Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 82 "Life is Temporary."

"Okay baby girl mommy needs to stop being silly so today we're going to meet your family. Just a word of warning it's pretty big but if you feel uncomfortable just cry and we will get you straight out of there." Luther covered his mouth to stop himself from laughing, was Ally trying to convince Lilly or herself that she was fine?

Ally, "Stop laughing at me I'm just letting her know." Lilly got prettier by the day and Ally felt a proudness is her heart that she had created such a thing. It had been a week since Luther pinned her down so their tension had settled but somehow, she couldn't get his eyes out of her head.

Luther, "Ally she's a week old, you do realize she can't talk back yet." Lilly cooed at her father's voice as if telling him she could, Ally gave him a victorious pose. Mother's love had won yet again.

Ally, "Daddy doesn't think you can understand me, but I know you can, right?" Lilly cooed even louder this time; Luther hung his head in defeat. Their bond was insane, and he already could tell he was going to have a stubborn daughter as well as mate.

Luther, "You win. I've told everyone to gather outside and not to crowd you. Are you ready?" Ally responded with a large sigh; she couldn't keep them all cooped up in here forever. However, Isaac was also weighing on her mind quite a big, she bet he hated her now.

Ally, "I'm ready. Come on little pup." Cradling Lilly in her arms dressed in her beautiful white dress, Ally prepared for battle of another kind. Luther stuck close to her as they made their way outside. As she emerged it was like being royalty. They all stood excitedly awaiting their Alpha to return once and for all. Jake, Quinn, Carrie, Blake, Helen all of them were there with smiles on their faces. Camilla looked like she was about to collapse vibrating with excitement, she had never had a sister before. Eli and Damien looked happy too.

Ally, "For the second time and with a new member, I'm back." Jake was suddenly lifted on Quinn's shoulder counting down from five on his fingers. Then all at once they whispered.

"Welcome Home." Ally went from shell-shocked to hysterical laughter in the space of two seconds, she couldn't help herself, they were so considerate she thought.

Ally, "Thank you for the quiet welcome, now…who would like to meet Lilly." They all went to argue when Camilla burst through the front of the crowd like a drama queen.

Camilla, "Siblings first, the rest of you brats can wait." Ally snickered, that girl wasn't subtle at all. Luther was overjoyed they were so interested. Eli, Damien and Camilla all took turns holding her and Lilly was fine, she even smiled at Damien when he talked to her while made Camilla pout. Ally was anxious the whole time but settled feeling Luther's hand intertwine with hers. She could already feel it…these people would protect her daughter at all costs just like her. This wasn't just a normal pup; this was their miracle. Helen wouldn't stop cooing at her, Blake was taking on the role of the awkward uncle already and the rest of the pack commented on how beautiful she was. It was a proudness she couldn't express through words, so she smiled.

Luther, "Do you feel okay?" Yet again he was worrying about her, but Ally was feeling better than she thought possible. Lilly was happy being shown off and even giggled at the expressions of most of the pack.

Carrie, "I can't believe how responsive she is. It's like she's a year old already."

Helen, "Ally was the same at her age. Blake slept majority of the time, but Ally was always aware of what was going on." Ally's eyes widened; she never knew that. As everyone began chatting Lilly began looking around quite alarmed. Ally could already feel she was getting insecure without her parents, so she walked up and showed her face.

Blake, "Oh? Looks like she missed her mom." Blake watched Lilly's troubled face spurn into a settled smile as Ally waved at her. However, Ally noticed something different in the air around her, it was security but a hint of worry still. Their emotions matched perfectly so whatever Lilly felt she did too. It didn't take long for her to feel the hair stand up on her arms. Luther saw Ally's eyes twitch as she looked towards the forest to the north, something was making her uncomfortable.

Ally, "Blake could you give me Lilly for a second." Blake shuddered at her tone; she wasn't just angry…she was furious about something. Gently, he passed Lilly over and immediately she reached up and touched her mother's cheek.

Ally, "I know honey it's okay." This scent burned her throat coldly, had they come so quickly for revenge? Luther took his position beside her still unsure why her aura was so menacing. The packs chatter died down as they all took notice of their alpha's stance.

Luther, "Give me Lilly for a second." He knew when Ally was ready to fight, her face told it all. She reluctantly gave her daughter to her father and began walking centre field. She was still injured from the birth but that wouldn't stop her from tearing down her enemies. While everyone else stood bewildered shadows began walking from the tree line onto the property. They looked tall and frightening…

Helen, "No way…it's…them…" Ally's mother already knew who was coming she knew their faces too well. Not only them but another enemy stood behind them. While dribbling and panting hysterical laughter filled the field.

