Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 79 "Birth."

"Fuck! What do we do!" Helen slapped a very panicked Blake across the face she needed everyone to calm down there was a baby on the way. Luther heard her loud and clear and picked Ally up bridal side and began walking swiftly to the house. The whole pack was in a panic searching frantically for Shadow whom was long gone. Ally was groaning in agony clutching Luther shirt strongly. Luther kissed her head.

Luther, "Listen to me everything's going to okay I promise you just hang on." Carrie, Helen Blake and the Lang brothers sprinted ahead to get everything ready. Ally was in so much pain she couldn't focus on anything. Save her, save her repeated loudly in her mind, even Luna was trying to reach out to calm her.

Ally, "No matter what you save her you hear me." Through her laboured breaths she begged Luther with all her strength to save her baby girl. Luther couldn't answer her, he couldn't promise something like that seeing the state she was in. If Ally hadn't of dodged at the last second, then her world would have ended there and then.

Carrie took the covers off her bed as Helen boiled some water and fetched the first aid kit from the office. Isaac and Aiden set up a barrier at her door to ensure no-one could get in, they needed to protect right now.

"Blake set up an IV, we need to get some blood back into her body as soon as possible or she won't last." Blake didn't question her and ran to the basement for the emergency kit. Carrie knew what she was doing as she set up the cot and a fresh sheet to wrap her daughter. Considering the situation, her and Helen were calm as their maternal instincts took over. Luther rushed into the room and carefully lay her on the bed, he knew exactly what to do as he picked up a needle from the first aid kit and began extracting blood for her IV. If they could close, her wound it would be half the battle.

Isaac, "Look at me we are right here it's going to be okay Ally." Isaac stroked her head in comfort as she winced in torment, Ally had felt pain, but nothing compared to this. Helen came back placing a cooling sheet on her head trying to bypass her fever.

Ally, "Mom it hurts, it really hurts please help me." Helen's lips quivered but she bravely managed to keep it together holding her baby girls' hand as she screamed.

Helen, "I know baby I know. We're going to get her out safely okay you just have to breath." Sadly, she looked at Aiden and Isaac who were pale white in worry, they knew what she was going to say and both kissed Ally's head before leaving the room. Only the father, and delivers were permitted in the room for now. Luther finally finished filling the IV bag and pinned down Ally's arm as he inserted the needle, she was so distressed she didn't even feel it.

Helen, "Carrie could you check the dilation please." Carrie nodded and began her examination, to her surprise Ally was already six centimeters, only four more to go and they would have a healthy baby girl. As Luther's blood entered her system, she felt her skin begin to knit together near her ribs, they all watched apprehensively as the wound began closing.

Ally, "Ahhhhhh, it hurts!" Luther finally took his stand as a father and sat on the bed beside her holding her hand.

Luther, "I know your doing amazing just keep squeezing my hand as hard as you can." Carrie began wiping the sweat from her body, worryingly Ally was quite cold, and her baby was coming far too fast.

Helen, "You're doing good baby just breath through the contractions, ready?" Ally felt a wave of nausea and agony flush over her causing her body to almost crumple like a piece of paper. Carrie held her legs in place just in-case. Luther watched the mother of his child bite the pillow to stop herself from screaming. This was a labor induced by trauma meaning her body wasn't ready yet, this was tearing her apart. Helen's biggest concern was hemorrhaging, they had no idea how to stop such a thing without a professional there.

Carrie, "Your doing great Ally just keep breathing." Ally was becoming more distressed by the minute; it was easier said than done her punctured lung was still healing so breathing was near on impossible. Tight uncomfortable pain spread through each nerve; Luther knew Ally could take a lot so seeing her like this he couldn't even imagine how much this was hurting her.

Luther, "Listen, you can do this soon we're going to have our beautiful baby girl in our arms and the pain will go away. You have to hang on." Ally snapped out of her agony and stared at his hopefully, that image made it fade away for a few seconds, his words were reaching her.

