Her Suspicions Grew Stronger

"I haven't visited him. Yunshen found a doctor for the old man. You should go see him now. I hope there's nothing dire."

The reason Chen Yunlu had urged Huo Jingtang to go inside was to stop Huo Yunshen and Jing Xi from talking too much in private to the family elder.

"Oh, okay, Big Auntie. I will go see Grandpa then," Huo Jingtang said politely, then made his way towards the Moxiang residence.

As Chen Yunlu watched Huo Jingtang turn his back to her to go, the suspicions in her mind grew stronger. She shouted at him almost absentmindedly, "Hey, Jingtang!"

Huo Jingtang stopped and asked, "What's wrong, Big Auntie?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to ask… were you at the art center last night?"

"No, I was at the office last night." Huo Jingtang felt his heart lurch as that question had come suddenly from her. He stayed calm and asked again, "Why do you ask, Big Auntie?"