His Sweet Talk is Just Way Too Sweet

Huo Yunshen pulled Xu Xiyan over, stared into her eyes and explained, "My wife, you have to believe me. If I wanted to be with Tang Shixue, wouldn't I stay single until now? I can assure you that no matter who comes into our lives, they will never affect our relationship. I only have one girlfriend, one wife, one partner… and that's you."

"Really? What if Tang Shixue came back and tries to win you over? There's no way such a talented person would let you go," Xu Xiyan said as her anger slowly died down. It was not that she was prickly, but she couldn't control her own feelings.

A person would definitely become more sensitive when they were in a relationship. Any small thing could spark a fight.

"Don't worry, I've always treated her as my younger sister. Plus, now I've got a serious disease. It's called 'Unable to leave Jing Xi's side chronic disease.' You're my only cure."