The Best Countermeasure

Why was there no weak pulse to indicate a serious illness?

Looking at the old man's face, she didn't think he looked like he was sick. What went wrong?

The old man saw Xu Xiyan's look of suspicion and coughed awkwardly. "You knew it, lass. I hope you will not tell anyone, especially Yunshen."

Xu Xiyan snickered, "So, you were just pretending to be sick?"

It was best to have no sickness, and to be healthy was a blessing. Xu Xiyan felt relieved for Huo Yunshen.

Since Xu Xiyan had managed to gain some trust from the elderly man, she wasted no time and went straight to the point, "Grandpa Huo, the truth is I'm not here to treat you today, but to beg you to help Yunshen."

Huo Xun's eyes became wide and eagle-like. Surprised, he asked, "What do you mean?"

Xu Xiyan proceeded to tell the old man about Huo Jingtang's plot to harm Huo Yunshen.