It Was Like A Slap In The Face

How could he say that in front of Xu Xiyan?

He's such a disappointment!

It was a huge blow for Xu Xinrou, who had always felt superior.

She even covered her ears and shook her head in agony. "No! Impossible! You must have forged the recording! Yuhe would never betray me! Never!"

Seeing Xu Xinrou's self-deception and suffering from this huge blow, as though her self-esteem had been trampled, Xu Xiyan had a sense of unspeakable joy.

That night five years ago, where she was made drunk and left in the hotel room… how had she felt when listening to the conversation between Chu Yuhe and Xu Xinrou?

Most likely like how Xu Xinrou was feeling now.

She was going to pay Xu Xinrou back double for the blow and humiliation the horrendous couple had given her five years ago.

Xu Xiyan was not going to let the couple off so easily.

She mocked, "He could betray me five years ago, what's there that he can't do now?