Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 81 "Mates?"

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Isaac stopped Eli, Damien and Camilla in their tracks as they reached for Ally's bedroom door. It had been quarantined for the time being after Vermont had cleared up their concerns. Ally and Luther needed to establish a bond with Lilly before exposing her to anyone else.

Camilla, "I'm here to see my sister is there a problem with that?" Eli and Camilla didn't open their hearts to Isaac at all, he was still considered the dark horse unable to be controlled by them. Luckily, Aiden was there to back him up and lead the siblings away to fill them in on the situation. Isaac couldn't help but stare at the door with trepidation. It was a mix of emotions for him right now. Not only did the girl he loves birth the child of another man but now she was alone with him. Nothing made him angrier than the thought of Luther's hands on her.

Blake, "Are you trying to burn a hole in the door?" Isaac snapped out of his gaze and scowled; he had been caught brooding. Blake had no option but to feel sympathy for Isaac right now, it must be hard for him to see Ally like that. It had only been a few days since she'd returned from the grave and their emotions were all hung up to dry while Lilly was born. Now people were getting restless and wanting to see her.

Isaac, "How's the pack doing, still nagging to see her?" Nodding in disappointment they both wandered into the kitchen to have a drink. Whiskey was the best remedy for heartbreak, Joseph had taught him that.

Blake, "They're still nagging but I've never seen them so protective over the house. I guess Ally was a wakeup call to a lot of us." Isaac couldn't agree more, it was never a simple return for Ally King. As they chatted away Liam who had been missing in action for the past few days reconnecting with Jay and Abbie who refused to breach the territory.

Isaac, "Hey, welcome back." Liam took Isaac shot out of his hand before sucking it down greedily, looks like it had been a rough few days for them all. Isaac sighed defeated before pouring another glass.

Liam, "How's Ra-I mean Ally been?" Blake and Isaac planted their heads on the table giving him a straight answer it had been a nightmare.

Liam, "That bad huh? I guessed with everything that happened." Aiden soon joined them after explaining to the James siblings what was going on, this was exhausting they thought. All of them seemed so defeated even though this was a happy time.

Aiden, "Jesus, you'd think someone died. Here let's keep drinking." They all happily accepted as he grabbed another bottle from the bench, it was time to get some things out in the open. Drowning their insecurities. Surprisingly they all matched up pretty well with their tolerance and before they knew it, they were all chatting like close friends exchanging stories under the moonlight.

Isaac, "Hahaha I'm telling you when Blake was a kid, he used to kiss the girls when they fell over, so Ally used to push them over on purpose to make him more embarrassed." Blake playfully punched him; the regret began sinking in. Aiden and Blake had forgotten one vital thing when drinking with Isaac, he would expose you to your bones.

Liam, "You both really look alike I never saw it until now. So, your twins?" Blake nodded two peas in a pod as he liked to say. They had all started drinking to forget about Ally but ended up talking about anyway.

Aiden, "I remember the day Ally found out about Isaac and you came to our door. The way you punched him I'll never forget it, it was hilarious." Blake and Aiden both burst into laughter while Isaac sat unamused, Blake seemed weak, but he could throw a punch when he wanted. Liam was following their stories not too clear on their life together, but he realised the day Ally came back that this was where she belonged.

Blake, "What about you Liam, you lived with her for two months. What was it like?" This question had been on their minds for a while, they never got around to asking what Ally was like without her memories. Liam awkwardly rubbed his neck; it was refreshing to say the least.

Liam, "Um I mean she was amazing, smart and really caring. Don't get me wrong from what I've heard she wasn't much different without her memories, but she really helped me out and gave me a home, so I owe her a lot."

Aiden, "You'll find that with Ally, she always has her own way of saving people. I know she did it for us plenty of times and now you have a family so good for you." They all cheered to that and continued sharing stories until they were completely wasted. It was around 1 am so everyone else had gone to bed apart from one person…

Luther walked into the kitchen with a bottle of formula for Lilly, he'd come to heat it up and caught the four guys almost passed out on the table. They all focused their eyes recognizing him as Luther, but he'd come at a bad time. Isaac was drinking for a reason.

Blake, "Sorry were we too loud?" Blake was the most sober of the four being a wolf he had a bigger tolerance.

Luther, "No don't worry about it, sorry for disturbing you." Luther politely smiled before clicking on the kettle. Aiden wearily looked at his brother who had locked eyes on Luther, he grabbed his wrist and shook his head warning him not to start.

