Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 80 "Troubles of motherhood."

I think one of the most heart-warming feeling in the world is waking up to the sweet cries of a human being you have conceived, carried and birthed. As a fresh mother it took her a few seconds to register where such a sound was coming from until she rolled over and came face to face with hair so white and eyes so bright it took her breath away. You are mine? The question kept repeating itself, even when she reached down and felt her once bloated stomach flat yet again, she found it so hard to believe that this beautiful little angel was hers. Seeing she was reaching her arms out; Ally could feel she was anxious not being held so picked her up without question. As if her motherly instincts just took over.

"Good Morning sweetheart." The minute Ally opened her mouth, Lilly stopped crying and looked at her with those sparkling violet eyes. Their bond was so clear it was almost otherworldly, their heartbeats synced as well as their emotions. Lilly was only a day old but could feel her mother's happiness and calmed down. Ally couldn't help but take after her mother and start picking out Lilly's features. It was certain she had her father's nose and pink little lips but the rest of her was definitely Ally. As she was changing her body-suit Luther walked in with a fresh bottle. Telling by the bags under his eyes he'd been up all night with Lilly.

Luther, "Hey, how are you feeling?" Ally startled slightly as he spoke, there was something different about the way his voice resonated within her. His scent, his everything made her feel so at ease. Was it because Lilly had been born and her strength was returning? What was this?

Luther, "Ally?" he was worried when she stared at him blankly. Ally shook her head to snap her out of it, she didn't want to think about this right now.

Ally, "Sorry, I'm fine just a little tired still. Was she up all night?" Luther smiled seeing how overjoyed Lilly was to be with her mom, she had cried majority of the night but he'd managed to keep her away from Ally so she could rest but that seemed to make Lilly worse. It was common for new-born pups to get anxious without the smell of their mothers' pheromone, so he'd just put it down to that.

Luther, "I think she missed her mommy, she cried non-stop." Ally felt guilty letting him suffer all night, but Luther didn't seem unhappy at all, he almost chuckled when he said it. Ally guessed he wasn't so phased because he had done this before, but it still made her heart flutter to see him so in=love with his new-born daughter. Before Lilly was born and she was still in the pack seeing the way he abandoned his kids and treated Damien, she thought maybe Luther didn't want Lilly. How wrong she was…

Ally, "I guess we'll be introducing her today." Luther stopped putting away Ally's clothes and looked at her sympathetically, it wasn't just Ally who could feel their connection getting stronger he could feel it too and she was nervous. Lilly also stopped cooing and went quiet confirming his suspicion.

Luther, "We don't have to do anything you don't want too." Ally looked at him in surprise, he'd almost read her mind. Ally didn't want to see anyone right now not after her recent trauma. Even though everything turned out alright in the end, the image of the knife in her stomach and the torturing fear of losing her baby wouldn't leave her. Luther walked over and sat on the bed stroking Lilly's head before gently stroking Ally's cheek.

Luther, "You've been through a lot, but you pushed through and gave me one of the most precious gifts I could ever ask for. No matter what I am on your side so don't be scared to confide in me. You're my mate and the mother of my child, I will protect you." Ally had never felt so safe in her life, just his touch settled her soul. How come it was like seeing this man clearly for the first time? His soft red eyes, curly black hair…gentle smile everything seemed so new. Ally took a deep breath.

Ally, "I don't want to go outside today, I want to stay with you and Lilly." Finally, she told him her wish and he smiled to know she wished to be with him. The feeling was mutual.

Luther, "Okay then that's what we'll do, I'll look after Lilly while you have a bath." Ally nodded; she felt a lot better after hearing that. After moving Lilly into her Moses basket, she attempted to stand up, but her legs were still weak. Luther could see her struggling to stand and caught her as she stumbled to her feet. Ally was in no state to be walking right now not after the traumatic birth she'd just endured. She gasped as he picked her up bridal style and carried her to the bathroom. Ally blushed as he began running the bath for her still holding her in place with one hand.

Ally, "Um…I should be okay now. Aren't I heavy?" Luther shook his head, she was still light as a feather, they needed to get some food into her when it dawned on him, she should probably have the urge to feed after losing so much blood. But he was afraid of pushing himself onto her, they weren't together after all. As he was preparing to keep his thoughts to himself Ally nuzzled into his neck.

Luther, "You can feed if your hungry?" Yet again she startled, was he reading her mind. Ally was starving, her throat was almost too painful to bare. They had mutual thoughts right now oblivious to one another.

Ally, "Are you sure?" Luther was ecstatic she would want to do such a thing.

Luther, "Of course, hang on a second." Sitting on the floor with her body on his lap, he made them comfortable feeling this was going to be a long feed. Ally blushed in embarrassment; their position was slightly awkward, but his scent was pulling her in. Luther waited patiently as she puckered up the courage to bite down, it had been so long since she took it from the flesh.

Ally, "I'm sorry." She said quietly before biting down, as he fangs broke the skin the delicious taste of honeysuckle trickled down her throat. Luther felt a wave of dizziness and pleasure shoot through his body as she gently gulped it down. This was usually a sensual thing so he felt a little uncomfortable feeling aroused at the sensation, but Ally understood that and was grateful he would let her feed.

