Marry... Me

Xu Xiyan touched the game icon on her screen and launched The Royal Alliance.

Xu Xiyan logged into the central city and noticed the red service notice kept popping up.

[Rank 1 player, Yun Qing, will be giving out equipment at the Magpie Bridge. Players gathered there will receive a full set of high-rank equipment.]

Xu Xiyan stared at the screen with her mouth wide open. What is Huo Yunshen doing? Giving out equipment to players who gathered at the Magpie Bridge? Does he even know how big the player base is?

Players who were logged into the game had gone insane as soon as they saw the notice.

[World] [Canghai Yimeng]: Seriously? This is insane!

[World] [Shuaide Yizao Hutu]: What the hell? What is happening?

[World] [Xu Mo]: We can get a free set of high-rank equipment at the Magpie Bridge? It's not a joke, right?

[World] [Badao Xiangtian Xiao]: Who cares! We might as well try our luck!