack and it was flawless.

Eli, "I'm happy with her plan but maybe we should think about some form of protection against their bullets. One of them took down Damien and he was out for three days; we can't afford to lose any more people." Liam nodded in agreement; shielding was a good tactic but what could they possibly use? His mind wandered for a while as he pictures the beach, sand was tricky to build up momentum so adding more weight would be difficult. Then he realized something.

Liam, "If we plan our attack beforehand taking advantage of the field, we could set things up as a strategy. Like wooden boards, we're surrounded by trees. Material is easy to apprehend not to mention hiding it beneath the sand could save our lives." Blake agreed and began altering the battle plan according to Liam's words and truth be told it was coming together beautifully.

Camilla, "So who gets the delightful job of recruiting the feral, personally I'd like to skip on my involvement. They are nothing more than untamed beats whom run around freely without any kind of reform. Despicable creatures, Isaac you should know that all too well it led to your demise didn't it?" Isaac looked down at the floor uncomfortably, he didn't want to recall that. Especially now his only partner wasn't there to experience it with him. Liam could feel the sadness emanating from him, so these so called feral had ruined lives making their involvement complicated.

Liam, "Isn't that what makes them so credible. Why not instead of controlling them, we antagonize them to the point where they would attack anyone including the S.E.S. It would be perfect for the first line of defense." Aiden lips twitched, for a young boy from the city he sure caught on fast.

Aiden, "Your referring to using them as sacrifices, like throwing sheep to slaughter." Liam nodded; it wasn't as if they had much to live for anyway. Living life on the edge was their norm, surely, they could take advantage of that.

Luther, "We could use a blood trap. Back in the old days people would throw animal blood at the enemies which attracted feral. We could set up a trap before the battle begins, take down as many as we can before fighting." Blake scribbled it down, this discussion was reminding them just how futile their previous plan was. Now they had Liam, things were running at a reasonable pace.

Liam started daydreaming right in the middle of the conversation wondering where Ally was right now. Had she gotten away? Could he really be standing here in a room full of mourning people when he knew all well their saint was still alive and kicking. As he was in deep thought, he overheard a muffled cry. The room stopped and stared at him without his knowledge as he looked bewildered at the sound. It couldn't be he thought. Suddenly the noise got louder as he reached into his back pocket. His radio…

"Liam come in!" a panicked voice echoed on the other side as he pulled it up to his ear. It was Abbie's voice…how were they getting a signal from the city it couldn't be possible.

Eli, "What on earth Is that?" he said rudely, they weren't familiar with such technology there however Isaac knew the minute the receiver echoed coated in static came calling back. Liam jumped up out of his chair and clicked the button to call back.

Liam, "Abbie! I'm here what's going on!" Usually composed they all looked at his strangely seeing his apparent panic talking to this mysterious girl on the other line.

"Thank god buddy we thought you were a goner." Jay's relief really touched Liam's heart they must have been worried sick. Now was his next question which could change everything. Everyone waited in apprehension assuming these were his friends from the city.

Liam, "I'm fine anyway where is Raven?" The following silence left a rock stubbornly embedded in his chest; she has sacrificed herself so he could escape. He was praying with his hands clamped together she'd got away.

Abbie, "It was our fault, we shouldn't have been there Liam I'm so sorry. Raven turned herself in so they wouldn't kill us." Liam felt his legs buckle as he sunk down to the floor. Aiden caught his arm cushioning his fall.

Aiden, "Is she a friend of yours? Do the S.E.S have her?" Liam couldn't barely speak a single word, Raven was caught. Not only had she saved him but his friends too. This pack was entirely right, she was a hero…a saint.

Liam, "She was someone very important to me. I wouldn't have gotten away without her. No…this can't be right…" Liam couldn't help but cover his face trying to suck back the stinging tears formulating from his ducts. Raven wasn't only his anymore, there was now a room full of people who needed her.

Jay, "Liam she saved our lives. We want to get her out is there anyway you could get in contact with her family in the territo—" Liam rushed up and buzzed the receiver cutting of their conversation. Jay had no idea he was already bang in the middle of family.

Liam, "Hold tight while I think of something. As for her family I'll deal with it. Just stay safe and buzz me if you find anything else. We'll get her out if it kills me." Finally, he turned off the receiver before any more information could leak. Everyone was looking at him sympathetically as if understanding his pain.

Isaac, "Is she your mate or a family member?" They all seemed to be pushing to help. Liam had been a great attribute in such a little time, the least he deserved was some comfort. Liam nodded sadly.

