He was a nice man but he had his short comings. Juliana one day made up her mind that she needed to be freed of the additional stress of a relationship that wasn't going in the right direction. She ended up writing a text to Carlo and explained why they had to end things.This is what she told him.
"Dear Carlo,
I have been thinking about some important things. I know we have been going out for nine months yet have come to a conclusion. I feel like we are making no improvements lately. I feel it is a wise decision to revert to being good friends. It's not that I don't love you, but due to cultural differences, religious principles, and personal values. I feel we would be a spiritually weak couple if we continued any further in our future together as a couple. I am sorry if this disappoints your expectations, your heart, and futuristic life goals. I will still treasure your company as a friend.
Juliana X."