Forbidden Alpha- "Rejoice."

Originally the S.E.S was just a small net hunting company with less than 50 people. George was one of those 50 people...being a Mage hellbent on getting revenge on the supernatural population for reasons unknown, people would follow him like a god. No questioning, No doubts...just pure loyalty. Obsessive fascination with different breeds one day took over him, leading our population down a dark path. Countless lives were lost on both sides, it was one of the biggest massacres in our history. Until one day the elder Vermont couldn't take anymore bloodshed, therefore proposing a peace treaty between us.

That treaty had been followed and respected for hundreds of years until...that fateful day they challenged a young Hybrid mother. Freshly born from the ashes of her past self, still in mourning, she piled together her close family and friends to start the biggest revolt ever seen in those territories. Granted permission by the supernatural administration committee to begin a revolution she needed as many people on her side as she could manage.

Liam, the young genius newly turned. Isaac, The loyal ex-lover as well as a wolf. Aiden, the lovesick vampire with a strong desire to protect his family. Luther, the soul bond of the leader and father of four. Damien, the confused teenage boy stuck in time. Blake, the supportive brother held close under the wing of the leader. Helen, the mother to them all. Leah, the brat sister who secretly respected her sister. Last but not least the badass hybrid that takes no sh*t from anyone, and the best chance this territory has.

Leah, "Should we start?" In the compact white kitchen sat the new revolt leaders. Though the air was thick with stale animosity, they were ready to get this show on the road. Sighing exhausted with her confrontation with her sister and the Hollow pack she started informing Leah in these past few weeks.

Ally, "I admit I'm not completely innocent in this issue however I don't think many people can understand the protective bond I had with Lilly before she was born. They threatened that and suffered the consequences for it." Sitting at the breakfast counter was Issac, Aiden, and Blake which were tight-net in their support of Ally's choice. It was Luther's child also so he didn't have much of a choice in agreeing with her. Leah, unfortunately, wasn't on the same wavelength.

Leah, "Do you realize the danger we're in right now? You say you made the executive decision to sacrifice one person's life, our father for the lives of many yet you refused to make the same choice with your daughter. Don't you think your hypocritical sister?" It took a few seconds for Ally to register that statement when a sickly feeling in her gut almost doubled her over. It was painful for her to admit but Leah...did have a point there.

Isaac, "That's not fair Leah, there's a difference between sacrificing your father and your child. Don't comment on things you can't understand." Like always Isaac was quick to defend her, Ally looked at the sleeping baby girl in Luther's arms and imagined life without her. How could she survive without this beautiful bindle of life?

Blake, "You were close to our father and we understand that just remember you aren't the only one mourning him Leah. Ally's relationship with father wasn't perfect, but in the end, they had mended their problems. This wasn't revenge or a vicious excuse to get rid of him." Zoned out from reality with the arguing in the background, Ally began to question herself. Maybe she was just tired and that's why this sudden onset of anxiety had engulfed her heart.

Leah, " Why did you have to kill them, if you'd informed the council then a sufficient punishment would have been administered but as always you took it into your own hands." Flashing Leah a dark look she lifted her shirt. Luther could feel his mates' pheromones become quite threatening and moved Lilly away before she could sense it. Leah didn't know what she was looking at until a red sore mark on her side caught her attention, it looked like a...stab wound?

Ally, "I took it into my own hands because no punishment given by the council would be enough for what they put me through. While I was embracing my family after finally coming home, one of the people I welcomed into this pack for refuge tried to kill Lilly without hesitation." Leah gulped, that sounded painful. Luther could feel prying eyes so politely pulled down Ally's shirt. Lilly was handed to Helen who put her into a crib and began making her bottle while listening away. Luther also remembered the fear of that day, he nearly lost both his daughter and his mate because of George.

Leah, "Why did they do that?" Still trying to fight against her, Leah kept asking question after question so Ally decided to paint a mental picture for her.

Ally, "Because they can...No rules apply to them when it comes to us. If they want to kill they'll kill without batting an eye. In their eyes, we are dominant predators that just say vulnerable enough for them to kill. This whole thing is a game to them, they are the hunters and we are the prey." Aiden flinched at that, his father once told him the same thing a long time ago when an abundance of supernatural families went missing.