Helen, "That's right baby, she's almost here just a little longer." Ally calmed down a little bit they were right she needed to calm down for the sake of her child. After breathing in sync with Luther she managed to catch her breath and speak clearly.

Ally, "Your dead for putting me through this." She joked; Luther couldn't help but smile before kissing her head.

Luther, "I don't mind you can kill me all you want after. I'm right here." Feeling her heart throb, she snuggled up to him until her head rested on his chest, to her surprise his heart was beating out of his chest, he was putting on a facade for her sake.

Helen, "Carrie could you check the dilation please." Immediately she began the second examination and shockingly she was nine centimeters, she could feel her head. Helen could tell by her eyes what was going on and began stroking Ally's forehead bracing her for the news that the pain was about to get so much worse.

Ally, "I have to start pushing soon right?" Helen smiled; her daughter wasn't an idiot she knew when to push it was her body after all. However, her face was painted in anxiety. Ally also noticed this was happening to fast.

Helen, "Your bodies trying to get her out safely, so she doesn't suffer any trauma it happens often with woman, don't worry okay she'd going to be fine. " Her mother somewhat eased her mind for a few seconds until a huge jolt of pain shot through her legs up to her head, she needed to push!

Carrie, "On your next contraction you have to push with all of her might!" Luther squeezed her hand tighter before taking her other hand and supporting her head from behind, he had done this before. Ally leaned back against her chest and sat up, this was It. The last spout before she could meet the baby girl, she'd sacrificed everything to keep. Luther had timed her contractions at this point and knew when to encourage her.

Luther, "Get ready to push in 3…2…1 Push!" Ally pushed down with every ounce of strength she had left screaming from the sensation, it was like being split in two. Helen and Carrie both sat at the end of the bed getting ready to pull her out. Both of their eyes shot wide seeing a slither of white hair peeking through.

Helen, "Okay sweetheart I can see her get ready 3…2…1 Push!"

Ally, "Ahhhhhhh!" she pushed so hard she had split open her lip, Luther crossed her arms to stop herself from straining too much, if she pushed to hard the baby could be born too fast. Ally began crying unable to cope anymore, this was killing her.

Luther, "One more Ally you can do it!" Ally shook her head keeping her eyes closed shut, she was so afraid something would go wrong.

Helen. "He's right baby, her head is almost out just one more!" Carrie got the blanket ready to examine her over and place her inside. They were stunned at how white her little head of hair was. Sweat dripped down her stomach and legs as she prepared herself for one last push praying to dear god she would be okay.

Carrie, "Last one Ally ready 3…2…1 PUSH!" Ally gritted her teeth and pushed down with her last ounce of strength until she felt the pressure alleviate. Helen helped pull out her baby and quickly rubbed her down on the blanket.

Ally, "Please cry! Please cry!" Ally shouted in desperation, Luther lugged her tightly burying his head into her silver hair, he was wishing the same thing. Please just one little cry. Helen cleared her airway and rubbed her back roughly also encouraging her to cry for the sake of her daughter. An agonizing twenty seconds passed which felt like a lifetime to Ally and Luther. Until…

'WAHH, WAHHH.' A loud cry burst into the room followed by gasps of relief. Ally began crying and laughing at the same time. Carrie tidied her up and rushed her over to Ally. With teary eyes she picked her baby up into her arms and held her tightly. Luther also began crying as she held her father's finger tightly in her hand. They couldn't believe how perfect she was.

Ally, "Hi sweetheart, I'm so happy to finally meet you." As Ally began talking to her, her crying suddenly stopped and she opened her eyes to look at her. Luther's mouth hung open as two violet eyes stared straight back.

Luther, "Hi baby girl, look how beautiful you are. You have your mommies' eyes." Ally couldn't believe it; her baby girl was a hybrid just like her. Ally couldn't break away from her stare, even her hair was bright white like ice.

