Chapter 3: Setting Out

In a dark cave.

Chadero snapped out of his daze, bursting with cold sweat. He had went through Netero's memories and saw what had driven him mad. The sheer power of the creatures in the dark continent was insane; all the creatures were using nen at an astounding level. It turned out that Chadero had no idea of the true limits of nen and that he was just scratching the surface.

"I remember that Killua's sister, Alluka, was possessed by a dark continent creature that could grant wishes. Was that through nen? Just how powerful is nen?!" shouted Chadero, driven delirious by the thought.

[Responding to Host. Nen is utilizing the body's aura. When host reaches a certain degree of skill, he will understand that thus far, all humans have just been scratching the surface of nen. By utilizing nen, you are essentially using the deep essence of humans, the power that created every thing that exists. Please do not underestimate it.]

"So I have to throw out my previous notions of strength.. such power." muttered Chadero as his pupils constricted. "However I still gained a lot from Netero's experience." he said as he felt a bubbling resolve within him. He moved his limbs around freely and felt immense control over his body, though he would still need some time to get used to the power of it. "System, show me my stats."

[Very well, Host.]

[Host: Chadero

Strength: 1,000

Dexterity: 1,000

Endurance: 1,000

Defense: 1,000

Speed: 1,000

Nen (Unlocked): 10,000

Nen Control: Low

MAX AFFINITY: Conjuration, Emitter, Enhancement, Manipulation, Transmutation.

Abilities: None.]

"That's weird. System why is my nen control low?" questioned Chadero.

[Responding to Host. Nen is not like your body, you have to feel it with your heart.]

"How enigmatic. But I suppose you're right. To each their own." he responded.

Suddenly, he heard crackling from around the cave. "We should set up camp here before we move any further into the forest." said a hoarse voice. "I agree." responded a rough voice. Chadero got up with his body poised. Instinctively, he could feel a dark and sinister nen around him.

"A male in his prime would be able to punch out with around 150 pounds of force. With my strength and speed I should be able to do even more than a thousand times that. I would gauge my current power to be around 200,000 pounds of force." calculated Chadero silently. He didn't know how but he could feel how strong and what a person's intent were it seemed. Feeling about 5 people coming towards the cave; he gauged their strength to be low. "Lets try out how strong I am." he thought.

Instantly he disappeared, and a few seconds after, a shockwave appeared. Where Chadero previously stood was a deep and wide crater. The group of 5 didn't see it coming. Chadero wiped them out before they could even perceive what was happening. The 5 people exploded right after Chadero left the cave. He punched them all once on their body, but that one punch was enough to create an explosion on impact.

"Looks like my instincts were right." he smirked. "After going through Netero's experience I've learned a few tricks."

Chadero went over to the bodies and scoured for any loot. He saw a distinct ring on one of the bodies.

"Oh is this a spatial ring?" said Chadero while fiddling with the ring. "I believe you focus a bit and..." Chadero's vision warped as he saw a dark space with random items everywhere. Within it, he found a book called "Mighty Heavenly Sword Region's notes on Tian Forest". Chadero's eyes lit up. "Mighty Heavenly Sword Region? If I recall correctly... that was one of the four sacred grounds in Against The Gods wasn't it? Wait there's a diary!"

By reading the diary, Chadero found out that he was currently in a mysterious forest that had mysteriously appeared through a random spatial crack near the Heavenly Sword Villa. "So this confirms it. I'm in Against The Gods's world." chuckled Chadero. It was always enticing to him to fight against a heaven's blessed mc. What would it be like? "This group was at the Tyrant Profound Realm but I still dealt with them easily. It's hard to gauge how strong I actually am." he sighed. "Also, it said that the spatial crack would open once every 5 years. Looking at the first entry... I'd say there's a long time before I'm getting out of here. Maybe 4 years or so. The location isn't too far away from here. I just need to remember that."

After taking care of business and confirming nobody was nearby, he went off to catch an animal. Chadero cooked with nen with the properties of fire, a big deer he found. Surprisingly it was quite fast, even for him who instantly wiped out a group of Tyrant Profound Realm. "This meat is filling me up with so much energy. I suppose catching something that fast has its perks." he thought as he munched on the meat. He was fine eating plain food before figuring things out.

Going to the cultivation plain he went before, Chadero began to practice with his nen. Ten was always passively active so he didn't need to worry about it. "Zetsu." His aura disappeared. "Ren." A near tangible golden aura spiked out from him, but compared to before, it felt less draining but even more powerful. "Perks of Netero's memories I'd say. System, show me my stats." he said.

[Host: Chadero

Strength: 8,000

Dexterity: 8,000

Endurance: 8,000

Defense: 8,000

Speed: 8,000

Nen (Unlocked): 100,000

Nen Control: Very Low

MAX AFFINITY: Conjuration, Emitter, Enhancement, Manipulation, Transmutation.

Abilities: None.]

"Must be due to how I controlled my aura much better than before. But it seems like Ren will make it harder for me to control my nen." he thought. "Hatsu." His aura began to spike erratically as if it was out of control. "Ten." Then immediately, it settled down. "Pew..." he sighed. Looks like it would take a bit more work for him to grasp the 4 fundamentals.


2 months later.

