Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 84 "Unexpected Alliance."

Supernatural Deliberation Building.

Blake, "Sis just slow down they haven't even responded yet." Ally was dressed in a suit with her silver-white hair tied back into a ponytail, deliberation required sophistication after all. Isaac, Luther and Blake along with Lilly had accompanied her to the marble building in the centre of the territory. Still caught up in grief Ally wouldn't listen to a single soul, she was on a mission to for fill her role as Alpha and protect her family.

Luther, "Ally don't!" She barged into the court room to see an ongoing trial occurring. Vermont's eyes widened to see his favourite hybrid appear right before him. The rest of them turned up their noses and shivered in fear. Her track record in this building was far from pleasant.

Vermont, "We'll resume another day get him out of here." They all looked at him alarmed including the defendant. Surprisingly the clerk obeyed and dragged him away leaving the King pack members standing centre.

Ally, "It's a pleasure to see you again Vermont."

Vermont, "The pleasures all mine Ally to what do I owe the pleasure?" Luther sat down with Lilly along with Isaac while Blake the beta and Ally the Alpha took the stand to start their appeal. Blake knew what to say as he was with Ally the whole way as she lectured him.

Blake, "We would like to request a revolt against the S.E.S following an unlawful attempted murder as well as…a successful one." Vermont's eyes twitched while the chatter burst into the room. An unlawful murder always underlined a possible outbreak of war, so fear was a very plausible response.

Vermont, "Could you elaborate on that, this is a very serious claim." Ally took a deep breath trying to push her words forward without also revealing her emotions, this wasn't a time to be breaking down it was the time to be standing tall.

Ally, "At 9:20 pm on Wednesday Jackson King was murdered by the S.E.S on King territory grounds. After the whole pack witnessed the death of my father the culprits further threatened us that this attack would not be their last." She managed to choke back her tears and keep a professional standard, but Vermont's reaction was far from that.

Vermont, "Jackson is dead?" Blake awkwardly nodded his head. It was a cold silence that filled their hearts as the news sunk into the members. Their father was a well-respected man and used to attend the council meetings daily before having his children. He was an old friend to them all…

Vermont, "How is this possible, who are the culprits responsible for this!" They were all surprised to see him outraged however all Ally could think of was how their personal affairs would pay into her favour, she wanted a war and she wanted it now.

Ally, "George the leader of the S.E.S you must be familiar with him. Sol, Luna's brother and god of the sun and finally leader of the feral, Kazo Leroy." They all began frantically conversing hearing three very powerful men had decided to wage war on them.

Luther, "We have a strong chance to attack while they are weak. When they captured Ally before her return, she managed to kill majority of the platoon."

Member, "Your saying Miss King struck first!" Ally scowled at Luther, he really needed to consider when opening his mouth would be best instead of throwing her under the bus. Vermont raised his eyebrows. Ally sighed loudly and walked closer to the judges.

Ally, "They were going to kill my child in order to gain control over me, therefore I made the choice as a mother to protect my young which resulted in the deaths of the S.E.S members. They are the ones which struck first I was only defending myself." Vermont sighed in relief; thank god she had a reasonable answer for her massacre.

Vermont, "This is completely catastrophic, they have challenged us for the last time. I hereby give the King pack sanction for recruitment and retaliation against the S.E.S. May you bring us victory!"

Member, "Wait a minute, you would really trust her to lead a war? She's been missing for three months how do we know she isn't behind this attack!" Ally didn't even need time to become enraged like lightning her oppressive aura wrapped around the rude member until he was gasping for breath.

Ally, "Don't you dare question me, while your sitting on your high horse the people whom you are responsible for are dying mercilessly. Is sympathy not a word in your vocabulary or are you so ignorant being in the safety of the court to give a f*ck about your community!" Isaac smirked seeing the fiery Ally King emerge, as he expected the member refused to argue back.

Blake, "My sister is right, we would like to avenge our father within the rules of the high court, count yourself lucky we asked your permission beforehand."

Vermont, "I agree with the King family this sin is unforgivable, my verdict still stands." As Ally smiled and nodded in gratitude Lilly's cries echoed throughout the room. Luther rocked her over to her mother. They had slowly distinguished which cry meant what. And this one meant she wanted her mother. Everyone pondered over the softness in the great hybrids face as she looked upon her beautiful daughter.

Vermont, "She's a very stunning child do you know her affliction yet Ally?" She wearily gave a warning glare to the rest of the council before revealing her daughter true nature.

Ally, "Lilly is a hybrid like me. She inherited her father's gene as well as my wolf gene." Vermont's eyes seemed to light up at this discovery. He excitedly stepped down from the stand and wandered over to see her. Luther moved in closer as his protective instincts came over.

Vermont, "Violet eyes, I've never seen a child like her. It's a miracle, as expected of your child." Ally smiled kindly as he cooed over her, Lilly could see her mother was comfortable so grabbed onto Vermont's finger playfully.

Luther, "Looks like she likes you." Vermont chuckled overcome with joy he had this child's favour.

Vermont, "You've done well Luther."

