Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 83 "No time to Mourn."

Isaac, "Ally come on you have to let him go." All disregard for their dispute vanished the minute Isaac watched from afar Ally's father killed in cold blood right before their very eyes. People hadn't spoken in hours and Ally was frozen still clutching her fathers' body close to her chest. They wouldn't dare go anyway near her; it was as if there was an invisible force keeping them at bay. They say you really don't know what you have until it's gone. But that was tough to word in this situation. The frustration and guilt of not even knowing he was gone overcame everything else. How could she have looked her own brother in the face and not thought of her own father? Just how cruel was she?

Ally, "Keep away from me right now Isaac. I don't want to hurt you." Isaac looked at her sorrowfully seeing her puffy red eyes from the continuous sobbing. They never knew it would hit them so hard, but they all stood so overwhelmed not just by the spectacle but the emotional exchange between the two.

Aiden, "Ally your daughter needs you right now." Lilly seemed to snap her out of their daze with her cries, like she was shouting for her presence, they had a point she needed her mother but whenever her arms attempted to let him go they would pull back even tighter like an elastic band. Why couldn't she let him go? Was it because of his last words or merely the fact that she had known this man her whole life?

Ally, "He didn't deserve to die like that…not by the hands of them. I always promised him if anyone was going to kill him it would be me. In a way I guess I did… He's so cold…" It was a voice they had never heard before, a mixture of despair anger and relief. Isaac crouched down next to her trying to get her to lift her chin.

Isaac, "Ally look at me. It's not your fault, you can't blame yourself for this. I won't allow it." Ally simply chuckled to herself, it didn't matter if he allowed it or not this was her mind.

Ally, "So I should get up and stand tall just because you won't allow it?" Shaking from head to toe she reluctantly let her fathers body slip from her arms and took a deep breath wiping away her tears. This wasn't a time to be sentimental her pack needed her right now. Their silence was worrying enough. Ally stood in-front of her pack with an expressionless face looking at Blake's tear stained face, trickles of white fell against his tan skin. It broke her heart seeing how much this was hurting him, he was always closer to Jackson than her.

Ally, "I'm sorry you all had to witness such brutality and listen to such abuse. I made an oath when I became the alpha of this pack to protect each member with my life and even though we have lost someone so influential because of my negligence that rule still stands. I don't want you all to lose faith in me because of this incident. Truthfully, I was weak and failed to protect him, but I won't lose to anyone else. They started the war, but I will end it." Luther tried to console Lilly who cried as if for her mother's sorrow. Nobody could say much seeing just how empty Ally looked both inside and out, with that she tugged Luther's arm and went back inside.

Isaac, "Take some time to mourn all of you, we'll make sure she's okay." Jake's little face looked so troubled; he had never seen the woman he admired look like that in his life. Blake and Helen held hands and returned inside taking one last look at Jackson's body on the field. Everyone else soon silently followed returning to their rooms.

---------------------------Ally's room--------------------------------------

Luther, "Ally?" She had confined herself in the bathroom refusing to let anyone see her weak and to also spare Lilly from her pain which she knew she could feel strongly even behind a closed door. How could she face anyone after that, after letting her father die so easily without even putting up a solid fight for him. She felt the lowest of the low.

Ally, "Leave me alone for now, I'll see Lilly after I've bathed." Luther sighed in dejection, she even sounded empty in her voice but who wouldn't be traumatized by that? Ally didn't realize until she began to undress that her shirt was soaked with blood from his throat, yet she found it difficult to throw it away it was all she had left of him.

Luther "It's alright honey Mommy's just bathing for now." Lilly had been unsettled since Ally's senses kicked in before her father's death, it was very rare she cried so it was clear just how much this had affected her mother without Luther even needing to ask.

*Knock* *Knock*

Luther spun around as he tried to settle her to see Isaac and Aiden standing in the doorway searching frantically for Ally. They didn't seem too affected by what they'd seen but it didn't stop them from worrying about her.

Isaac, "Is she in the bath?" Luther nodded still weary of him after their altercation.

Aiden, "This is such a mess. They really aren't showing mercy this time around, as long as Ally refuses them, they will pick us off one by one." Luther hadn't even got around to contemplating that all that was on his mind was his mate right now.

Luther, "I don't think we should be thinking about that right now. Yes, this is a mess, but we have bigger problems at hand. Don't you think Ally's suffered enough at this time. First was her memory loss, then was almost losing Lilly and now her father was killed in-front of her very eyes." Aiden lowered his head; Luther's tone was menacing.