[Host: Chadero

Strength: 1,000

Dexterity: 1,000

Endurance: 1,000

Defense: 1,000

Speed: 1,000

Nen (Unlocked): 100,000

Nen Control: High

MAX AFFINITY: Conjuration, Emitter, Enhancement, Manipulation, Transmutation.

Abilities: None.]

Chadero could be seen practicing nen in the cultivation plain. "Ren." Immediately it seemed as if the whole world was shaking. A distinct golden steam could be seen visibly coming out of Chadero, he was radiating immense power. "Thanks to diligent practice, I've been able to hold Ren for about 2 hours now. If I was in Hunter x Hunter I'd be considered a living god." chuckled Chadero. "System, show me my stats."

"Very well, Host."

[Host: Chadero

Strength: 10,000

Dexterity: 10,000

Endurance: 10,000

Defense: 10,000

Speed: 10,000

Nen (Unlocked): 800,000

Nen Control: High

MAX AFFINITY: Conjuration, Emitter, Enhancement, Manipulation, Transmutation.

Abilities: None.]

"I'm freaky strong right now. I could even compare to those dark continent beasts I'd say. As long as they're not the weird ones like the thing in Alluka...." laughed Chadero gleefully. "Hatsu." he said as he through out a punch. A massive force was sent towards where he punched, ripping up and decimating the entire land. Chadero could guarantee that even if there was a mountain range there, he would be able to completely shatter it to pieces. "System, open inventory."

"Very well, Host."

Chadero focused on the Nen Techniques Manual and opened it.

[Nen Techniques Manual

Gyo - Focusing your nen into your eyes. Boosts vision and allows you to see concealed constructs.

In - Like Zetsu, hides aura but does not close nen nodes. Can be countered by Gyo.

En - Ten + Ren, extend out aura but keep it contained. Gives awareness in the area.

Shu - Ten. Use nen to enshroud an object, strengthening & making it like a separate limb.

Ko - Ten, Zetsu, Hatsu, Ren, and Gyo. Focus all of aura into one body part for maximum power.

Ken - Ten + Ren. Extend out aura but make it surround your body, fortifying it more than usual.

Ryu - Like Ken, however much harder. Allows you to adjust how much aura to put in certain areas.]

He had studied the advanced nen techniques such as Gyo, In, En, Shu, Ko, Ken, and Ryu and had good success with them. They were essentially applications of the four fundamentals.

"Now I should begin to form some nen abilities." Chadero smiled.


10 months later,

in a completely devastated plain.

A giant golden asura construct figure ( but without the orbs or back) could be seen looming over the earth. It was 70 meters (229 feet) tall even though the lower half of its body was missing. Its chiseled buff arms radiated power and it exuded an aura of dominance. Near its sternum or breastbone a powerful figure could be seen with their hands crossed across their chest. The man's muscles were popping out but they weren't too big, his golden spiky hair flowed behind him; the black markings on them mystifying those who looked at it. His deep blue eyes were apathetic and cold.

"System, what are my stats?"

[Responding to Host.]

[Host: Chadero

Strength: 15,000

Dexterity: 15,000

Endurance: 15,000

Defense: 15,000

Speed: 15,000

Nen (Unlocked): 1,000,000

Nen Control: Very-High

MAX AFFINITY: Conjuration, Emitter, Enhancement, Manipulation, Transmutation.

Abilities: Golden God Form 1, Golden God Form 2, Divine Plating, Thousand Palms Breakdown, Heavenly Judgement, Eyes of Deception & Dominance.]


Chadero had grasped the properities of nen now. He understood it. Nen was a power that was shaped by the mind. Desire to be the strongest and your nen will eventually get there. Desire be the fastest and your nen will aid you in doing so. Desire to control the lives of other and your nen will allow it. Desire to destroy the world and your nen will grant you immeasurable, unparalleled, and ungodly power. Of course you need to have necessary talent, desire , and will to get there but it still stands.

Chadero desired to reign supreme and have immeasurable power and his nen abilities were shaped by that and his other ideals, such as looking cool and acting extravagant :). He was a lonely genius at the peak, bored of the mundane world; looking for something new and exciting. Strength is necessary to survive and he understood that, making it his priority before doing anything else. Now, he felt like going out and exploring Against The Gods's world.

"System, is it possible for me to break space and appear in the Villa?"

[Replying to Host. Yes it is possible as there's an anomaly where the space of the forest and the Villa are intersecting. If Host is strong enough, by breaking the space, he can appear in the Villa. Do note that you must succeed in one try, as the world will naturally try to repair the space crack.]

He went out of the cultivation plain and focused. "Ko." Chadero's fist began to shine with a golden light, making it seem like it was made out of gold. Immense golden steam came out of the hand and the space around it distorted. "Break space!" he gambled. His fist shot out and made contact with the air, the sound of glass cracking could be heard. Chadero's face turned red as he pushed forward with his fist. "BREAK!" he yelled. Suddenly a crack appeared, distorting the air around it and giving a dangerous feeling. "Hek!" The air seemed to be falling apart, revealing a completely different landscape. More and more fell off until there was a sizable entrance. "Now!" Chadero shot through the opening before it could close in time and made it out.

On the other side. A crack in space appeared and Chadero came through. He was breathing heavily and panting but was glad he made it out. Regaining his bearings, Chadero began to observe where he was. "So... this is the Heavenly Sword Mountain Range?"