Luther, "Thank you." Ally was memorized by her and wiped her cheek wet with tears. Vermont could feel the adoration spilling from her. They bowed before Vermont walked them from the building.

Vermont, "Your quite young to be a mother but you seem to be coping just fine."

Blake, "She's a great mother to Lilly."


Ally, "Excuse me a second." It was rare for people to call her, so she felt a rock plummet in her chest.

Ally, "Aiden? What's up?"

Aiden, "We need you back here asap!" He sounded panicked which didn't bode well for their situation, she passed Lilly over to Luther feeling sick to her stomach.

Ally, "What the hell is going on?"

Aiden, "It's your sister. She found out about your father…" Ally face dropped, of course…Leah was close to their father. How could she have forgotten her too. Luther could see her face go pale and squinted her brows.

Ally, "I'll be right there." She hung up and gave Blake and Isaac a sorrowful look, they knew immediately what had happened and began walking quickly to the car.

Ally, "Forgive me Vermont we have a family emergency, I'll be back soon." Vermont nodded in understanding and watched the pack scurry back to the car. This was a harsh reality to live though and it was clear Ally was struggling with everything.

They all hopped into the car after buckling Lilly in her car seat and began speeding back to the house.

Luther, "What is it?" Ally sighed tapping her fingers impatiently against the wheel.

Ally, "Leah found out about our father, she doesn't handle situations like this lightly so we're in for a hell of an argument. It's best if you kept Lilly out of the way for now." Luther nodded glancing back at the boys who looked nervous, Isaac was rarely phased by much but even he was distracting himself by playing with Lilly.

Whereas Ally was thinking hard about what to say to her, Leah's last contact ended in blood. With such a delicate situation she hoped it would just be tears and not claws. Ally's days of petty fighting was over she was a mother now and wanted to set a good example.

Isaac, "Do you think she'll believe us?" Ally startled hearing Isaac was on the same wavelength, that was also a good question.

Ally, "I doubt it, you know how Leah gets in situations like this all rationality goes out of the window. No doubt she'll blame me for the whole thing." Luther took her hand trying to reassure her, but Ally couldn't concentrate at all. This was their rival pack; it wouldn't surprise her if Hunter would be there too. Unfortunately, her suspicion was confirmed as they pulled in and the situation was worse than she thought. Not only was Hunter there but his whole pack.

Blake, "Jesus Christ what are they thinking, are they going to engage with us!" Heads turned as the Alpha pulled into the territory and their faces were far from friendly, Ally felt her skin prickle smelling the heavy pheromones in the air. Hostility was the best way to describe their scent.

Ally, "Not if I can help it. Luther take Lilly inside and do not leave her even for a moment I'll deal with this." They all exited the car and obediently Luther grabbed Lilly and was inside before any of them could eve glance at her. Ally dominantly strutted to the pack entrance glaring at them all, it was her job as the Alpha to protect her pack. Aiden and Helen stood at the entrance wincing at Leah's shrieking voice and as expected she was in a state. Hunter growled at Blake as he brushed past which cause Isaac to hiss back at him. There was so much hostility in the air they could barely breathe.

Leah, "How could you let him die! He's my father you f*cking idiots and you call yourself a pack!" Ally rolled her eyes; Leah hadn't changed at all. The relief on Aiden's face when Ally finally appeared was unreal. Ally surprised Leah as she stood in-front of her blocking Helen and Aiden from anymore abuse.

Ally, "That's enough Leah. Can we resolve this peacefully please?" Leah scowled harshly at her sister and brother; in her eyes these people killed her father. Isaac made sure Aiden was alright before joining the segregation against the Hollow pack.

Leah, "Peacefully? Have you lost your mind! Was my father's death peaceful?" Ally took a deep breath her patience was running thin already. Hunter kept catching her eyes as he conversed with his pack.

Ally, "Absolutely not he died horrifically, oh and it's our father not your father." Leah growled deeply before coming face to face with Ally, they all gulped knowing their Alpha didn't like her personal space breached.

Leah, "Still as sarcastic as ever sister. From what I've heard you stood idly by while the S.E.S tore out his throat. You were always heartless Ally, but this is a step too far." Blake shuddered feeling Ally's pheromones shift, Leah was aggravating her too much.

Ally, "Nope a step too far would be inviting your whole pack for a discussion between two people which will lead absolutely nowhere may I add. You listen to gossip far too much sister, if you would like to know the truth then call off your guard dogs so we can have a suitable conversation as blood relatives." Isaac smirked; Ally made missed out the word family intentionally keeping Leah n her place which was anywhere but here.

Blake, "Leah we know your upset we are too, but this is ridiculous, threatening us won't make the pain go away." Leah threw out her claws and kept them an inch from Blake's eye.

Leah, "Shut up Blake! I'll do what I want!" Ally could hear her sister's spoilt tone finally emerge as she saw red, she should know by now that threatening her brother was the last thing you would ever do. Isaac tired to stop her but Ally had already wrapped her hand around Leah's blonde hair and slammed her on the ground. Suddenly the Hollow pack started edging forward but Ally wasn't having any of it. Her abilities came in handy for situation like this, but it would take a lot out of her.

