Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 88 "Shift."

'We aren't the leisurely wolves you see in tv dramas or movies, we as a whole are completely different. We don't jump in to save the ones we love or gain our reason in the climactic scene when someone is about to die. In wolf form, we aren't a romantic wish for a female or a sexy fierce character sought after by males. Truthfully, we are what nightmares are made of. Pain we've collected in our hearts for years even the things we've forgotten drowning it in our mind will all be pulled forward by instinct. You can't stop us or outrun us. All you can do is lay down and submit to death.'

Luna read through transcriptions left from Jackson King, each word screaming at her not to allow this. Forcing fear into her heart, just how selfish was she to risk such a thing... Then at the bottom were notes from other Alpha's in power before him. Isaac had put her on guard, she was conscious of him all the time. Knowing one little slip up would break the seal of those silver lips.

'With mastery comes patience, if you fall once then get back up. If you fall a second time get up slowly. But if you fall a third time, don't try to get back up. Your weight is too heavy." Luna tapped her chin in deep thought, it was coded for the so-called shifting law. Maybe it meant there was only a limited amount of times a wolf could shift, or perhaps it had a darker meaning...Perhaps the weight was the mayhem that ensued after giving into instinct.

Luna, "Does weight mean guilt?" she mumbled to herself.

Helen, "What are you doing dear?" So caught up in her research she startled feeling Helen'shand on her back.

Luna, "Oh... I was just looking over father's transcripts. Hopefully, I can find something useful." Helen sat down at the desk seeing her husband's handwriting, it had been so long. Jackson despite being a vicious leader always diligently applied himself to his work. Being an Alpha didn't just entail training or keeping tabs on the pack. There were treaty meetings, information on recent issues within the territory, vampire activity, and numerous other things. Alpha's needed to be ready to be called upon by the council t any time, you couldn't relax for even a second. Vermont had however pardoned Ally of this because of all she'd been through and the recent revolt on the horizon.

Helen, "It's like shooting in the dark don't you think?" Luna looked at that rare smile, it was affectionate yet filled with trouble. To Luna that was a kind analogy, rather it was like a chainsaw in the dark in a small room filled with people.

Luna, "I suppose that's one way to say it. Information on the true nature of our other forms is limited. Frankly, I'm a little worried about shifting here, I was thinking about doing it in a secluded place in the forest. Quinn and I will need some form of restraint that won't break when in full form." Helen stood up suddenly and looked at her in anger.

Helen, "Quinn? Why would Quinn be shifting, I thought you were doing this to rule out dangers for everyone else. What's the meaning of this Ally?" Yet again she was being ridiculed, it almost made her hands shake in frustration.No wonder Ally was stressed all of the time. Luther asked her to have faith in them, why should she...when they can't even return the favor?

Luna, "Quinn requested this personally, do you really believe I would ask such a thing of him?" Helen still looked furious, it was understandable this woman wasn't just a mother to Ally and Blake but this whole pack. Quinn and Jake were doted on quite a lot being the youngest.

Helen, "Why didn't you refuse him?" That was a simple-minded question, she should stop shrouding herself in protective provocation and instead think about the effects on Quinn which weren't seen visibly.

Luna, "Quinn is a kind-hearted boy and does what he can even though limited by his age and strength. Still, he's considerate and intelligent enough to know what he's getting himself in to. He practically begged me on my knees not to go through this alone, it would break his spirit if I refused."

Helen, "So you're going to break his body instead!" Luna clenched her teeth and stood up abruptly. As always everything was her fault.

Luna, "What exactly do you know mom? Bodies heal, minds don't. It's like a weed, you can douse it in bleach and peroxide yet it still grows back. That's the effect of pain, disappointment and most importantly heartbreak. It's a more prominent killer than you realize so don't you dare lecture me!" Helen leaned back completely intimidated, Ally was always full of wisdom and life lessons some people wouldn't know of. However this time under that oppressive glare, she seemed different.

