Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 78 "Bliss can only last so long..."

Conquering death comes with many emotions, not only from the victim of it but also the people associated with that person. Soaked in blood which tattered her silver long hair Ally exhaustedly began her journey home trying to expel the demon in her heart which had ended so many lives in the past hours or so. Whispered pleads and screams spurned around in her head until she could barely take it anymore. With one hand on her head and the other on her stomach she began taking deep breaths to try and bypass the trauma and guilt of her endeavour.

George had truly tipped her over the edge yet again by threatening her baby girl and after that everything seemed like a blur. When taking another life usually people would either feel nothing at all or become to distressed to even question their own motive. However, Ally didn't do either of these, she was mainly stone cold killing away as if it were a hobby of hers. When in the deepest pit of the mind the only thing to do was rise from the ashes stronger than before. That is exactly what had happened to Ally King.

Ally, "I bet your daddy and uncles are too busy planning at the minute, but grandma will be there to greet us I bet." Through heavy breaths she began talking away to her baby girl whom she hadn't said a word to in two months, she prayed her baby would recognize her voice. Much to her delight, she kicked up a storm in response. Chuckling she trekked through the bush until she found herself on the main path. Less than 30 feet away was the barrier between the human world and her home. The place she had predicted would bring her demise. Ally secretly commemorated her body for holding out on her, being alive was all she ever wanted in order to raise her child. Fate really did seem to favour her after all.

Then she began thinking of Liam, a person she hadn't met herself but observed through her conduit. Not only had she survived but made three new allies along the way. Liam's scent was still strong being a new-born, so she followed the scent of lilies and musk to her path home. Liam had really found them, of course he had she'd never met someone so intellectually gifted equal to her. Now he didn't have to be afraid of his sins, either way she would embrace him as the man he was just like Raven did.

As she ventured deeper into the woods a nostalgic scent brought tears to her eyes. It was the smell of honey and lavender; it was her mother's scent. The one person she needed more a maternal figure right now. It was magical breaking through the trees to see a dark house lit up with fireflies. As if it was welcoming her home. Ally noticed something to her left and almost broke down. Covered in roses and a marble headstone was a picture of her laughing, she recalled it the day Jake had been practicing and how proud of him she had become. That was the last day she had smiled since that day on the cliff.

How could she ease their pain, perhaps they would despise her for leaving? Ally's body soon gushed with anxiety as she made her way up to the front porch. This was it; she was alive again. Now it was time to ease some hearts. Ally pulled her shaking hand up to the door but retracted it as her courage drained. Why couldn't she do it? Again, and again she mimicked the same thing until she thought her heart was going to burst. This was exhausting.

Finally as she gritted her teeth and touch her shaking hadn't to the door a laugh caught her off guard round the side of the house. Knowing that giggle anywhere she peaked around the corner to see Jake and Quinn play-fighting with one another. Ally watched them laugh and play just like children were supposed too. All of a sudden she forgot why she was so afraid, Jake walked up to her headstone and kissed his hand before gently placing it on Ally's face. Before she realises tears just ran from her eyes like a waterfall. Even in their joy he still took time to respect her.

After Quinn did the same thing she could no longer conceal herself, cautiously walking into the field Jake kicked the ball in her direction. Ally placed it in both hands and finally made eye contact with the two pups. Jake and Quinn stood with their mouths wide open in utter awe.

Ally, "I'm home." Two simple words she'd been waiting two months to say and emotionally it had wrecked her. Quinn was the first to start wailing in relief followed by little Jake.

Jake, " Waaahhhh, *sniff* Ally!" Jake sprinted into her arms followed by Quinn. They cried so hard they could barely breath. Ally cradled them both on her lap kissing their heads, finally she was home. Soon enough their wailing attracted the attention of new mother Carrie who rushed out to see what the commotion was all about. Ally happily raised her head and smiled.

Ally, "Long time no see good friend." Carrie covered her mouth in disbelief as she wandered over to see if her eyes were playing tricks on her. Yet again once her brain registered this was real she ran over and hugged Ally with all of her might.

Carrie,"I can't believe it… it's really you right? Oh my god I'm so happy!" Ally chuckled while comforting the three in her arms. Never did she expect them to be so relived at her return they didn't even question her so overjoyed their alpha was back in one piece.

Quinn, "*sniff* we thought you were gone for good." Ally smiles feeling his heart beat out of his chest.

Ally, " And leave my pack behind? No way in hell." It took a while before they reluctantly let go and really took a good look at her, even after everything she's been through Ally was still stunning. Not even her blood soaked body reduces their feelings towards her.

Carrie, " Your Mother's going to have a heart attack. The boys will be delighted!" Ally have a weary look, speaking of the boys their scent was faint.

Ally," Where did they go? "Carrie sheepishly gulped, they had gone to rescue a mysterious girl, she didn't know how Ally would take to that. Little did she know that girl was right in-front of her.

