Forbidden Alpha- Chapter 90 "It's not me."

Ally, "W-What did you just say?" Aiden still had her wrists pinned to the mat looking at her with malice. It didn't look like he was joking either, Camilla stood at the side being comforted by Eli. Honestly, she was bewildered being manhandled by him the possibility that she had done this didn't seem plausible.

Aiden, "I understand you're under a lot of pressure okay? I get it but this is too far Ally how many more people are you going to hurt!" Her? Hurting people, there was no way in hell she would do that especially to Isaac, he was precious to her despite their differences.

Ally, "I would never do that to Isaac, why are you acting like I'm insane!" Aiden grew more confused by the minute, her wide mismatched eyes looked desperate for an explanation, it was him that needed to be informed not her so why did she look like that.

Damien, "Ally it's true, you fought Isaac because he was mistreating us. I wouldn't lie to you?" Damien looked teary-eyed and worried, something was missing here she didn't remember this at all. It was terrifying to think Luna had done all of this in her absence.

Ally, "I get it so let me go." Aiden looked at her sympathetically as she looked away from him her face darkened by realization, just what was going on in her mind right now? Seeing she was uncomfortable he let her up. Without saying a word to them Ally left quickly as if on a mission.

Pack House--------------------------------

This was ridiculous, she just mends one relationship and another falls apart. Just how was she supposed to win. First, she needed to apologize to Isaac he must be really hurt and confused right now. Thankfully he was still talking to Blake in the office. Without an ounce of hesitation, she walked in anxiously. Blake immediately went on guard in-case they began fighting again. Isaac looked at her with hatred causing Ally to flinch...he'd never looked at her like that before.

Blake, "Sis please leave it alone." Ally shook her head, there was no way she would leave this alone. This misunderstanding needed to be cleared up. Isaac tried to put on a vicious front thinking it was still Luna however realizing he'd done damage to Ally's body made his heart hurt. Her bruised cheek and black eyes, those long scratches on her arm all of it was from him.

Ally, "I'm not here to start trouble Blake but could I please speak to Isaac alone for a few minutes?" Blake was unsure, his sister looked really down all of a sudden. Maybe the severity of her actions was finally sinking in. Isaac wasn't exactly innocent either but didn't deserve such a beating. Struggling on what to do he looked at Isaac who indifferently nodded. Sighing Blake patted Ally's shoulder as he left unwillingly. Then there were two... It was awkwardly silent, Ally looked at the medkit on the desk and thought mending his wounds was the least she could do. Isaac flinched as she gripped his hand and started dabbing it with antiseptic without giving him a single glance.

Isaac, "Do you think I'll fall for your fake kindness, you're doing this so Ally won't be mad at you right?" Furious he snatched his hand away, Ally held the cotton bud in thin air did she hear that right? For her sake, did that mean...

Isaac, "Listen, Luna, if you weren't using Ally as a conduit I would have tor you limb from limb. Your smart using the girl I love as a pawn to abuse me, your really a piece of work you know that." Ally was completely frozen, her fears had been confirmed...Isaac knew Luna had been in control but what did he say after that? The girl he loves?

Isaac, "What? cat got your tongue all of a sudden. Or did I hit the nail on the head?" Ally's hands shook, he was so angry she could feel his seething mind invading her space.

Ally, "Enough! I came to apologize to you, I never meant to hurt you." Isaac furrowed his brows, she sounded different now. Her voice was harsher but in an honest way and less sarcastic too. What was she playing?

Isaac, "Bullsh*t your not sorry at all. Why did you do it, so Ally would approve of you? Let's get one thing clear I know her better than anyone, showing strength by beating down others is not noble or heroic. It's a sign of weakness and insecurity." Ally could feel Luna twitching inside of her, so now he knew her better than anyone. Wasn't he getting too cocky?

Ally, "So you think you know her? If so then why did you leave her, are you also disappointed she had a child with that man." This was sick, she knew that but maybe finally he could be honest with her.

Isaac, "I never wanted to leave her, not even for a second. I left to keep her safe as for Lilly...I'm not disappointed in her I'm jealous that she could create something so joyful with someone other than me. Are you happy now or do you wanna keep asking more useless questions?" Ally bit her lip trying to hold it together, how horrible of a human being was she to exploit him like this. Yet her mouth couldn't stop.

Ally, "These aren't useless at all. If I told you Ally could hear all of this what would you say?" There wasn't even an ounce of hesitation inside of him, as he swiftly grabbed her wrist his face still battered yet those eyes spoke directly to her soul.

Isaac, "Choose me. I'll raise Lilly as my own, I will help you win this war. I will do anything as long as I get you by the end of it." Gobsmacked...she couldn't even manage breath nevermind words. This wasn't a joke anymore or exploitation. This was his will, his goal. Deep down Ally didn't know whether to be upset from his hidden motives or happy he would go this far for her.

This ridiculous lovesick spider web she was tangled in was getting direr by the day. Luther and herself had just settled their feelings and like another predator claiming his territory here came Isaac challenging it. Ally was a butterfly caught in the same web as three spiders. Luther, Isaac, and Aiden. Ignorance can only take her heart so far. It was suffocating.

