He’s a Natural

Peng Sicheng was deeply touched by Xu Xiyan's generosity. When she'd come to help, she hadn't even asked for any payment. She only wanted to help.

"Pay her a tenth of what we are paying Huang Yanran," Peng Sicheng said.

"Isn't that too much?" Mr. Xing asked, as if he thought he misunderstood.

"No, it's not," Peng Sicheng replied without any hesitation. "She's worth that much."

After a few shots, the crew was resting as Ma Haodong walked into the set.

After a few greetings, Peng Sicheng looked at him and asked, "Are you feeling better now?"

"I am," Ma Haodong smiled. "Thank you for your concern. I'm ready to get back into the game."

"Good, then hurry up and get prepared," Peng Sicheng nodded. "We'll be taking the 167th scene later. It's a fight scene between you and the lead actress."

"I thought Huang Yanran had hurt her wrist?" Ma Haodong asked, scratching his head. "Is she healed already?"