Isaac, "You've got a point, but we can't just ignore this Luther this whole pack is terrified." A wave of insecurity washed over him, he had just left Ally alone to deal with them. If he had intervened would her father still be alive? It pained him that when his mate most needed him, he froze on the spot. Then he looked at Lilly's face, those violet eyes penetrated into him as if she was secretly reassuring him about the situation.

Luther, "I'll talk to Ally about it after she's rested just inform the pack that the alpha is still going strong and not to worry. We'll put guards on the front to cover the field." Aiden and Isaac nodded any instructions were followed at this point they were equally alarmed at how quickly a life could end. They left Luther still trying to console Lilly, she was teary eyed and frantically searching for her mother. It was a harsh wait for Ally to come out of the bathroom when eventually she emerged red eyed and exhausted.

Ally, "Give her to me please." Luther gently passed her over to Ally whom lay down on the bed with her knees up to support her daughter. Lilly smiled happily finally safe in her arms, but Ally didn't have the strength to smile back. Her fathers' words commenting on her beautiful daughter and how he had become a grandfather swirled around in her head until it was pounding painfully.

Luther, "Ally you know this isn't your fault, right?" She clicked her tongue in frustration, for some reason she didn't want anyone to console her she just wanted to be left alone. Luther was stuck with what to do he hadn't seen her in this state in a long time.

Ally, "Please don't try to justify this, of course this is my fault. I antagonized them and this was the outcome. If I hadn't of destroyed that facility my father would be right here by my side greeting his granddaughter. But instead he's being buried on pack grounds covered in blood and without a throat." In her voice was such rage and anguish, she wasn't in the mood to be told otherwise. But what was she feeling?

Luther, "Talk to me what do you feel?" Ally sighed; he really wasn't going to leave her be. She took Lilly's hands and kissed them playfully causing her to giggle. It felt awful to think it but Lilly was a distraction right now.

Ally, "How do I feel? How am I supposed to feel? Should I be angry, sad, relived or should I put on a brave smile and be glad that the person I had wished would never hurt me ever again died at my feet."

Luther, "I'm not asking what you should feel I'm asking how you feel right now." Luther edged closer and sat down on the bed. Ally's rage was building up, she couldn't admit it that wasn't who she was inside. Still, it didn't stop a tear from slipping down her cheek. She caught it on her finger and looked at it in disarray.

Ally, "I feel so guilty it's like my heart is infected. I forgot my own father and then lost him, he never deserved to suffer from my mistakes Luther. I can smell the fear in the air and almost hear everyone wondering who'll be next. And what can I do just stand idly by again while another person is ripped away from me. I can't watch that again, I can't!" Ally put her hands over her face trying to conceal her sobs. Luther pried them away and wiped her eyes, Ally wouldn't even look him in the eye she was so disgusted in herself.

Ally, "We have a daughter now. What if they take her, I'll lose my mind?"

Luther, "That will never happen, I don't care if I have to kill the whole human population, they will not touch you or Lilly, I promise you."

Ally, "I know you mean well but that doesn't make me feel any more secure. I just stood there and watched them slit his throat. I'm supposed to be someone to protect the ones I love, and I couldn't even do that. I should never have challenged them…" Nothing was getting through to her she was drowning in guilt, it was like waves kept washing over her and all she could do was watch. Standing still in a sea of hatred.

Luther, "You had no choice, think about Lilly she wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you. It may not feel like it right now, but you made the right call. What happened to your father is awful, I can't imagine how much pain you all must be in right now, but it was not your fault Ally." Luther was getting increasingly infuriated, being connected to her he could also feel that rock in his chest even though he had no care for Jackson whatsoever.

Ally, "I can't just sit here, I'm going to see my brother could you settle Lilly for me." Luther sighed and nodded; she still wouldn't listen. Ally handed over her daughter and dreadfully walked down the hall towards Blake's office and could hear his voice bellowing loudly alarming her. Ally rushed into the office to see Liam and Blake arguing with Helen.

Blake, "I don't want to talk about this right now! Our father just died mom, why are you saying that!" It was rare to see her brother in such an angry state, so she had no idea what to do. Helen was still crying but had a menacing look on her face.

Liam, "Blake's right Helen, logically this isn't an option at this point no matter how much you want it." Liam was also arguing which wasn't rare but still surprising considering he hadn't been here very long.

Ally, "Stop shouting, will someone tell me what the hell is going on." Blake didn't even flinch before running into Ally's arms like a child. Like her motherly instinct took over she strolled his head which proved difficult being a 6"4 man.

