I’ll Get You Out of There

After confirming that the scandal was fake, Huo Jingtang let out a sigh of relief.

As long as Huo Yunshen did not have a child, the Huo family would have to choose a new successor, and Huo Jingtang was next in line.

The three of them left the rehabilitation center and went to the parking lot. "Brother, you go back first, I'll meet you at the mansion," Huo Yunshen said. He wanted to send Xu Xiyan home.

Huo Jingtang was afraid that Huo Yunshen might stand him up and suggested, "Hey, why not bring Jing Xi? She could take care of you there as well."

Bring Xu Xiyan back?

Are you kidding me?

Of course, I want to, but we aren't even a couple, how could I bring her home…

It's way too weird.

"I don't think that that's a good idea. What if our family starts asking questions? It would make her feel uncomfortable," Huo Yunshen said.