Chapter 1: The Beginning (1)

A massive forest, Against The Gods World.

In the sky, a red rock was crashing down like a meteor. Inside the translucent rock, a teenager could be seen sleeping in it.

[... ... ... Host has recovered consciousness.]

[Hello Host, I am the Hunter x Hunter system]

[Please specify body, nen type & abilities, and other things you wish for]

[Note: anything too insane will be ignored.]

"... What?" said Chadero as he looked at a ui screen in a black space.

[Hello Host, I am the Hunter x Hunter system]

[Please specify body, nen type & abilities, and other things you wish for]

[Note: anything too insane will be ignored.]

"Am I in some sort of character builder?" asked Chadero.

[Host is in the process of building his foundations and new body.]

"Interesting." replied Chadero with a smile.

"I want... to be perfectly compatible with all nen types. I also want the memories of Issac Netero. My body should have an unimaginably high talent for nen." said Chadero.

[Very well, Host. What are the specifications of your body?"]

Chadero smirked as he opened his mouth.

"My body..."


The rock landed on the ground. Surprisingly there was no sound from the impact whatsoever. Nor was there an impact at all.

A tall man came out of the rock. Golden spiky hair flowed out, with intricate black lines and markings creating a contrast with the gold. His physique was well defined, he would put any man to shame. His eyes were a piercing blue and on his back, the face of an oni fighting dragons was present.

Looking at him would invoke feelings of grandeur.

"Nice." was all Chadero said as he inspected himself. He squeezed his hands, causing his forearm to pop out. Moving around, he felt uninhibited and free.

He threw out a simple fist.

BOOM! A sonic boom appeared and dust went flying everywhere.

Chadero looked at this with glee. He hadn't even started practicing nen, yet he was already this strong. After enhancing his body, he would easily be able to put someone like the likes of Meruem to shame. Testing his vision, he discovered he could look at least 3 miles away clearly. Looking around, Chadero saw a lone wolf looking at him.

Thud. Chadero instantly appeared behind the wolf, punching it and sending it flying.

"Well that gets rid of the problem with food." thought Chadero.

Out of the corner of his eye, Chadero noticed that the rock disappeared.

"What? Where did it go?" he thought to himself.

[Host, the rock dissipated after serving its purpose.]

"Interesting. However, don't read my thoughts, system." said Chadero coldly.

[Very well, Host. But I will be able to perceive anything you think if it's directed towards me.]


An hour later in a cave.

"System, what features do you have?" asked Chadero.

[Host, the features of the HxH system include: Stats, Gacha, Store, Inventory, and Training.]

"System, bring up my stats."

[Very well, Host.]

[Host: Chadero

Strength: 20

Dexterity: 10

Endurance: 20

Defense: 20

Speed: 20

Nen (Locked): 100

Nen Control: None

Abilities not yet manifested.]

"What do these stats mean?" questioned Chadero.

[Host, 1 point is equivalent to one human male in his prime.]

"Hmm... I have so much raw stats already. It seems that since dexterity and control have to be worked on manually, they're not high as my other stats." thought Chadero.

"System, bring up gacha."

[Very well, Host.]

[Welcome to the gacha system!]

[Would you like a spin?]

Chadero looked at the giant wheel that appeared. Numerous objects could be seen on it, the wheel seemingly contained everything. Pills, scrolls, drinks, and even miniature worlds could be obtained it seemed. At the bottom Chadero saw [Number of Spins: 100].

"Damn I have 100 spins somehow." exclaimed Chadero. "System, how did I get these spins?"

[Host, God had given you these spins.]

"How generous." said Chadero. "Can I use all the spins at once? Doing it one by one when I have a hundred will be a hassle." he asked.

[Very well, Host.]

The ui began to shine as the number of spins began to drop drastically. 100... 70... 40... 20... 3... 0.


[Completed. Host can retrieve the items from the inventory.]

