Chapter 6: Hong'er (1)

At sea.

On the nen construct of boat, Chadero and Jasmine were talking.

"Hey. Why do you know so much about this little planet?" asked Jasmine.

"Hmm? What do you mean." smiled Chadero.

"You found me and knew I had the Forbidden Heavenly Tome. Then you also went to the Dragon God's Trial so smoothly. Like you knew what was going on the whole time." she replied while squinting at him.

"Lets just say I have a good source of information to rely on because of someone." responded Chadero, ending the conversation.

They were approaching the Azure Cloud Continent, the one where Yun Che went on a rampage with the Sky Poison Pearl.

"The Primordial Profound Ark contains Hong'er. She should be the Dragon God's child, either that or the book just tricked me hard." thought.

Looking at the massive area he was approaching he surveyed the sky for any signs of the Primordial Profound Ark.

"I hope it's here. Otherwise I just screwed myself over traveling here. The inhabitants should be slightly weaker than the Illusory Demon Realm from what I know." thought Chadero.

"Gyo." Chadero's vision dramatically increased. He observed the skies for any signs of the Primordial Profound Ark but could not find anything. "So. It's not here, damn. So all I have to do is wait?" he sighed.

Hmm? Chadero noticed a difference in his Gyo, unlike before, he could see various lines in the air. Following the lines with his gaze, he could see a large hole with the lines going through them. "What?" he exclaimed. "Gyo." he turned off Gyo and looked again, but it was just air. "That's mysterious..."

"Maybe it's one of those space lines." he joked.


"Nothing, Jasmine."

[Ding! Host has encountered a space channel. This is a stream where objects and people can pass through safely. Think of it as a formation for entering and opening different spaces.]

"Oh?" said Chadero in shock. "So if I can open or break space. Will I be able to access the channel?"

[Replying to Host. Yes.]

"Gyo." Chadero activated Gyo once more and followed the lines. The lines traveled from Azure Cloud Continent, then to Profound Sky Continent, and finally went to the Illusory Demon Realm, where another gate waited.

"So following the pattern... Azure... Profound.... Illusory. The Primordial Profound Ark would travel from planet to planet. So this must be where it starts since Profound Sky Continent was the second continent it stopped at it." thought Chadero.

"I'll have to cut some loose ends here first before trying to go through that however."

"Jasmine, it's time for us to part ways. You should be strong enough to destroy the poison on your own at this point." he said as he used Gyo to stare at the tiny dot of purple inside her.

"What?" questioned Jasmine in surprise. The two had only been acquaintances for about three weeks, but she had already felt fond of him. He was a person that went around looking for adventure. He was eccentric sure, but he was also trustworthy and kind.

"I'll be traveling to somewhere and it might be dangerous. To solve your half-spirit issue, here." he said as he got out a bottle of Body Tempering Liquid. He opened it and it rushed towards Jasmine, surrounding her and making her body fully corporeal.

Jasmine widened her eyes in shock. She slowly regained herself and replied "Very well. This princess had a good time traveling with you, Chadero." Jasmine used the Star God's Broken Shadow and disappeared.

"Well that was brief." thought Chadero.

He went up to the space gate and prepared himself. He would only have to use Ren now in order to break space, compared to before when he had to use Ko. "Ren." A golden steam rose up from him and everyone below, in the Azure Sky Continent unconsciously felt pressured. Chadero punched out and created a crack. When the crack appeared, the sound of glass being cracked could be heard.

Using this opportunity, Chadero used Gyo to observe the cracks expanding. They were like the lines, however, they were more rigid and darker. As the cracks began to expand, the sound of glass cracking resounded even louder. Finally, the air completely shattered. To Chadero, it looked like the air was dissipating, revealing another layer below it.

A small entrance opened up and Chadero passed through. Before him, a group of cultivators were waiting to see who had made the disturbance in space.

"Hmm? A junior?" exclaimed one of the older cultivators.

Chadero observed their profound energy but found it to be too weak to be given attention. He followed the space lines and found the next gate. He created a nen platform and shot himself towards the next gate.