Luther, "Does it taste good?" Ally nodded enthusiastically as she buried her head deeper into his neck embracing him, her scent got stronger along with the desire to bite her back, but he took a breath and kept calm. Feeling she was taking too much, she pulled away and caught her breathe. Luther also breathed a sigh of relief and wiped the excess blood from her mouth.

Luther, "Feel better?" Ally nodded and shied her face away, why was she blushing so harshly her whole face was on fire. Luther brushed her hair behind her ear and turned her face towards him, she looked flushed which amused him slightly. Just as they met eyes, Lilly broke their pull. Luther smirked slightly disappointed; Ally hadn't looked at him like that in a long time.

Luther, "Take your time, I'll make sure she's okay." Luther kissed her head before leaving the bathroom. As soon as the bathroom door clicked, she covered her mouth and stood up. Why did she want to kiss him? What the hell was happening to her? Why were her hormones so messed up around him? Ally shook her head and slapped her cheeks, she needed to pull herself together before it was too late.

-----------------------------Ally's room--------------------------

As Luther was daydreaming feeding Lilly, Helen waltzed in brighter than life excited to see her granddaughter. Luther couldn't help but sigh seeing how energetic she was maybe; Helen could give him a break.

"How's grandma's little princess." Luther handed her over and sat down to take a rest, if it wasn't Ally, he didn't have the energy to have a conversation. Lilly wasn't very talkative either and fell asleep as soon as she was cradled.

Helen, "Is Ally taking a bath?" Luther nodded softly being reminded of their encounter, why did he want to kiss her so much? Helen could tell he was exhausted and handed him a coffee, he happily took it and gulped it down. Just as he was calming down Blake and Isaac walked in with some presents.

Blake, "Hey new daddy, we got her toys for when she's older." Luther took then gratefully but he couldn't help but feel slightly narked with this sudden mix of scents. It wasn't his territory, but it was his mates.

Isaac, "How's Ally doing?" Isaac didn't pay much attention to Lilly and mainly focused on Ally which annoyed Luther even more, suddenly his jealousy made his blood run cold. Surely Isaac still didn't think he had a chance with her, even after she'd had a child with him? Luther shook himself out of it, why was his feeling so unstable?

Luther, "She's doing good." It was blunt but all they needed to know. Helen put Lilly back down and looked at Luther peculiarly, she had noticed something strange. Blake and Isaac had picked up on it last night but just assumed he was still upset about the birth.

Helen, "Your pheromones are really intense today?" Luther frowned, he had no idea what they were talking about, he wasn't emitting them on purpose. However, it intrigued him.

Luther, "What do you mean?" Blake rubbed his neck, perhaps he wasn't aware of it.

Isaac, "It's oppressive, vampires usually emit them when there's a threat. You're the creator shouldn't you know about this?" Luther was stunned, he knew all about it, but he wasn't aware he was emitting such things. Male vampires will emit a scent to warn off other vampires in order to protect their offspring and mates. But this was his family why would he consider then a threat? Or did this have something to do with Ally's uneasiness.

Blake, "It's okay we understand your just protecting them after what happened, but we wouldn't do anything to hurt them." Luther knew that but he couldn't turn it off and since becoming aware he could also feel it and it was truly intense. It was so heavy they could barely breath. As he tried to calm it down Helen picked Lilly up.

Helen, "I think it's time this little princess meets the pack." Luther got up from his seat and gripped her shirt as she was about to leave.

Luther, "Ally doesn't want to do that yet." He respected her wishes and refused to let Lilly leave this room until they knew everything was safe. Helen wanted to take her out of here worried his pheromones had affected her, but she should have listened to Luther.

Helen, "It won't hurt, we'll be with her the whole time." Luther began losing his patience, there was one thing you didn't do and that was take away a baby from a new mother, Ally would lose it. Helen began walking from the room sending Luther into a panic when Ally opened the bathroom door only to see Helen taking Lilly away. Suddenly, her heart burst from her chest and she sprinted snatching Lilly from Helen's arms. Isaac and Blake were stunned at how quickly she apprehended the baby and stood behind Luther panting heavily, she looked enraged.

Luther, "You can't take her away without her mother their common sense would tell you that." Ally emotions rubbed off on him and he was equally furious she had attempted such a thing. Helen slowly realized her mistake; Ally was a new mother the last thing she wanted was her baby to be gone when she wasn't looking regardless of who had her. Luther spun around and held her close feeling her heart beat erratically climbing.

Luther, "It's okay I'm here just calm your breathing." Ally held Lilly tightly and took in his scent so she could calm down, the fear of seeing Lilly leave almost caused her heart to stop. What were they thinking!

Isaac, "We're sorry, we just wanted her to get some fresh air. If Luther wasn't giving off such a scent, we would have left her there." He said rudely, Ally felt her anger flare up and calmly handed Lilly over to her father. Ally knew Luther's scent was strong but that's because he was protecting her and Lilly at all times.

