He Had Become Her Scapegoat

Huang Yanran did not wait for her assistant to finish and asked eagerly, "How is that little bitch? Is she already disfigured? Haha! Did she look horrible?"

He Liang replied, "No. Jing Xi is fine. The one who's disfigured is Xiao Jia. Xiao Jia also inhaled the powder and was poisoned. He is now in the hospital."

Huang Yanran was incredulous. "What? How did that happen?"

"I'm not sure about the specifics. It seems that at the time of the shoot, there was a problem with the props."

"Okay, I understand now. Go to the hospital and find a way to inquire about Xiao Jia's condition. Remember, you must not let Xiao Jia speak the truth. Also, don't let anyone suspect that we're responsible for it," Huang Yanran commanded.

"Okay, understood."

After hanging up the call, Huang Yanran furrowed her brow and flung the facial mask from her hand angrily.

Jing Xi was unbelievably lucky. Jia Qing has become her scapegoat.