Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 89 "Take it back."

Cleaning wounds came like breathing. Breathing through battered ribs got less painful each time. Black eyes didn't hurt her nose as much anymore. It wasn't her injuries that bothered was who she got them from.

Isaac had never had a fight this bad with her in their lives. It must have been something serious Ally thought. When letting Luna take over she could sometimes see what was going on through the mind's eye but pieces were missing. She considered asking Luna but as expected she was sleeping through exhaustion. It had been three hours since she'd locked herself in the bathroom away from everyone and time was ticking. How was she supposed to cuddle her daughter with such bruised features she thought but then her hesitation faded away. It didn't matter what she looked like Lilly would be happy to see her. That settled it, she took a deep breath and exited her hole.

As her feet carried her swiftly to Lilly's cradle all of her worries melted away after seeing those gorgeous violet eyes. How could such a little creature hold the power to make the rockiest of seas settle in an instant? Lilly blinked a few times almost confused why her mother looked different but as soon as Ally smiled in relief her soft giggle came back.

Ally, "You must be hungry sweetheart, mommy will get you something. Come here." Like instinct she picked her up and sniffed her white hair, her baby powder scent tickled Ally's heart. Lilly gripped her mother's shirt as if daring her never to let go. Right now her daughter needed her and that's all that mattered at that moment. Without a slither of apprehension, she walked to the kitchen which was quietly deserted while holding Lilly she strategically made up a bottle one hand and sat down at the table watching her suckle it down making little cute sounds.

Ally, "That's my girl." Whenever Lilly fed she would grasp the holder's thumb tightly for security. Ally was so caught up in the moment she failed to hear Luther enter. Initially, Luther wanted to confront her but when he saw that suttle smile his ferocity died down, it was the first time he'd seen Ally happy in a while how could he turn such a beautiful scene sour.

Luther, "You beat me to it I was just about to feed her." Ally startled hearing his voice, it was strange hearing it sound so calm. Maybe he had calmed down?

Ally, "I don't mind doing this much." In return, she awkwardly avoided those piercing deep eyes. In her mind she knew she needed to apologize for what Luna said, it must have been quite hurtful to his pride saying they were bad history. Luther sat down and gazed and Lilly who nosily looked his way and smiled, Ally almost chuckled out loud, so Lilly also loved her father just as much. Running this pack as well as being a mother was tough, tough enough to be conflicted between the two.

Luther, "Are you okay?" He said bravely moving her silver hair aside to see her bruised cheek. Ally flinched as his finger gently traced her sore cheekbone, wounds hurt more when others paid attention to them.

Ally, "Oh...I'm fine this is nothing." Calmly after Lilly finished her bottle she patted her back and paced the kitchen floor until her wind came up. With a little hiccup, her daughter began fighting her sleep until eventually, she succumbed in her mother's warm embrace.

Luther, "I'll put her in her crib, stay here I need to speak to you about something." With that he delicately took Lilly and disappeared, all Ally could do was clench her eyes shut worried this could be another break down in their relationship. Truthfully there was nothing she could fault Luther for if anything her hot and cold attitude towards him was the problem. It was surprising he had stayed with her for this long. Luther was a loving and dedicated father as well as a great partner when it came to raising her. Although she had been distant he still slept in a bed with her without laying a single finger on her. The restraint and discipline that must have taken would be bear impossible considering they were mates. Ally had always felt guilty about her bond with Luther. Because he was a vampire and a pureblood at that his love for her was so much more under a blood bond but because Ally was a hybrid she didn't feel it as much.

Luther, "What are you thinking about so intensely?" Ally snapped from her deduction, she had her hand on her lips tapping them impatiently. Luther sat down at the table with a unique expression on his face, it was the face that always made Ally uneasy. A mixture of seriousness and anxiety. So what had made this strong pureblood vampire break his composure? Curious and also worried Ally sat down and looked at him. Luther's hands were sweaty and his heart rate was gradually rising, it would be hard to say this while Ally looked so fragile but he needed to say it while he still had the courage.

Ally, "Luther...A-About what I said-" He held up his hand asking her to stop which she obediently did, he was right there was no way a simple apology would heal such a deep scar. Luther almost broke seeing her look so dejected.

Luther, "I've been waiting a while to say this so please hear me out until the end." Ally gulped and nodded, she owed him that much.

Luther, "Most of the time your so cold and distant it drives me insane. Sometimes I even wonder if you feel this bond at all..." Ally looked down in guilt, so it was about this after all. It had been a problem hidden in the back of mind suddenly resurfaced by those signature blood-red eyes. This was it she thought, he was going to revoke the blood bond and take back his mark. A while ago she had wanted this more than anything so why when she was faced with it did her heart hurt?

Luther, "Then I catch the way you look at me while holding our daughter, or the hidden smile you shy away whenever I worry about you. That's when I wonder if it's not because you don't feel it or...your just afraid to feel it?" Ally looked up a little surprised, where did that come from? Since when was this about her? Then again how long had he noticed those things...

