So This Is War, Huh?

After Cherry Baby had greeted everyone, it was Rabbit Mommy's turn: [Long time no see! How's everyone doing? I'm Rabbit Mommy.]

At the bottom of the livestream, there were already a lot of comments in the discussion area. They were all greeting Rabbit Mommy, and some were also asking where Orange had gone.

The livestream had officially started. Cherry Baby's face was full of excitement as she smiled happily, showing a row of white teeth. She said: [Today, Baby is in a very good mood! Baby won't be selling any succies today, but Baby is auctioning an offline meetup and a kiss from Baby!]

The discussion area immediately exploded with more comments. Everyone wanted an offline meeting with Cherry Baby. Who wouldn't want to meet and kiss the adorable little girl?

As usual, at the president's office at Yunhai Entertainment, Huo Yunshen put his work aside when it was time for Cherry Baby's livestream and picked up his mobile phone to watch it.