Isaac, "So are you having fun in there?" Luther mostly ignored his comment understanding he was drunk. Blake gave him a dark look; they didn't want any trouble. Liam gasped as he realized seeing the bottle in his hand that this was the baby's father. In truth he wasn't surprised, Ally was stunning after all. Luther was tall and broad, he looked strong and handsome just her match.

Liam, "Oh, you must be the father nice to meet you." Luther accepted his handshake and smiled kindly. Trying to be the better man he avoided Isaac's menacing glare.

Isaac, "Yeah some father. Did you know Liam that he knocked her up and then tried to hand her over to the S.E.S" The room fell silent as Liam awkwardly retracted his gaze. Luther put down Lilly's bottle and took a deep breath.

Blake, "Isaac cut it out it wasn't like that and you know it." Isaac chuckled feeling Luther's scent get stronger in his discomfort, he was enjoying this.

Isaac, "Bullsh*t, I bet Ally regrets ever meeting that asshole." Luther finally snapped and turned with lowing red eyed giving him the most hateful look the boys had ever seen. Aiden shuddered under the immense pressure, he slapped Isaac head trying to snap him out of it before this turned into a fight.

Aiden, "Luther, he's drunk don't mind him." Trying desperately to settle the air Aiden tried to defend him. However, Luther didn't appreciate being slated especially when it came to his mate.

Luther, "Couldn't I say the same thing about you after you up and left her for almost a year while she drunk herself near death. Don't try to act like the bigger man when your just as guilty asshole." Blake was wide mouthed; it was rare Luther would give such a rough insult he was usually composed. This pheromone thing was becoming more apparent by the day.

Isaac, "What the f*ck did you say?" Isaac stood up from the table and walked round, their body language was too defensive this was going to be a fight for sure. Blake stepped in the middle trying to calm the situation down but with both eyes glowing and fists at the ready he didn't see much resolve at all.

Isaac, "Out of all the people in the world why did it have to be you she mated with, it's disgusting." Luther hissed and lunged forward, but Liam and Aiden held him back. However, the strength of this guy was insane, Isaac was slightly smaller than Luther, but they were about the same build meaning this would be messy. Little did they know that pheromones had a stronger connection than they could ever know, and Ally had come to investigate why Luther was so distressed only to overhear Isaac's last statement and it was safe to say he had f*cked up big time.

Isaac had no idea what hit him when he was flung over the table, Blake, Liam and Aiden all looked on in awe to see Ally panting standing in front of Luther. It took Isaac a few seconds to register what had happened as he stood back up ready to engage only to come face to face with Ally. Both of her eyes glowed bright violet and her fangs were out ready. It didn't matter who it was no-one disrespected the father of her child.

"So, it's disgusting to you that my daughter is alive! Back the f*ck up before I rip your head off!" Isaac was still drunk and the two people in-front of him were enemies in his clouded mind.

Blake, "Sis please clam down he's drunk he doesn't know what he's doing!" Ally glared at him clamping Blake's moth shut. Aiden and Liam stood back and watched the show, they wouldn't dare mess with her right now.

Isaac, "You took the words right out of my mouth. After everything this guy put you through you act like he's gods gift!" Luther stepped forward to engage when Ally gently put her hand on his chest to calm him down. This was a long time coming and she expected Isaac to act out when this became reality, Ally was ready for him.

Ally, "No that's not it at all is it Isaac? Your angry because I bred with another person when you still have feelings for me. You want to act out then let's get it all out in the open. But I'm warning you now if you engage with him again, I will take is side every time." Isaac hissed in rage; there she went again protecting him. Why were they so close all of a sudden? Just because the baby was born this was ridiculous.

Isaac, "Why did it have to be him huh? Why did you choose him?" Ally felt his betrayal strike her soul, Isaac was hurting she could feel that, but this was the way things had to be.

Ally, "Because it did. I never knew I would have his child or become his mate, things just happen and it's painful and annoying, but you have to accept that this is how things are now. Your angry with me and I understand that but please don't take it out on Luther. He's not your rival or your enemy because such a thing doesn't exist because I made my choice. I'm sorry Isaac." The realisation that he would never kiss her or hold her again was crushing. Now she stood with another man, with her own child and life. Isaac could never contend with that. Without saying a word, he walked out of the kitchen with glassy eyes, Ally felt her heart break too seeing him so dejected. They had their chance and they both blew it; this was her life now and Isaac had to accept that.

Aiden, "We'll make sure he doesn't do anything stupid, sorry for causing trouble. Goodnight." The boys left, leaving Ally and Luther shocked that had just happened. Luther felt guilty for feeling happy as she broke Isaac's heart, but it cleared his suspicion that they still had lingering feelings.