Blake, "Whoa what's going on in here?" Hearing the commotion while passing by he cluelessly entered only to find his mother in a submissive stance while Ally was practically ready to slap her. Luna sighed and let Helen free, here came another person who would question her. Without even giving Blake a chance to open his mouth she swept past him with thunder on her face. Helen shook her head asking him not to follow her he'd just become collateral in her bad mood but Blake was more stubborn than that. Running after her Helen touched the papers her daughter was engrossed in. Maybe the pressure was becoming too much for her.

Outside in the garden, Luna inhaled a breath so heavy the air seemed to move with her. Since it's upkeep roses were in full bloom and the bluebells were budding. Nature was so strange, they accepted wilting knowing fully well they would be reborn. Almost like reincarnation which Luna had become an expert in. There were no scents or activity in this area so peacefully she sat on the white old seat that had been there since Ally was born. No nagging voices or pointless check-ups, Lilly's cries couldn't be heard nor could birds. Isolation wasn't so bad she thought, humans craved contact. Feelings of a spouse, skin against skin. Requited desire, all of it. Luna could never understand.

Camilla, "Nice spot right?" Luna scowled to herself, well it was...

Luna, "Yeah it's pretty peaceful at this time, I thought you were training?" Camilla looked at her hopelessly, looks like she was enjoying being alone. Camilla could almost feel invisible hands pushing her away. Ally and Camilla never established a relationship because of their hostile first encounters. Those brutal fights for survival on both parties, the way both her and Eli would corner her reducing her chances of success yet she always won in the end. Ally successfully broke the illusion of purebloods that they were superior to everything else.

Camilla, "I'm in a similar boat, I'm tired of being ordered around by them. The Lake brothers that is, why did you choose them as teachers?" There was only one person that could understand both perspectives other than herself and that was Isaac. He could basically dissect the weaknesses of Wolves while giving advantages to the powers of Vampires. It was a difficult situation if somehow they were betrayed and used that information selfishly.

Luna, "They're practical and loyal plus they know they're way around wolves. The Lake family has a deep history of battles without kind which is ironic considering we've joined together."

Camilla, "I see. Well, then I trust your judgment." Luna glanced her over, she sounded a little tired compared to usual. When a black bruise on her wrist and shoulders as well as neck startled her. Immediately she grasped her hand and studied her wounds, they weren't just bruises but lacerations. Some old and some new.

Luna, "How did you get these!" Camilla felt her heart jump hearing a dark tone come from the usual passive girl. Gently she took back her hand reluctant to say anything. Luna looked at her deeply pressuring her to speak.

Camilla, "It's not a big deal. Isaac said we needed to be prepared for injuries while training, he said this was nothing compared to the wounds that would befall us in a battle with wolves." Luna could see she was also angry about this, so she wasn't tired of being told what to do...but getting injured without being able to retaliate.

Luna, "Where is Isaac now?" Camilla flinched as Luna stood up enraged, had she said too much why would Ally be concerned for her?

Camilla, "Um probably in the gym with my brothers." Without hesitating one bit Luna sprinted full pelt towards the gym, she had to see this for herself. Skidding to a stop she could hear the distinct sounds of flesh smashing against flesh and groaning of desperation.

Isaac, "Too slow! Do you want to just lay down and die, idiot? Fight harder!" Luna froze as Damien who was covered in wounds staggered to his feet. The poor boy could barely stand, she eyed Aiden in the corner who looked just as disgusted in the situation. Damien sprinted forward attempting to jab but Isaac ducted and grappled him over his shoulder. Luna bit her lip hearing the breath leave Damien's body. This was too much she couldn't watch anymore. Initially, she was going to put a stop to this when in her peripheral vision she saw Isaac raise his fist. No way...he was really going to beat him while he was down. Desperate she looked at Aiden hoping he'd stop it but he just turned a blind eye. Luna clenched her teeth, no longer did she care about being exposed, this was barbaric.