Isaac, "We had a deal Luna, I keep your secret and you give me Ally. Don't even dare think about double-crossing me." What? Ally's body went cold in shock. Did her other vessel really use her body as a deal?

Ally, "I understand. Anyway, no hard feeling about the fight. Just don't touch the people I love and we won't have a problem." It was quick and swift she needed to leave this situation before those eyes pulled her into that void.

As she returned to her room luckily no-one else was there, it gave her a chance to talk with Luna about all this. Fury ran through her veins, how dare she use her as bargaining power it disgusted her. Storming to her bathroom mirror slamming the door behind her those mismatched eyes glared at her reflection.

Ally, "You better start explaining!" Luna sheepishly appeared back, her cover had been blown quickly than anticipated yet again...Ally was always sharp. Waiting tapping her nails on the sink counter Luna tried to scramble her story together.

Luna, "Isaac found out about me so I wanted to keep him quiet." Ally scoffed and rolled her eyes. There were a million ways to silence him that didn't include such a promise. How would she crawl out of this one without losing him?

Ally, "Right now I couldn't give two sh*ts about why you did it, what I care about is how we're going to get out of this. Things are just starting to fall into place and yet again theirs a giant blunder blocking my way. I needed a break Luna but you've only given me more trouble!" Luna glued her mouth shut, had Ally ever been this angry at her?

Luna, "I'm sorry okay, I never meant for this to happen." Taking a deep breath trying to calm the storm in her chest Ally rested her tired head on the sink. Why did it always turn out this way? If her own protective spirit couldn't help then who could. Luna could see her hope wavering again, those same tired teary eyes. Then something struck her, it wasn't completely useless. Luna found something while looking through Aiden's notebook.

Luna, "I know I messed up but I found something valuable while I was in control. I think I know someone who can help if they're still alive." A little spark in Ally's heart raised her head. Did she mean something from her past who knew of these things?

Ally, "Go on." Luna relaxed and began talking about someone who barely anyone knew about because the topic was taboo and extremely dangerous. Something not even Ally knew.

Luna, "A long time ago when I was pregnant with Lucy there were some complications because my body wasn't entirely human. So I sought help from the mage community, that's where I met her. Layla...she was a very special mage living in secret who only helped me because she found the situation interesting. Otherwise, I would have never known about her. Layla was the one who delivered Lucy, my daughter." Ally listened in awe, so even mages existed then. But what did this have to do with her situation?

Luna, "Layla belonged to a very sacred line of mages with curious characteristics. One you should already know. White hair and white eyes." Ally gasped, there was only one person she knew about with those looks. Shadow!

Ally, "They're related! If that's so then they must also be family of George. How can she help me?" Luna looked a little reluctant, just how taboo was this subject.

Luna, "Layla was rejected from the mage community when her grandson created the S.E.S program. After that, she abandoned anything to do with her descendants but I think she will help if it's you. Your constitution, your abilities all of them would interest her. Your plan about shifting isn't going to work without supervision. I think the animosity and stress you've been through will show in your transformation, it's too dangerous you could lose yourself, Ally. I think if Layla was with you then you have a chance to come back. Then you can teach your pack." This was the answer, Ally was always afraid to shift for the exact reason. If she didn't come back, her family...Lilly, everyone would be left alone to fight this battle. They wouldn't survive.

Ally, "I need to find her Luna. This girl may be my only shot!" Luna nodded, that was a possibility but a slim one.

Luna, "If she's still alive then that would be ideal. However, you must go alone, if anyone on her radar becomes a threat she'll go into hiding and we'll never find her. Remember also this is mage county, they don't do well with outsiders. You may have to hold your own against them. Can you do that?" Ally thought intensely, these were powerful people. Some had control over elements and others could infiltrate the mind. Still...she needed this chance. For her pack.

Ally, "I can do it. Some distance wouldn't be too bad but...if I tell them where I'm going they won't let me go alone. So...I have to sneak away. Silently, carefully. They won't be attacking for at least three weeks according to the visions. Do I have enough time?" Luna nodded.

That settled it, this was the plan. It was the only way. In her head, she apologized to Quinn. He wanted to do this with her so she wasn't alone. But it was too dangerous for his and in the kindest of words he would hold her back.

Luna, "It's a painful decision but I already know what you're going to do...leave at night. Keep vigilant and don't let anyone see you. Your family is overprotective, things could go very wrong if Layla senses them. You can do this Ally just be careful. Personally I wouldn't co-operate with mages but Layla is different. Trust in me. I know I've disappointed you but please don't reject me. I can help you." That was right, Ally could reject Luna at any time sending her back to limbo. It hurt her what Luna had done but she wasn't worthless. This was the biggest breakthrough since her involvement with George. He would pay for what he did to her father. For what he'd done to her.

Ally, "I trust in you...I have to do this. For everyone. I need to be stronger. So...let's do this." Luna nodded in determination. I'm sorry everyone, you're going to hate me for a while but this is for the best. Belive in me, I will save you all, even if it kills me.