Forbidden Alpha-Chapter 84 "Hidden Agenda."

Leah, "You have to be kidding me..." Mixed with fear and oppressive anger Leah stumbled over a rose bush backing away from those unfamiliar eyes. There was no way she had been pushed to that point already, what exactly had she awakened with her own ignorance. With raised surrendering hands she flinched as the presence drew closer.

Leah, "L-Listen I-I'm only trying to protect my pack like Ally is, please have mer-"

Luna, "Were you really about to ask for mercy after all of these years, for sharing the same blood your not even in the same league as her. You're pathetic!" Kicking the brown dirt in her face Luna gripped her hair back making sure to touch eyeballs with the girl who had driven her vessel over the edge.

Ally was sleeping, almost like she was in a coma preparing for a new start. A recharge you could say, now it was Luna's turn to have a little fun in her absence starting with the b*tch that had been grinding on her since childhood. It was true vengeful spirits wasted no time in playing the part but for Luna that was an understatement, the minute Ally let her in she dodged everyone escaping out of the bathroom window and cornering Leah within the space of five seconds.

Leah, "Let go of me you freak, bring Ally back!" Luna rolled her eyes, so now she wanted her sister back. This was really amusing to watch the darkness shroud the girl who had always been in the spotlight.

Luna, "Oh you mean the girl you hate so much? Isn't it strange how a change of heart comes about when push comes to shove? Unfortunately for you, I haven't even started shoving yet!" With a stern pull, Leah was launched into a thorn bush. It was like little needles worming their way under her delicate skin pinching her blood vessels together. Ally was someone Leah could handle to a certain extent due to her morals however Luna was a different entity entirely, there were no morals.

Leah, "What do you want from me, I've already said everything I need to say beat me all you want, nothing will change!" Luna gave her a sinister smile, she was too shallow-minded.

Luna, "It really does exhilarate me when you give up big sister, you hide your surrender by playing the victim. You were always good at that because you're too weak, all of this struggling your doing is only to hide your insanely deep inferiority complex towards Ally. Not like I can blame you, she is a very strong woman. Very well, if you won't fight for us then you can go, but let me tell you one thing." Tears rolling down her face Leah froze as those moonlight eyes struck through her like lightning, the pressure was enough to break her windpipe. Luna...was terrifying.

Luna, "Don't you dare run crying to me when you're stuck in the pits of hell. You reap what you sow Leah, remember that." Slowly she stood up her slender legs standing over her. There really was no competition with such a person like her. The domineering stature, sinister smile, the ability to observe and work out anything in her path truly made this girl...a god. Not knowing what else to do instinctively Leah plucked up her shuddering legs and fled as fast as she could. Luna watched her static hair blow erratically in the wind, her heartbeat too fast to register in her sharp ears. Oh, how she'd missed being dominant.

Liam, "Eh? Ally?" Here came her next problem Liam was sharp it wouldn't take long for him to work out she wasn't Ally right now. How should she approach this? Tell him the truth right away or play the role...Luna hadn't really seen him up close and personal, honestly, he was pretty handsome. That black hair and curly black hair reminded him a little of Blake but his build was slightly smaller.

Liam, "I thought you were in your room with Luther?" It took her brain a few seconds to register he was speaking to her, in his eyes, she looked a little clueless as to why she was there too.

Luna, "I just needed some fresh air, what about you were you hoping to speak some sense to my sister? If so save your breath she's a lost cause." Liam blinked a few times, she seemed less desperate than before almost...nochalant about her situation. Perhaps Luther had calmed her down.

Liam, "I'm guessing she ran away. It's a shame I thought we could have gotten through to her. Anyway, how are you feeling?" There he was being considerate again, this kid had a kind soul she could feel it despite his sins. Living with the fact you'd killed your own sister in a blood lust rage must be heartbreaking. Then as she inspected him, she realized Liam didn't know about Luna, they hadn't explained that far. Meaning he was blind unlike the rest of them, she didn't have to pretend at all.

