Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 87 "No more."

Luther, "Are you really going to do this?" Luna was feeding Ally's daughter rocking her gently, her tired hazy eyes fighting slumber. Just seeing her so peaceful put a smile on her face, she wasn't in the mood for fighting anyone right now. It was tiredness she had seen Ally go through thousands of times but feeling it first hand made her understanding so much deeper. Lifting her head was hard like a hundred pounds were sitting on her shoulders.

Luna, "Sacrifices have to be made for the sake of survival. This happens to be one of those sacrifices, please respect my wishes I don't feel like arguing right now." Luther sat down on the bed, she wouldn't even look at him and her voice sounded so monotone.

Luther, "Can't I be worried about my mate and the future of my child. This is dangerous for you not only because you're an established Alpha but because you're not fully wolf. Who knows what will become of you." Luna could smell the fear in his words, of course, he was afraid this was the girl he loved. Of course, she still had to discuss this choice with Ally, but she knew her too well. If it meant saving her family it didn't matter how much she suffered. Anything was better than losing the people she cared about.

Luna, "I'm well aware this isn't just an impulsive decision I've thought about it in detail and this is my only choice. The reason you're all fighting my decision is that you haven't seen the things I have seen. I know your future visions faded when you met me but mine didn't Luther. I've seen what happens to us if I don't do this." It was true his power had been suppressed because Ally was a spiritual block from fate, anything that included her could not be seen. So did this mean her visions were pressuring her to do this, yet again she was shadowed in a burden no-one else could share?

Luther, "What did you see Ally?" Lilly was now sound asleep breathing deeply, her scent and body heat calmed her down so it was a shame when she had to put her down. If telling him would stop people from approaching her then that's what she would do.

Luna, " They don't send a formal invitation for battle, they catch us off-guard and if that isn't shocking enough they are in their wolf forms. We didn't stand a chance from the start. Instinctively they target the vampires first killing Damien and Aiden first. Then Kazo gathers a small pack and targets Isaac. I'm fighting as hard as I can but I can't be everywhere at once. Splatter by splatter I'm covered in my own family blood until my hair turns red, soon enough we're down to the last few including you, me, Eli and Isaac. We're all so distraught we lose the will to fight, so I surrender for the last few people I have left. They take Lilly and me and the rest is history. Can you understand my decision now?" Luther could only choke down his cries watching the unmeasurable amount of pain spilling from his mate's eyes. The way she recalled was almost like rushing through heavy traffic trying to avoid dwelling on one horrific scene for too long. So this was why she was so different lately.

Luther, "Look I get it...why you need to do this. But do you know why everyone else is so angry with your decision?" Luna believed she knew the reason but sadly she was wrong. Ally was always under the illusion they thought she was weak and needed protecting but that wasn't the case at all.

Luther, "It's because you always take the brunt of our troubles. Every time." Luna scrunched her brows, what was he trying to say? Seeing her confusion he decided to clarify.

Luther, "It's like Russian roulette. Instead of letting anyone participate you automatically step in for every game. Sometimes you get shot and sometimes you don't. No-body else gets the opportunity to get hurt because of you which is noble and brave but it also puts a strain on the people around you. Don't you think we also want to protect you sometimes? We've tried supporting you and alleviating your burden but you push us away. Truthfully the reason we all despise the decisions you make is that it makes us feel useless. What is the point of us watching you burn without feeling a single cinder touch our skin?" Luna wiped her eyes and sighed, so that's why everyone was so furious.

Luna, "Your right I take the fall every time. I'm overprotective of my family, if that's so wrong then I don't want to be right." Luther gripped her hand which made her skin crawl.

Luther, "All I'm saying is we can survive to be a little hurt. have some faith in us, we're not as weak as you think." It hurt to admit but he was right, she needed to let them experience the world with their own hands. Defeated she simply nodded looking down at the floor. Their conversation was interrupted by a knock at the door. Luna glanced at Lilly making sure she was still asleep before opening it to an unsuspected face.

Quinn, "U-Um Alpha could I speak with you for a moment?" Luna remembered this boy, Ally doted on him like a little brother. Quinn was the first person she told about her transition, he was a smart dedicated boy.