Helen, "That's my granddaughter!" she said cooing at her while also sobbing in happiness. Carrie couldn't stop crying either as she finished the job and covered Ally with a blanket. Luther and Ally snuggled up close to eachother like a real couple just staring into her pretty eyes, even her eyelashes were black and long just like Luther's.

Ally, "You're our little miracle aren't you." See truly was she'd survived so much and here she was it was surreal to Ally.

Luther, "Do you still want to call her Luna?" he asked sheepishly, Ally shook her head there was already one Luna in her life, no she had a better name for her. It matched her image perfectly.

Ally, "No I think I have something better for her. It means Innocent, pure and beautiful. I think we should call her Lilly because of her white hair." Luther's eyes lit up; he loved that name it fit her perfectly.

Luther, "I love it. Little Lilly." Helen nodded in agreement; it was a beautiful name for a beautiful baby girl. Ally smiled and kissed Lilly's head causing her to break into a small smile, it seems she liked it too.

Carrie, "I'm so proud of you Ally, I'll tell everyone the good news."

Ally, "Thank you, you can let the boys in too." She couldn't wait to see their faces when they walked in. Carrie opened the door with a smile to three pacing boys. Blake, Isaac and Aiden all stood frozen in the doorway.

Ally, "Look your uncles are here to see you." She handed Lilly over to Luther who carefully walked her over to the boys, all three looked at her adoringly. Then they all looked at Ally proudly commemorating her on the birth of her healthy baby girl.

Blake, "I can't believe how small she is. Have you named her?" Luther nodded carefully handing her over to Blake, as expected he stood awkwardly not knowing what to do. The image made Ally giggle to herself.

Luther, "Lilly James."

Isaac, "It's a pretty name good job." Isaac didn't seem bitter about the situation at all if anything he seemed genuinely happy for them and that's all Ally could ever ask for.

Aiden, "She's beautiful. How are you doing anyway?" Ally thought about it for a while, it was like holding Lilly was her own personal brand of heroine she couldn't feel anymore pain. Helen rummaged in her draws until she found a little one-piece covered in nothing else but Lilies almost like fate. Ally smiled and picked it upholding it over her belly, it was the perfect fit. Luther placed her back in Ally's arms which stretched her out and gently place each of her limbs into the suit, it was unbelievably cute.

Ally, "I'm exhausted just like this little munchkin, I don't want to let her go." She said laying Lilly on her chest, her little heartbeat was so strong it made Ally's beat in sync. Luther walked and moved her cot right next to Ally's bed so she could see her clearly. Not even a stir occurred as she placed her inside and covered her with a white fluffy blanket.

Luther, "You can sleep I'll be right here." He said stroking her head, this woman was his world and had brought him the greatest gift he could have ever asked for.

Ally, "What about the kids, they'll want to see their baby sister." Half yawning and nodding off, she was still being considerate of everyone despite just giving birth.

Luther, "There's plenty of time don't worry just sleep for now." Ally nodded but before her head hit the pillow, she felt a little shot of anxiety, she had forgotten how she'd got here.

Ally, "I'll sleep if you all promise to watch over her. Please?" Isaac, Aiden and Blake all smiled and huddled into the room closing the door behind them. She trusted them with all of her soul that they would keep Lilly safe.

Blake, "You can count on us sis." Ally faintly smiled before falling asleep immediately.

Isaac, "Wow she must be exhausted, before she wouldn't sleep a wink if someone was in the room with her." Luther chuckled, that sounded just like her.

Aiden, "Well she better get used to it she has a little baby girl to keep her up at night." Blake was watching Luther looking over Ally and Lilly in love. It made him think twice about doubting him, they were tied by fate after all.

Blake, "How about you? How does it feel to be a new daddy?" Luther looked at him surprised as if just discovering this before grinning, he seemed much more mature and caring than initially but that yet again was all thanks to Ally.

Luther, "It's surreal. I mean two hours ago I never thought I'd either of them ever again and now I have both. I don't think I've ever been happier in my whole life." Helen walked over and hugged him out of the blue, he awkwardly sat there for a second before embracing her back.

