The Person He Longed For

Waiters began to serve them food, and Xu Xiyan ordered a bottle of red wine. Wan Dou helped pour the red wine and sat quietly as she listened to them, speaking occasionally.

Xiao Yuqian began to discuss their future plans and kept insisting that she was just helping a certain boss to take care of the company.

The company's current plan was to invest in finding the best employees and form the structure a company should have.

Xu Xiyan kept nodding at all the plans Xiao Yuqian laid out and said, "Qianqian, I thought you were only good at managing celebrities, but you're actually also good at managing a company too!"

"I have no choice but to give it all I've got. Since it's a favor for someone powerful, I'll have to do my best and help Jingyue as much as possible."

Xiao Yuqian raised her glass, clinking hers with Xu Xiyan's and Wan Dou's.

"Someone powerful? Is it Tang Nade?" Xu Xiyan asked after taking a sip.