Did Not See Anything Wrong

Xu Xiyan understood what he meant. "Haha! I know. I'm just teasing you."

Huo Yunshen: "…"

Why am I always the one being teased? Isn't it a reverse of roles? I'm the man!

Xu Xiyan served the dishes onto the table and pushed him near. The two of them ate together.

While eating, Huo Yunshen was deep in thought. He could not continue having his feelings cooped up. He felt that he should learn more relationship skills.

What if someone who is much more outstanding and stronger wins over Xu Xiyan's heart? There are plenty of men out there with working limbs, and anyone who is able to walk is better than I am.

Huo Yunshen felt a deep sense of crisis upon the thought of it.

After breakfast, Huo Yunshen saw that Xu Xiyan hadn't left. "You don't have to go to set today as well?" he asked.

"Nope. The production team is on a break. It's perfect, I can accompany you for rehabilitation."