"So, this is the girl everyone's been losing their heads over. Just how weak are you, she's tiny!" Who knew she would ever see such a face again along with her mortal enemies? The leader of the rejected was the only man to have survived her attack. It was the feral man responsible for attacking her and Isaac outside of the territory.

Ally, "Size doesn't matter when it comes to killing. You should know that well enough after seeing your friends torn apart." As his eyes zeroed in closer, he bit his own tongue almost clean off realizing who he was challenging.

Ally, "Ready for round two Kazo?" Kazo Leroy, previously a member of the King pack and someone Ally despised from being young. After challenging her father for the alpha role and failing he was banished from the pack. Attacking her and Isaac which were the favourites to succeed the pack was most likely his revenge against Jackson King. She casually dismissed him and looked at the posy behind.

Ally, "Did you come for revenge so soon George? I hope your plan doesn't disappoint me; your track record has been rather meek. Are we running out of ideas?" she said tauntingly. Sol and Shadow stood by his side with hatred stretched across their face.

George, "You destroyed everything I had. I told you there would be consequences, didn't I? Oh, is that your daughter, how fitting I was just here to collect her." Ally's cocky attitude disappeared quicker than light and was replaced with a deranged glare, they could attack her all they wanted but her daughter was off limits. It was like a bomb had went off on the field as everyone shuddered feeling her bloodlust consume them like a viper.

Ally, "Collect? Don't f*ck with me! I'll tear you all limb from limb so do your best." Sol smiled seeing his sister hidden behind those evil words, Luna was pushing along with her to protect their young. Technically Lilly was partly her child too being the same conduit.

Sol, "We're well aware of your power Ally there's no need to be so defensive. Were here for much more than your daughter." More than Lilly? What else could they be here for?

George, "It seems you've misunderstood something very important." Ally cocked her head; how could that be true? There wasn't much she missed these days. Sol began walking forward with a crooked smile on his face, all of that charm disappeared, and he looked just as frightening as Ally. She moved to a fighting stance feeling his bloodlust invade her space, was he going to fight her?

Sol, "Luna ran away from me for a reason." He said coldly before sprinting up to her faster than her eyes could keep up, Ally gasped and jumped backwards barely avoiding his kick. It was the same martial arts she used, and it was lethal.

Ally, "Do I look like I'm running?" Blake and Helen began biting their nails in nervousness as the pack gasped in fear, Ally wiped her cut face and licked it from her knuckle. Had Sol been holding back the whole time to deceive her?

Sol, "In the heavens before we walked the earth, I was the superior which is why Luna fled so valiantly. Now Ally King will you conceded or suffer defeat for the first time in your life?" Ally smirked; he talked a formal slur, but she wasn't intimidated one bit.

Ally, "You may have been the superior in heaven but were on earth right now. And you're on my turf." This was so exciting her blood was boiling in anticipation. In her mind they were conversing secretly daring eachother to attack. Sol was bigger built but with weight came limits, in speed.

Sol took a deep breath; he could move at any minute. Ally could see his movements before he even could, as Sol rushed forward yet again Ally counter her kick to the face and jolted a devastating blow to the knee causing him to crumble. Sol dodged her punch and stepped back looking quite impressed. Her fighting style was clearly advanced compared to the usual person but that's what happens when you devote yourself to protecting others. This time Ally engaged first and enacted a flying scissor kick to the side of his head but at the last moment he caught her ankle, Ally gritted her teeth and changed her stance lifting her other leg and kicking upwards to his jaw before somersaulting backwards. Sol spat the blood from his mouth.

Sol, "You have talent I have to say, maybe combat isn't my best weapon so let's switch it up, shall we?" Ally felt her heart drop as he pulled his eyes towards his accomplices. From the grasp of Kazo was…her father…

How could she have forgot? Why didn't she question his whereabouts after her death? No-one even mentioned him…How? How? How? Like a invisible veil one by one people began recognizing him like he was a lost soul. Had Sol removed their memories of him? Ally was on good terms with her father since he discovered her pregnancy but after she went missing…so had he…

Ally, "Why do you have my father? What are you doing?" George smirked holding a revolver in his hand. Surely not…he wouldn't…in front of her eyes?

George, "Your clearly stronger after birthing your daughter and I know from record it doesn't matter how many times I hurt you physically you won't break. But mentally your much weaker than you make out to be Ally." Luther could already feel the impending doom coating her like tar, they wouldn't let her go without hurting her first and that meant…

Jackson, "It's okay Ally. Heh it looks like I'm a grandfather now, she's beautiful." Ally's eyes filled with tears, even now he was trying so hard to be kind. Why did she have to respect him now of all times, after all of those years of being under his fist.

