It Might Escalate

Huo Yunshen finally learned the meaning of the words "kissing your loved one is like drinking alcohol."

Xu Xiyan finally loosened up and followed his rhythm. She finally gave in and started to enjoy the kiss.

Xu Xiyan had also yearned for the same thing.

In the quiet room, the temperature began to rise.

The kiss was long that they sometimes found it hard to breathe.

Xu Xiyan could feel her body heating up as her strength left her.

Huo Yunshen could also feel the thing between his legs tighten and begin to react.

He wanted her so much, but he stopped kissing her just before things escalated.

He withdrew his lips from hers, and the girl gasped for air while resting her head on his chest.

Lights reflected off her lips, and it was sexy as hell.

Huo Yunshen took the chance while Xu Xiyan was breathing hard, he lowered his head and bit her red lips lightly.