Luther, "I've hurt you a lot and we were separated for a while when you were pregnant with Lilly, you had to go through all of that by yourself so I understand why you wouldn't trust me." Ally was scared as to where this conversation was going.

Ally, "I-I already forgave you for all that." Luther shook his head, things like that weren't forgiven easily it had to be earned. Suddenly she was taken back by his nostalgic expression.

Luther, "I watched you grow up from being a feisty little girl to the woman I see right now. All that time I selfishly thought that I would one day make you mine. Then when I stole you away I could see how miserable you were away from your family and that's when it hit me. You need the people in this house the same as they need you. So I let you go...but those few months apart was so agonizing I couldn't take it. Then when we reunited and I found out you were going to have my child happiness I never knew existed filled me." Ally was speechless, he was smiling so brightly, had he always felt this way about her and Lilly.

Luther, "Holding your hands while you gave me the greatest gift in the world made me realize that I can't live without you and that I love you so much it hurts. So..." Luther paused afraid to look at her face, he needed to say this.

Luther, "Could I ask you to please give me a chance to show you that you can love me too." Ally felt a profound feeling in her heart. Luther had been holding this in for a could she have been so blind to his feelings. Luther flinched as her hand desperately grasped his. He looked up to see a sad conflicted look on her face as if she was struggling to say something.

Ally, "I-I've never been good at showing my love because to me it was a private emotion that needed no verification for the other person. I never knew you felt that way, it must have been hard right?" Luther didn't know what to say, Ally was practically on the brink of tears as if finally coming to the realization.

Ally, "Luther...I-I l-loved you the minute I came home. When you cried for me I could see how much you had missed me and when Lilly was born you looked so proud. I'm sorry if you couldn't see it, I know I'm hard to deal with but...will you forgive me?" Luther gripped her hand back in shock.

Luther, "You really mean that? You love me?" Ally nodded shyly. Luther felt a weight lift from his body, those words were all he ever needed... Suddenly he stood up and pulled Ally across the table into his embrace before sealing her gasping lips with his. Ally's eyes widened as he kissed her deeply, she was so shocked she daren't move. But eventually, the warm feeling of his skin against her's made that fear slip away. With a shaking hand on his cheek she kissed him back, Luther gripped her closer until they were practically inside each other's skin.

Ally, "I can't breath..." she pushed him back to catch her breath, this had taken a very surprising turn, the way he embraced her was so passionate at this rate Lilly would get a sibling. Finally admitting her feeling came with relief and also guilt for stringing him along.

Luther, "Sorry I couldn't hold back, my mate just told me she loved me what else was I supposed to do?" He chuckled childishly, Ally smiled and relaxed on his lap so this was the warmth she had been missing.

Ally, "I'll try harder so please wait for me." Luther smiled lovingly then nodded.

Luther, "I'll always wait for you but what are you going to do with everyone else?" Ally pondered for a while, things were still a bit blurry in her mind.

Ally, "Um I'm not too sure what happened but I'll fix it. I won't be long." Luther stroked her silver hair before sending her on the painful journey of fixing her relationships. Little did she know Luna had pulled it all apart.

After walking through the quiet house wondering where everyone was she stumbled upon Blake and Isaac in the office. Initially, she wanted to greet them as usual but feeling a hostile atmosphere she decided to hang back and listen in.

Blake, "You should get stitches your eyes in bad shape." Ally flinched, what had happened to Isaac? In return Isaac scoffed holding the ice pack to his face, he looked like he'd been through war with his injuries.

Isaac, "I can't take this anymore, this is f*cking insane you realize that. I get why she did this but did she really have to go this far?" A fire flared up in Ally immediately thinking Camilla had done this to him. Like a natural instinct, she turned back around following Camilla's scent until she arrived back at the gym. Aiden was standing tending to Damien's wounds while Eli and Camilla stood idly by. At first, their face lit up seeing their savior until Ally sprinted over pinning Camilla to the far wall.

Aiden, "Ally! What the f*ck are you doing!" Camilla gasped clawing for air but those signature glowing eyes held no chance, it was the eyes you dare oppose. Eli went to aid his sister but Ally flipped her head around warning him not to try anything.

Ally, "Why did you do that to him!" Camilla panicked in confusion not knowing what she was talking about.

Camilla, "*gasp* I don't k-know w-what you're talking about!" Aiden wondered if Ally had really lost her mind. Damien was stuck in the middle, usually, there was a reason behind Ally's actions but this time he was stumped.

Ally, "What did Isaac do to you to deserve that?" Suddenly the room went still, which confirmed that she truly had lost her mind to everyone else. Camilla was starting to turn blue kicking her feet. Aiden was shaking on the spot wondering what to do the closed his eyes and tried his luck. Aiden gripped the back of Ally's shirt pulled her back freeing Camilla and pinned her to the floor. Ally was so shocked all she could was lie there looking at Aiden's pained eyes. His quick breaths pulsating the hair around her face.

Aiden, "Ally,...the one who did that to Isaac...was you!"

Ally, "What?..."