"Hmph. Junior we need an explanation!" rumbled the oldest cultivator as he blocked Chadero. His skin was wrinkled and dark, he looked as if he would die anytime soon.

Chadero paused and explained. "I'm looking for an object. Seeing as it's not here, I'll be on my way. Sorry for any disturbances I caused." He then shot forward once again.

"Impudent. We'll find out how you broke space." snorted the old man. He couldn't sense any profound energy in Chadero. Even if Chadero was a higher level cultivator, he wouldn't be able to hide his aura right after shattering space. So that left two answers. One, he had taken a step into the realm of Gods. Two, he had treasures on him allowing him to do all this.

The second answer was obviously the right one to the old man so he confidently blocked Chadero.

Chadero ignored him and shot towards the gate. When the old man neared, he was shot down by a golden palm that appeared out of nowhere. The contact created a loud BOOM and the old man was sent flying down.

The other cultivators backed off after seeing this and let Chadero pass. Chadero snorted coldly as he went towards the next gate.

Down below in the deep ocean floor laid the old man. The old man's bones had been mostly shattered and some of his cultivation had dissipated. He would never reach his previous level again. "Damn!" he cursed, sending bubbles up. Some cultivators had came to help him and pulled him out. "Who was that?" he questioned weakly.

Meanwhile, Chadero was still moving forward to the next gate. He did the same thing as before and opened up the space to the next area. Same thing occurred, there was no trace of the Primordial Profound Ark. However, this time, there were no cultivators waiting for him.

Chadero shot off once more.


5 planets later.

"Phew. I was getting bored of constantly doing the same thing over again." sighed Chadero in relief.

Approaching the Primordial Profound Ark, he was cut off by a group of cultivators once more. However this time, they were much stronger than the ones he met before. Although that didn't mean much to him.

"What are your intention?" asked the leading figure.

"I am wanting to enter the ark to search for something." he greeted.

"Oh? What sect are you from then?"

"I don't have one, but I hope that I can be allowed onto the ark." said Chadero politely. He radiated a portion of nen, exerting some pressure on the group.

Feeling the sudden pressure, the group of cultivators began to sweat. "Oh of course you can." they said as they gave way.

From a distance sat 5 people in 5 different thrones. The first person gave the feeling of being frozen. The second person gave the feeling of being burnt. The third person gave the feeling of being drowned. The fourth person gave the feeling of being crushed. The fifth and last person gave off the feeling of being disintegrated.

These were cultivators that could be considered decent for Chadero. They stared at him as they talked to each other with their divine sense.

"Who is that?"

"I don't know. He came from a space crack from far away."

"Such strength. Could he be a realm king?"

"Possibly, lets not test him."


Chadero entered the Primordial Profound Ark and looked around. The internal environment of the ark is diverse. Some areas are barren wastelands while others had grass and trees. The size of the place seemed to be much larger than the entire Profound Sky Continent.

Traveling like this was pretty astonishing for Chadero. One moment he was outside the ark, looking at a gigantic boat. The next moment he was inside, which was a complete shift in appearance and size.

He looked around for the black fortress that held Hong'er. Eventually he found it and went towards it. Approaching the stone room in the fortress, he broke it down with a thought. He entered the second floor and made his way down to the first floor. Making his way to the center of the first floor he exerted some pressure on his foot.

Instantly, the tiles below him dispersed, revealing a hidden space. He went down and observed the room. In the center of the room was a orb of red light.

"Can... you do... it?" muttered a weak old voice.

"Hmm?" said Chadero.

"Please... save my young mistress... I feel... an extremely pure... energy from you... It... can save... her... from the poison. I have been traveling to... find a cure." said the voice.

A vague old woman appeared and pleaded with Chadero.

Chadero's eyes softened as he understood what lengths she had gone through all for her mistress. "I will." he replied.

"Thank. You..." the old lady turned into a beam of light and disappeared into the orb.

The orb glowed and disappeared, a crystal coffin left in its place. Inside the crystal coffin laid a petite girl with long red hair. Her hands were crossed against her chest and she had an immature aura.

"And now I'm here."