Chapter 2: The Beginning (2)

In a cave.

[Host, it is recommended to get started with nen you meditate

Your nen nodes are still locked due to their absurd strength.

The Mantra Mat can be used to expedite this process.]

"Alright then lets get started!" smiled Chadero.

He got out the Mantra Mat and adopted a full lotus position.

Slowly he took deep breaths. "Nen is achieved through synergy with the body's innate potential... it's like drilling an unfathomable oil well with your mind." he thought to himself. Then he felt it. Power that seemed unstoppable; power that could tower over the heavens. A vague white aura began to emerge from his body, slowly turning to a bright gold color. "I can feel it. It's as if a river is coursing within my body."

[Host, your nen nodes are unlocking. Please brace yourself.]

Chadero's eyes opened abruptly as he felt a great power awaken within him. "Arghhhhhhhhhhh!" he shouted. Golden aura violently overflowed and filled the cave, shooting out of the entrance and scaring away nearby animals. It slowly calmed down and retracted into Chadero, leaving only a thin membrane of aura surrounding his body. "Amazing..." he exclaimed as he restrained his aura.

[Congratulations Host on fully unlocking the Hunter x Hunter system!]

[Nen Fundamentals Manual added to inventory.]

[Nen Techniques Manual added to inventory.]

[Would Host like some clothes?]

"Yes. I want Ging's outfit." he replied.

[Ging's outfit added to inventory.]

"System. open inventory."

[Very well, Host.]

Chadero focused his gaze on Ging's outfit and the slot disappeared as Chadero found the clothes already on him. "Indeed, one of the best outfits in the series." he exclaimed as he inspected himself. Chadero switched his gaze to the Nen Manual.

[Nen Fundamentals Manual

Nen is a special type of energy produced by humans through the synergy between the mind and body and can be regarded as the total energy of a human being.

There are 4 fundamentals to nen.

- Ten, surrounding the body with nen, preventing any leakage. (Boosts strength & longevity)

- Zetsu, suppressing nen and closing all nen nodes. (Prevents nen sensing but leaves vulnerable)

- Ren, expanding nen and exploding it out with power. (Produces nen and strengthens nen)

- Hatsu, freely releasing nen created by Ren. (Allows for nen abilities & personal expression) ]

"Hmm. I used Ten quite easily to suppress my aura. Why isn't there anything on the nen types?"

[Replying to Host. Host already has max compatibility with Conjurer, Emitter, Enhancer, Manipulator, and Transmuter. How nen is used is not direct, so explaining how would be pointless. Specialist depends on your fortune and appears erratically. Due to your massive intellect, it would be extremely easy to grasp the 4 fundamentals of nen, and also, the nen types are self-explanatory; explaining to host would be befitting him.]

"Hahaha! Such an intelligent system. I wonder how you were created. So, learning the 4 fundamentals would be a breeze for me is basically what you're saying?" chuckled Chadero.


"Then lets get started!" exclaimed Chadero. "Just to make sure, I'll begin with Ten and go down." Suddenly, Chadero's nen exploded out once more before being quietly suppressed. "Zetsu." The nen surrounding Chadero regressed even more and slowly disappeared. "My nen nodes are closed. Woah damn. I feel so much weaker. System, open stats."

[Very well, Host.]

[Host: Chadero

Strength: 40

Dexterity: 15

Endurance: 40

Defense: 40

Speed: 40

Nen (Locked): 200

Nen Control: None

MAX AFFINITY: Conjuration, Emitter, Enhancement, Manipulation, Transmutation.

Abilities: None.]

"God damn, even though my nen nodes are sealed, I'm basically twice as strong in terms of raw capability than before." whistled Chadero. "But nen abilities... I should come up with some after mastering the 4 fundamentals." Chadero undid Zetsu as his nen came back he opened his stats once more.

[Host: Chadero

Strength: 200

Dexterity: 30

Endurance: 200

Defense: 200

Speed: 200

Nen (Unlocked): 1000

Nen Control: None

MAX AFFINITY: Conjuration, Emitter, Enhancement, Manipulation, Transmutation.

Abilities: None.]

"*Gulp* How strong am I right now?" shouted Chadero in ecstasy.

[Reminder: Host can always go to Training to guage his strength and skills.]

"I'll do that after mastering the 4 fundamentals as well." he thought. "Ren." In an instant, his aura shot up like a pillar into the sky, completely disintegrating the cave. "Oh shit, Ten!" His aura went back down before it could fully reach its maximum power. Chadero broke out into a cold sweat. "That could've gone wrong if some strong individual saw me." he murmured as he went out of the cave's ruins to find another place.

Chadero started to run but he underestimated his speed, crashing into and causing multiple trees to collapse. "Fuck... I'll really need to get adjusted to this." he said in shock. Chadero began to pace himself until he could control his speed. He began to speed-walk, then jog, then he began to run in glee. "The wind blowing against you feels so good." he thought to himself.