Carrie, "To raid the S.E.S for the new members friend." Ally sighed heavily; they were always out for blood. However, it eased her unsettled mind that Liam had made it here of all places. It was time he had a proper home to come back too.

Jake, "Ally how are you still alive, Isaac said you passed away." Sweetly questioning her Ally kneeled to his level and stroked his fluffy brown hair. So, Isaac had also accepted her loss which she found hard to believe.

Ally, "I'm not sure little one, maybe god didn't want to take me yet." Jake looked up at the sky and smiled tears running down his face.

Jake, "Thankyou god, I'm happy." Carrie chuckled through her sobs, what a pure soul this little boy had. Ally also grinned at his optimism, now she had an idea to help everyone. Instead of discovering her one by one she wanted to wait until the boys returned before revealing herself.

Ally, "Okay, I've come up with a plan. All of you go inside and tell them we should hold a vigil for Ally in honour of the troops who have gone to avenge her." Carrie's face lit up; she knew exactly what Ally was thinking. The best way to relieve their sorrow was to break through the gates of hell and stand strong. Jake and Quinn both looked at eachother and nodded, hugging her one more time all three of them ran back to the house.

Ally hadn't been this happy in a long time, so cheerfully she wandered over to the tree she once stood by when everyone assumed the Luna trials had taken her life. It still felt cool against her skin and had grown slightly since their last encounter. Basking in the dusk she watched and listened carefully for her comrades to venture home. The S.E.S was no longer a direct threat she'd made sure of that by burning the place to the ground, it's soldiers and superiors along with it. Even though a small snippet of her heart knew it wouldn't be the last of them she was proud to have come so far. Now it was just a waiting game and sure enough after twenty minutes wolves of all shaped and sizes exited the house lanterns in hand. Carrie and the boys had done well.

One by one they all bowed at her empty grave before lighting their lantern, in the middle of the vigil after tearfully watching her mother weep at her image the boys returned from their expedition. Liam and Aiden were leading them home and as she expected there wasn't a scratch on them. Her heart ached seeing the state of Mika and Amy knowing what type of scene they'd just witnessed. What made her heart beat the most overall was Luther and Isaac side by side chatting away like old friends. Finally, they were united once more. Doubts started to fill her mind wondering if returning was the best thing for her family when Jake's little face caught her eyes as he searched frantically for her. Liam rushed into the house calling for Raven which made Ally frown, it would be tough to tell him that girl had now dissipated no longer needed.

Isaac waited outside commemorating the pack for staying in formation, he really sounded like a leader Ally thought. Luther re-joined Damien who was also lighting his lantern in respect. Ally breathed to see he was alright; she knew that meant the drug was a placebo. Liam came out the pack house dejected not to find Raven inside. To her surprise Eli and Camilla although they had bad blood, stood equal to the members. Things really had come together in her absence which was her plan all along.

After everyone was debriefed Ally watched them all stand in a circle in the field and light their lantern holding them proudly above their head. Luther stepped into the middle overcome with emotion and began talking to every member. Ally stood by and listened whole heartedly.

"It's been two months today since we lost the most important person not only in this pack but in this world. Every time I wake up her face flashes through my mind like it does for majority of us. We are still healing but the way this pack had joined together as a unit would have made her so proud. Today we remember our alpha, today we remember Ally King." Ally wiped her tears away as she watched the lanterns float into the sky until they blended in with the fireflies above the house. Against the cool night air, they fluttered in the breeze before joining the stars. It was truly beautiful.

It was time…she had let this pack writhe in pain for too long. Taking one last breath and tilting her head back to suck in her tears she planted her feet into the autumn leaves and began her journey back into her own world. The world she belonged too.

As they all comforted one another and exchanged kind words, Carrie, Jake and Quinn both looked in her direction with the brightest grins she had ever seen. Helen who stood beside Carrie holding her new-born son, noticed her joy and directed her eyes in that direction. It took her mind a few seconds to register what her eyes were seeing and just like Ally expected Helen's legs buckled beneath her as she covered her mouth in prostration. It was Helen's wails that silenced the vigil, they all looked at her believing her grief had caught up, but she had such bright eyes.

Head by head spun around in her direction until the whole pack stood there with their mouths covered and tears steaming from their eyes. Ally couldn't hold back and also broke down in tears seeing their stunned faces. Gasps and sobs filled the space as everyone suddenly fell to their knees not believing what they were seeing.

Ally, "Luckily we won't run out of lanterns from now on. I'm home guys." As she spoke it startled majority of the members, suddenly sanity was no longer an excuse as they all bolted towards her arms open. There was so many people hugging her she could barely keep up. Only Luther, Isaac, Blake and Helen stood silent still unable to understand what was going on.

