Pampering Her Like A Princess

At night, Huo Yunshen lay in his bed, unable to sleep. He replayed the scene of Xu Xiyan kissing his forehead in his mind and felt his inner desire growing and spreading like wild grass.

In the end, he could not stand it anymore. Huo Yunshen got up for a cold shower.

After he had calmed down, he went back on his bed and sent a message to Mr. Yim on his mobile phone: [Mr. Yim, I am so happy.]

Next door, Xu Xiyan was also having a little trouble falling asleep. When she was about to close her eyes and doze off, she heard her phone ring with a text message and opened her eyes again.

She picked up her phone and looked at it. It was Wing. He had not talked to her for a while. Today he had sent her a message: [Mr. Yim, I am so happy.]

Oh? He's very happy?

Why is he happy?

Xu Xiyan quickly typed a reply: [What made you so happy?]