Aiden watched as Isaac raised his fist, it was pointless trying to stop him when he was in a fight. You would probably lose an eye. Since the beginning, he'd been ruthless. Aiden was more of a teacher about the weakness of wolves while Isaac carried out practical training. Aiden didn't agree but was powerless. That was until he caught sight of someone in the doorway. It took a few seconds to register who it was but when he realized a panicked gasp escaped his lips attracting Isaac's attention but it was too late.

Damien who was flat on the floor catching his breath was shadowed as a body flew over him followed by a great struggle. As he rolled over in confusion he saw Ally pinning Isaac to the floor pummelling into him with everything she had. They were really fighting, Aiden's hand managed to drag Damien out before he was stamped on. Luna was panting with rage, Isaac had managed to break her grapple but she was far from done.

Aiden, "Eli go and get Blake and a few others now!" For the first time Eli saw Aiden break composure which only highlighted how dangerous this situation was. As he sprinted off Damien was sat looking up at the ring watching them exchange heavy blows without uttering a single word. Isaac was strong he'd experienced that first hand but in this fight, Ally was getting the better of him through agility.

Aiden, "Hey! Both of you stop before you kill each other." Wrapped in adrenaline and ignorance they continued the mayhem, at one point Ally almost threw Isaac out of the ring. Damien looked at Ally helplessly, her forehead was cut and her nose had burst.

Damien, "We have to stop them." Aiden gripped his shoulder his expression so serious it scared him.

Aiden, "Don't you dare step in that ring unless you want to lose an eye. They won't stop until Blake gets here." Why did they need the beta Damien thought.

Aiden, " Ally won't harm Blake and neither will Isaac, they made a pact when they were young to always protect each other. Also, he's the only one I've ever seen calm Ally down without getting hurt." Damien frowned his heart clenched, he needed to get here soon. Blood was everywhere, why were they so vicious towards each other aren't they best friends?

Damien, "Ally please stop I'm fine!" It was like talking to a brick wall. They weren't even human anymore. Blood splattered the white flooring as they exchanged heavy blows one by one without saying a single word to each other. This wasn't just a battle of physical durability but mental fortitude. Aiden was dumbstruck in what to do, there were two of his most beloved people tearing each other apart and all he could do was watch...

Before long after an agonizing wait Blake and a few other pack members entered and almost fainted at the sight. This was brutal. Blake was surprised most of all watching two childhood friends fight like arch enemies, it was beyond strange at this point. Snapping out of his horrified daze his feet couldn't move fast enough. Aiden knew only one person could stand between these two because he was the one person they vowed never to hurt. Words wouldn't do a thing in this scenario their rage was storming through all reason.

Aiden could barely watch as Blake apprehensively stepped into the ring trying hard not to slip on the blood. Ally and Isaac weren't even aware of them each panting desperately trying to gain the upper hand on their opponent. Ally was considerably more experienced so she had gained the upper hand yet Isaac refused to fall. Blake watched the perspiration spray under the yellow light and took a deep breath. Whether this would work or not could determine his sister and friends' relationship forever. With one swift movement filled with adrenaline, Blake closed his eyes and stepped in-between them. Luna gasped seeing Blake's signature ebony hair in her sight. Both Isaac and Luna stopped their punch inches away from Blake's face so close he could feel the swift air on his cheek.

Blake, "Now!" Members jumped in the ring using the split second of hesitation in their favor. Luna was apprehended being pinned to the side of the ring by three pack members. Aiden jumped in along with Blake holding down Isaac. Both fighters struggled valiantly against their captors, Blake flinched seeing Ally begin to break through her eyes set on Isaac's almost like a magnet pulling them back together.

Blake, "I don't care how many times I have to step in you have to stop this now I'm begging you both!" His feet began sliding as Isaac growled pushing through. Luna hissed still filled with rage.