Helen, "You did a great job, Ally wouldn't have gotten through it without you." That statement was so true it hurt, when she was stabbed her body instinctively went into shock which is dangerous in childbirth, but Luther manged to calm her.

Isaac, "Is her wound okay?" glancing her over, he still seemed worried.

Luther, "I gave her some of my blood to heal her, so she'll be fine." Aiden was watching Ally breath contently her hand dangling over Lilly's crib as if just to make sure. Like a motherly barrier against all harm, she really was amazing.

Aiden, "I'm sorry to bring something so awful up but as soon as Ally's well again we are sending out a hunting party for Shadow. He deceived us all and almost took her away again, I'm not standing for it." It was clear Aiden was furious whereas the rest had mostly forgotten being so high off adrenaline worrying about the birth.

Blake, "Amen to that, we'll tear the little bastard limb from limb." Helen flicked Blake's ear.

Helen, "Language!" Blake hissed and rubbed his head.

Blake, "She's twenty minutes old not to mention she's Ally's daughter that was nothing." He said seriously but it had humored the rest of the room as they all covered their mouths trying not to laugh aloud in-case it woke the girls up.

Luther, "Your right though I won't forgive him this time. I'm sure George put him up to this from the beginning, I was blind." Luther was seething with rage but kept it together. There was no room for negative vibes after everything had happened.

Isaac, "Still though I can't believe she pulled through all that, when I heard her screaming, I felt awful." Luther smirked, he was lucky he wasn't in the room or she probably would have punched him.

Luther, "It wasn't much fun to say the least but Ally's a fighter. The whole time she kept saying no matter what make sure Lilly was okay. I mean she's been through so much to protect her I think she just got a shock taking such a blow at the most critical time." While the rest listened, Helen stood over Lilly's crib noticing little features belonging to both Luther and Ally.

Helen, "She had Ally's eyes, your eyelashes, Ally's mouth, your nose but her hair makes her unique don't you think?" They all rolled their eyes, her grandmother instincts were showing but it was adorable in a way, Helen always talked about how exciting it would be to be a grandparent. Just as they were watching her Lilly began stirring and whining, Luther could tell she was hungry. Thinking rationally, he was overjoyed she'd been born a hybrid so Lilly wouldn't have to drink blood to survive, she could eat normal food just like a wolf.

Luther, "I'll get her bottle ready I'm sure she's hungry." He walked over the baby corner and began heating up some water for the formula. Isaac and Aiden watched in interest like it was a science experiment while Helen picked her up and rocked her back and forth gently patting her back. Surprisingly Luther knew exactly what he was doing and had it ready in no time.

Helen, "Here Daddy you can do the first feed." Luther gladly took her and cradled her in one hand while feeding her with the other. Lilly gulped it down greedily cooing in between breaths.

Blake, "Damn you're a pro." He said impressed.

Luther, "I did this with the rest of my kids, so I've got the hang of it. You better start learning for when you babysit." Blake's face dropped in terror, there was no way he could look after a baby he could barely hold one. Isaac and Aiden could see his unease and chuckled knocking his shoulder.

Helen, "When she wakes up, I'll put her in the bath to wash down."

Luther, "Don't worry I'll make sure she gets one, it's getting late so if you guys want to sleep it's fine. I don't mind staying up with her." They all looked at the clock and sure enough it was midnight, wanting to respect their privacy they all said goodbye to Lilly and went off to their own rooms. Luther sat down next to Ally until Lilly finished her bottle before laying her back down so she could rest. As he was just about to sit down on the desk chair Ally who was still half asleep called out to him.

Ally, "Is she okay?"

Luther, "She's fine."

Ally, "Good. Luther?"

Luther, "Yeah?"

Ally, "I'm happy you're her father." Luther was lost for words, it was the first time Ally had said something so affectionate towards him in a long time. It made his heart all giddy.

Luther, "Me too."