Liam, "Your mother wants to apply for a peace treaty with the S.E.S." Ally froze on the spot leaving her hand in thin air, Blake looked into her eyes with a painful expression. They both knew that would be impossible considering how heavy their hearts were combined.

Ally, "Mom?" Helen also looked frozen as if afraid to voice her opinion. Ally raised her eyebrows trying to encourage her until it all burst out at once.

Helen, "We are in danger all of us! What about Lilly, what about your brother do you want them to be next?" Ally was wide eyed with her mouth slightly agape in shock. Blake clicked his tongue clearly disagreeing with her.

Liam, "Ally wouldn't let that happen right Ally?" Both Blake and Liam looked at her hopefully as if expecting her to confidently agree that she was enough to protect them even after the events today. Why did they still have so much faith in her?

Ally, "Mom, do you really have that little faith in me. You know I would never let them touch any of you. I understand your afraid—"

Helen, "Of course I'm afraid! Your father was a strong man despite his differences, and he was killed effortlessly. I'm not confident that the children are safe here, they would be an easy target for the likes of them." Suddenly a burning sensation clenched in Ally's gut and moved its way up to her mouth.

Ally, "Targets? Do you hear yourself right now! Don't you dare question my ability to protect my pack I've done it my whole life. Are you trying to say I can't even protect my own daughter!" Blake moved back seeing Ally's eyes glow, Helen should never bring Lilly's safety into these discussions it was setting her up for failure. Isaac and Aiden had found their way to the room hearing the commotion.

Isaac, "What the hell is going on?" Blake stood there with thunder on his face ignoring everyone else around him, Isaac rolled his eyes and walked in to see Ally furious with her eyes pointed at Helen.

Helen, "You just stood their Ally, while your father died in front of your very eyes. If you can't protect him, who can you protect!" Everyone's faces turned pale hearing Helen scream the worst words she could at her daughter. Aiden slowly looked at Ally's face, she was hurt she had to be hearing that.

Ally, "Emotions are high right now and your scared so your trying to convince me I'm not enough. But the only thing you will receive from a peace treaty is me and my daughter held captive in a facility and used as lab rats. Is that what you truly want mom?" It was a harsh image to picture, and they all knew too well their alpha would rather die than let that happen.

Helen, "It's not what I want at all, but I can't just ignore the fact that you stood by. What if it had been Lilly, would you have watched?" Isaac flinched seeing Helen cross the line, Ally was so overcome with rage she suddenly pinned Helen up to the wall causing the shelves behind her to fall and smash.

Ally, "If I had moved, we all would have died, don't you see! They have an army of feral mother; they have no laws or boundaries and they are lethal. It was him or everyone else and I made the decision as the alpha of this pack to protect you all. How about some gratitude considering you don't have to carry that burden around with you for the rest of your life!" Helen was so afraid she was shaking like a leaf; Ally had never handled her like this but hearing her words. Deep down she could see the anguish in Ally's eyes, so she had chosen them over her father.

Isaac, "Ally come on let her go." Blake wasn't intervening for once and stood quite pleased with himself. Liam was frantic not knowing which side he should take at this point. He attempted to pull Ally away, but she wasn't done yet.

Ally, "I love every person in this pack like they were my blood, I already feel insecure about my abilities and you are not helping. But just know if a situation comes around like this again, because I have a child to protect, I will show you a side to me you may not accept. This goes for all of you, I'm at my limit right now." She released Helen and stole Blake's pen from his jacket pocket before writing down a number.

Aiden, "What are you doing?"

Ally, "Someone call Vermont and tell I want a council meeting tomorrow at the earliest, if he refuses tell him I'll take the whole place down. If anyone is feeling doubtful of my ability send them to me immediately. If I have to fight this war on my own then I'll do that too." They all looked at eachother flabbergasted, what had gotten into her?

Helen, "Ally what are you talking about?"

Ally, "You wanted an alpha you got one mom. No-one is to leave pack grounds unless they are accompanied by myself, Isaac, Blake or Aiden. I have faith these people will protect the pack."

Isaac, "Ally slow down—"

Ally, "No! I can't watch that ever again do you understand me! I'm not sitting around feeling sorry for myself because that's what they want me to do, I've been too lenient with this which is why my father died here today. I am not the girl to f*ck with and I want that to be made perfectly clear so do what I say."

It was a look they had only seen on the battlefield; Ally had well and truly snapped. At times like this you bowed down to her dominance and did what you were told. Helen regretted every word she had said seeing just how distressed Ally was. Not only did she have a daughter who was highly dependent on her but a pack too. Was it too much for her?