He Must Not Stand Up Again!

Xu Xiyan overheard their conversation and learned that today was the 80th birthday of Huo Yunshen's grandfather. Huo Yunshen would have to return to the Huo family house later, and since she would have nothing to do, she could use the time to visit her daughter at her grandfather's house.

The first set of exercises had already drained Huo Yunshen of a lot of his strength. When he did the second set, he was sweating even more.

Xu Xiyan watched Huo Yunshen support himself on the bars with his arms, sweating and trembling, every cell working hard in his body. She felt her heart tense up as she watched him, feeling worried for him.

Every small step he took, he had to spend ten times as much effort just for that single step. She could see that he was giving it his all.

Finally, the second set of exercises was done. Qin Kun recorded Huo Yunshen's progress in the training journal.