Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 85 "We need to be better."

Blake, "Okay everyone gathers around this is an emergency pack meeting." Although his voice was stern enough to move them all into formation his mind wasn't. Since awakening Ally had been relentless about dragging them all out of the depressive pit that had captured them. Isaac and Aiden were also suspicious of how quickly she'd found her feet after breaking down. Luther, on the other hand, was wrapped perfectly around her finger after the way she had leaned on his the night previously. Helen volunteered to look after Lilly while the meeting was in play, while Damien, Eli, and Camilla stood on the sidelines awaiting the new order.

Whispers and gossip spread around like wildfire prickling Blake's ears. Some of them were discussing Ally's mental state and if she was adequate enough to run the pack after losing her father. Others were excited to seek revenge. Wolves shared a very strong family bond, every member blood related or not were considered a fellow member so even though Jackson wasn't well accepted his death still ripped a few holes in their pride as a pack. Ally appeared in sports gear which they usually wore during training, she looked surprisingly calm and collected despite countless eyes and hopes glaring at her. Blake nervously stepped in before her speech.

Blake, "Are you sure your up for this sis?" In response, she gave him a prying smirk and nodded. Coldly his skin crawled feeling a very dark aura around her, whatever was about to be said wasn't pleasant. Blake raised his hand forcing them all to be silenced. Quinn who had grown considerably since the last time she'd seen him lit up. Isaac squinted as she stood at the top of the steps. Something was bothering him about this, normally to show they were all on equal ground she would stand adjacent yet this time she stood above them all like a dictator. Even her attitude this morning annoyed him, almost as if she was avoiding them using Luther as a shield.

Luna, "Thank you all for coming together in this difficult time, I know it's been painful. But I've always said that a time of pain is also a time to thrive. That sharp twinge in your chests when you look upon the field where we lost a valuable member is the same pain your opponent will feel as you rip away their last breath." Aiden flinched at her morbid statement, that sounded a little too cold-hearted for Ally...Even Blake looked at her bewildered because her face didn't emit sorrow, it was of excitement?

Luna, "We've been down this road before in more sense than one, always the defensive party among the offensive. Sometimes I forget we're even wolves, we don't shift and barely use our claws. Quite honestly the way I've been running this pack was only to cover my own insecurity of losing the ones I care about. While holding my father's dead body in my arms I realized one doesn't matter if I protect you all my holding back my instincts if you are only going to die anyway. Therefore I will be revoking the law against shifting." Everyone burst into chatter hearing a whole new revelation come from her lips, that law had been upheld for centuries because wolves were sometimes blinded by their animalistic instincts causing brutal lack of control and death. Blake couldn't keep his mouth shut anymore.

Blake," Ally why are you doing this, you know why that law was introduced!" Isaac watched the purebloods wide-eyed with worry, they didn't like the idea of wolves roaming free in the natural form it would be dangerous.

Aiden, "I agree what are you thinking?" She rolled her eyes. As always they were too soft-hearted.

Luna, "I'm thinking about the hundreds of feral training to tear up to shreds. Do you know why they are referred to as feral once banished from a pack?" People began shaking their heads they just assumed it was because they had no home to belong. However, that was not the case.

Luna, "Those who are feral are not obligated to follow territory rules and can, therefore, shift legally, we will not be fighting human formation, we will be fighting wolf formation. Our true form allows better speed, strength, resilience and healing abilities. Right now one swipe or bite from them would cause us to bleed out in minutes. Claws in human form will grow up to eight inches, in wolf form it can grow up 12 inches. Do you understand why I'm implementing this new rule?" Isaac clicked his tongue because he couldn't argue with that, usually, only royal blood knew about the true form of wolves but Ally had shared her secrets with him when they were young so he knew she wasn't exaggerating.

Quinn, "Alpha does that mean from now on we will be training to shift?" His voice trembled in fear, that was a terrifying thing to learn because it was incredibly painful. They would have to break every bone in their bodies in order to become their true form. Luna could see the terror inside of them, it was a big thing to ask but this was the only way she could of think of that would guarantee absolute survival. She hadn't forgotten about her precious vessel after all.

Luna, "Yes I'm afraid it does. I understand in ancient times you were taught from a young age making the transition less painful but we weren't given that option. As your Alpha, I will volunteer to shift first so I can develop an understanding of nature. We are predators, our original purpose was hunting, therefore, the suppressed instincts could be troublesome. If I find something that could endanger us while under transition I will revoke the law. Please be patient while I test it." Luther who had been silently listening in the background suddenly was very alert. This was the first time any of her family had heard about this. While everyone was dismissed she was shrouded by her main family members who were absolutely distraught.

Eli, "Are you insane!" Damien nodded in agreement with him. Isaac felt like slapping some sense into her panting heavily in anger. Although in the face of harsh barking dogs her face remained stone-cold.

Luther, "You never mentioned you would be shifting, you're still recovering from Lilly's birth you need to be careful."

Isaac, "After Leah let you down you were left with this? Just how desperate are you!" Their yapping became obnoxious after a while so she decided to say something that had been bothering her for years about not just these people but many others. She sighed and rubbed the inside of her ear acting like their words were annoying her.