30 minutes later in a new cave.

"I messed around too much, I don't even know where I am." Chadero sighed. "System how strong was I at that moment?"

[Replying to Host.]

[Host: Chadero

Strength: 1000

Dexterity: 20

Endurance: 1000

Defense: 1000

Speed: 1000

Nen (Unlocked): 9000

Nen Control: None

MAX AFFINITY: Conjuration, Emitter, Enhancement, Manipulation, Transmutation.

Abilities: None.]

"Jesus Christ, this is getting crazy." gasped Chadero. "Looks like I'll have to wait on the last two fundamentals." he sighed. "But let me see what the Training function is like. System, open Training."

[Very well, Host.]

Immediately, Chadero once again appeared in a coliseum.

[Welcome to training! Fight of the day: Arthas]

[What would Host like to train in?]

"I would like to train in Nen."

{Combat or Cultivation?]

"Hmm... cultivation."

The scenery around him changed. It was now a never-ending plain of grass around him. The sky was replaced by whiteness, and there was nothing else to be seen on the plain. "So I suppose I just practice here then?" asked Chadero.

[Yes. Host can end the session anytime he wants.]

Chadero nodded as he began to practice Ren. "Don't need to hold back. For Ren I have to explosively project my nen. Ren." A shockwave came out with Chadero's body at the center. Immediately after, a vast amount of golden aura exploded out like a mushroom cloud. Chadero moaned in ecstasy. "This feeling is sublime!" The aura eventually settled and became more condensed as it decreased in size. "No... that wasn't Ren. I see now. You have to condense it while exploding it out. Like... this." The previous aura retracted as an almost tangible golden aura appeared, surrounding Chadero, but not exploding out. "Yes, this is it!" he laughed out. With clenched fists the aura grew even more and it felt as if his surroundings were trembling. His fair flowed as the aura grew more, more, and more.

[Warning: Host is burdening his body too much with nen.]

Chadero stopped using Ren and immediately after he was hit with fatigue. He fell to one knee and began to breathe heavily. "Oh... I became... too... intoxicated." he panted. "System show what my stats were."

[Host: Chadero

Strength: 5,000

Dexterity: 20

Endurance: 5,000

Defense: 5,000

Speed: 5,000

Nen (Unlocked): 80,000

Nen Control: None

MAX AFFINITY: Conjuration, Emitter, Enhancement, Manipulation, Transmutation.

Abilities: None.]

"Honestly, I'm just becoming detached from what's considered normal. I can't keep up with the massive increases in strength." sighed Chadero. "Now should be a good time for me to access Netero's memories."

[Host, it is recommended that you eat an enlightenment pill before delving into Issac Netero's memories.]

"Hmm? Inventory."

Focusing on the enlightenment pills, one of them appeared in his hand. "Lets try it then." he grinned.

Consuming the pill, Chadero closed his eyes. Appearing within his consciousness, he approached a white ball. He put his hands into it and let it swallow him.


In the snowy mountains.

A man with long grayish hair could be seen training.

"1... 2.... 3.... 4.... 5.... 10.... 100.... 1000... 10000." Every punch to him appeared in slow motion, but to others, they wouldn't even be able to see them.

The man kept punching. Only stopping to eat, sleep, and defecate. He had been punching ten thousand times every day, for 5 years. Each punch was rhythmic and he never faltered once. Why was he doing this? To show his gratitude for martial arts. He had suffered from madness once. He was repenting by praying and doing ten thousand punches of gratitude every day.


In an underground cavern.

Shooting from pillar to pillar a black figure was moving around insanely fast. His destination was an old man with white hair bundled up into a ponytail. Surrounding the man was a giant gold multi-arm construct of nen, modeled after Guan Yin. The speed its hands moved at was unbelievable. The black figure was constantly moving around, trying to dodge the hands of the construct, while getting closer and closer. Every hit the black figure sustained would send him flying into another pillar, but the figure easily bounced back every time.

"Admirable." the black figure thought. "But, his attacks do little damage to me. I'll break though his defense soon if I go from an angle he can't target."

The two kept fighting until the black figure succeed in an attack and got the old man's leg.

"Give up and tell me my name. You'll die from blood loss."

"Don't make me laugh, Ant King." responded the old man. Contrary to what one would expect, his fighting spirit grew even stronger. He tightened his leg muscles and stopped the bleeding.

The two began to fight once more, exchanging thousands of moves, but the black figure had read the old man's movement and took his left arm.

"Are you satisfied now? Tell me my name." said the black figure as he sat down across from the old man.

Hearing this, the old man laughed. "You believe I cannot pray with a single hand?"

The black figure's eyes constricted as the Golden Guan Yin construct appeared behind him, enveloping the black figure within its palms. The construct's mouth opened as all of the old man's aura was focused into a blinding light that mercilessly fired with unrivaled destructive power.

"Zero Hand."