Entangled Heart

Because of the sudden arrival of Ma Yindong, she had returned to a state of alienation and coldness, as if nothing in the world could affect her.

The calmer Xiao Yuqian seemed, the more entangled Ma Haodong felt in his heart.

From the moment he saw Xiao Yuqian, his mind was in a turmoil.

After Xu Xiyan introduced the two of them to each other, Wan Dou happily stood up and greeted Ma Haodong. There was no interaction at all between Xiao Yuqian and Ma Haodong.

The two of them remained frozen, and looked at each other in silence. Xiao Yuqian's eyes were cold and distant.

If one looked carefully, they might have been able to detect a trace of hurt deep in her eyes.

Ma Haodong's gaze was extremely complicated and apologetic at the same time. At this point, he was a little less cynical, and he became serious and deep on the whole.

Especially when he was facing Xiao Yuqian, he seemed a little at a loss.