Ally, "You have no right to take my child anywhere, what were you thinking!" Helen and Blake flinched, they knew that tone it meant apologize quickly or deal with the consequences. Isaac knew that stance too, she was ready to attack if needed be. They understood she was in distress and protecting her family, but her behavior wasn't that of a normal new mother.

Isaac, "Calm down, your acting like we were going to kidnap her." Luther growled at his tone; he didn't appreciate hi speaking to his mate like that.

Ally, "Calm down? Let me get one thing straight, I have not carried her for nine months and almost died giving birth to her so anyone can come in and take her somewhere without my knowledge. As for Luther's pheromones, it's so Lilly and I feel safe. Quite frankly I don't care if it makes you uncomfortable because without it, I would be a nervous wreck. You should know better than anyone that a new-born pup reacts based on their mothers' emotions. He is doing it for Lilly's sake so think before you open your mouth again!" They all bowed their heads; Ally had a point they were being inconsiderate.

Helen, "I'm sorry sweetheart, I didn't mean anything by it." Ally took a few breaths to calm down, Luther stuck close to her to make sure she didn't feel alone.

Ally, "Look I understand everyone is excited to meet her but right now I want her to bond with me and Luther before being exposed to the pack, she's too young for that right now. Please understand." Blake and Isaac nodded before leaving as well as Helen, Ally didn't mean to make them feel unwanted but in a way, she just wanted to be left alone with her child and mate.

---------------------------------Pack Office-----------------------------

Aiden, "Wow you all look so dejected, what happened?" after he'd finished feeding Aiden went along to see Ally when he noticed Isaac, Blake and Helen in the office looking both pissed and offended.

Blake, "We got kicked out, Ally didn't want us to be around Lilly." Isaac worried him the worst he looked like he was ready to kill someone, he guessed Luther's closeness to Ally was getting to him worse than he expected.

Aiden, "Really? Maybe she's just anxious after what happened." Helen sighed, although he did have a point Ally's behavior and scent were different than usual. Something else was going on but they couldn't put their finger on it. Just as Isaac was ranting about the way she handled the situation Vermont came to save the day.

Blake, "Ah, Vermont it's a pleasure thank-you for coming." As expected, he was still larger than life despite his age, he had come to sanction Lilly as a member of the community. It was routine for council members however Vermont had volunteered hearing that Ally's child had finally been born.

Vermont, "It's my pleasure. How is the happy couple doing?" Helen frowned; they were doing a little too well. Vermont could feel their uneasiness.

Blake, "Their doing good, should I take you to see Lilly?" Vermont gave him a very troubled look, like he was saying something offensive. Isaac was also shook up by his expression, were they missing something?

Vermont, "Heaven's no boy I happen to value my last few years on earth." They all exchanged looks, he sounded dead serious. Vermont was well aged perhaps he knew about these things and could offer some understanding.

Aiden, "Would you care to elaborate we're having some trouble with this right now." Vermont sighed in disappointment, it baffled him they weren't aware of it. As he sat down to fill in Lilly's paperwork Vermont began chatting away letting them know how delicate they were right now.

Vermont, "Ally is a hybrid, everything she experiences is advanced. Whether it be her strength, her speed or her emotions. Generally, when a wolf gives birth her new-born will respond according to the mother's emotions at the time. I heard what happened to Ally before she gave birth, that will most likely of been very traumatic for her causing her mood to become unstable. This is problematic because she also holds the vampire gene. When vampires become too unstable, they turn off their emotions, which is why vampires were genetically manufactured unable to produce offspring. Right now, Ally is trying to keep her emotions on without causing too much stress to her baby." Helen was shell-shocked, she had no idea how much Ally was suffering after her ordeal. Yet, she seemed so relaxed which brought her to the next question.

Helen, "I see may I ask about Luther; his pheromones are really intense. Is that because of Ally?" Vermont smirked slightly, it had everything to do with Ally. Isaac was also intrigued at this point. Vermont knew this would cause conflict but without warning someone could get hurt.

Vermont, "It has everything to do with Ally, if you haven't already noticed they are bonded. Once vampires have bonded, they can no longer live without eachother and become sick when apart for too long. Ally was missing for two months so they both most likely experienced withdrawal. Now they are reunited, their will crave eachother especially now that they have a child together. Not only are they mates but male vampires have an overwhelming desire to protect their mate and offspring. Especially when other vampires have interest in their mate. Isaac, Aiden he will be able to detect when you feel desire for her and will most definitely lash out so be very careful how you express yourselves." Isaac and Aiden both looked down in guilt, so they were the reason Luther was being so protective. Vermont had one last thing to tell them, it was extremely important.

Vermont, "Last but not least you do not touch that child unless you have consent from Ally first. Right now, she is extremely protective of her young, Luther will most likely be the only reason she's so stable. Without him she could become violent and possibly severely injure one of you so ensure Luther is with her at all times. I know most of you won't like that but it's essential."

Isaac, "I had no idea it would become this complicated, why is she like this?" Vermont scowled; had he not been listening.

Vermont, "Personally I think that child is a symbol of hope for Ally. Not only has she survived for her sake but almost perished plenty of times. Don't you think if you had endured so much for someone, you wouldn't want to lose them no matter what?"