Aiden, "It wasn't always like that. Back before the treaty, there was a serious lack of control in our genes so we would kill at random feeling little remorse which is why they formed in the first place. Sadly, tradition sticks with them, I think now they find it hard to accept we aren't all bad people. Look at me and Isaac for example, we haven't drunk blood from a vein since meeting Ally and we're fine with that." Leah glared at him thinking deeply about something. Then she dropped a bombshell sending Ally over the edge.

Leah, "That would have been a fair enough idea if Ally hadn't of slaughtered most of them, how can they refuse to accept something that is clearly untrue. You chose Lilly over all of us, let's be real here."

Luther, "It doesn't matter what we say to you, your still going to blame Ally!" With that Leah snapped completely.

Leah, "Of course I blame her! Ally is the reason I was thrown out of my home, she's the reason our father is dead! She ran off to f*ck the likes of you which has a million problems in itself, abandoned her pack then had a child she puts before everyone else. You're so selfish it makes me sickbecaue you always push your problems aside and as long as your happy nobody else matters. I mean look at Isaac he was your mate, you should have been happy to have him back yet you cast him aside for him! Are you f*cking kidding me!" Ally couldn't even be angry at that point, she just felt...worthless. Everyone else stayed silent almost as if they were agreeing with her until Helen finally spoke up.

Helen, "Your not so perfect either girl lets not forget that. Sure, my daughter has made some mistakesin her life but she has also learned from them. You have no concept of the hell she has been through so until you walk in her shoes keep your judgments to yourself." Hearing Helen raise her voice they all nodded in agreement, it was very rare she got heated like this. Leah simply clicked her tongue and folded her arms like the spoilt brat she was.

Ally, "It's okay mom, Leah's right. I have hurt a lot of people in this room including myself. But the one person I could never bring myself to hurt is my daughter. Do you know what I thought when I was writhing in pain giving birth to her?" Leah let her arms droop seeing tears in her sister's eyes. She looked like she was drowning in emotional turmoil, showing weakness...

Ally, "I thought it doesn't matter what happens to me, I just want her to live. I've never wanted that for anyone as much as I wanted it for Lilly. So you can criticize me for my choices until your blue in the face but don't you ever dare question my choice to save her. Whether it's you or anyone else, I will always choose Lilly..." Crystal blue tears streamed down her face letting reality hit everyone in the room. Ally had been trying to keep this inside of her for a long time, the guilt, the agony, the sorrow of losing her loved ones.

Luther, "Ally..." Also feeling the gutwrenching sharpness in his chest he tried to comfort her but she brushed him off, picked Lilly up and walked from the room without making eye contact with anyone.

Blake, "Was that really necessary Leah she's trying her best to make things right. She needs your help!" Furious he squared up with her, he hated seeing his sister so upset. It was like a carving knife in his chest.

Leah," How can I possibly help someone who can't even help herself?" Luther gritted his teeth holding back his anger before chasing after his mate. Isaac rolled his eyes, that guy really needed to learn when to take a hint, when Ally was upset you left her alone.

Damien, "What's going on?" After waking up he'd followed their scent to the kitchen only to see Ally pass by him in tears holding Lilly tightly.

Helen, "Just usual family drama, you don't have to worry Damien." He froze seeing Leah in the house since when was she welcome here? They exchanged disgusted looks before separating. Aiden was trying to think of ways to appeal to Leah.

Aiden, "Technically Lilly is your niece yet you won't even look at her for more than a few seconds. You can't blame a newborn child for this or Ally. This isn't just her war Leah, this includes all of us. After they've invaded King territory where do you think they'll go next huh?"

Leah, "As if it's my problem, they won't attack Hollow pack without good reason. I need some air." Like usual she stormed away leaving everyone stunned, her ignorance was more annoying than ever. Isaac sighed and slammed his fist on the table.

Isaac, "Why do we need those assholes anyway, we can handle this. Ally's stronger than them." Liam suddenly appeared from the corner startling them all, how long had he been there? With a sharp calculating look in his eyes, he shook his head.

Liam, "Your wrong, right now she's weaker than ever. In a short time, I've known Ally I've discovered her drive comes from her ability to protect the ones she loves. Without faith in herself that diminishes fast, so seeing her father killed without able to do a single thing as well as the effects of Lilly's birth...she's not as strong as you think." Helen suddenly understood what she was saying, this was the first time her daughter had lost someone other than herself. Isaac thought about that too, her overwhelming strong ability to shield herself from vulnerability had fooled them all.

