Impressed by Her

Gongzi Yaoye, or rather Xu Xiyan, saw the message and could only stare at it in awe and with mixed feelings.

The timid man had finally asked her to marry him.

Xu Xiyan remembered that she'd ask Yun Qing to marry her character because of a mission. Yun Qing agreed, and they held a huge wedding.

They didn't know each other behind the screen at that time; it was just a virtual wedding.

Yet, it was different now. He already had a place in her heart. To be able to marry Yun Qing again had different meanings now.

They'd taken a step further into their relationship, and she was happy about it.

But since Yun Qing suddenly asked for a divorce last time and it had hurt her, she did not want to accept Yun Qing's proposal that easily.

Gongzi Yaoyue jumped off his Kirin and walked up to Yun Qing.

He sent a message to Yun Qing in front of everyone else.