Isaac, "No…there's no way. Are you real! Ally!" Ally gently moved them aside giving them a wild grin while she walked up to her close family. Luther was so shocked he'd wandered over to her before placing his hand on her cheek. She was warm…this was real. Liam smiled seeing by her eyes, that Ally had come home.

Liam, "Welcome home Raven or Ally I should say."

Ally, "It's your home too now remember." Luther pulled her head against his chest and sure enough there were two heartbeats.

Luther, "Thank god. Thank god I didn't lose you…" Ally snuggled into his chest; this was the father of her child after all.

Ally, "I always said it takes a lot more than death to kill me." She chuckled lightly holding back her voice. Next was her best friend, Isaac was the next to hold her in his arms as he stroked her head.

Isaac, "That's the girl I know." Emotions can't describe how content she felt to be beside her family, she was so overwhelmed breathing held its own difficulty. Blake and Helen were in the same boat and hugged her without a word. Some began asking how this was possible and if she had come back from the dead, luckily Liam and herself had the answers. As they all gathered it was like she was the stage act in a concert as they all waited in apprehension to hear from the long-lost alpha. Liam have her a reassuring smile before she began speaking.

Ally, "I know a lot of you are surprised I'm still here and honestly I am too. I just want you all to know that the story about the cliff wasn't fabricated, it's all true. When I fell from that cliff somehow, I managed to escape with trauma to the head and nothing more. However, I received memory loss as a result and if it wasn't for Liam I wouldn't be here right now. Liam took me in and gave me a new name, Raven…" Blake gasped as the coincidence when he looked at Liam closely, he looked at Ally like he'd known her for a while.

Isaac, "Wait a second, your Raven his friend?" Liam nodded for her, it was crazy, and she knew it but some people were struggling to follow.

Ally, "Yep, so I began a new life with Liam, Abbie and Jay. It didn't take long to realize I was a hybrid and that Liam was being blackmailed to work with the S.E.S. That whole time when he was working on peace treaties it was actually you guys all along, my family I had no recollection of was right beside me even in the state that I was in. So firstly, I want to thank you all for fighting in my honour, I couldn't have asked for anything more."

Aiden, "We always promised we'd all have each other's back." Everyone agreed making her heart flutter.

Ally, "Your right but I'm still grateful. Then we got into some trouble once they discovered I was alive and eventually I got caught. They say you can't run forever, and they were right. After torturing me for some time Raven and Luna found me which leads us to now."

Luther, "Hold on a second they tortured you!" he said furiously, Ally put her hands up begging him to relax.

Ally, "Don't worry, we're fine and they got what they deserved." Her words were brief, but they all knew what that meant. Isaac stood up feeling proud of the woman she'd become.

Isaac, "All of that at the facility…that was you?" Ally nodded sternly with fire in her eyes, she had no regrets. Despite the blood she had shed, as long as her daughter was fine then she will never regret what happened here today.

Ally, "We won't have to worry about them for a long time so let's celebrate while we can." With that everyone stood up and cheered basically tackling her from gravity. Ally chatted away happily as they all broke out wine and food from the kitchen and soon enough it was a full-blown party. Luther never left her side occasionally placing his hand on her stomach, she'd never seen him so maternal, but it was a good feeling. Isaac and Aiden listened as she told them how she had broken out and clapped in amusement. Blake filled her in on the new rules and training regime she'd left behind. This was where she needed to be, this was home. Helen also wouldn't lave her side cooing away at her granddaughter.

Sadly, bliss is short lived in this lifetime, even when surrounded by your family it does not necessarily mean you are safe. Ally had missed one valuable person within the pack…where was Shadow? As she sat on the grass with a smile wider than life the white-haired boy walked over without a care in the world. Ally caught his white hair in the midst of humility as her eyes widened her soul slowly depleted. Shadow had been accepted into this pack by her solely believing this boy had changed. However, this boy was George's son, you can take the hatred from a man, but you cannot take the evil from a soul. With one quick movement the field fell silent…

Shadow, "I'm sorry but it's my job." In slow motion their smiles disappeared and were replaced by horror. Ally sat there wide eyed as Luther grabbed her face to ensure she focused on him. Something wasn't right…this numbness what was this feeling…

As her hands blindly checked her body, she stopped feeling a leather handle…sticking directly out of her stomach…

Isaac and Aiden shot straight into action and lunged for Shadow, but it was too late, with that he had disappeared into thin air. His job.? What was he talking about? Why do I feel so much pain?

Luther, "Hey Hey! Ally look at me it's going to be okay! Ally!" her eyes couldn't fixate on one thing, the blood in her hands, the pain in her gut. Then…a blade in her belly. Ally began going into shock shaking like a leaf as screams interrupted the solemn field. Ally had dodged at the last moment and could still feel her baby's heartbeat, but she was in distress. Like lighting her body jolted with agony she watched a mixture of water and blood by her legs. Her water had broken…

Ally, "G-Get her out! G-Get her out of me right now!"