Luna, "Of course let's go to my office. Luther could you watch Lilly while I'm gone." He nodded happily and waved her off. They made their way down to the official discussion room which Ally used to avoid. Quinn looked a little flustered playing with his hands nervously, he also smelled slightly of dread. What could he possibly want from her at this time? They entered, Luna took her seat at the desk pulling up a chair for Quinn. He nodded thankfully and sat down. Quinn was about sixteen now and had matured quite a bit since working at the bar.

Luna, " You can relax Quinn I don't bite, what can I help you with." He smiled clearly troubled looking down at his hands. It was like a bomb ready to explode until her gaze practically forced his words out.

Quinn, "About t-the shifting...I was wondering if I could do it with you!" Luna cocked her head, she wasn't sure what he meant, of course, they would get to shift eventually.

Luna, "You'll get to shift if that's what you want, but I need to work out the kinks first. If you can be a little pat--"

Quinn, "I mean shift at the same time as you. I don't want you to do it alone, I want to be there with you when you shift!" Finally, she grasped what he was trying to say, he thought she would be alone and afraid shifting on her own and truthfully Quinn wasn't wrong.

Luna, "Your kind Quinn but... I can see how scared you are. Why would you do that for me?"

Quinn, "Because I'm tired of you suffering alone. I might not be with you all of the time but I see it on your face when your hurting. Your forgetting I was the one who poured your drinks when you were at rock bottom, I know when your sad Ally." Luna felt a little guilty, he should be saying this directly to Ally not her, it was the first time she had felt like an imposter.

Luna, "Your right...right now I'm afraid. I will let you join me on one condition..." Engulfed in awe he simply looked at her wide-eyed, this wasn't like her at all to allow someone she cared about tread into darkness.

Quinn, "A-Anything!" Luna looked down, her gut was telling her not to agree but turning him away would probably hurt him a lot more than the transition. Instead of concerning herself with their physical health she also needed to consider their mental health.

Luna, "If I think you're not coping then you're out, do you understand?" Quinn nodded enthusiastically, he couldn't believe his ears.

Quinn, "I'll be there to support you so please treat me well." She smiled and stroked his fluffy brown hair. Luna could see a person's soul deep inside of them and he was so fluorescent and pure it almost made her tear up.

They parted ways at the office. While he was jumping for joy Luna was dragging her feet back to her room thankful she could finally get some rest when suddenly her wrist was gripped from the shadows. Those rose-colored red eyes caught her off guard.

Luna, "Jesus Isaac you scared me." He didn't answer...instead he looked at her emotionless.

Isaac, "Come with me." It wasn't as if she had a choice as he dragged her into his room. That look in his eyes scared her slightly.

Luna, "Is it annoy Ally day or something what do you want Isaac?" Those cold eyes scanned her up and down, she felt a shiver run down her spine as he gripped her chin and studied her closely. Just what was he up too?

Isaac, "You realize I've known you for fifteen years right?" Had it really been that long she thought, just the idea of growing up with someone for that long made her head dizzy. Still, she was awaiting his point.

Luna, "Okay?" He let her chin go and smirked, he sat down at his table and crossed his hands. Seeing he was still and obviously glancing at the chair opposite she sighed and sat down.

Isaac, "Do you think I'm an idiot?" It almost made her chuckle, he was much more than an idiot. He was a lovesick puppy dog.

Luna, "Of course, get to the chase I have to see to my daughter." Suddenly he pulled out a book and slid it across to her. Since when did he find the time to get such a thing? This was the pack rule book but in small notes were observations...of her? Luna looked at it closely until she finally began to realize what was going on.

'Sudden personality change.'

'Proposing things out of character.'


They spoke about her like a villain, she shifted her eyes up only to see his glaring menacing at her. Without him saying a word she already knew what he wanted. Isaac cleared his throat and snatched back the book.

Isaac, "I've known Ally since I was a child, she reached out to me and saved me from grief. Ever since then I've watched her struggle whether it be with her father, mother or herself. It became a habit I could never break but a week ago I noticed something different. Standing above people, avoiding the people closest to her and then practically offering up her soul to do something forbidden. Ally wouldn't do those things without an explanation. So tell me...what are you doing Luna?" Those last words made her eyes clenched shut in dejection. So the jealous ex-lover had finally caught on but this was much quicker than she had anticipated. If she played dumb the way he was looking at her she'd probably be punched on the spot. Isaac's dark brown hair which had lifted since he'd stopped dying it to protect his identity melted into the darkness behind his yet those glowing poppy eyes trapped her in that space.

