Chapter 8: Disturbances (1)

A few days later.

Chadero had been comforting Hong'er over the Dragon God and her memories. "Hong'er, don't worry. I will get your memories back." he said while patting her head. Hong'er puffed out her cheeks, her eyes still red from all the sadness she felt. "Big Brother Chadero, then that's a promise!" she shouted cutely. "Yes, a promise." he responded.

Ever since he came back to the Blue Pole Star, he felt someone following him, though he couldn't be bothered before since he had better things to do and he felt no ill intent, now was a different story. Silently releasing his En with In to conceal it, he found the person looking at him.

"Jasmine?" he thought. "What's she doing here still? Following me too."

Currently they were at the Azure Cloud Continent, enjoying the bamboo forests on a trail. "I can't keep ignoring her. She probably thinks I've already sensed her and is just waiting for me to respond." he laughed silently. The next moment, Chadero appeared behind Jasmine, tapping her on the shoulder.

"Hey, what do you need?" he asked.

"I need your help." she said.

Chadero peered at her. "For someone of your level to need help Tell me more."

"I want to fight against the Star God Realm and the Brahma Monarch God Realm. I can't do it alone, Chadero." she responded.

"Why me?" he asked.

"Not many are willing to be around me, never mind helping me. You should already know my identity as the Heavenly Slaughter Star God. However, even after what you came for was no use to you, you still carried out your part of the bargain without hesitation." she responded softly.

"My brother, the Heavenly Wolf Star God, was plotted against by that bitch. Qianye Ying'er!" she said with a deep blood lust rising from her. "He gave his heart to her! But in the end she used him and threw him away! But what's worse is that he [father] did not care at all!"

A torrent of profound energy exploded from Jasmine. Hong'er came from the distance over to Chadero after searching for him. "Big Brother Chadero! Who is she?" she asked curiously, ignoring the torrent of profound energy.

"Settle down Jasmine." said Chadero while suppressing Jasmine's profound energy with a nen barrier. "Hong'er, meet Jasmine. She is one of my friends." he said softly.

The profound energy went away as Jasmine regained herself. "I'm sorry." she said. "It's fine, but what do I get out of it?" asked Chadero. Jasmine and Hong'er eyed each other as they found their looks to be similar. Internally, they had a good impression of each other. Eventually, after thinking for a while, Jasmine answered. "Don't you want a good adventure? A good battle?"

"Furthermore... I will give you myself if we succeed." she added at the end.

"You got one thing right. I do want a good adventure. Although, I don't really care if I get you or not." he said.

Hong'er stood by Chadero, listening to what they were saying. "Give yourself?" she asked. "Don't worry about it Hong'er." replied Chadero, pinching her cheeks.

"So do you agree or not?" asked Jasmine.

"I do. However, I will need some time to prepare for such a conflict." he responded.

Jasmine nodded. "I hope you don't take too long."

"I won't."

Suddenly the sky warped. A tall woman drifted down. She was dressed in a seemingly translucent jade-green silk gown. Her big chest was half-wrapped in chiffon and her long legs were exposed, giving off a seductive feeling.

"Jasmine. I've found you." she said while she peered down below at Jasmine. "Oh... who's this fellow besides you?" she asked. Chadero's appearance was striking and immediately made her heart thump. His muscular physique, his golden spiky hair marked with several black lines, and his piercing blue eyes. His aura further amplified that, giving off a relaxing and calming aura. "His looks can match the Brahma Monarch Goddess, possibly even further." she thought.

"May I know who you are?" asked Chadero.

"This one's name is Yu Luo." she responded while covering her mouth with her silk sleeves.

"Why is someone of your level here?" he asked.

"For the one next to you." she said while thinking, "Is this someone from the God Realm? I haven't seen him before though, and his appearance would definitely make him known. Furthermore, he talks as if he's seen through me..."

"Yu Luo!" said Jasmine angrily. "Star God's Brilliant Annihilating Slash!" she lashed out, causing a big slash to appear, distorting space. With one move, the skies changed. Yu Luo responded with an equally powerful attack, causing a massive clash, but they eventually tired each other out. The earth began to tremble just because of two moves!

"It is you, Princess Jasmine. Why won't you come back to the palace?" asked Yu Luo with a fake smile.

Jasmine snorted as she sent out another attack. Yu Luo responded the same. Before another collision could happen, Chadero shouted, "Stop!" Jasmine withdrew her profound energy, with Yu Luo doing the same out of curiosity. "Who is this man to make Jasmine stop like that?" she thought.