Ally, "Don't move." They all gasped and froze on the spot the minute her violet eyes penetrated them. It was her superior ability to control supernatural beings, Aiden and Isaac were amazed at how effective it was she could only manage to control two at a time before. Leah was crying in fear and Ally was sick of hearing her voice.

Ally, "Listen to me very closely, I understand your pain, but I don't have time to play your sympathy game right now. I have a pack and daughter to protect and you are not helping. If you want clarity send your pack home and I will tell you everything. If not, I'll force you all to leave right now." Releasing the pressure Ally snapped her fingers. Leah fell the floor gasping for breath, even if a creature was mid breath, don't move meant don't move…

Leah, "Your insane that's why there here. Facing you alone would be suicide." Ally rolled her eyes, if she was so afraid then why approach her in the first place?

Ally, "Fair enough but that doesn't exclude the fact your pheromones are annoying me. I know the difference between a pack looking for peaceful resolution and a pack itching for a fight. Can you guess which category yours stands?" Sarcastically she titled her head signalling for Blake and Isaac to go inside and alert the pack to prepare.

Leah, "Enough of your bullsh*t, what happened to my father!" Reliving was a painful experience known all too well by Ally, even hearing that word resurfaced his faded eyes and bloody neck. Still, if she wouldn't calm down then she would set the truth free for all of Hollow pack to hear.

Ally, "The S.E.S requested my daughter and I to hand ourselves over or they would kill my father and release the feral in our territory. It was Jackson or all of us, so I made the consecutive choice to sacrifice one life instead of hundreds. You can criticise till your hearts content, but I stand by my choice no matter how painful it is to accept. Just so you know my father was also willing to make the same choice…" Jane had no words to offer her half sister at that point, visualizing the picture Ally was trying to paint when Hunter spoke up.

Hunter, "Isn't it interesting trouble always seems to find you Ally?" Unappreciative to his sarcasm Ally responded the only way she knew.

Ally, "Isn't it also interesting every time you step foot on my territory you get your ass beat. Keep talking. "Hunter growled and edged forward, Ally also refused to back down and also lunged forward begging him to swing first, she needed some stress relief. Leah stepped in-front of Hunter trying to calm him down before he made a huge mistake. Lilly's lip quivered to Luther discomfort and before he could hush her, she began wailing for her mother. It was the first time Leah had even glanced at her niece since arriving.

Luther, "Shh it's alright." Trying his best to calm her he rocked Lilly back and forth. Not even conflicted Ally returned to the porch, Luther gently handed her over. Leah watched an expression fall upon Ally's face like she'd never seen before. It was the look of a mother…

Ally, "It's alright sweetheart mommy's almost done." Lilly put her hand on her mother cheek and giggled. Luther looked on half jealous half overjoyed their daughter felt safe in Ally's arms. Leah walked slightly closer and noted Lilly's light violet eyes staring up in awe at her mother.

Leah, "You really had a child…" Ally gave her a warning glance as if telling her not to come closer.

Ally, "Is it so hard to believe?" Like the air became lighter that awful vicious scent died down. It became clear that Ally didn't just do it for the territory but for this innocent little child.

Leah, "What did you name her?" Ally was so engrossed in her daughter she didn't hear her, so Luther spoke up.

Luther, "Her name is Lilly." Hunter eyed the baby hatefully causing Luther to hiss at him. No-one should even dare think of harming his mate or child.

Hunter, "Leah she killed your father, what are you doing?" Ally realised Hunter was the drilling force behind her half-sister's hostility which made more sense than none. Strangely Leah looked conflicted all of a sudden.

Leah, "You did it for her didn't you?" Her dark tone dissociated and instead she sounded soft and calm, Ally raise her eyebrow. Sometimes she wondered if Lilly had a special power than disintegrated hatred, this was the second time she'd saved the day.

Ally, "Parents will do anything to protect their children. Which is why my father accepted his fate, I shouldn't be defending myself to the likes of you but I did try to save him regardless of the rumours Leah. I respected our father after all." Leah sighed as her fluttering heart settled. So, she had read this situation all wrong…

Leah, "Did you mourn him?"

Ally, "I'm not a robot of course I did, the same as Blake…the same as every member of this pack." Frustrated she choked back her tears and looked at Luther for support. Luther snaked his arm around her waist and cuddled them close, he hated seeing her so heartbroken. Leah turned around.

Leah, "Go back. I wish to speak to my sister privately." Hunter's mouth gaped open.

Hunter, "What? You can't be serious!" Leah growled at her pack warningly, Ally didn't deserve this stress.

Ally, "Deadly. Now leave us be." Leah whipped her blonde hair and joined Ally on the porch cooing at the beautiful child before her. Hunter huffed and turned on his heels storming away with his pack in dejection.

Luther, "Will they be alright with you staying here?" Leah snickered and carelessly watched them walk away.

Leah, "I don't care, there are much more pressing matters at hand. Ally…tell me more about this S.E.S."