Luna, "*Sigh----* Good job detective you've got me." Luna let her red-eye fade back to those moonlight blue eyes, Isaac looked a little flustered almost as if he was expecting her to lie. But, what would be the point? They would all find out eventually.

Isaac, "If your doing this without permission I'll call the whole family in here right now until you bring her back!" Bursting into outrage Luna ringed out her ears and rolled her eyes. Did he really have to be so dramatic, at least she could stop acting so nice all the time it was exhausting.

Luna, "Calm down, I would never take over without permission I have more respect for Ally than that." 'Respect' he thought. Come to think of it Ally always had a good relationship with Luna so he calmed down knowing she was telling the truth.

Isaac, "Why would she do that? What can you do that she can't?" Luna gave him a cold smile, it pained her to say it but right now it was-

Luna, "Function. Trauma takes a toll on the mind Isaac we both know that well. Sometimes people need a break so that exactly what I'm giving Ally. So what will you do now shout my secret from the rooftops, do you think Ally would like that?" Isaac scowled, he still didn't trust her.

Isaac, "If you have consent then why are you pretending to be her. Your deceiving everyone, even Lilly." That made her belly fill with fury.

Luna, "Deceive? What they don't know won't hurt them. Anyway if they knew people would treat me differently making their support waver and that's the last thing I need right now. To win this you need me, Ally is strong I don't doubt that but her body will struggle to cope with my power." Isaac looked at her suspiciously, he found that hard to believe.

Isaac, "Your lying Ally managed the superior call and visions perfectly fine without you." Luna smirked, that was because she hated her family pitting her.

Luna, "If you know Ally so well then you should know she also is an expert at hiding her pain. Using those abilities will result in migraines, body aches and bleeding of the lungs. If she continues to use them without my help it will affect her permanently. Please refrain from knowing what Ally can handle and what she can't your just an external party." Isaac looked shocked, he had no idea what was happening to Ally. It must have been so difficult.

Luna, "You've been with Ally for fifteen years but I've been with her since birth. Watching her fight for life, struggling for survival. No-one knows her as I do so would it kill to have faith that I am doing what's best for her." Isaac relaxed not able to fight her on that, to his dismay she had won. Still, her intentions bothered him, especially the shifting law revoking.

Isaac, "Even so how am I supposed to walk around knowing you're controlling our whole operation. Don't you think people will be furious when they find out especially Luther? You know how he feels about you." Luna could only smirk at that comment, it seems they were both at an impasse at what to do then something dawned on her. Isaac had been by Ally's side for a long time, she knew him quite well too.

Luna, "Sigh...So what do you want Isaac? What should I do to make you stay quiet while this all plays out? I'm not an idiot surely there's something you want." She spoke casually but seized up seeing a sudden desire in his eyes, something not quite sinister but more desperate.

Isaac, "Not something...someone." Luna could already feel the results of his wish wailing over her, this could be a calamity but nothing was worse than seeing her friends and family perish right in front of her eyes.

Luna, "Ho? I'm assuming you want Ally at the end of this. Your relationship with her has been rocky over the years I'm not sure if I can persuade her to choose you. Didn't she already say she was going to put herself first over lovesick rivals." Isaac slammed his hand on the table.

Isaac, "Yet she still shares a bed with that prick who stole her away and changed her forever! You can call be spiteful or lovesick, whatever you want. I can give her a better life than he can, for Lilly to I want to protect them both!" Wide-eyed at his overwhelming emotions she clenched her mouth shut, how could she doubt a man on the brink of tears swearing to love and protect her vessel.

Luna, "I understand, I will do my best to fulfill your wish. Now then do we have a deal?" Isaac looked at the delicate hand outstretched to him, a simple shake could maybe give him all that he wanted in life. Such a little gesture could set him free as well as ensure the safety of the pack Ally had given her life for so many times. Why wouldn't he accept?

Isaac, "You have a deal. But...stab me in the back and I'll become your worst nightmare." Luna chuckled gripping him with force, she liked that blazing fire in men's hearts. It was so easy to manipulate.

Luna, "Likewise."