Sol, "You understand now don't you, with power comes advantages. I took away your memories of him so you wouldn't go looking, only to bring him back at the most vital moment. Be grateful I'm letting you all say goodbye." Ally gritted her teeth and glared at Sol; he had really been manipulating her all along.

Ally, "I'll ask kindly for you to unhand him, he's an important figure in this pack. If you harm him, I'll kill you all on the spot." Kazo and George exchanged glances and chuckled.

George, "Did you know that 20% of the supernatural population are feral? Compared to your pack they are very misunderstood as well as very angry, not even you could control them." Ally could feel ger despair running deeper into her heart as the blood flow increased. George was implying something terrifying.

Ally, "Your saying you have control over that population? Don't make me laugh they wouldn't follow someone like you, it doesn't matter if they are outcasted or not you and your facility are still the enemy of our kind. Now let him go."

Jackson, "It's no use Ally, he has nothing to lose anymore. Please don't so anything rash." Jackson knew his daughter, her body language, facial expressions, that animosity he'd been the target of for her whole life was now targeted at his captors. But he knew now she had her own family fighting to the death like she was prepared for so many times before wasn't an option anymore.

Kazo, "They may not follow him, but they follow me, to my dying breath. If you make a move all I have to do is whistle and your whole pack goes down with us including your precious daughter." Hearing him threaten her child made her blood oil so hot her whole body turned red with rage.

Ally, "No-one touches my family, are you so eager to die George? I have no problem doing that for you, I'll even make it quick considering we have history." George began laughing yet again, he was taking every word with a pinch of salt as if he were untouchable.

George, "The balls not in your court Ally you don't get to make demands you removed that right when you destroyed my facility and killed my men. All of this because you couldn't simply lay down and accept your capture. Now you've hurt Liam, your pack and your pride. It's pitiful really but don't cry just yet, the parties just getting started." With that he took the knife in his hand and placed it up against Jackson's throat. As Ally and her fathers' eyes met, she couldn't believe how calm he stood on deaths door even having the audacity to sile at her kindly. Their relationship was far from perfect, but he didn't deserve this.

Ally, "PLEASE don't. Don't hurt him, I can't take back my choice! And I can't take back my involvement, but he is innocent, this is not his price to pay."

Kazo, "I thought you hated him Ally, I watched your childhood spent on battling him and now that he's about to be ripped away you desire him, what changed?" It was a question she struggled to answer honestly but even if he had led her down this path with tough love, she wouldn't have it any other way. With her eyes transfixed on her father she delivered every word, so he knew.

Ally, "My father and I have butted heads since I could speak and fought since I could stand but that doesn't make him a horrible man or a person who deserves to be punished by the likes of you. My father taught me to be strong even when I was weak and to keep my head up even when I was on the ground. He loved my brother and doted on him to make him a man to be proud of, Blake loves you even if he won't admit it. My father also taught me one very important thing in this life. Family no matter how much hatred is bred and grows, there is always room for forgiveness and love. I love you not because you're my father but because you made me to be the girl I am today; I can't think of a gift greater than that." Silent tears fell across the field at the powerful confession of how Ally truly felt towards this man. Jackson smiled a teary smile knowing finally he wasn't hated. He was loved…

George, "How sentimental I'm sure your father will carry those words over to other side with a smile. Now it's time to send him off." Ally started to panic and edge forward which only made the blade move quicker, she was panting squeaky breaths as her lungs struggled for air then as if time stopped, she could hear nothing but her father's voice.

Jackson, "I'm proud of you. I have done unspeakable things to you Ally and yet you still offer me peace at such a time, I wish I was half the woman you are. I love you my girl."

Ally, "NO!" Before she could sprint to his aid in one quick snap…it was all over. Ally fell to her knees catching her fathers' lifeless body in her arms and the scream that came next shattered everyone's hearts as they all gasped in harmony. Ally felt his body heat dissipate in the heavy downpour until there was nothing left to feel.

George stood proudly knife in hand looking on over Ally shaking sobs, he had gotten what he wanted. Sol looked over at the shell-shocked pack and made sure to install fear in their hearts one last time.

Sol, "You see not even your alpha can protect you, your all just fresh meat waiting on a slab for us to devour. Take this as a warning that we aren't even close to being even yet." Then he walked over to Ally who was cradling his father's body and whispered gently.

Sol, "This may be your territory beautiful, but this is our world, you don't stand a chance so enjoy your harmony while it lasts. We'll be back very soon." Ally didn't even raise her head; it was a truth so hurtful her insides churned at his voice. Like shadows they all delivered the pack one last victorious smirk before blending into the forest out of sight.

Pain is only the beginning…