Luna, "I'm feeling a lot better thankyou for asking. There may be a war on the way but I have my army right here. Make sure everyone knows that." She smiled kindly before returning back inside, Liam felt a shiver run down his spine as she walked past. It was suspicious how cal she was, only moments ago she was broken from her sister's words. Now she seemed stronger than ever like no-one could touch her. Had Ally finally lost it?

Inside everyone had retired for bed leaving the kitchen empty, Luna began gulping down her water looking at Aiden's booklet that he carried everywhere with him, it was strange he would leave something so valuable out in the open. Usually, it was updated on the pack situation, or about Ally. Like a scribe, everything was written down for reference. Flipping through the pages eagerly looking for possible strategies she could accommodate her finger stopped halfway through. Her blue glowing eyes skipped through the lines until she found something interesting. When looking for Ally the first time she disappeared they crossed into mage territory which is where they found Shadow. This place was much more interesting than you would think at first glance, she would have to keep this in mind for later. Footsteps alerted her someone was coming so she quickly closed the book and slumped back into her seat looking depressed for the show, if it was a family member they would see through her. Of course, she would remember to shield her other blue eye in a red hue, that was a benefit to being one with power.

Panting heavily the last person she wanted to see stormed into the kitchen obviously attracted by her scent. Luther gritted his teeth seeing her sitting so soundly and pinned her against the breakfast bar. Luna still despised this man being the descendant of her first love, all she remember when looking into those red pools was a pain.

Luther, "Jesus Ally I thought you left for good, why did you climb out of the window!" His glare was hot like his breath, she wanted to pummel him into the ground but that isn't what Ally would do. She had to respect her relationship with this man. Even with her hidden in the shadows, their bond was so thick like a rope tying them together, how troublesome...

Luna, "I just needed some space to calm down." Gently she pushed his chest back trying to give herself some space, Luther flinched feeling a strange feeling coming from her fingertips, it felt a lot like disgust. He could read her emotions, and right now she was furious.

Luther, "Are you angry about what I said?" Luna thought back to the last thing Luther said to Ally before she broke, breaking open her heart by informing her of the fact there was no weakness in showing her feelings.

Luna, "Not at all, what you said was true. I'm not mad at you." Luther sighed in relief and lifted her down from the chair pulling her in close, strangely her heart rate increased as if she was suddenly nervous, why were her pheromones so different today?

Luther, "What do you mean it was true?" Luna thought she should at least score some brownie points with him to cover her tracks and nothing got through to Luther more than reliability.

Luna, "I don't like to show my emotions to people because for most of my life people have manipulated those emotions in order to control me. Old habits die hard I've always said that but with you, I think I can make an exception. Luther...I'm scared about the future of the people I love. I couldn't protect my father better yet myself. How can I keep Lilly safe from those people?"

Luther, "Your not alone, I also want to protect you both. Ally you have to rely on us more instead of carrying it all yourself, your not that lonely little girl anymore. I love you, isn't that enough." It made her want to throw up hearing those words, he sure knew how to charm people. Still, she needed to remember her promise to Ally. Luna had some tricks up her sleeve for the future all she needed to do was shake the rest of them. To do that she had to play her role.

Luna, "I love you too, I'll try my best so just stay by me..."


On the edge of the territory located an abandoned mansion that used to be occupied by a wolf territory until they were driven away by the S.E.S, it was their back up base. It was roughly an hour away from King's territory. Kazo was exhilarated to be apart of a new revolt against those self-righteous idiots who banished him. Kazo and Ally had a rough history. Ever since childhood, she could see through him like glass, which was what led Jackson to discover his treason and activities. In hindsight, it was Ally who banished him and he wanted revenge. George, Shadow, Raine, and Sol were also planning their next move against her.

Shadow, "I was in that pack for a while studying each one of them. Honestly, she's taught them valiantly in the art of fighting which compared to the feral gives them the advantage. We may have broken her spirit but we didn't break her will, she'll come back even stronger now you realize that?" George oggled him coldly, his son was a powerful child but still was quite biased towards this girl. Raine was still traumatized by the look in her eyes as her father was killed, it was so frightening the chill from his bones still lingered. Perhaps they had stepped too far into her domain.