Blake, "Should I talk to her?" He stood up but Aiden held his shoulder.

Aiden, "I think Luther is the only one who can bring her out of this right now just give them some time."

Ally's bedroom.

Luther, "Ally please come out." After pouring out her insecurities to one of the most hated people in her life she was disappointed in herself, this weakness inside of her was eating her alive. All she could do was look at herself in the mirror. Look at the scar that nearly killed her daughter. Her long curly silver hair split from stress, her mismatched eyes looked dull and empty. Luther's voice was drowned out by her own thoughts reminding her that despite her blood she was still human deep down.

Luther, "I don't like you being alone right now please let me in." He sounded more desperate with every plea until it began grinding on her. She clicked her tongue and slammed her fists against the door.

Ally, "Then what? Are you going to hold me and tell me everything is going to be okay when we're in the biggest crisis this territory has ever seen? Spare me your pity Luther I'm not in the mood." On the other side of the door, his red ruby eyes looked at the blank wood began filling with hopelessness.

Luther, "You always do this..." She flinched as his sorrowful words reached her, his voice was too low for her to make out.

Ally, "What?" Luther clenched his fists trying to stop himself from breaking down the door.

Luther, "Whenever you're struggling or you're sad you always cry alone like its unnatural for you to feel things. If you're mad then shout, if your sad then cry and if you're happy then smile. You're not weak for any of that!" He was right in more than one sense, Ally knew that deep down however living the life of an outcast had shrouded her dignity just enough for her to cope. If she cried now would she be able to stop, would her body allow her to fight alongside the people she relied on so much?

Ally, "Why waste energy on such trivial things. Luther, you've been alive for a very long time living the way you wanted too in order to survive. You have no idea how I feel whenever I look at your face and remember the pain you put me through in the beginning. When I look at Isaac I feel like I've betrayed our bond, when I look at Blake I feel like I've let him down in so many ways. Aiden has always supported me despite how much I've tossed him aside selfishly for other people, Leah hates me because of our born rivalry. Then there's Lilly...what sort of mother am I to already have a price on her head...I failed Luther...No matter what you say to me I have failed again..." Sinking to the floor with her tired head resting on the door she sighed. It hurt saying that out loud. So many people had become apart of her life begging her to go on, supporting her through hell and back yet what had she done for them? Luther's frustration calmed down as he also slumped against the door, his mate was so close yet so far away. Then silence fell upon them, an eerie feeling grew inside of Ally almost like she was drowning in her own truth. Then like a light in the darkness her most hidden part reached out.

Luna, "At times like these when you have nothing left, is the time you should rest and leave this to me. I'm here to help you not dictate your decisions." She gasped hearing that long lost voice, Luna hadn't said a word since Lilly's birth so she thought she'd abandoned her but like a shadow, she was waiting in the darkness for her time to shine. Telepathically they began talking to each other unbeknown to the rest of her family.

Ally, "What sort of vessel would I be to let you bear the weight of my own self-pity. I appreciate your sympathy but I can't expect you to pick up my pieces." Luna scoffed at her, sometime Ally would forget she had been inside of her since birth. Luna knew her better than herself.

Luna, "I'm offering to give you a break. I may be old but I'm also not so idiotic to watch my vessel suffer. I have a plan, all you have to do is trust in me. Do you trust me?" Like a lightning bolt Ally stood up and looked into the mirror where staring back was her other-self. Luna had a determined look in her eyes as nothing Ally had ever seen before. Usually, she looked angry or relaxed but never like this.

Ally, "I trust you...I just need some time to collect myself would you offer me that?" Luna nodded kindly.

Luna, "I've been waiting a while for you to expose your demons to someone other than yourself, it took a lot of courage for you to do that. Ally you just lost your father, almost lost your child and now your pack you spent so long protecting is on the verge of war. You need time, let me in and I will do all I can." Placing her hands delicately on the glass with those bright blue eyes and glowing white hair she pressed her forehead against it looking Ally dead in the eyes. This would be the first time Ally would willingly give control over to Luna but what choice did she have...she was useless the way she was now.

Ally, "Promise me one thing." Luna raised her eyebrow seeing a fire inside her vessel spreading like a whirlwind.

Luna, "Anything." With a smirk, Ally placed her hands adjacent and smiled not breaking eye contact as she pressed her forehead against the glass.

Ally, "Give them hell!"