Liam, "Raven was a bit of everything to me. I need to get her out as soon as possible we don't have much time." Suddenly he realized, Raven was pregnant and due very soon. She couldn't give birth in the facility they would take her child away for testing. Next he slowly vaulted his head in Luther's direction…it dawned on his that this man was the father of her child. Luther furrowed his brows seeing the terrified expression on Liam's face. Did he have to talk? Would that ruin everything and get this pack killed? Or should he just leave Raven be and fight with them solo?


"Have you come too?" In the midst of consciousness, a crude voice called out pulling her back to reality. There before her was George, Rain and Sol sitting proudly looking down on her exhausted body.

Raven, "I wish I hadn't. Waking up to your faces is far from pleasant. Better question, how long will this petty nonsense ensue, I have things to attend too." Still going strong she made their lives less valuable by the second. Juts because you were below people in the flesh did not mean you were below them overall.

Rain, "Still has that silver tongue. Why don't we just kill her already she's a pest." Raven giggled at him; he knew all too well that wasn't an option for George after going so far to attain her. Sol looked rather meek considering their past encounter, she would keep his violent intent in mind for when she broke out of this god forsaken place.

George, "Enough we're here to have an adult conversation, if I hear one more word from either of you there will be punishment. Regardless of your condition or not." George glared directly at her sending Goosebumps all over her body like a spreading rash. This man was much more sinister than his appearance let show. Raven knew a threat when she saw one.

Sol, "I'm quite looking forward to this dear sister, enjoy the show." With that cliff-hanger the three members parted showing a white screen much like those you see in classrooms blind her. Squinting to see just a little she was met with a startling image.

George, "This is who you really are." Raven was stiff in discomfort seeing a silver haired girl with a gun in her hand sitting directly on the screen above her. It was unmistakable, this was her past self without a doubt. Those mismatched eyes were hers. It didn't matter how long she stared at the image, accepting that was truly her proved difficult almost like her brain was fighting against it. George smugly took the stand on the left-hand side. It didn't take long for Raven to work out their true intentions of shackling her here.

George, "Ally King was the first successful hybrid to be genetically accepting in over two centuries. It is also true that she held the Luna gene." Raven looked down quickly feeling her body squirm at his words. So this was why she was so sought after, Liam was right it was both wolf and Vampire blood coursing through her veins. George smiled delighted at her pain and continued.

George, "Many centuries ago both of our races were created by two people. One of them being Luna whom created the wolves and the other Shezmu the god of blood whom created the vampires. In her sadness upon seeing the streets turn red with anguish Luna created the wolves to fight against the vampires in hope of helping the world. However, seeing the races in a crisis she snapped under the pressure and went mad with rage. This led to thousands of humans perishing under her rule." Reluctantly she viewed the next picture of a red man and a blue woman holding each-other hand in hand. This tale seemed so raw to her.

Sol, "My sister had fallen in love with the very man who had challenged god and in despair of finding he had created such monstrosities rebelled against him. I aided in his creation allowing vampires to walk freely under the sun. Foolishly my sister after leaving his side founded, she was with a child." Raven felt her chest collapse along with her hyperventilating lungs, why was this so painful to hear. Why did it hurt so much? The next image really struck her as a little girl with sunshine blonde hair and bright mismatched eyes entered the screen.

Rain, "Lucy was the child born from blood and humidity. By wolf and vampire, the first hybrid to ever be born among us. Luna saw hope in this child and tried along with Shezmu to end the war for the future of both races. Sadly, hatred had already constricted the two and even now both are at war because of Luna's antics." The next picture was all three of them covered in blood, splashed across their image like abstract art but one thing was certain. All three had lifeless eyes.

George, "Lucy was targeted for being a neutral contender in the war and Luna being a protective mother defended her at all costs. In this time, she had slowly begun to lose her mid and became a danger to herself and others. Having no other option Shezmu had to kill her in order to protect their daughter. Since then her soul has wandered in limbo until now." All three looked on at her with disgust like she was the biggest villain in the world.

Sol, "You carry her in your soul at this moment in time, we are here to ensure she doesn't break out or hellfire will rain on the community driving it yet again into damnation." Raven felt the droplets of tears stain her anguished face until it stung her eyes. This seemed all so real and this story had awoken something inside of her. However, that force within her began clawing to the surface until she no longer had control. All of them watched as she raised her head with a wide grin.

Luna, "What an exaggerated end. I have to admit you do have a talent for storytelling as for telling the truth you lack in many areas dear brother." Violet eyes have an inkling to whom they were speaking with, of course Luna wouldn't let such lies poison her vessel.