Luther, "Are you okay?" Ally nodded and turned around breathing in his scent for comfort. She wasn't okay at all, it hurt her saying such things to the boy she'd grown up with.

Ally, "I'll be fine the truth needed to come out sooner than later." Although she had a point it didn't stop Luther from noticing her sadness. This was happening so quickly it was hard to wrap their head around. Not even they had questioned their newfound bond and instead had been dragged into reality.

Luther, "I know it's different, but we can't control it." Trying to make her feel better just put things into perspective for Ally, this pull between them and an ungodly fear that everything would come crashing down had nothing to do with how they felt for one another. Ally took his hand and led him back to the room so they could talk without prying ears, the commotion must have attracted some attention. Ally checked on Lily before sitting down on the bed with him.

Ally, "I don't think it's our connection that makes this difficult for them. Think about it you all thought I was dead for two months then all of a sudden, I come back without a care in the world. Then of all times I was taken away again so I could give birth to Lilly. They're anxious I'm going to disappear again that's why there so flustered right now." Luther took a step back and really considered what she was saying, her disappearance was something he'd strangely forgotten about most likely because he'd had Ally all to himself.

Luther, "Your still here. Isn't that enough?" Yet again Luther had a valid point but for some people that wasn't enough. They wanted to talk to her, touch her while ridding of their insecurities. It was tough right now especially since Ally didn't want to be around anyone else but Luther. Seeing this conversation was hitting home Luther decided to change it into a different direction.

Luther, "You protected me back there. Thankyou." Ally smiled in embarrassment, as if she would let anything happen to her daughters' father.

Ally, "You would have done the same for me plus your not leaving me alone with a new-born baby. I need you." Luther felt the thumping in his chest get more intense. When was the last time she said that? When was the last time Ally had seriously wanted to be around him?

Luther, "Can I ask you a question?" She felt her body shudder, she knew where this was going and was unsure if she had the courage to respond accordingly. Luther was also insecure right now seeing how affectionate Ally was towards him.

Luther, "Do you want to be around me so much because of Lilly or because of how you feel." There it was, the bombshell she hoped would never drop. It was such a simple question with a mountain of possible answers, Ally knew she felt something towards him. Whether that was love or not she didn't know.

Ally, "Right now it's both. You're the father of my child and my mate of course I want to be around you. Does it really matter the exact reason why?" Trying desperately to dodge the question she simply smiled in response, but Luther wouldn't let it slip past him so easily. Without warning he pinned Ally's hands by her head and leaned in, so his lips were a few centimetres away from hers. She was stunned at his actions; did he want an answer so badly?

Ally, "What are y—"

Luther, "You don't feel anything?" his hot breath on her face made her skin shiver, so now he was going to force it out of her. Along with his piercing eyes, his scent was overpowering she felt dominated. This was bad she needed to get him off.

Ally, "Stop it you'll wake Lilly up!" Luther kept his mouth at a distance, but he wouldn't say a word, she didn't know what to do, this body heat was comforting.

Luther, "Forget everything and look only at me. What do you feel?" Ally shuddered his voice was deep and resonating, was he always like this? How did he have this power over her, it was uncomfortable yet made her happy at the same time.

Ally, "I don't know…" she said quietly, her face was so hot she could barely breathe. Luther smirked at her tearful eyes; she always did have a hard time admitting her feelings.

Luther, "Liar." Before Ally could do a thing, Luther pressed her lips against hers. She was wide eyed and confused, her body didn't have the strength to push him away. There was no way she could admit her feelings towards him, if she did then their relationship would revive full force. As their kiss got deeper, she squirmed trying her best to break free, this was too much. Even her eyes were steaming in nervousness. Luther let her gain a breath before kissing her forcefully again, the hope that he was done only lasted a mere second before dissipating again under his weight.

Ally, "Hmm!" she tried to cry out, but her voice got nowhere, he was really trying to prove a point. Finally, he stopped as they both panted heavily, Ally gritted her teeth trying to push him off before this stretched any further.

Luther, "That frustration, butterflies, panic. Do you know what that's called?"

Ally, "Sickness?" she said sarcastically. Ally flinched as he frowned and leaned down again thankfully his lips passed her face and slipped to her ear.

Luther, "It's called love. The more you fight the more I'll push back." Stunned she lay there frozen as he let her go, she rubbed the red marks on her wrists as he walked from the room. That really shocked her she thought. Not only was she disappointed he had left but she felt guilty for not admitting it while the air was still raw between them. Did she really love Luther James?