Luna, "Are you done? Do you know what's really f*cking annoying? The fact that you still treat me like a weak precious little puppy as if I haven't done enough to prove myself. Every time I try to do something you valiantly attempt to talk me out of it, but it never works. Your right I am very desperate at this point, so desperate I am willing to put myself through hours of agonizing pain to protect all of you so how about you show some gratitude." Stunned they all simply stared at her indifferent eyes filled to the brim with hostility. They knew they hadn't won this fight against her, what could they possibly say to combat that? Luna waited for another argument but they were as silent as the dead so she flipped her hair and went inside. They were a lost cause but there was one person she hadn't paid enough attention too and now her transition was on the way they're time would be cut even shorter.

Luna, "Mom, could you pass her over please?" Helen was in the middle of making dinner for them all until her daughter's hand almost scared the life out of her. When she spun around a worried smile caught her in a rift, her daughter looked different today, even her hair which was usually tucked back looked loose and tired.

Helen, "Oh, of course, sweetheart she's just in here." Luna felt her heart thump the minute her eyes set on her vessel child in real-time. That beautiful snow-white hair and bright violet eyes, those puffy cheeks and deep dimples. The minute she saw Luna Lilly gave a huge smile and flapped her arms excitedly. Luckily she'd observed Ally's behavior with her daughter carefully so that when her time did come around there were no mistakes.

Luna, "Well if it isn't an angel." Helen smiled seeing the fatigue wash away the minute Lily landed in her arms, a mothers embrace was safe and comforting making a child feel warm and secure. Lilly gripped her shirt and huddled closer almost savoring her scent. For a child less than two months old her development was amazing, Helen remembered Ally was the same she always surpassed Blake months beforehand.

Helen, "I fed her about thirty minutes ago, she managed seven ounces so she's feeding just fine. How was the meeting?" Luna flinched, she was sure Ally's mother would be furious knowing about the new law but Blake would be here any second to scold her decision. Seeing she had no choice she sat down at the table cradling her vessel's precious creation.

Luna, "Mom...I've decided something your not going to be pleased about." Helen sat down uneasily, there was plenty of things her daughter had proposed that she wasn't pleased about but for some reason, something felt like this would take the cake.

Helen, "Um, what is it?" A bead of sweat formed on her brow. Luna took a deep breath, why was this so difficult telling her of all people? Then something flashed in her mind it was a memory of Ally's past. It was something her grandmother once said that scared her mother and father...

'A beast is not something born it is something made. We are creatures of the moon and our power should not be used recklessly. Ally is a very special child, however, if one day she strays into the realm of the beast our very prosperity will be threatened.' It was a warning from her grandmother to never turn through anger or pain. Helen waited for her light to return to those mismatched eyes before gripping her hand tightly. Luna was so conflicted but this was the only way to win against them.

Luna, "We need to reinstate the forbidden rule mom." She finally blurted it out, silenced so eerie it chilled her heart fell upon them. Helen could only blink in disbelief as the color drained from her face. Luna knew it she'd definitely crossed the line, would Ally be alright with this.

Helen, "Y-You must be out of your mind. Ally your father swore never to allow that law back into the territory, ever!" Lilly startled hearing her grandmother suddenly begin yelling. This was bad if her voice was too loud it would attract everyone else then she would be under fire again.

Luna, "Listen to me I have calculated this very carefully and this is our only option to ensure all of us survive the war. I know what grandmother said mom, I know she warned us but I would rather stray down a path that will potentially lead to death than a path that will definitely to it. I'm begging you even if it's just me that undergoes the transition don't fight me on this." At this point, she was practically begging but Helen was seething clenching her teeth. Suddenly she gripped Ally's chin harshly, it was never like Helen to put her hands on her.

Luna, "M-Mo"

Helen, "Look down into your arms at the baby girl you gave up everything to save. The little girl you spend day and night ensuring she's safe, if you do this you could lose all of that. Your humanity, your family, you could lose yourself, Ally. Why do you think Grandmother became so sickly in the end? It was because she also broke that rule trying her best to appease the god that mad mistaken her. As your mother, I can not allow you to put yourself through something like that." Suddenly as if a dam had broken tears began streaming down Luna's face. Not because of the desperation in her eyes but the pain, Helen was also a beautiful creation of her previous vessel. It was true Luna had burdened her so greatly that she would act indifferent to her daughter hopelessly trying to be someone she could never be. The person Ally was right now.

Luna, "Luna never meant for her to neglect you mom, I would never do that to Lilly. It will only be temporary I promise so please let me do this."

Helen, "I can't! Once you stray down that path you will never come back. Your strong Ally but not that strong. Shifting for a wolf is dangerous but shifting for an Alpha is suicide that's why it was forbidden so long ago. You are here to guide the wolves not become one that is your purpose!" Luna stood up and put Lilly down carefully her body was shaking, she knew that. She knew what she was asking...

Luna, "You haven't seen the things I have seen. The screams of my friends the blood of my brother, the death that is coming it's so heavy I can taste it in the air. I will do this with or without your blessing. I'm so sorry but this is the way things have to be. I won't abandon my pack or my daughter, no matter what the cost I will overcome this. I may be a forbidden Alpha but I am also a strong Alpha. Have faith in me mom, I'll be okay." Their tears flooded the room along with unease and sadness however in that cold haze lay a fire. It would be a fire that would take the supernatural world by storm, which would go down in history.