Luna, "How dare you lay a hand on them, I knew you were just waiting for the chance to punish them. It's not your duty who do you think you are!" Screaming across the white plane. Isaac flashed his teeth, so that's why she had attacked him. For touching her precious purebloods. Blake was struggling to understand her reasoning until he noticed Damien. Those deep cuts and bruises littered his face and body. In his eyes was exhaustion and eventually, after also seeing Camilla after helping her brother up he realized why Ally was so angry. No matter if it was her closest family or friends if you harmed them you would get what was coming to you.

Blake, "Take her back to the house to calm down." After watching his sister take a deep breath wiping her bloody nose he decided the best option would be to give her some space. Ally was unpredictable when angry. However, in the shocked commotion, Luna and Isaac never broke eye-contact. Because they both knew what everyone else was seeing wasn't the truth. It was Luna fighting, not Ally...Somehow she felt guilty for acting without consulting her vessel.

Pack House--------------------

Luna shook off the members and headed to her room to calm down. Rage was such a destructive emotion, one she had forgotten over these years. As her feet stepped into her safe haven away from everyone she stumbled into another problem. Luther...

Luther, "Jesus Christ what the hell happened to you." His wide eyes, worried but angry tone made her situation so much worse. Luther would kill Isaac for hurting his mate.

Luna, "I slipped when I was running in the mountains, don't worry I'm fine. I just need to feed and bathe." Thankfully Lilly was asleep, she waltzed past Luther acting like this wasn't a big deal. It was a far fetched lie considered the mountains were miles away but it was all she had.

Luther, "Are you kidding me, how stupid do you think I am?" Luna felt her heart rate flare back up, she didn't need to be in the same room as him right now it could send her over the edge.

Luna, "It doesn't concern you, leave it alone." Seeing the bathroom her first thought was of Ally. Mirrors allowed them to communicate and she needed to apologize. Luther gritted his teeth and grabbed her arm.

Luther, "I think you need a serious reality check. I'm your mate or are you forgetting that. Your blood is tied to me and we have a daughter together in what way does this not concern me?" He sounded so bitter it even left a bad taste in her mouth.

Luna, "So because we have a blood bond and a daughter you're automatically involved in my every endeavor. Don't flatter yourself, Luther, we're nothing more than bad history." It was like a blade in his heart hearing that so profoundly and Ally's face didn't even twitch saying such hurtful words. Luna felt a sharp pain in her head, that was a signal that her vessel was in distress and that was when she came to the realization that she had crossed so many lines there was no way Ally would forgive. Leaving Luther speechless she swiftly locked herself in the bathroom with the lights switched off. With each hand in the mirror, she prayed Ally would listen to her. Not long after Ally met her hands with a sympathetic look in her mismatched eyes which glowed in the darkness.

Luna, "Ally I-"

Ally, "Don't. You don't have to apologize I had a feeling this would happen." Luna cocked her head in confusion, why wasn't she angry. Truthfully Ally was more saddened by today's events than anything else. But it proved that even a god struggled with the reality that was her life. It was tough and exhausting.

Ally, "Walking in my shoes is difficult and I can tell your tired already. I don't blame you, to be honest. There are so many hearts to fill sometimes you wonder if you have any left for yourself. But with love comes sacrifices, and you helped me realize that. Thank you." Luna felt her eyes well up and caught a tear on the tip of her finger. So this is what Ally felt every day. How?

Luna, "How do you do it?"

Ally, "How? Hmm. Little things here and there keep me going. Like Lilly's smiles, Blake's determination, Luther's clinginess, Isaac's smolder, Aiden wit. All of those things make me chuckle every once in a while. Somehow that's all I need it's like a boost of adrenaline." Even Lluna noticed a slight smile come across Ally's face as she reminisced.

Luna, "Are you saying you're coming back?" Ally had never seen such a desperate look in Luna's moonlight eyes, she was planning on coming back sooner but rest was more addictive when you run off your feet carrying people's hopes.

Ally, "You gave me the break I needed. I think I'm ready to get this show on the road starting with your plan." Luna smiled proudly seeing a sudden exhilaration in her vessel's eyes, she was ready for this. Her next chapter.

Luna, "I'll be with you all the way. Good luck."