Kazo, "Who gives a sh*t about how they fight, numbers-wise we have them beat. You!" He pointed at Sol as he tended to his wounds from their dispute, narked he gave a scary glare back. A god wasn't tp be addressed so rudely.

Kazo, "I don't know what kind of beef you have with Ally but when the time comes she's mine you got it?" George smirked, that would be impossible to accept, Sol had Ally marked long before Kazo did. Sol stood up calmly and walked over to Kazo, he held a distinct smell of dirt and outdoors which he expected nothing less from a feral. Kazo's frizzy brown overgrown mop he called hair still had twigs in it and his hand was still covered in Jackson's blood. Overall he was revolting.

Sol, "If you want to challenge Ally I might as well tear your head off right now, she's not someone to be underestimated. Your forgetting she had the Luna gene. Ally is a hybrid meaning she is faster, stronger and more intelligent than any other species not to mention her incredible healing rate. Your way out of your league if you think you could take her on." Kazo gritted his teeth and snarled, looks like there was competition already in the revolt not that George minded. The rivalry could sometimes be a powerful tool.

George, "What about your dear sister, how will you handle that?" Sol froze his hair prickling, he had been so focused on Ally he'd completely forgotten about Luna.

Sol, "Her presence was weak the last time I saw Ally so I don't think she's strong enough to come out just yet but if she does then I'll handle it. We're born from the same egg Luna and I which means it only makes sense for me to destroy my rival alone. So, you better keep out of it brat." Kazo flashed his teeth as if to say there was no way in hell he would give her life to him.

Shadow, "You're forgetting the rest of them, there isn't just Ally we should be worried about. They have Luther remember, he's the most powerful pureblood. Then there's his children which will no doubt follow his lead. Isaac is stronger than he looks too not to mention his sworn loyalty to Ally. In order to get to her and the kid, we have to take them down first. Don't be so hasty about this it'll lead to an early grave." George agreed quite impressed by his son's verdict. Kazo remembered Isaac also he was the little orphan prodigy that shone in everyone's eyes including Ally's if he could kill him that would probably break her for good. Sol, on the other hand, was exhilarated by the challenge.

Sol, "Leave Luther to me we have a history that needs clearing, Shadow I'm sure you could do something about those purebloods, maybe knock their durability down a peg. You're a mage your job is to trick them into a false sense of security." Suddenly his brave face turned pale and his stomach ached, he didn't want to seem cowardly in-front of his father.

Shadow, "I won't b-be on the battlefield..." They all fell silent and looked at him in confusion, did they really hear that correctly?

Kazo, "What do you mean we need you for the plan, don't back out now you little shrimp!" George raised his hand silencing him before laying those beady deep eyes on his son, Shadow hated that look more than anything he felt naked in body and mind when George prayed at him.

George, "Why the sudden change of heart boy, do tell." Shadow shuddered, his reason was obvious.

Shadow, "I attempted to kill her child...she'll show no mercy. In fact, I'll most likely be the first person she targets. You've never seen her lose control as I have, I wouldn't stand a chance!" His fear seeped from his pours creating a gloomy atmosphere. However, his father didn't condone weakness.

Sol, "Does that mean you're not with us anymore. Who knew the mage boy could be so weak-minded." George stood up and gripped his son by the throat. Shadow gasped with teary eyes, his fear wasn't unnecessary but there was no room for doubt in this plan.

George, "Ally King is a very powerful being so you should be afraid however I don't recall raising someone so cowardly." It was a painful hit for Shadow, no matter what he did he could never win his fathers favour. It's not like he wanted to kill Lilly all of it was him like a puppet master working behind the scenes.

Sol, "Now Now George he's doing all he can. Within a wolves instincts is the profound production of protecting their young. With Ally that principle increases ten fold, once you cross that threshold there's no going back which means we're in this war whether we want to be or not." Kazo clucked his tongue pointing out he was stating the obvious.

George, " Then we best buck our ideas up then. I'll leave the scouting to you Shadow don't disappoint me again." His eyes widened fearfully...but wouldn't she catch his scent? This was tough going he was going to have to use all his strength to cover his tracks or shed without a doubt... tear him to shreds.