Jasmine sent out her divine sense and communicated with Chadero. "Yu Luo is the hunting dog. She's the Heavenly Poison Star God. The number of times she's tried to attack me isn't small. We used to be at an equal cultivation, but because of the Absolute God Slaying Poison, my cultivation has degraded a bit."

Meanwhile, Yu Luo tried to probe Chadero more. "I can't feel any profound energy cultivation. But it's impossible for his cultivation to be that high." She had enough of the formalities and with a wave of her hand, set out a wave of poison-attributed profound energy.

"If that attack fully comes out, this land will be devastated." thought Chadero. He waved his hand, forming a chop with his nen and dissipating the profound energy.

"What!?" thought Yu Luo. "He's dangerous!" after feeling that energy come out of Chadero, she immediately planned to flee and tell the Realm King about the situation. Chadero began to move but she got out a spatial talisman from her pocket dimension and instantly used it.

"No you don't!" shouted Jasmine. Sending her profound energy to block the talisman's effect. Yu Luo exploded her profound energy out, breaking the blockade, and allowing the talisman to go through.

Had it not been for Jasmine's lower cultivation, Yu Luo would have died in that situation. Using a spatial tailisman in the presence of a Divine Master was foolish, but fortunately for her, she was able to break through with raw force.

"Dammit!" cursed Jasmine.

"Calm down." said Chadero while holding her down. "My nen couldn't do anything to the space. Is it only possible by focusing my nen? System is it possible for nen to interfere with space without focusing too much?" he thought.

[Responding to Host, it is possible for nen to interfere with space, even control it. In Host's case, he lacks control over his nen to be able to break space. Like with Gyo where you could see the spatial lines, once you reach a certain level, you will be able to feel the "flow" of the world's aura. At that point will your nen be able to interfere with space comfortably.]

"Time to make sense of that. I suppose it's talking about different levels of power essentially. Just like how the second dimension cannot interfere with the third dimension. It's unable to be perceived..." he thought. "My Gyo? After my nen reached a certain level, my Gyo was enhanced to the point that I could see spatial lines. But I can't see them without Gyo. Do I need to refine my nen even further?"

Jasmine sighed and turned towards Chadero. "When you're ready, come to this place." she said while transmitting information to Chadero's mind. "I'll be waiting for 2 years." she said. Jasmine prepared to leave but before she could, Chadero interrupted.

"I won't keep you waiting for too long. Take care Jasmine." said Chadero. For a moment there, he thought he saw a trace of a smile on her face. Jasmine disappeared and went off to who knows where.

"I guess she's too plagued by her heart's demons. I genuinely do hope she gets better... a young girl with such burdens." he thought.

He looked at Hong'er who had been shy the whole time. Jasmine was too scary for her. "I'd be good for me to put her into some school where she can learn and enjoy herself. Without worrying about the cultivation world." he thought.

"Hmm? Big Brother Chadero, what's on your mind?" said Hong'er curiously.

"Nothing." replied Chadero.

"Then tell me a story like you did before!" exclaimed Hong'er with her starry eyes. To calm down Hong'er he had told her stories from Earth that distracted her and let her process the shock more smoothly.

"Very well then, Hong'er." He grabbed her and disappeared, going into a nearby place called Southern Sky City. He had gotten a house there so he wouldn't have to make Hong'er live in some cave like he did.

Entering his medium-sized estate, he went into his bedroom. Jumping on his bed and looking at the ceiling. Hong'er jumped in as well to cuddle with him. (Nothing sexual you degenerates)

"This time, I'll tell you about the "The Boy Who Cried Wolf"." he began to talk and Hong'er looked at him in suspense.

"There once was a shepard boy who kept saying there was a wolf when there was not."

"Why?" asked Hong'er.

"Because he was bored and wanted to mess with people." chuckled Chadero.

Hong'er snickered and nudged Chadero to continue.

"The people kept running to him to help him chase off the wolf, but they kept finding out there was none. They lectured the man and told him to only shout when there was a real threat." he continued. "Later, there was a real wolf. The boy shouted that there was a wolf, yet nobody came."

"Do you know why?" he asked.

"Because they didn't trust him!" exclaimed Hong'er.

"That's right. Who would believe a person who constantly lies? A deceiver will be destroying the trust of the people around him if he continues with his behavior."

"Well that's all. Go to sleep, Hong'er." he said while patting her head. She puffed up her cheeks but eventually dozed off.

It began to rain.

"Hong'er is too innocent for this, but she's fated to interact with great powers. If she doesn't get strong enough, she'll be used like a tool. What should I do?...."