Chadero moved onto the store. "System, open the store."

[Very well, Host. Opening store.]

A simple layout appeared, with numerous rows having buy next to them.

Chadero looked around, but all he saw was just [Experience of (someone)].

"System what's available in the store?" asked Chadero.

[The store offers only the experiences of numerous people, ranging from mythical strategists, rulers, and warriors to the elite, consisting of elite strategists, rulers, and warriors. A free sample has been added to Host's inventory.]

"Nice. The potential with this is huge." murmured Chadero as he thought to himself.

"System, show me the inventory."

[Very well, Host.]

A typical rpg style inventory showed up; there seemed to be an infinite amount of slots.

[Host, this is the inventory. Items can only be taken out, not put in.]

"Well that sucks. It would've been cool if at least the inventory was like one of those typical Japanese reincarnation novels. This system seems bland as hell." sighed Chadero. "Although... there is one part left. I'll check my inventory later."

"System show me training."

[Very well, Host.]

Immediately, Chadero's vision warped as the world around him changed. Instantly, he was in an empty coliseum.

[Welcome to training! Fight of the day: Arthas]

[What would Host like to train in?]

"Oh!!" exclaimed Chadero.

"System explain this to me."

[Very well, Host. Training is an alternate space where the host can feel free to train in combat. Host can train in any weapon he desires against various levels of enemies. The fight of the day is a chance to battle against any hero or influential warrior without having to pay the fee of one ticket.]

"Score! Heh, it'll be a breeze for me to level up my dexterity and control now. Furthermore I can gain more battle experience." smirked Chadero. "But wait. System, will I die in training?"

[Replying to Host. No, but you will be locked out for one day.]

"Interesting. But first I'll check out my inventory. System open inventory and let me see all the items."

[Very well, Host.]

The inventory opened up and Chadero began to inspect the goods. From the hundred spins, he obtained: 285 body refinement liquid, 27 enlightenment pills, 10 purification orbs, 1 Mantra Mat, 1 Protection of the Gods Amulet, Chains of Burdens, Nen Limit Breaker, 2 Shards of the Philosopher's Stone.

Looking at the items, their details popped up.

[Body Refinement Liquid 285x

Tempers the body. Bathe in for effects.

Stored in bottle.]

"Well that's pretty basic." he thought.

[27 Enlightenment Pills

Allows you to see beyond and go in a state of enlightenment.

Duration depends on the capabilities of the person.

Warning: Consuming more than one at once may cause damage to the soul.]

"Ho...." exclaimed Chadero.

[10 Purification Orbs

Cleanses and stabilizes the body and nen.

Swallow in order to get rid of any hidden injuries or cultivation defects.]

"Nice. This must be for when I gain strength too fast." he nodded in approval.

[1 Mantra Mat

Meditate on for improved meditation and to strengthen the mind.

Non-Consumable. Place where you wish. Can be destroyed.]

"Lovely. Get stronger while looking cool." snickered Chadero.

[Protection of The Gods Amulet

Saves the wearer from the grasp of death.

Dissipates upon use.]

"Such a cheat item..." lamented Chadero.

[Chains of Burden

Restricts one or more attributes by constantly pressuring the body and the mind.

Pressure adjusted as the user grows more stronger/used to it.

Note: Only usable after unlocking nen.]

"So like gravity training? Interesting." smiled Chadero.

[Nen Limit Breaker

When your nen cannot go any further, use this dagger to go beyond.

Hint: Rise high like a celestial and control the nen around you.]

"So... when the limits of the body is reached... you have to go beyond?" pondered Chadero.

"If nen is at that level... would you not be a god?" he said mysteriously.

[2 Shards of The Philosopher's Stone

Within these shards is the power of the Philosopher's Stone.

Able to warp reality and define causality.

Warning: Host should not attempt to get all 8 shards of the Philosopher's Stone before he reaches the level beyond.]

"Holy shit..."